• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 33 Comments

HEN........SHIN!! - Kendall04082

A boy gets sent to a planet, wielding the powers of the famous masked heroes of the past and future.

  • ...

Morph #11: The Winter Worm-y Diversion

With Chrysalis now discharged from the Ganma's control, Princess Celestia and Luna were very happy that their war was over at last. And the best part was that they achieved a new ally, several if you include her changeling drones. Not one of them knew about her possession, not even the oldest ones. But, since they were contrived to follow her orders, it clearly was not their fault. Ponies from both Canterlot and Ponyville heard about this and cheered on for the heroes of Equestria. After the festivities yesterday, Chrysalis signed her name on a peace treaty to never attack Canterlot ever again, but rather help them in their most dire needs. She also received a proud smile from the Mane 6 and by midnight, she and her subjects decided to return to their hive to heal from their injuries. And before Ash could return home to rest as well, Celestia explained to him that she has never met anypony or creature bold and kind-hearted that would forgive a villain for even her most diabolical actions. The group said their goodbyes before heading home.

Speaking of home, about a few days later, Twilight was about to see if Starlight has awoken from her slumber in her guest room when she saw there was nopony there. She seemed abashed. But, not for long when she discovered a folded note on the purple-blanketed bed. She levitated it towards her, unfolded it and began to read. It turned out that Starlight has actually gone to live in her old village again. The reason for this was written at the back that stated: "I feel at home there". Twilight looked pleased that Starlight wanted to reunite with her old 'friends'. When she was exiting the room, Spike soon came, reading another Power Ponies comic and asked her where Ash was. She simply replied by saying that Ash went to Sugarcube Corner to help Pinkie Pie distribute half of the total amount of orders to the specific ponies.

As a lone snowflake falls down to Earth, we can see many ponies, wearing festive clothing and preparing to celebrate the most amazing holiday in Equestria.

We can see the snow, encompassing most of the areas of Ponyville with multiple numbers. Fortunately, the pony civilians intended for this to happen and enjoyed it instead of getting depressed by it. However, on this year, there was going to be some slight changes to the holiday. At a certain location in Ponyville, we can see Ash Griffin himself, running along the grass path with cart breechings strapped to his waist. Today, he decided to wear a regular blue hoodie Rarity made instead to protect him from the low temperature of winter. The said breechings were attached to none other than a second bakery cart, included with a yellow and red-striped roof and filled with different kinds of treats and baked goods. ( About 8 or so ) However, Ash thought that it would take forever for him to deliver them barefooted and that is why he utilized his Cheetah legs to deliver them even quicker. And he also utilized Wizard's magical copy ability to clone himself 4 times and each duplicate needed to deliver the orders to their respective receivers, leaving the original with only 3 left. Despite the pavement, almost entirely being covered with snow, he has experienced walking on this kind of surface back on Earth before. He had to help his Dad clear the driveway for approximately 5-15 minutes. It was all worth it when it was done.

Anyway, in more or less than 20 seconds, the original Ash has finally arrived at his destination: Octavia and Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3's household. He skidded to a stop, making sure that the cart did not topple and examined the house first. Its coloring was similar to the one in Slice Of Life and it still included the music note-shaped bush on the left. The oddest aspect it acquired yet was a row of organ pipes attached to the farther left side of the house. He disabled his legs, knocked on the double-colored door and it opened to reveal a familiar gray mare. She had a black mane and tail, donned a pink and white striped scarf instead of her bow-tie and a acquired a pink music note as her cutie mark. She eyed Ash curiously.

"Um," She said. "can I help you with something?"

"Oh, yes actually," Ash explained as he grabbed a checklist from behind. "I'm looking for.....Vinyl Scratch."

"Oh, well, in that case, she already left to buy some equipment for her music." She did not understand why that pony loves 'her-type-of' music. She did not even know how it originated. "But, as her roommate, I can offer you some assistance in carrying her order. After all, I MOSTLY pay for everything she purchases anyway."

"Wow, thanks." Maybe she does respect Vinyl more than he thought. "C'mon, you can help at the back."

So, Ash and Octavia headed for the cargo's rear where the double-doors are located. Once he grabbed both of the handles, he opened it and revealed the inside. The only remaining deliveries were the mentioned three. Unfortunately for them, the white pony's order was located at the furthest spot from the rear unlike the other two that were in front of them. Ash had other reasons for Vinyl's annoying behavior to Octavia, but they were not exactly needed at this moment.

"So, which one is Vinyl's again?"

"Uh," He squinted his eyes to see further into the cart. "I think it's at the front." The pony's eyes followed Ash's finger to the direction of the order. "But, don't worry. I came prepared."

Octavia was about to question him about that statement but paused when she saw him, staring at his own right arm. Then, if we look into Ash's perspective, we could see his arm, covered in white sketch lines similar to that of a blueprint. More sketches start to appear as a sort of extendable pink limb began to build itself without the mare knowing. Speaking of the mare, her eyebrow raised in curiosity as Ash continued to stare at his arm. She felt like the moment was a bit silent for about 3 more seconds before Ash finally stopped staring.


As soon as the sound was produced, the extendable Magic Hand then built itself onto Ash's wrist. Octavia was taken aback and gawked at its design. She has heard of extendable limbs, but this was beyond anything like that. And not only was she shocked, but also amazed. "Alright, time to test you out, my friend!" Ash then proceeded to reach out and grab the order using the long pincer-like hand. It reached deeper into the cart until it attained the spot of where the order was. "There it is!" The claw grabber took hold of a medium-sized light blue-striped box and lifted it up, "Alright, now all I have to do is......", but when he did, it did not budge, not even one inch. Even with his extra Rider strength, the box still weighed a ton. "What the?......." Ash tried again a few times before the grabber-hand finally managed to lift up the darn thing. He then reeled in the hand A.S.A.P., so it would not drop the order roughly. After wiping a drop of sweat from his brow, "Phew. Finally.", the grabber dropped the box down onto the snow-covered grass while trying not to snap into two.

"Man, I didn't know that box would weigh that much." Octavia's eyes rolled to the right as she showed a bemused look. "Anyway," The device suddenly dematerialized out of existence. "in the meantime, I suggest you take that box into your house until your friend arrives." He cannot remain here for he must deliver orders to other individuals in need of treats and goodies.

"Well, alright then. Thank you for your service, Mr. Griffin."

Once Octavia paid for Vinyl's order ( because she had to ) and returned into her house with the heavy box in tow, "Alright, now on to the next one.", Ash's legs then reverted back to the Cheetah legs,


, followed by him attaching the breechings back onto his waist. "I wonder how my copies are doing." Then, in the blink of an eye, he turned his back along with the cart and sped forwards back to Ponyville, leaving a yellow streak the size of his entire body behind as a remainder. Out of all the jobs available in Ponyville, treat delivering has definitely earned 1st place in the Top 10 easiest jobs he could think of. While he was running along the path back to town, Octavia, with one final push, has finally succeeded in getting the box into the house as well. She stood up hind-legged and pushed her back forwards which produced a cracking sound. She cringed in pain and rubbed her neck as she stood on all fours once more.

"This order better be worth it, Vinyl," She muttered to herself. If this thing turned out to be a waste of time, she is so going to kill that mare. But, because she was a gentlemare and does not like violence as much as her roommate does, she opted to only talk to Vinyl which is what the white mare merely calls 'nagging'.

"And for the record, I DON NOT NAG!"


Unfortunately, due to Momotaros being absent to play his role in this scene because he went to Manehattan for a vacation from spying on Ash and various other ponies, we will just have to shift to a different scene,

"Thank you, my good sir!

, where Pinkie just delivered her 4th order and was wearing her favorite blue and white striped scarf. The owner of the house who stood in the doorway was a red stallion, had a black mane, and tail, and his cutie mark was abnormally a sword with a wooden hilt. Pinkie Pie thought that a pony with that kind of cutie mark would, at least, be a part of the royal guards of Canterlot, but since she was.....well, Pinkie, she found no reason to complain. Once the pony closed the door with his order on his back, Pinkie received her pay of 5 bits and hopped back to her delivery carriage with a smile. She put her bits into her 'flank-pocket' and placed the breechings back onto her sides.

"Phew, finally done!" She wiped a drop of sweat from her brow which froze instantly. "Now that all of my deliveries are finished up, I can finally.....!" Before she got a chance to continue, a blur of yellow, blue and brown suddenly passed her with immense speed. It kicked up so much snow that it covered Pinkie entirely. Shortly after, her eyes blinked through the snow and she shook her body like a wet cat. All of the snow flew to random areas, even another blue stallion in a green shirt.

"Ooh, that must be Ash!" She turned to the human's running direction, "I wonder if he's finished!", then chased after him by using her hooves as natural tires and produced the sounds of a speeding car. This is what some 4th wall breakers do when they need to escape from something, that and scene-changing. As her Pinkie-shaped cloud remained for 2 seconds, the real Ms. Pie continued to speed ahead in order to catch up with the accelerating biped. She always wondered what it would feel like to be an F1 car driver ever since he explained to her about some of its functions. She got, even more, interested in him, similar to Twilight and her intellectual yet complicated brain.

As the two continued to sprint as fast as the wind, we could see the brown pony, Time Turner with Derpy once more, walking along the snow-covered path. The stallion donned a green vest while Derpy instead considered on wearing his scarf because she said it looked 'classy'. While they were walking, Derpy asked the hourglass cutie marked pony if he thought that anypony else but Rainbow Dash can match up at least 50% of her total flying speed.

"Oh, Derpy." Time Turner rubbed Derpy's hair. "Sweet Derpy. You know that nopony can match up to that pegasus's speed. But," Turner put a hoof to his chin. "if you wondered if anypony could match up the speed of lightning instead, sure. I assume it IS possible for anypony to possess that ability. However," He put on a confident face. "we all know that is never going to........" And just as he was about to continue, the same blur coincidentally passed them, making their manes charred and covered in snow. Time Turner could recognize Derpy's prideful smile, but tried to deny it. "Now, hold on there, Derpy. That was probably just Ash Griffin. And for the record, he is not a po....." Then, he put his bits where his mouth was when Pinkie also galloped past them, followed by their manes getting covered in more snow. They shook it off of both their heads and Derpy's victory smile still remained.

With a sigh of defeat, Time Turner reached into his vest's lower pocket to pull out 5 bits each and handed them to Derpy. Another point goes to The Muffin Mare!

On the way to the last house, Ash accidentally but coincidentally dropped off one of his boxed orders to the specific house it was meant to be exported. It also hit the doorbell and landed on the white 'Welcome' mat just before the owner opened his door. He looked down to see his delivery already shipped, then looked both ways before smiling and taking the box into the house. He shut the door afterward, being glad he obtained his order in time. Ash was about to turn around and check on wherever the delivery landed, but he resolved to keep running continuously and hoped that the delivery would end up in front of the door. Fortunately for him, luck struck again.

Now, with one final shipment left, he squinted his eyes as he passed more houses, more ponies, and even managed to zoom past the town hall with surprising ease. He thought it would take at least a few weeks before he could master this ability, but destiny chose a much easier way for him. When he saw the final house which was a two-storey straight ahead, he put on a smile and performed a powerful skid by his right leg. He managed to stop himself and the cart though it almost toppled onto its side thanks to the speed and momentum. He knew that cheetahs could run fast, but with this much running speed, it was nearly RAINBOW DASH fast. After he finished reclaiming his breath, "Alright, last delivery. I hope, at least.", he detached the breechings once again and was about to go to the rear when he spotted his 1st clone, exiting the house along with a plum coated pony with a raspberry pink mane, and tail, and a cutie mark of both a bundle of grapes and a strawberry. She also wore a pink skull cap and a red sweater. Ash recognized who the pony was, but was her house not supposed to be his next stop?

"And remember," Ash the 2nd explained to the mare. "Berry Punch. If you want permission to go into the - oh, hey Ash!" He waved to the original. Ash seemed confused by this.

"Wait," He went over to the two. "dude, what are you doing here? I thought that I was supposed to deliver her order."

"What are you talking about? I already shipped it." Ash's confused face remained until Berryshine spoke up.

"Actually," She spoke. "I ordered TWO of the same delivery." A quacking sound could be heard as both Ashs raised their eyebrows. "Oh, right. I'm actually having a friend over." The two "Oh-ed" at her statement.

After receiving their pay of 5 bits each and almost getting killed by Pinkie Pie and her cart's uncontrollable speed, the two Ashs and the pink mare returned to Sugarcube Corner to return the carts. Pinkie Pie apologized to Berryshine earlier about smashing into her door and her living room to which she called 'nice'. Berry accepted her apology and explained that she can pay for the damages with her extra bits. Pinkie became relieved. She thought she would lose one of her friends who she hangs out with less than The Mane 6. Pinkie followed the clones once they called out to her. This time, they stated they were going to not use any other abilities involving any form of acceleration.

They arrived at the shop where Mr. and Mrs. Cake were waiting for them and gave them the total amount of bits the three have earned. The Cakes thanked Pinkie and the Ashs for their assistance and they repaid Ash Original with 10 bits. Which is a hell of a lot to ponies. Pinkie congratulated the two clones and soon, the other 3rd and 4th. Who knew that he...or they could be such considerable co-workers? As we return to the present time, we see Ash finally in one piece, just exiting the bakery with his hands in the hoodie's pockets. And for Pinkie Pie, she hopped frequently every time he made a footstep. He was glad that he got his pay, but he felt like something was missing. Could it have been his attire? Was it his doubles? Or was it that he forgot to tell Twilight about the brony fandom shipping her and you-know-who? These questions scrambled in his mind until Pinkie finally spoke.

"Hey, Ash," She called for him. "Do you ever get the feeling you're forgetting something?" Ash sighed with relief and turned to her.

"Thank goodness," He said. "I thought I was the only one who was thinking about it." He never really liked to be left out, except when he wants some 'him time'. He cleared his throat before continuing. "So, what do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure. But, I just know it's on the tip of my tongue." Then, she literally stuck her tongue as she was about to put a hoof on her chin. The aftermath was Pinkie, getting her tongue stuck to her hoof because of the natural temperature outside. She tried to pull apart the both of her parts from each other, but she could not seem to manage to do it so. Ash only sighed. This was the second time she got her tongue stuck on a cold surface, the first being a pole. "Um, Ash?" She called for the boy who already knew what to do.

"I got it." He placed his right hand above Pinkie's tongue and hoof and used Double's Heat flame to warm them loose from one another. She flicked her tongue around a few times before confirming they were unstuck.

"Thanks!" She smiled.

"No prob." He used slang that time to which Pinkie laughed a bit.

Out of the blue, a rainbow-colored blur could be spotted, descending towards the human and pony. It looked terrifying from both of their perspectives, "DUCK IN COVER!!", so the team of two and the ponies within the area dodged by either rolling away or ducking, only for the blur to pass above their heads. After that, it performed a loop de loop 3 times before finally landing onto the snowy surface to reveal the producer who was Dashie herself. The two opened their eyes to see her, breathing difficultly. "Show off. Ash and Pinkie unknowingly thought while getting up back on their feet/hooves.

"Pinkie!" She cried. "Ash! - wait, Ash?" Both of them looked bewildered before she continued. "Anyway, you guys need to come to Cloudsdale as soon as possible!!" She ascended back into the air when Ash Original asked her something.

"How come?" He asked.

"And why?" Pinkie asked next.

"Well, I was just taking a nap on my favorite cloud as usual..." Ash and Pinkie looked at one another bemusedly. Of course, she had to be on a cloud. "....when I saw another Ash fighting this....monster with, um," She paused for a moment to think of the details. "these hooks on its hand and.....well, basically, it just looked like a bug-human.....or whatever. But, whatever it was, we gotta to Cloudsdale and check out the fight!"

"Um, Dash?" The human asked to the pegasus. "You do know that I could just make that other Ash disappear, right?" He also wondered if she was not actually listening to his Wizard Magic 101 session.

"I wasn't talking about your clone! I was talking about Cloudsdale being in danger!? Heard of it?" She used a stern tone that moment.


"Now, come on! We need to hurry!"

Ash knew he needed airborne transportation, so without hesitating, his eyes blinked a vibrant purple,


, with a sudden brace of purple and silver pteranodon wings, sprouting out of his back. The two ponies became disturbed by this,

"That's kinda disturbing," Pinkie commented on his extra limbs.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," He said.

, plus they tore two thin holes in the back of his hoodie, but those did not matter at this moment. He needed to go and check out how his clone was handling the you-know-what. Ash looked at Pinkie who already held onto this back with her hooves around his body. He felt really awkward because of this, but ignored the feeling and pushed his feet off the ground forthwith. After that, his wings repeatedly continued to flap until he was finally flying, along with Rainbow Dash. The wind force of his ascends swept up so much snow onto the area, causing a moderate-sized hole of green, clear grass to appear. Ponies from all around gazed at the hole, then at the human who was flying straight to the city of clouds. They were already expecting an unnatural Hearth's Warming this year.

Meanwhile, at Cloudsdale..........

Sparks of metal and screams of battle could be picked up on the cloudy surface of Cloudsdale itself.

We change our glimpse to a street where Ash the 5th was fighting against an enemy some of us know too well of. The current villain acquired two very long, navy blue hooked fingers on its right hand like Dasie mentioned, a skin color of orange-brown, a blue hand and blue-horned feet. It also had an exoskeletal shell covering its head's top and its chest had a design of six insect limbs alongside two longer ones.

Ponies within the area galloped away with fear, hoping to avoid any damage induced by the bipeds. The two continued their battle as AT5 tried to swing his sword down onto the beast's chest, but got blocked by its hand-hooks. The beast held the blade, heaved it up and straight up punched AT5 in the chest instead. The sword he wielded was actually the Ride Booker in Slash Mode which should have affected the monster more. However, it seems that the creature has grown quite stronger. The clone staggered back to recover, surprised by its punching power.

"GAH!!" He cried. "Man, this thing is a LOT stronger than I remembered it to be!" He thought it would only take a sword to defeat it, but now seeing its full power, it will require more than that.

The monster groaned inhumanly and charged forward again, attempting to punch him in the face, but was blocked by his left hand and his sword stabbed into the monsters chest, therefore creating sparks that flew off its body. This forced it to stumble back, but immediately healed and was about to charge in again when a barrage of energy bullets made contact with its backside. The great pain they have caused forced it to turn its back to detect the source of those bullets happened to be from Original Ash who shot it with the Gun Gan Saber and the Bat Clock, converted into their Gun Modes.

"Eat this, you Worm scum!" He battle-cried to the Worm, rapidly blasting it with more bullets with perfect accuracy. Those hours of firearm practice really paid off. The monster tried to block the projectiles with its arm, but the total amount was too much for it.

"Yeah, eat it!" Pinkie joined in his cry as well and still held onto Ash. He finally touched down onto the same road with the pink pony letting go of his body. His wings then vanished as the Worm now alternately targeted them instead. It ran forwards,

"Guys! Watch out!"

"Not today, bucko!", but got slammed from its side by Rainbow Dash who was secretively hiding in the higher clouds, waiting for the perfect moment to strike her 'prey'. The force of her attack was so powerful, she managed to actually knock the beast about 5 feet onto the cloud-made surface. Unfortunately, the monster only remained on the cloud for approximately 1 second before falling through the above ground and fell down to Earth. RD was honestly surprised by the act she brought off. Her plan was to only throw the beast off its weirdly-shaped green feet and let her hooves do the work. But, what she did just now also works.

Soon, all four of them including the Bat Clock in its Animal Mode went over to the hole the Worm created and glanced through it. Luckily, Ash was enabled to walk on clouds because of his element-based powers and for Pinkie......she just did it. They could all see the monster, flailing its limbs hysterically as gravity pulled it towards its extinction, followed with some snowflakes produced by the cloud they were standing on. Pinkie was about to break into a huge laughter and release her hooves from her mouth but stopped when the others eyed her to halt.

"Huh," Rainbow said as she floated above everypony else's heads. "that was a bit more anti-climatic than I thought it would be."

"Agreed." The others said along with the Bat Clock. None of the ponies could understand its screeches, except for Ash, thankfully.

"Well," AT5 started. "now that our work is seemingly done, I or WE exactly," He swiped his finger to point at both him and Original Ash. "need to get going."

"Yeah," Ash said. "I promised Twilight I would teach her about the mistletoe later today." That mare could not handle her nerdiness when he mentioned the 'tied-up-with-red-ribbon-included-with-a-small-bundle-of-berries' decoration. Gosh, that is such a mouthful.

"What's a mistletoe?" Rainbow asked, showing a muddled face.


But, right as he was about to sprout his wings out one more time, a ringing sound was produced from Ash whose eyes blinked a pink color twice every 2 seconds. It also made his entire body vibrate weakly which tickled a bit also. "Sorry, guys." He apologized to the others. "I gotta take this." Then, he stared into his left arm this time and envisioned a blueprint sketch of a black rectangular machine with a radar attached at the front.


At that moment, the said device materialized itself onto Ash's arm and showed them the face of Twilight Sparkle herself. But, something was off. Her appearance seemed a bit more.....battle damaged. Take her mane for an example: it was all ruffled up and it also lost a few strands. Pinkie quickly wondered if she was having a bad hair day. Or any other type of bad day. Dash was starting to question if there was anything Ash could not do.

"Ash!" Twilight called for him worriedly through the glitchy screen.

"Twilight?" He asked. "What's going on?" Suddenly, tree slicing could be heard from the background as one timbered down behind her. "Woah, what was that!?"

"There's no time to explain!" Then, she turned her eyes to Granny Smith who was rapidly and surprisingly kicking a green insect-biped with ease. It fell down into the snow, unconscious. "Thanks, Granny Smith!"

"Oh, don't mention it, Princess!" The elderly mare pulled out her cane and charged towards her right.

"Anyway, you all need to get to Sweet Apple Acres immediately! It's chaos out here!" Suddenly, a shadow began to tower her from behind. But, Applejack's timing was perfect when she tackled it from the right. Twilight secretly thanked her before continuing.

"Alright, we're on our way!"

"Please hurry!" A growl came from her right as one of them attempted to attack the distracted alicorn who screamed. It caused the screen to glitch, therefore declining the call. The radar-like device dematerialized instantly after.

Ash was started to get worried. These attacks on Equestria are getting more genuine. First, 1v1 and now, massive hordes!? What kind of sick world is this!? Well, then again, this world IS stranger than the Earth or the Rider's world. Plus, it does sort of defy some things science. And now, with Twilight, the Apple family and possibly soon, the entire town in danger during a holiday in winter? Not on his watch.

"C'mon, guys," He ordered. "We're going to Sweet Apple Acres." Then, almost immediately, he stretched his arm out and opened his palm, followed by his eyes glowing a fiery red.


A bright and fiery red portal suddenly took form in front of the group which amazed the ponies with awe. It showed them the Wizard logo, but also four types of gems on each side of the circular face: an octagon at the top, an upside down triangle on the left, a diamond on the right, and a square at the bottom.

"Let's go," He ordered one more time. Dash was about to ask if the Worm was still a concern to them but hesitated when a big explosion could be heard from below. Ash, however, wasted no time and ran straight into the portal. His duplicate and the bat soon followed in pursuit and joined him. Then, without much of a choice, the two ponies either hopped or flew into the portal. Being left behind is never safe. And within seconds, the red circular portal eventually dissipated from existence.


Inside of the apple orchard of Sweet Apple Acres, we can see the ponies, battling against the previously mentioned insect-bipeds.

These insects happened to be Worms themselves, except their skin color was green instead of orange-brown and their hands were orange, including its two long fingers. These creatures started to evoke around the apple orchard only about 20 minutes ago when the Apples were coincidentally preparing the food for Hearth's Warming tomorrow morning inside the house. They attacked at first sight which put the Apples on high alert. AJ managed to hide Applebloom safely from the two-legged insects before she, Big Macintosh and, Granny Smith put the hurt back on their sorry flanks. And there was more because a heavy snowstorm began to rain down onto the entire farm area. Even though the snow was blocking their sight a bit, they continued to fight nonetheless. Victory was nearly theirs until more of them began to overwhelm the area and started using numbers against the family. Before they reached the ponies, Applejack told Applebloom to go and find help from any of their friends nearby.

The filly returned, accompanied by Twilight a few minutes later. She already explained the situation to the mare who was actually heading to Sweet Apple Acres to ask Applejack for some warm eggnog. Then, THIS happened. Those monsters could not have a chosen a worse holiday for an attack. Granny Smith quickly suggested to call for Ash's help, but Twilight clarified that he was busy delivering orders from Sugarcube Corner. So, for about 6 more minutes, the group continued to fight for their safety until eventually, Twilight soon remembered that she brought along Ash's Wrist Communicator he achieved during his 'special mission' at Canterlot. The entire family face-hoofed when she realized it just now. She apologized sheepishly before remembering about how Ash taught her to use it. It was a success and a few seconds later, the same red portal emerged near the earth ponies and alicorn.

Soon, the others joined in the battle against the Worms and acquired a good chance of winning. And just in case, the situation got worse, Ash utilized his duplication ability to create three more look-alikes while letting AT5 remain throughout the battle because he was going to need some assistance himself anyway. Now, each figure had their own primary targets. The ponies and duplicates assailed the ones outside of the orchard while Ash and his clone fought the lead Worm that started all of this.

Twilight was blasting each and every one of the Worms alongside Ash the 3rd who fought, wielding the Flame Saber in its "Trinity State". The two were currently standing behind one another as they faced opposite directions. With another magical blast from her horn, the two held a short conversation.

"So, Twilight," AT3 said. "Just out of sudden curiosity," He managed to slice an approaching Worm across its chest with his sword, "how DID you obtain my Wrist Communicator without me knowing?", followed by a spinning sword strike to another Worm's chest which made it stumble back.

"Well," She said, then blasted another to her left. "this may sound betraying, but while you were gone," She spotted yet another one and turned around to buck it with a great amount of strength that made it flew across a short distance. "a certain somepony might have snooped around a bit in your room and......." She did not need to explain further for the human already knew who was the 'snooper'.

"It was you and Spike, wasn't it?" She was surprised he figured that out quickly.

"......That would be acceptable." She 'scientifically' stated while shooting a ray of pink towards three more Worms in front.

He sighed. "I'm so gonna kill that kid."

Meanwhile, Ash and AT5 commanded the others to cover them while they battled against the leader. The lead Worm in question was pale green in color, its right hand seemed normal while its left arm was basically a giant mantis's pincer along with its antennae at the back corners of its head, its shoulder pads, and its wrist, facing backward. Its feet were also equipped with horns, its chest was designed like the top part of a mantis's body and its body was nearly fully equipped with exo-skeletal armor while the exposed areas were black. If Fluttershy was here right now, she would instantly pass out without a shadow of a doubt.

The mantis-based Worm used every weapon its body equipped to attempt and fulfill its objective. But, with two of the same targets at once, it was difficultly mind-scrambling to tell apart which one was which. With both of them appearing as the same, it got a chance to eliminate the human TWICE. That is if it ever wins. Both Ashs simultaneously punched the Worm directly in the face with enough strength to make it stagger back to recover.

It got really pissed off and charged forward again, but Ash and AT5 were already one step ahead. The boy caught the upcoming pincer-limb from above and gave his duplicate enough clearance to side kick it. Then, Ash punched its face again and AT5 roundhouse kicked it in its side, thus forcing it to roll to the right. Even its armor plating could not withstand their attacks, no matter how durable it was. It took a few steps back when the humans started to approach it. It tried to kick the clone, but he predictably grabbed it after and Ash punched it twice in the chest.

It clutched its chest after it rested its pincer on its knee and faltered back. But, with the Worm now in its currently vulnerable state, this provided the humans enough time to activate their own respective finishers. Since today was the concluding day before Hearth's Warming, they thought they would, at least, perform something new before the New Year. Or whatever ponies call it in their world. AT5 looked to Ash, giving him the idea. After all, they do share the same mind.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said to his creator. Ash put on a smile which lasted short enough and agreed.

"You said with your eyes, my friend," He responded calmly.

Then, they both glanced at the Setio Worm who stood up, struggling to recover. It did not understand what they were talking about, but it was about to. Ash opened his arms by only a little bit, initiated a countdown to 3 using his three fingers on both hands as timers,


, then AT5's chest started to glow a bright red wine-like substance which took the form of a 'G'. The monster did not do anything but watch. Watch as its life was coming to an end. His objective has not been succeeded and it never will be, but, at least, it will die trying. Ash sighed just as he only said two words while his duplicate said one word.



Suddenly, blue electricity began to crackle through Ash's body. He somehow managed to generate an illusion of the famous rhinoceros beetle Kamen Rider beside him. Sectio continued to watch because its body and mind were too petrified and confused about the situation it was currently facing. It was jolted even more when Ash's eyes began to gleam blue and the electricity grew stronger when it reached to the top of his hair and the illusion's horn. But, he was not the only one who obtained a spiritual figure when his look-alike also received a ghastly partner, but in a contrasting body structure. His eyes, unlike the original boy, glowed yellow alternatively and were G-shaped. They both did not mind this because this was not their first rodeo.

After the two acquired their metaphysical, short-lasting allies, AT5 was able to swirl himself around and placed his right hand onto the ground after, creating a red streak along with his ally. Then, as time altered itself to slow down,



, Ash and Illusion Kabuto both leaped into the air, followed by AT5 and G who used their legs to push themselves up as well. All four bipeds shot their foot outwards with the clone and Kamen Rider G, swirling their bodies in a corkscrew motion while Kabuto and Ash kept their bodies straight. And, with life flashing before its eyes, the Sectio Worm's chest was struck by mostly the humans' foot because the other Riders were merely illusions like Fourze's Fusion States. An explosion could be heard from such a far distance, it could reach the ears of the ponies outside of the area. But, if anypony was inside of the orchard field, they could witness the most epic yet dangerous occurrence to ever take place during this year's Hearth's Warming: an explosion of green fire....which unintentionally set some scorch marks on the pasture, trees, and anything else within its radius.

If today was not the holiday of snow, then we all know what Applejack was going to do. The ponies and clones all heard its massive volume and turned their attention to the giant green explosion. While they did, they all stood triumphant when Applejack and Ash the 2nd finished off the last and only Worm left standing using her lasso and his Dragon Rod. He told her he would use it someday.

"Uh," Applebloom asked. "is that supposed to be good or bad?"

"Well," Twilight began to explain. "knowing the fact that explosions aren't always ordinarily green, I'm going to assume it was a good thing."

"Hey," All of the Ash clones simultaneously thought. "I was gonna say that." Since they have the same traits, they have to, at least, gain the same thoughts.

Abruptly, they spotted the two humans, soon approaching them through the snow-covered trees. The ponies also went over to them as well as the others.

"Whoo! Nice job out there, partners!" She stood up high enough to manage a high five with the human 'creator'. "Hope those varmints don't cause any more trouble next time!" She stated with a smile.

"Yeah," AT5 said. "I'm pretty sure they won't." Then, Applebloom came up and hugged him on the leg all of the sudden. She looked at him with those innocent puppy eyes which made him "D'aww-ed" inside and almost passed out. But, we all know the Tree is the true master of cuteness. "Alright, that's enough, Applebloom." She let go and let Twilight come forth.

"Hey, Ash," The alicorn asked the original. "I honestly have to say. Out of all the abilities and powers I've seen you used, that duplication spell was definitely one of the most fascinating yet." She was still interested some of his other KR powers, but she put those aside for later. "But, I have to ask. When DID you exactly gain this power? You never told me about it." He lightly face-palmed himself because of not remembering to tell her about it yesterday.

"Oh, right!" He cried lightly. "I totally forgot about that." He sighed afterward. While they were busy chatting and such, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all held their own conversation behind their backs.

"So, wait," Applejack said. "You're saying that another one of those 'Worm' things attacked Ash's duplicate in Cloudsdale?"

"Yeah, duuuh!" Pinkie replied loud enough for the others to hear her but quickly ignored it.

"But, that doesn't make no darn sense at all. How come there was one of them monsters in Cloudsdale when there was a bigger horde of them in the apple farm?!" She continued to solve this tricky puzzle but paused when Pinkie's chin began to literally stretch every time she stroked it. Suddenly, she gasped humorously as a light bulb popped up above her head but shortly died after. She looked up and tapped it a few times before it shined again.



While the three figure out on why the Worm assault took place, we shift our view to the roof where another two-legged figure could be spotted, sitting on top of the snow-covered surface with its feet, dangling over the edge. We zoom in more to examine its features; it wore clothing of very dark purple, had two thinner and more spike-shaped horns, and a pair of black headphones. It also acquired two similar black horn-like body components on the side of its head and white gloves. It looked down on the ponies below, chatting and solving and whatnot. Sitting this high off the ground felt like a God to it, even though it possessed the same behavior of a 5-year-old. Maybe younger even.

"Oooh, what's this?" He asked giddily in a similar but higher voice than Momo. "The pink pony is figuring out something? Hooray for her!"

Then, he could overhear Pinkie when she said, ".......it was a DIVERSION!!" Suddenly, a loud "DUN, DUN, DUN!!" could be heard from above. It managed to reach the ears of the others who stopped their chattering and heard Pinkie out.

"A diversion?" AT2 asked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Pinkie explained. "think about it, everypony. It would take a BUNCH more enemies to actually call their attack an INVASION." All of them agreed with her, then Twilight decided to ask her.

"What are you exactly suggesting here, Pinkie?" She asked her. The pink mare sighed of her slow understatement.

"I'm SUGGESTING that somepony or rather SOMEONE tried to distract us while they plan the assault on Sweet Apple Acres! DUH!" Her neck stretched far enough for her muzzle to touch Twilight's. The alicorn pushed away her head.

"So, that's why it was too easy for that Worm in Cloudsdale to be defeated!" AT5 exclaimed.

"But," Applejack questioned next. "why would they go for MAH' family's farm instead of any other areas in Ponyville!?" She became more frustrated to understand the assault faster.

"Hm," Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. "well, I think I'll have to analyze that question in the future. But, for right now," She looked to the direction to Ponyville. "I gotta go babysit the Cake twins. Catch ya'll later!!"

And right as she said, the pink pony turned to the exit and exited the area by utilizing her legs once more to run so fast, she again left a Pinkie-shaped cloud to remain for a short while. But, Applejack still felt uneasy about the Worm attack. If those things or any type of other monsters alternately attack Ponyville next time, then who knows how they or Ash would handle it. Speaking of the boy, he sighed with disappointment to himself, followed by his duplicates. Then, he used his right hand to count from 5 to 1 which created four similar Wizard portals above their heads. Each one sunk down onto their bodies and dissipated them into tiny red sparks afterward.

"Huh," Twilight said. "so that's how you use your duplication spell." She levitated a notebook and a quill from her mane which looked uncomfortable for Ash. Then, AJ spoke to them.

"Hey, Twilight, Ash," AJ spoke with a requesting face. "Do ya'll mind if ya' leave for a bit? Mah' family needs to pick up after those Worms all over the farm. Plus, we need to plow away the extra snow from the ground." Twilight opened her mouth to offer help, but Ash eyed her with the 'she can take care of herself' face.

"Yes, of course, Applejack." Twilight replied. "C'mon, Ash." She motioned him to follow and they both left to give the Apples some space. While they were leaving the farm, the orange pony looked at Rainbow Dash who still remained until she said,

"I'm just gonna....y'know, go." She beat her wings as she ascended back into the sky with light speed. The snow still stayed intact from her take off, but her hooves left four circular hoof-prints in the snow. Meanwhile, the purple biped continued to observe her and her family, chatting to each other before embracing a warm hug together. The purple Imagin felt sorry for the Apples, in fact, this was one of the rare moment he has ever felt sorry for someone/somepony. ( In a sad way, of course. )

"Hm," He placed a glove-hand to his chin. "I'm starting to feel sorry for that little orange pony. And me feeling sorry only happens on extremely rare moments. Hehe!!" He placed his hands onto the roof, then proceeded to jump up and stand. He turned about, ran and jumped off the other side of the roof. He did an athletic triple front flip once he was off, resulting in him falling into the snow, head first. "Ow." Was the only word he needed to describe his state. On the bright side, at least he DID create a new form of snow angel from it: a snow Imagin. ( Get it!?..........No? )


It was nightfall in Equestria and everypony prepared themselves to capture some Z's. They have all done their hard work during the day before Hearth's Warming and tomorrow, they will be rewarded by celebrating the night AFTER Hearth's Warming. The two royal pony sisters were also just about to tuck themselves in for the night. They both had a busy day, so it should be reasonable that the two of them get some sleep too. But, as they were about to lay their bodies onto their cushions, a bright, gray light enveloped the interior of the castle. This caught the princesses attention as they rushed to the source; the library section. They knew what the light meant, so they had to hurry up to witness it. Before they could reach the library, however, a small unidentified flying object suddenly sped pass them, forcing them to follow it from curiosity. Curiosity REALLY killed the cat that time.

They pursued it, room after room, hallway after hallway until it finally fled from the castle and escaped through the balcony. The princesses were only 2 seconds behind it, but they did not actually wanted it to be caught. They simply wanted to confirm it was going to manage what they predicted. And, pretty sure enough, it did. They stared into the sky to watch the stars as they twinkled brightly and they counted on that the book will do its one job they expect it to at The Castle Of Friendship.

Meanwhile, outside of the said castle, another strange and unknown object was floating aimlessly past the castle. Its design was similar to that of a glove, acquired three different colors: red, yellow, and green, and its fingers had green claws which were practically shaped like talons. Yet, the oddest feature about it was its red bracelet-like accessory that was coincidentally shaped like a hawk. The hawk's upper body and the top of its wings were red while its tail and lower part of its wings were both green and yellow. Suddenly, the Knowledge Keeper passed by the hand-like glove who stayed clear from it and somehow phased through the wall to Ash Griffin's room. The hand has seen many odd and unexplainable things happen, but the book just barged its way into 1st place. It caught the hand by interest, so it searched for a way in until eventually, it ended up finding a window opening. It did not need to enter the room, but rather observe it through the opening.

The glove watched as the book landed in the center of the marble floor, then shined a very bright light that enveloped the entire interior in it. The hand had to back away to a safe distance so it would not become blind, even though it did not have any eyeballs. After the luminosity died down after 3 seconds or less, the hand finally floated nearer towards the opening. It turned out that the book had vanished somehow, but it also left a little 'gift' in his room as well as the throne room. The hand wondered where it had gone and although it did not normally gain curiosity so easily, this one definitely poked the bear. ( Whatever that means ) It realized it required a place to sleep, so without taking any chances whatsoever, it decided to go for a nearby tree, not too far from the palace. It laid itself onto the highest branch and with one final stretch of its fingers, it finally knocked itself out.

Author's Note:

What did The Knowledge Keeper manage at The Castle Of Friendship? What does Princess Celestia know about this book? Will Purple-Guy be able to fill in Momo's shoes throughout his vacation? And further more, will this mysterious glove-like hand become an ally or enemy?

What are you talking about!? Of course I'll be able to - ooh, a penny!!
Hm, I suppose I can assist the human for a little while I'm here.

THAT is what I was talking about. And good to hear, man! Anyway, catch ya'll later!