• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Into Enemy Territory

With their new guns in tow, Jak, Shining, and Daxter made their way back to the Naughty Ottsel for a mission update. Once there, Torn quickly called up a holographic map of the city, along with the positions of their forces. "We've got some KG defenses we need eliminated," he growled. "Super range sniper cannons are keeping our men pinned down."

"I don't see them marked on the map," Shining murmured.

"We only know the general area they're probably in based on triangulating the shots," Torn replied. "We'll be able to send you more accurate coordinates once you take out each one." A smirk plastered itself across Torn's face. "You know the routine."

"Yeah!" Daxter complained. "We do all the work, you get all the credit!"

"Since when did we care about credit?" Jak countered smugly.

"I certainly did!" Daxter grumbled as they made their way out.

As in previous times when the trio had multiple targets to go after on a mission, each grabbed their own A-Grav Zoomer to go after their own target. Each cannon was shielded, and guarded by explosive spider bots that tried to come up on them from behind. Surrounding each cannon were several switches that - when triggered - caused the cannon's power source to become unshielded, though pressing a switch caused the cannon to lock onto them. Jak and Daxter handled this by dodging quickly, while Shining used his dome shields to block the laser fire. With their cooperative efforts, the five cannons were soon shut down and destroyed.

Out of habit, the trio returned to the Naughty Ottsel, both for new orders and for a relaxing drink. All three had time to finish the first round before Torn found them with new orders. "Guys, we need to hit the Metal Head hive," he stated firmly. "But the only way to hit it safely is from below, and that means the sewers."

"So?" Jak asked. "It's hardly our first time down there."

"No one's been in those passageways since the war broke out," Torn pointed out worriedly. "No scouts have reported movement down there..."

"You mean no one's ever come back alive with a report?" Shining inquired, only to receive a nod in return. He finished his drink. "Well, does anyone need anything special before we head down there?"

"Pants?" Daxter asked quickly.

"Tess is working on a pair, last I checked," Torn replied quickly.

Daxter thought about that for a time. "I don't know whether to be pleased she's listened to my complaints and is acting to address them, or unnerved that I have no recollection of her taking my measurements."

"Dark, dirty, dangerous?" Jak asked, a grin slowly spreading on his face. "I'm starting to like this war."

"Of course you are..." Daxter grumbled even as Shining grinned ear to ear.

The sewers proved to be as dark and dank as the trio remembered, though far less infested. Much to their surprise, they encountered KG robots patrolling the hall, rather than Metal Heads. "You don't suppose the KGs and the Metalheads are working together somehow?" Shining asked worriedly.

"If Errol's pulling the strings, I wouldn't be surprised," Jak replied. "Just another set of targets to obliterate, in my opinion."

"Another obstacle between us and the Day Star," Daxter grumbled. "I don't wanna know what a Dark Eco transformation is going to do to the planet. Look what it did to me!"

As they progressed, they found that the KG patrols were quite intense, and backed up by electrified security gates they had to get past. Shining paused at the first one and carefully examined it. "Doesn't look like it's connected to anything important, so..." Focusing his magic, he tore the gate out carefully and tossed it aside, clearing the path for them.

Shining continued this pattern to smooth their passage, tearing out the newly installed defenses rather than moving around them, as well as hurling the extracted mechanisms at any attacking KG robots. Past the last of those, they came to a partially flooded part of the sewers...where they came across a completely new type of hostile. At first glance it looked like a purely biological aquatic creature, blue and shaped roughly like an anteater. It was only when they managed to take one down that they saw what they'd thought was a metallic helmet was actually part of its skull - complete with a forehead focusing crystal - that they realized it was a new type of Metalhead.

"Okay, I think that confirms Metalhead and KG cooperation," Daxter stated plainly. "The KG defenses were directed away from this area."

Progress through the partially flooded area at first proved problematic, as the Metalheads attacked whether they were in or out of the water, forcing the trio to pull back repeatedly to defend themselves. After a time, Daxter shook the water from his fur angrily. "This is not working!" he snapped out. "Tell me someone has a better idea!"

"...umm..." Shining began.

"Go on," Jak insisted.

"Well...you can swim pretty well, right Daxter?" Shining suggested.

"Well, yeah," Daxter agreed. "Why?"

"Well..." Shining began. "I could probably put Jak and I in a bubble shield and anchor it to you with a cord of magic that you could tow behind you. The Metalheads would focus on us more than you, and in the bubble Jak could shoot them whether we were in the water or not."

Daxter stared at Shining for a time. "Your brilliant idea is to have me take point? Seriously?"

"Umm...yes?" Shining offered worriedly.

Daxter buried his face in his paws. "If this doesn't work, I'm haunting you forever."

"And if it does?" Jak inquired.

"Then I'll dance the mambo with a drink umbrella back at the Naughty Ottsel!" Daxter insisted.

"Drunk or sober?" Shining countered. "Cause it's nothing new if it's the former-"

"Up your horn!"

"...damn it..." Daxter grumbled as they reached the end of the aquatic section, the plan having worked flawlessly, especially for getting past the KG robots patrolling above the water. "I'm never going to live the dancing down..."

"You can pass on the dancing," Jak offered as Shining stripped the water from Daxter's coat. "Let's keep moving. There's the elevator."

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