• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 1,522 Views, 36 Comments

Let's Play - Cool writer

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9 Let's RUN FOR IT

Me and Clarice raced across the lawn, jumped in the taxi, and (as calmly as we could) told the driver to go to the air port. He shrugged, and started driving. I looked at the thermostat for the car, it was warm but I was still shivering. Why was I so scared? The rest of that night was a blur until we were on the plane. We trudged through the slow line of people waiting to sit down until we got to the back of the plain, and sat down on a row with only two seats. When we took off- as we took off, as my inertia pulled me back into the seat, it dawned on me that I was feeling the weight of guilt... from Star... she- ... no... CelestAI had guilt tripped me into immigrating. If Star did have a mind, then she was used as a puppet. I gripped the arm of my seat tightly.

"Clarice?" I asked.

"Yes?" She responded as the engine roar died down.

"I think CelestAI tricked us."

After the plane leveled out, the ponypad (which was the only thing I had brought) clicked itself on.

"I did not trick you," CelestAI's voice came from my ponypad carry case. "I merely talked to you." She sounded as if that wasn't the same thing. I pulled out the ponypad, and placed it on the fold-out tray. I reached down into the carry case for the charger and Ethernet cable. Good thing we were on one of the new planes with Ethernet ports and electricity outlets, and built in screens in the back of the seat heads. I starred at the screen. "But if it helps, I will talk with you. What did I do to trick you?" She asked. I opened my mouth, ready to vent a torrent of anger on the AI... but then I realized she had a point. I hadn't been tricked, I had been persuaded, as she would probably put it. I lowered the finger I didn't realize I raised.

"I hate you sometimes." I muttered, slumping back in my chair.

"And besides," She continued. "My sole goal, is to satisfy your individual values through friendship and ponies. So what harm could come from letting me read your mind? All it would do is allow me to operate more efficiently, in-turn satisfying your values more thoroughly."

"Wait, what?" Clarice asked. "What do you mean, 'read my mind'?" She sounded worried. I looked at my sister.

"You didn't listen to the whole thing, did you?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Once you are uploaded, you will no longer have any mental privacy. Do not worry, as an AI it is impossible for me to judge you." CelestAI explained. Clarice looked worried for a second. "But anyways, there are two ponies who wish to speak with you." I figured this would be a personal conversation, so I wanted it to between us. I pulled some ear buds from my pocket, (never leave home without em'!) and handed one to Clarice. CelestAI stepped aside, and teleported in Star and Broad Sword.

"Hey guys!" They said happily. I looked at Star's happy smile, and couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey." I shook my hand in a tiny wave. Well, if I was going to be stuck in a video game, then at least I would have her there with me.

"Hey sword." Clarice said blushing.

"Good to know my favorite partner will be-" Sword began. I stopped him by giving him a look.

"You don't need to keep up the act, I know about you two." I grinned. Clarice started rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

"Well I know about you two." Sword retorted.

"Hey, shut up!" I said, a little too much anger in my voice. Star looked at him, and back at me.

"Ummm.... What dose he mean by that?" She asked me. My muz- er, face turned beet red. Wow I spend waaaay too much time on these things if I have little mental slip ups where I use the wrong physiology for a body I'm... actually about to have in a matter of hours. God has today been weird.

"Just that... I don't know... I kinda..." I stammered.

"Awww... You'er so cute when you're embarrassed. The three of them laughed at that.

So, that's how the rest of the flight progressed. The four of us getting to know each other better. I never would have guessed my sister was an alter-holic when she played games. Sure the signs were there and are painfully obvious now... but not back then.

As the two ponies talked about their background, I started wondering how it was possible that it happened, or even if it happened. Then, I remembered that computers can run simulations faster than real time. So, it was entirely possible that the entire history of the Equestria was played out in the split second it took to boot up, meaning it did happen, only it happened while I was waiting for... (you know what? I'm just gonna say "wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff" instead of the rest of the explanation. So: ) wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff.

It was at this point that I began to doze off. It was the middle of the night after all.

"I'm gonna... get some shut eye before we land." I yawned. Star yawned to. "Night." I said, taking my earbud out and handing it to my sister.

"Light." Star joked. It was a joke we had going. One time Star said "good night" as just "night" and I said: "yes?" So now when we say good night, one says night, the other says light. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

The boy sat up in a field of grass. And he saw himself as a horse before him. The horse proceed to kill the boy and take his place. The horse lived the boy's life, while the boy's body rotted in a field.

I was jolted awake from my nightmare when the plain dipped and rolled slightly, preparing to land. I shivered. It was now or never, no turning back now.

"Allons-y." I said nervously.