• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 1,531 Views, 36 Comments

Let's Play - Cool writer

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2 Let's Begin

The light faded. The screen now depicted a library with a navy blue unicorn standing in the middle, staring at me. It resembled my OC, Dark Mane (Minus the cape, and I've been meaning to change that name), with a deep blue scruffy mane, a short (and equally scruffy blue tail). I laughed when I noticed it even had the tiny black glasses. It looked just like my OC! I tapped on the "OK" button on the character creator. But something about the ponies face seemed... familiar. More than just the "my OC" part, no... it was something else. The screen immediately cut to a scene of my pony walking down a road, saddle bags on it's back. Then my pony stopped moving, queuing me to take control.

"Alrighty then! Let's get going!" I said. My pony's mouth moved, but I wasn't sure what he said.

It was a bright sunny day, with flowery fields surrounding me. I smiled, and my pony smiled too, looking around.

"They put a lot of effort into this game! It looks like the freaking show!" My pony mouthed as I spoke. "Wait, is it? Nooo... but it is! My pony's mouthing what I'm saying! That is cool." I said. I also noticed that My voice sounded different, "And are the speakers... canceling what I'm saying? OH, THAT IS COOL!!!" I could barely hear myself talking! Ohhhhh that is COOL!!!" Sorry, I just love admiring technology... kind of like the Doctor. I often find that my personality is a conglomerate of other people's personalities. If I act one way, you can bet theat somewhere I've seen someone do it.

Alright, enough admiring this game, time to get to work... playing this game. I slowly tapped and dragged my pony a little from where it was standing, and my pony tentatively took a step. I dragged again, and my pony began to walk. And thus, my adventure for... I froze when I realized I had no idea where I was going or why I was going. That is a big no-no for a game that relies on immersion. I tapped a saddle bag, and it was levitated open. I waited a moment for an inventory GUI, but nothing appeared. So, I tried zooming in on the bag. The inside was visible. Inside, I saw a quill, a bottle of ink, some rolls of paper, and a leather bound book. I tapped on the book, and it opened. It was a journal, my journal. It said:

Today I am finally on the road to Equestria -Canterlot to be exact- where I will get my pony name! Alright, enough reading. Let's get a move on.

Hold on, that felt like my writing style... that's a bit weird, and... did that last part tell me to "get a move on." I closed the book, and my inventory, and I started walking again. It was a short walk, as I walked over the crest of the meadowy hill. I grinned, and my pony mirrored my expression. Then it came to me, my pony's face is supposed to by my face! That's creepy, how did it get my face? I wondered just before I noticed the camera built into the pony pad. I walked down the path, excited to begin this new "life" in Equestria. Hey, I play games, but I take em' seriously. Especially when it has ponies or real people... this has both! I dragged my pony on his epic quest... to get a name. If you don't know the details, it sounds like he's trying to make a name for himself. That's an epic mid-evil tale... Skyrim, right? I love games where I can be whatever type of character I want, like most good RPGs. IN those RPGs, I'm the hero wizard, like Gandalf! Only cooler, and not as old.
... I think I should watch those movies.

I soon came to a fork in the path. There was no sign showing wich way to go.

"Maybe I have a map..." I thought out loud, tapping the saddle bag, it opened, and I tapped the rolls of paper. Ok, we've got a few spell scrolls, and a magic map! (I wonder why it's called "magic"?) I tapped and dragged the map out, and in front of my pony. It unrolled, and the screen jumped to first person view.

"Hey! I can see my muzzle from here." I joked. I would stay like this if I could control the pony from this angle, but all tapping does is point the hoof. When I looked at the map a bit closer, I saw a "simplistic pony" head (from "A Canterlot Wedding"... I need to get out more) on the map.

"That must be me. Ok, I'm here, and I need to be... here." I said, tapping Canterlot on the map. My pony's hoof pointed to it. "This path leads to... Ponyville... so the other must lead to Canterlot." I concluded to myself. Alright, let's go. I started to walk down the road to Canterlot... but curiosity took the better of me. I looked at the map again, there were a lot of roads... and the other road dose reconnect to Canterlot... and it dose look like I'll rack up mad XP (assuming there is XP)... My pony stopped walking and turned back to look at the crossroads, visualizing my curiosity on its own.

"I do have all weekend..." I mused, tapping my chin. "Why not, it's not like it'll take too long."

MY pony panted as it trotted down the path. So far, I've seen 17 different monsters! I took a deep breath. I was about to enter Canterlot! The capital of Equestria! My pony walked up to the gate, I tapped on my ponies horn, and it began the glow the deep indigo if his eyes. I dragged the glow to the door handle, resulting in the door opening. I (as well as my pony) grinned as I dragged my pony through the door. The really weird part, and I mean the REALLY weird part, was that there was no loading screen. I know that to most, the voice cancellation, the lack of a GUI, and my pony saying what I'm saying must all be weirder than a lack of a loading screen, but I spent some time experimenting, and so far the map is huge! It may even give ELDERSCROLLS a run for its money, once I've explored it all. Something you should know about me is that I love new technology and old video games. But my point is, If there are no loading screens, that means that the game is loading the whole map at once. How much computing power does this pony pad have?!?

"OOF!" A voice came from the pony pad, pulling me from my thoughts. I had bumped into some thestral mare.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said.

"No, It's alright, I'm too tired to get out of the way." She yawned. I leaned back in my chair.

"You can... hear me?" I asked. She frowned.

"What, is that a bat joke? If it is, It doesn't make much sense." She scoffed at me.

"No no! I just- Wasn't sure if I said that loud enough." The game said in my place. What I meant to say, was "I just didn't know this had microphone communication" (I use big words). I couldn't even hear myself talking when it said that! Ok... starting to creep me out a bit. But my pony had a face of questioning, then I realized that I had a question I should ask. "Bat joke?"

"Ponies say that I'm 'A bat/pony cross-breed'," She said. My pony went wide eyed. I knew what they meant.

"That's terrible! And even more, doesn't make logical sense, if you think about it." She giggled.

"I know right! I'm Star." She said.

"I'm... oh right! I still need to get my pony name!" I realized. I'm gonna need to figure out where that happens and-

"Do you mind if... if I tag along?" She asked. I smiled.

"Not at all! Allons-y!" I said, beginning my walk.

"You speak prench?" She asked. Oh! Like French, France, but in Equestria it's called Prance so it's Prench!

"Nope!" I replied. "But it means, 'let's go' in-prench." The game auto-corrected me. Ohhhhhh! I see how this works! It's an immersion RPG, meaning I need to do the Role Playing part of the "Role Playing Game," it'll auto correct me when I break character! "So then, where exactly do I get my pony name?" I asked. "I kinda just got to Equestria." She smiled widely.

"Great! I love explaining things! So, how much do you wanna hear?" She asked.

"Well I like listening and learning, how long is this walk?" I asked back. And she began talking. To be honest, I was interested, really, I was! I had a really interesting learning session as we walked to Canterlot castle (as was the first thing she explained).

I'm getting into this game!