• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 33 Comments

HEN........SHIN!! - Kendall04082

A boy gets sent to a planet, wielding the powers of the famous masked heroes of the past and future.

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Morph #1: The Discovery Of A New Topic

Some state that you can only have one favorite hero in your life. But, other people might actually think the exact opposite.

The truth is that people can actually have more than one favorite character for them. For example, let's say a character from a television program about equines of mythology. And let's say that said character is the primary one in the show, but then five more have entered the limelight and have made it hard to determine which will be the most adored. But just remember, no one is adored most. Only liked.

And we will be looking at the one of the six bravest equines of the program as soon as I finish this intro/speech.

As the Sun rose in the horizon, we can witness the beautiful town, Ponyville, preparing for the day like any other. We zoom in to see a pony in a house, with a mint colored coat in a bathroom. The pony had a brilliant cyan mane and tail with a white streak.

What was strange about this pony was that it had a strange horn-like appendage protruding out of its forehead. It is unknown if the appendage is comfortable to have, but we cannot judge. And what was also strange was that the mare had some sort of image on the side of her flank. It was an image of a lyre; a harp-like instrument that has existed since the time of the Greek. The mare's name was Lyra Heartstrings.

She walked towards the sink where there was a bottle of toothpaste, a toothbrush and a box of dental floss. On the spur of a moment, her horn glowed with a yellow light, suggesting that she has activated it somehow. Then, the green toothbrush also emitted the same light as well. It began to levitate towards Lyra until it stopped. The bottle of toothpaste did the same and opened its cap. It squirted toothpaste onto the brush and the brush started to brush Lyra's teeth. ( Too many 'brush' words? )

Anyway, after she had done brushing, she spat out the remaining foam of toothpaste to reveal white and sparkly teeth. She smiled in the mirror, "Looking good, Heartstrings," before exiting the bathroom. Then, another pony walked by. It had a beige coat, pigment blue mane and tail with a rose pink streak. She did not own a horn like Lyra, but she possessed a different image on her flank. It was a group of three candy wrappers of cyan color with yellow stripes. Her name was previously known as Bon Bon, but she revealed her true identity to be 'Special Agent' Sweetie Drops; a former agent who works with a dissolved monster-hunting agency. After her identity was revealed to Lyra, Lyra took it hard for not knowing Sweetie Drops' true self. SD felt guilty, but Lyra has learned to accept it and move on with her best friend.

Then, Lyra decided to speak first. "Busy morning, huh?" She inquired with a calm smile.

Bon Bon sighed. "Yep. It sure is." She replied.

"So, do you have anything planned for today?"

"Well, I am going to the restaurant downtown to get some breakfast with my best friend." Lyra did not need to guess. She already knew who Sweetie was talking about.

"Alright, then. Let's go."

After Lyra had grabbed her wallet from the bedroom table, they walked outside their home, remembering to lock the door and steered towards the restaurant. But, our tale is not about them. ( I mean, come on. They are just two of the background characters. ) We shift our view to a nearby castle in the ( possibly ) center of Ponyville.

The palace was very unusual compared to other castles. It looked like it was part tree/part castle. The bottom section was made of pure crystal that shone in the daytime, with branch-like designs reaching the higher part. The upper part looked exactly like an ordinary castle with seven separate window views and a flag with a pink star, hanging along the left side. The odd features were two separate balconies, one in the medium section and one on the left side of the castle ( at least I think it is. ), two triangular roofs, a single flat roof and a giant crystal star on the very top. It also had some long tassels and two giant windows next to the entry.

Within the castle, we can see another mare in a more stylish-looking room. The room was ginormous and it also had a giant golden table that can support about 14 mares, more or less. But, that is not the only oddity in the room because the mare is one herself.

She had a violet coat with sapphire blue hair and tail with purple and rose streaks. The image on her flank was a pink star with little white stars surrounding it. But, what was special about this mare was that she had not only a horn but also a pair of wings which seem to be birdlike. Her name was Twilight Sparkle.

Although she was dwelling in a castle, it was only her third humble abode. She moved from her first home and her second home was destroyed by a power-hungry centaur, but she does not like to talk about it. She was sitting on one of the chairs, probably waiting for her breakfast, which brings up our next character. Suddenly, the double-doors on the left-hand side opened to reveal a small biped, wearing a pink apron and holding a plate of freshly baked pancakes.

The biped was revealed to be a small dragon, a juvenile perhaps. It had green spikes on its head, tail and back, light purple scales with a light spring budish gray underbelly and two light lime green ears. His name was Spike ( A.K.A. Spike The Dragon. )

The little dragon walked towards the table and placed the meal onto it. "Today," He said in a fake French accent while also putting on a false mustache. ", you will be having one of ma' originals: baked pancakes with syrup and butter." Twilight giggled a bit, knowing that her assistant always has jokes up his sleeves. "Enjoy, Mademoiselle Sparkle."

"Why thank you, Monsieur Épi," She replied and giggled, followed by Spike.

"That's French for 'Spike', right?" He cut the accent and put away the mustache.

"Yes, Spike."

Spike sighed with relief as Twilight licked her chops, meaning she was about to scarf down the meal. Spike's dishes were the perfect ones for her and she could not have a better assistant than him. Just as she was about to take a bite, her assistant stopped her and showed a fork in his claw. Twilight looked at him befuddled.

"What? Oh, c'mon. You're a princess now, right?" Twilight giggled again.

"Spike, you know that we ponies, especially myself, can eat even without silverware."

"Sorry, it's just that, well, I've never actually seen any of you girls use forks or spoons. ( Except for Rarity sometimes. )"

"Oh, Spike." Suddenly, her horn glowed with a dark pink aura and the fork also made the same aura. She levitated it into one of the pancakes and ripped a bit of it away. She then began to eat the ripped piece in her mouth. She proceeded to chew and swallow it with success. "Happy now?" Spike smiled proudly.

"Yep." But, that smile faded away when Twilight blasted the pancakes, which instantly shrank and went inside Twilight's mouth. She swallowed it and giggled with pride. She noticed Spike's surprised expression. "Wow, I didn't know you could that."

"Yeah, well, it's just a little Scale spell I learned back at school."

"Nice." Spike grabbed the dish and walked through the same doors, probably to the kitchen while also humming a tune. Twilight got up from the seat and tried to choose what to do today.

Option A: She could see what her friends are doing and see if they need any help.

Option B: She could take a daytime flight and check how Ponyville's doing.

Option C: She can read some of the unread books in the library section.

So, with Twilight being Twilight, she went with the last option. She was already headed to the library with a smile. Sure, she can be quite an "egghead" sometimes, but she's still alright with it. She was near her destination as she saw a brace of double-doors with a sign of an opened book at the top. She cast a spell to open the doors and entered the library halls, closing the doors again.

The library had so many books, she nearly lost count of how many there were. Luckily, with her smart brain, she managed to figure out the total number a few weeks ago. ( Probably more than 60 or 70. ) She searched through every shelf, every book, every turn and every corner. But alas, she could not find anything new to read. She stopped as she reached the farthest part of the library, which took about almost 29 minutes, but still nothing she did not recognize was found. With one final sigh of defeat, she spoke out loud, "Wow, I didn't realize that I've read that many books. Well, I guess my friends DO know how many I've read. But still, just adding a few more books won't hurt. And besides, they're just for learning." Then, Twilight realized that there was nobody around. "And now I've just realized that I'm talking to myself." Twilight laughed weakly before feeling somewhat depressed and walked back to the entrance.

But just as she was about to do so, she saw a dim light in the corner of her eye. She got curious, so she turned and saw the source of the light. It was the book in the lower middle section. Twilight wondered why, she hasn't seen a book glow in her life, apart from the book that Twilight receives friendship lessons from Sunset Shimmer, but that story will have to wait. "Huh?" She walked towards the book and cast a spell to grab it. But instead of doing that, it was actually a secret lever that she pulled.

All of the sudden, the wall began to shake and pretty soon after, it brought itself down to the ground, being destroyed in the process. The rubble caused a lot of dust to scatter, forcing the princess to cough 5-6 times. When it stopped, she rubbed her eyes and tried to see through the dust. What she saw was a book holder, holding.....well, a book.

"What the?" She was ever so confused to why this happened, but she shook off the feeling and proceeded to approach the book. When she was close enough, she levitated the book out of its holder and examined it. It's cover was just gray colored and nothing else about it was different. "Wait, I should've known about this book before, considering it's MY castle, but since I don't, then what's it doing here?" Twilight thought she knew everything about her castle, but she thought wrong. She needed answers, so she turned to the first page that revealed this:

Property of


"This book must've been somepony else', but why would it be in my castle?" Twilight was very confused with a furrowed brow with this book. What was this book about? Who does it belong to? How has it been in the castle BEFORE it actually took form? Did Princess Celestia know anything about this? Or did it appear for some other reason? So many questions bounced all around in Twilight's mind, so she decided to dig deeper into it. She turned to the next page, but this time, the second page was blank while the third page actually had three sentences of a certain but unknown topic. "Wha?" The book made no sense, but that did not stop her from reading. And here is what she read:

This is the book about the knowledge that no pony knows. This is about the heroes who secretly protect the entire planet from danger during both day and night.

This is.........The Kamen Rider ( A.K.A. Masked Rider ) Knowledge Keeper.

Twilight was even more confused. And those words just made it worse. "What the hay are......Kamen...Riders?" She was nowhere close to getting her answer, but she needed to know more so, she ignored the confusion and turned to the next page. But, much to her surprise, the next two pages were actually blank. "Hey, what the?" This book was now starting to get on Twilight's nerves, but she still maintained calm, even though this discovery was a half-of-a total waste of time.

Twilight flipped through more pages faster, but they were all blank. This cannot be it! There has to be more! "Oh, come on! All of this just for NOTHING!!" Her frustration levels were rising as smoke was literally coming out of Twilight's body, which is her 'side effect' when she gets extremely frustrated. When her eyes were about to turn red, she heard the footsteps of little feet.


The voice immediately got Twilight to stop smoking and close the book to see her foster sibling running after her. He finally reached her, breathing heavily for air. "Twilight! *Pant* There you...*Pant, pant* ....are!" He nearly fainted and landed on the floor on his butt.

"Spike! What are you doing here?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Well, when I saw you were gone, I thought you already left. But then, I heard hoof steps in the hall, so I assumed that you were still around. I began to follow you, but when you entered the library, I immediately got lose until I heard your voice." Spike responded.

"Oh, Spike. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry." Twilight wrapped a wing around her little drake sibling while also nuzzling him.

"It's alright, Twilight. You didn't mean to do it." Sure, his older foster sister has made him get involved into many dangerous situations, but when he does, he always reminds himself to stop being such a coward and start being brave. "So, what were you doing inside of the library anyway?"

"Well, I WAS going to read some of the ( highly unlikely ) unread books until I've found a secret hidden lever in the bookshelf that destroyed the entire wall, but also hid a secret book on the other side." She showed Spike the same book she found.

"Oh, so that's why there are pieces of the wall everywhere." He kicked a chunk of debris away. "So, what's it about?"

"That's what I was wondering." She opened the book and flipped through the pages quicker to get to the point faster. "It doesn't explain anything, except the third page."

"Well, how are you gonna figure out how to actually solve this mystery?" Twilight thought for a moment before a light bulb popped above her head and a smile spread across her face.

"That's it! We do what we've always done. Get our friends and figure out how to solve it!"

"I feel like we do that almost all the time."


"I'm just saying, but it just seems to get more and more cliché."

"Well, we'll talk about that later. For now, we've got friends to recruit and a mystery to solve!" Twilight made an epic pose followed by trumpets blowing behind her!

"Aaand a book to later read AFTER the mystery is solved." Twilight made a face that said 'Huh?' "What? I can't be more like you?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it. Now then, let's shove off!" She levitated Spike onto her back and proceeded to exit the library while also levitating the book into Spike's claw.

And as Twilight and Spike head forward to ask their friends for help, a shadowy figure can be seen, laying on a branch belonging to a nearby tree. It was kind of hard to describe the figure, but the known features were that it was bipedal, had some sort of devil-like body, including leg pads, arm pads, shoulder pads, chest and a head that had a similar type of design; black stripes that looked like either tendrils or veins. The mouth looked like it came from a skull. It's head had two, slightly curved red horns while the shoulder pads had white, more curved spikes. The belt had some sort of strangely designed buckle. And finally, it's eyes had no pupils, instead they were all black and seemed lifeless.

The creature in red was laying on the branch with relaxation when he heard Twilight and Spike, probably discussing some topic that wasn't important to him. But sometimes, he would just be interested in about anything that's kind of important. So, he got up and crawled to the further part of the branch to get a better view.

"Sate, watashitachi wa koko de nani ga arimasu ka?" It said in a slightly high echo-like voice which translates to "Now, what do we have here?"

"Hmm, maybe I should try to scare them away for fun." He stroked his chin and thought of what to do. Then,...."..Nah! I already tried that on some other pony with derp eyes and that thing couldn't even see me." But, he had been sleeping and snoozing for about 5 hours, so he thought he could get some excitement.

"Hmm. Then again, I haven't been doing anything else fun at ALL since I've arrived." Suddenly, he heard them spoke.

"Wait, did you hear something?" said the purple pony. The figure crawled to a darker spot on the branch to remain concealed.

"Nah, it was probably just the wind," the little drake said. So, with Twilight and Spike ignoring the fact that they heard a strange sound, they headed straight towards a different direction.

"Well, now's a good time than any to find some adventure. Hopefully." He said while also rubbing his hands together.

He ( somehow ) managed to jump to another tree without pretty much any pony noticing him. "You better be prepared, little pony. Because I.........will arrive." Then, he started to repeatedly jump from tree to tree in order to catch up with the duo and also trying not to make too much sound. ( Sort of. )

Meanwhile, a nearby pony actually saw the figure in red with a bewildered look on his face. Said pony had a light brown coat with a much darker brown mane and tail and a white collar with a green bow tie. His 'flank-image' was an hourglass. He scratched his head, thinking he was just losing his sanity.

Then, he spoke up, "I've been having too many butter-included meals." He said with a British accent. "I guess I owe Derpy an apology." He walked away while still thinking about what that creature could be.

Author's Note:

Will Twilight and Spike be able to solve this mystery? How will the rest of the Mane 6 react to her discovery? And will Devil-Guy be useful for once?


No offence. Until next time, Oyasumi!!