• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 1,532 Views, 36 Comments

Let's Play - Cool writer

  • ...


Author's note: Optional background music is optional.

Moon Shine and Dusk were playing in the backyard, their father, Night Light, watching from the porch.

"TAG!" Moon Shine called, teleporting in and patting her brother on the back.

"No fare!" Dusk shouted back. "You teleported!"

"If you can fly, then I can use magic." Moon Shine retorted.

"I guess that's fare." Dusk pouted. Their father snickered at their antics, and smiled, remembering when he was young like them. He never got along that well with his sister, but he did now, and that was all that really mattered.

"Lunch's ready!" Star Light called from inside.

"Kids! Lunch!" Night Light shouted to his children.

"Coming Daddy!" Moon Shine replied.

"Yeah! Coming Dad!" Dusk said after. Moon Shine teleported onto the porch, and Dusk flew over as well. Both of whom (with their father) trotted inside the house.

Inside, their loving mother/ wife had made four "bacon-flower lettuce tomato" sandwiches, and had set them out on a low-to-the-floor table, with four cushions set around it.

"Thanks Mom!" The kids exclaimed, sitting down and digging in. Night Light smiled, then sat down with his wife, and took a bite of his sandwich.

"You know, I thought I'd never like tomatoes." He commented.

"Mom, Dad." Dusk said, looking at his sister, and taking her hoof in his.

"There's something we need to tell you."

"What is it?" Star asked.

"Well..." Moon Shine began.

"We were..." Dusk stammered.

"What? Were you humans before you were born?" Night Light joked. He said this because Celestia had personally told him his kids were immigrants, but after seeing his daughter, he already knew. The children nodded silently, still looking at the floor. Night Light walked over to them, sat on his haunches, and pulled his children into a hug. "Hey, I already knew. I just wanted to let you come to me when you were ready." He said.

"For how long?" Moon Shine asked, looking up at him sadly.

"From the moment you were born." Night Light smiled down at her. "I've loved you like you deserved: as the ponies you are now, not as humans who you were before, heck- I don't even know who you were, nor do I care. I love you no matter what." He said squeezing them tighter. He motioned for Star to join them, and she did. "And I know your mother feels the same way." He added, letting Star join the hug.

"Th- thank you Daddy!" Moon Shine cried, hugging him tightly around the neck, tears streaming down her face. "I love you so much!"

"Geez, what a cry-baby." Dusk joked, only to be pulled in tighter by his parents. Then, Night had an idea.

"You know, I used to be a human, before I came to Equestria."

"NO WAY!!!" The kids exclaimed.

"So was Aunt Leaf, and your grand-parents." Star laughed. Their kids looked at their parents, open mouthed and in wonder.

"R- really?" Moon Shine asked, having long since dried her eyes.

"Mm hmm!" Night nodded. "And I just want you to know, I'll always love the ponies that are my kids, no matter who the humans were that brought them to me. And if you ever want to talk about those humans, I'll talk about mine."

"Sure thing!" Moon Shine smiled. Night grinned, and tussled her mane a bit.

"Alright then, let's get back to lunch!" Night said, releasing the hug. Dusk and Star let go, and went back to their seats, but Moon didn't.

"Can... can I stay like this for a bit?" She asked. Night smiled, and pulled his plate over to him, scooted closer to the table, and levitated his daughter to a comfortable position on his lap.

"So, what do you want to do after lunch?"


Night Light carried his foals up on his back, Star Light behind them, upstairs to their beds in the joint bedroom. It was a large room that could be cut in half down the middle (via fold in divider), in case the kids wanted privacy. The walls had been painted a soft yellow on Moon's side, and a deep sky blue on Dusk's. The ceiling had been enchanted to show the sky above (minus the light from the sun/ moon), in it's prettiest form. Tonight, it was a clear, brilliant starry night, the full moon shining down on the room. As they entered, the moon light dimmed.

"Luna did a good job tonight, huh?" Night whispered to his kids.

"Yeah." His kids drearily replied. Turning his head around, he smiled at them.

"Mom, Dad?" Moon asked, looking at him.

"Yes?" Star asked.

"Can... can you sleep with us tonight?" Moon asked. Night looked at Star, and she nodded at her husband.

"Sure." They said. Moon smiled, and Dusk grinned as well. Night levitated the beds closer together, and put his foals in it, in the center. Night and Star crawled into the bed with them.

"Mom, Dad." Moon asked.

"Yes?" Star asked.

"I... I love you guys. Today was fun." Moon said.

"Yeah, playing in the park, swimming... it was great." Dusk agreed. "Tomorrow... wanna talk about the... humans?" Dusk asked. "... I do."

"Sure, what ever you want." Night smiled, messing with Dusk's mane.

"I... I love you to." Dusk smiled. "Good... night." He yawned, closing his eyes. Night rolled onto his back, and stared at the ceiling. After a moment of thought, he quietly whispered:

"Thank you, Celestia. For everything."


Author's Note:

Woo! I'm FINALLY HITTING COM PLEAT!!! It's always a small party for me when I get to do that (it has been a LONG time, Might i add...) here's a tip for new writers: ONLY HAVE ONE STORY PUT AT A TIME! IT'S A PAIN TO HAVE MORE THAN 2 or 3! I literally forgot this existed a few times because I had so much to write. On to a more somber note...
At the time I'm writing this author's note, I'm nearing the completion of the epilogue, and I feels like I'm putting down Old Yeller! I've been working on this story for a LONG time, and It's honestly a bit sad for me to let it go... I only wish it had gotten more positive comments (not that I'm not appreciative of the not-negative, constructive criticism it's already gotten (THANK YOU FOR THOSE THEY ARE A BIG HELP BTW!!!)), and I even got a comment from my favorite FiO Writer, KrisSnow! It was amazing (if not a bit soul crushing that he wasn't praising me, but I needed the critique more)!!!
If you've read my most popular story "Forced Adoption" then you'll remember this poem, I loved it so much I shoehorned it into the story. I remember this poem faintly, but I'll copy the thing down, because I freaking love this poem, and (quite frankly) this feels like a eulogy rather than an Author's Note. As always, thank you for reading, and see you in the vortex (it's been a while since I said that...)

Do not go gentle into that good night
Dylan Thomas, 1914 - 1953

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Comments ( 8 )

is that a good thing?
... or a bad... you were a little vague

man this story is really good :D

Wow... Thanks! I really don't think to much of my stories, I just write them because it's fun, and let me say: this was one of the most fun stories I've written! Thanks a lot.

I'm working on a "revamped" version of this story. Hopefully it will be better...

While you need to do some editing, this was pretty good for a story with almost no conflict. I figured not all FIO upload stories main characters would have conflict though. Nice to see at least one that doesn't follow the "existential crisis" formula.

Plane, not plain.

Not the worst thing I've ever read, that designation belongs to my very first story, which will never be seen by anyone but the author. It took over ten years before i wrote anything that could be considered 'good' and even then I go back and read those stories and laugh at how horrible they are. None are here since I haven't written anything pony... yet.

You have potential. Most important of all, you finished what you started which is extremely rare in fanfiction. Don't stop writing, like any skill, it gets better with practice. Even professional writers have upwards of ten or more 'dead' stories for every one that they publish.

Good luck with future works!

A young gamer/brony sets his eyes to Equestria... online. Deciding to purchase the game leads him to a world of excitement, a world of adventure, and a world of complete and total...satisfaction.

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