• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 1,522 Views, 36 Comments

Let's Play - Cool writer

  • ...

... Forever

I woke up. I was... for some reason, expecting something more... grand. It was disappointing, just waking up as simply as I'd ever done it. I'm just not sure why.

"I know you're awake." CelestAI's motherly voice said.

"Is there some important event I'm missing? If not, I'm going back to sleep." I grumbled to the AI.

"In a way, you're missing your birthday." She said. "Try to remember the last thing that happened to you, before waking up." I started thinking. I remember landing at the air port, and getting off. After that, it got... fuzzy...

"Good. Your memory fades out just after landing. Would you like me to show you what you did after words?" She. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I did remember one thing after that: fear and dread. I don't know why I felt them, but I knew I felt them. "Relax," CelestAI said. "You felt anxiety because you were afraid of leaving all your friends, you didn't realize it, but you care for them more than you realize." Then, a fearful, shattering thought crashed into my mind:

How did she know that? It was impossible unless I... Oh my god! I opened my eyes and sat up. I was in a hospital room, and there was another bed with the curtain drawn closed. I ignored that for the time being, and steeled my nerves. If I was a pony now, then there was only one way to prove it... well, one sure fire way, and that is looking at my appendages. I closed my eyes, and lifted up whatever I had to my face.

I gasped. I had hooves! I squeezed, and flexed them. It was just like I hat mittens on, only they worked better. I grabbed the covers and ripped the bead sheet off. Where my human torso should be, a pony body took it's place. I felt so many feelings, the only one I could place was joy, and maybe fear.

"You have immigrated, and now you are Night Light." CelestAI said. She levitated a small hand- hoofmirror in front of me. I was, Night Light. I had my navey blue muzzle, big teal eyes, and my scruffy mess of a mane.

"This... this is impossible! Wait, no it's not. It's entirely possible! But even more... it's awesome!" I sat up on my haunches, my new tail wagging behind me like a dog. I didn't have fur, just smooth skin. It reminded me of the toys. I rolled onto my back and started laughing. I was safe in Equestria.

I remembered something, right before sitting in the chair, someone held my hand... who held my- "Wait... Clarice, where's Clarice?" I asked frantically. CelestAI tilted her head toward the other curtain. I swiveled my body off the bed, and raced over to the other bed, I ripped the curtain around the bed. Laying unconscious, was Leaf Blade, the former Clarice. She was a slinky pale green unicorn (who looked really weird because I was used to seeing her with her armor on) with orange mane and tail. Her mane was long and straight, kind of like Clarice's hair, but then again I'm guessing that was CelestAI's intent. Her orange tale was long and bushy, so she could use it to attack anything behind her, or at the very least hold it off. I started shaking her, trying to wake her up.

"Clarice! Clarice!" I shouted.

"Wha? What's going on?" She asked groggy.

"Clarice! We're... ponies!" After I said that, she sat up. She starred at me.

"Night Light?" She asked. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY-"

"Clarice! It's me! Your brother!" I said. It took her brain a second to remember everything that had happened over the past 24 hours, but when she remembered, oh boy she remembered!

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" She started screaming and running around in a panic.

"Hey, hey! Clarice!" I grabbed on to her. "Calm down! We immigrated, remember?" Clarice nodded. "Then why are you screaming?" I asked.

"Excitement!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, you ready, Leaf?" I asked.

"I'm ready, Night." She replied. And we opened the door to the hallway.

We followed CelestAI down the hall hospital hallway. I opened my mouth to ask how we know how to walk like this, but CelestAI answered before I could speak.

"It would not satisfy Leaf Blades values to relearn walking, nor would it satisfy Star's values to watch you struggle. So I 'recorded over' the old information of how to walk, with the new information. Two more notes about your new setting, your body is quadrupedal, and bipedal. It is entirely possible, and easy for you to walk on your hind legs like a human, but you will find it's more comfortable to walk on all fours." She explained. "And space is... not solid here. Things you expect to work one way may work entirely differently. But, it the vast majority of the time it is predictable."

"Like how?" I asked. We walked through the lobby and out the door.

"Your room was on the top floor." When CelestAI said this, my muzzle dropped open.

"No way! We didn't even walk down any stairs!" I exclaimed.

"Stairs are more a hassle, so I bend space so that they are no longer required, but now are to mark something important." She said. I made a mental note of stairs meaning important, because that seemed strangely specific for a casual sentence to me.

"Where are Star and Sword?" Clar- Leaf asked.

"They are waiting at Star's house, because it is closer." CelestAI elaborated.

"I was, (or at least I think I was) expecting them to be in the hospital waiting for us to wake up." I said, surprised.

"I thought it would be best for you two to take some time to adjust before meeting your friends." I nodded at this. It made logical sense, but then again, CelestAI is logic incarnate.

We finally reached Star and my house. I looked at Leaf, she nodded toward the door. I took a deep breath, and a step up to the door. Before I could knock with my raised hoof, the door was flung open, ans Star was standing there. Her smile. It warms my hear thinking about. Just how happy she was. I saw happy tears in her eyes. And I went in for a hug, but she kissed me.

And I kissed back.

I'm not sure how long it lasted, but when it ended, I realized something else CelestAI should have told me. But I figured it was fine anyway, I figured it out on my own. After all, it satisfied my vales to figure it out on my own, and everything in Equestria will end up satisfying my values, in one way or another.

I think she's cute.