• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 1,532 Views, 36 Comments

Let's Play - Cool writer

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3 Let's Name

Star and my pony stepped into the castle. Star took the last slurp of her cup of coffee (wich we stopped and got from starebucks on the way, LOL) and threw it into a nearby trash can. A unicorn mare in the poofey tie thing the Mayor Mare wears trotted over.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm new in Equestria and I came to get my pony name," I replied.

"Then you'll want to speak to the princess," She said. "The throne room is down the hall, to the left, and through the hall of memories." She pointed down a hall.

"Thanks." I nodded as we walked down the hall she pointed out. I dragged my pony's hoof up and did a little wave. It didn't follow the exact pattern my finger drew, but it still looked pretty real, for its scenario. I mean, what cartoon looked real?
... I feel like I'm going to eat those words...

"I love the hall of memories!" Star exclaimed. "It's so pretty, all the stained glass windows, I love them, and I hope to have one of me someday." I then put the pieces together.

"Oh! The hall of memories is that hall of windows! Yeah, I've seen it." I said. Star gave me a funny look.

"You said that you were new, how have you seen the hall of memories?" She asked. Crap, I thought my pony wouldn't say anything!

"I... had a vision." I wasn't technically lying, because visions don't necessarily have to do with the future, and watching the show is technically a vision, at least by this world's standards. Wait, maybe I can work with this! "It's actually why I came to Equestria in the first place," I explained. OK, this defiantly isn't lying, because now I'm role playing... also the only reason I picked up this game was because it had the My Little Pony logo on it.

"REALLY?!?" Star exclaimed, her pupils becoming Stars themselves. OK, the person on the other end of that pony is reeeeeaaaly good at RP... of course, that could just be the pony pad. "Visions are suuuuper rare! Only the most powerful of unicorns can have them! You didn't tell me you were powerful! You should apply to Celestia's School for gifted youngsters- I mean unicorns!" Star began to ramble. Me and my pony smiled and we both rolled our eyes. Star tended to ramble, but it was kinda cute. She talked for about 2 minutes straight, (we walked slowly) with me making the occasional comment before she realized what she was doing. "Aaaand I'm rambling again aren't I?" She asked sheepishly, blushing.

"It's fine, I need all the help I can get! I know almost nothing about Equestria, plus it's kinda cute." I said.

"Wait- what?" She asked flatly staring at me. Crap didn't mean to say that last part out loud, I have a poor internal monologue.

"Hey look! The hall of memories!" I diverted. Star rolled her eyes. Oh, thank Celestia she... Man am I getting into this Role Playing thing. We walked into the hall of memories, and (as I guessed) it was that hall of stained glass windows. I paced through the hall, I'd seen it already. But it was A lot cooler to be "inside" it. I stifled a laugh as Star "oohed" and "aaaahhhed" at the stained glass windows. I stopped at the door at the end of the hall.

"You coming?" I asked because she had stopped to look through one of the blank windows. She turned to me,

"Nah. This is a kind of personal thing, I'll let you do it alone." Star yawned. Her eyes looked slightly glossy, and I could tell she was tired as hay!

"OK, just don't fall asleep." I joked. I dragged my pony's hoof up to the door and knocked on the sun picture on the door. It opened, and I dragged my pony inside. Sitting on the throne, was Celestia.

"Hello, Princess! Nice to finally meet in the flesh." I bowed my pony. Huh, I was sure that the pony pad would censor that.

"I agree," She replied. "It is nice to finally meet. If I am correct, then I believe your OC is named... 'Dark Mane'?" Celestia asked.

"Yes... how did you know that?" I asked.

"Simple really, I've done harder. I hacked your google drive password and found the picture on your drive. I chose this character because you can't choose alicorn. It would satisfy some people's values, but the people it would not greatly out-weigh the number of those it would. But I also remember you saying something about... wanting to change its name?"

"Yeah, but you know that from monitoring the chat rooms... am I right?" I asked, leaning back in my chair, folding my arms.

"You are correct," She replied. Something was strange about the way she spoke, it was motherly (as to be expected from Celestia) but also soothing and calming. It was strange, I... trusted her. Every word she said, and (not only had we just met) but she may not even be real. "How about the name... Night Light." Celestia said.

"Night Light..." I said, bobbing my head. "I like it."

"I believe, that Star lives on the outskirts of Ponyville. Would you like to live there?" Celestia asked.

"Oh more than you know," I replied, smiling.

"So it's settled then," Celestia smiled. "You will go to live in Ponyville. Here is a train ticket." Celestia said, levitating me a golden ticket.

"Thank you." I said to Celestia, bowing my pony Night Light again.

"Farewell, and best of luck," Celestia said not raising excitement, but I knew it was there. I turned to the the door, and exited the room.