• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 33 Comments

HEN........SHIN!! - Kendall04082

A boy gets sent to a planet, wielding the powers of the famous masked heroes of the past and future.

  • ...

Morph #4: The Arrival Of A New Hero


That was the only thing he could see after he fainted on the floor. Even though he could not see or hear anything, he was able to feel the sensation of a pulling force beneath his unconsciousness corpse. It felt like a planet was being pulled towards a black hole. This sensation went on until he felt like he was falling with his limp appendages not moving an inch. His hair was being blown by the gravitational pull of the tunnel. And what will lead him on the other side? Something that even the smartest people cannot believe.


That was one of the sole things that Twilight gained because of the portal. Even though she was relaxed now, she still wondered as to what or WHO the vortex might spit out. But, she needed to wait until it actually happens. She felt like a cat that was impatiently waiting for her meal. This went on for about 10 minutes until she noticed the portal changed its sentence to,






The portal said these words only once, but the others also took notice of this and stopped for a bit while Rainbow Dash stuffed an entire sandwich into her mouth, followed by Pinkie Pie for some cause. They galloped forward closer to the portal until they got close enough. Our seven heroes witnessed as the vortex started to act very differently by vibrating furiously and changing colors, which gave them a shock to back away. The colors included are orange, red, yellow, green and light blue. Now, they were more worried than ever. So many more questions came into their minds. Why is it behaving this way? Is it finally going to reveal something interesting? Or was it simply another trick? Even Pinkie Pie was starting to interrogate it and this was only the fifth portal she has ever seen in her entire lifetime. (None of you know Pinkie Pie's entire life, so deal with it)

This did not go unnoticed by Momotaros either as he was still watching every second of the phenomenon while also recording the event with a video camera that he somehow obtained from.....somewhere. "I guess this won't be such a boring day after all!" His voice could not reach their ears because the portal started to make the sky turn darker and spew out lightning, which struck every tree they could get, including the one where Momotaros was one.

"Wait, what!?" Right after he said that, another bolt of lightning shot forward and precisely struck the tree, with him being electrocuted into a crisp. His screaming voice still went unnoticed by the mares who were already fearing.

"Um, Twi?" AJ asked. "Ah' know this ain't the right time, but WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON?!"

"I don't know!" Twilight replied with a frightened voice. "I've never witnessed anything like this!" She has read about random storms appearing out of the blue, but this was WAY out of her knowledge.

"Girls, get behind me!" Twilight ordered. All of them did what she stated, with Spike climbing onto her back for "extra protection", and Twilight cast a magical barrier, big enough for all of them, "Now," Twilight turned to them. "we better think of a plan quickly! Because I can't make this barrier last forever!!" Sure, Twilight CAN make a barrier and make it last for about an hour or two, but even she was not skilled enough to hold a magic spell for eternity. Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin from right to left repeatedly before a light bulb popped up above her head.

"Ooh! Ooh! I've got a plan!" Pinkie exclaimed with a smile. Twilight sighed because she knew that Pinkie always has these ideas that either end with a good result or an atrocious one.

"Fine, Pinkie! Whatever plan you're thinking is better than no plan at all! So," She groaned and gritted her teeth to withstand the force of the air that swept through the area. "what is it exactly?!"

"Why don't we just wait for Princess Celestia and Luna!?" The others did not shout, instead they face-hoofed because of what Pinkie just said.

"Um, Pinkie?" Rarity said, attempting to sound calm as possible. "I don't want to sound crude or anything, but," She furiously held Pinkie's face and leaned closed to reveal her angry-fashionista eyes. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?!?" She let go Pinkie's cheeks.

"I agree with you, Rarity!" There are just some decisions that fashionista can choose right. "And why would you even suggest that plan, Pinkie!?"

"'Cus they're already here, silly goose!"

Twilight was about to question Pinkie Pie again, but not when she saw both the princesses sitting on their carriage-thrones, being pulled/flew by some pegasi guards in golden armor. The guards too fought off the strong gusts of wind while trying to block the blown dust from getting into their eyes, thus blinding them. They finally landed safely but roughly and the co-rulers stepped off their chariots. After that, the guards flew off again, hoping to return to Canterlot safely.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" Twilight called out for them. They have already noticed the group and walked forward, but struggled to shield their eyes and proceed. When they were close enough, Celestia spoke up.

"Twilight!" Celestia shouted. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!" Twilight replied. "BUT, YOU GOTTA HELP US!!"

"Yeah!" Spike exclaimed. "We need something to stabilize that portal! It's out of control!" Princess Celestia quickly examined the portal, but she was shocked that she did not recognize it. She thought that it would have three colors; red, black and green. But instead, there were five of them.

"Wait a minute, this does not look like the same portal that.......," Celestia thought and paused. "Oh, dear." Before she could think more, her younger sister was calling to her.


Celestia came back to reality and saw her sister.

"What?" Celestia questioned, blinking her eyes.

"If you are done with your day-dreaming session, can we continue on stabilizing the dangerous vortex!?" Luna pointed a hoof to the portal, which was creating more havoc across the area and pretty soon, any other town close enough.

"Oh, right!" Celestia and Luna ran forward, avoiding any flying obstacles in the way.

When they were near, both of them closed their eyes and their horns emitted a bright aura around them, with Celestia's aura being light yellow and Luna's being light blue. Afterwards that, their magical energy grew longer and longer until it reached the portal. The two auras surrounded the portal for about 10 seconds before the portal stopped shaking and cleared away the threatening thunderstorm.

Then, the sky cleared up from dark and dreary to sunny and happy once more. The portal's colors still remained the same, but that was not a problem at all. With the problem now handled, Twilight finally got a chance to deactivate the barrier and stop using so much of her vitality. With one sigh of relief, Twilight landed on her underbelly and was panting and sweating, with Spike jumping off of her. Celestia took notice and offered a hoof to lift Twilight back up. Twilight grabbed her hoof and raised up.

"Thank you, Celestia."

"There is no need to mention it. Now, I presume that you are confused and curious about the portal above you, correct?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, and we have no clue what it's for." Spike continued. He has went through Twilight's portals and he has gone through the portal to the EQG universe, but even he did not know where this one goes or what it is capable of summoning.

"But, since both of you are here, maybe there's a chance that either one of you knows what it is?"

"Well, actually," Luna started. "I believe only Celestia knows what it is."

"It is true, but I don't think that you or your friends could handle the truth." She thought that if she told them about it, she would seem like a nut-job. But, she HAS acted like one a couple of times, so she wasn't certain.

"Aaww, c'mon! We wanna hear the story. Right, guys?" All of them agreed especially Luna, who gave her sister of the Sun a simple nod. Celestia knew there was no manner of avoiding it, so she was gonna have to spill the beans.

"Alright, but I will try to put it slowly so that all of you could understand easier." They readied their ears and Pinkie Pie was eating popcorn from......wherever that thing came from. "So, our tale begins in Equestria many, many years ago............"

As she said those words, our view started to go white, indicating that the flashback is happening.

However, this was interrupted by a certain sound coming from the vortex that went by,


They heard it and ran straight to it. When they stopped, the screaming got louder until a not-so-mysterious, bipedal creature got shot out of the portal. The creature landed roughly on its back, inducing it to gain bruises and tears on its clothes. Afterwards that, the portal instantly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What the?!" Applejack shouted. "Where in tarnation' did it go!?"

"I have no idea." Rarity replied. "But, I am certain that there is a bigger issue here."

The group walked slowly and cautiously forwards to get a better look at the strange creature that is knocked out before them.


After Ash was knocked out and sucked into the portal, he was now free falling inside of a brilliant blue tunnel. A few seconds after, his eyes struggled to open up and his limbs started to weakly but finally function.






Eventually, those words managed to wake him up, but he wished he still had them closed. "Woah, w-what happened?" He asked to himself. "Last thing I remember was passing out on the - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yep, now he REALLY wished he had not opened up his eyelids. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!????" He tried to calm down, but with his arms and legs flailing around and with him spinning around like a pin wheel, it was much harder. "This thing is not..." He paused to hold in his vomit. "...helping me and my motion sickness!!" It is a good thing he does not get air sickness during aeroplane flights. Otherwise, he'll have to take the longer routes during vacations.

"Alright, Ash. Remain calm. This is either a dream or I have gone completely insane." He struggled to get his right hand to reach his left arm, but he did it nonetheless. Then, he pinched it slightly, but still felt the pain. "Okay, definitely NOT a dream." Suddenly, he spotted something in the distance. He still recognized the same orange and black lever, the same light blue, translucent cover and the same eye design. "Hey, there you are!" He made a swimming motion forward until he was able to grab it by the lever. "Why did you do this!?!? WHY!?" There was a brief silence. "Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head than in reality."

On the spur of the moment, the same Eyecon appeared out of thin air near him. "Hey, it's you!" He grabbed the Eyecon, but it started to move a bit and....... it blinked? "Ooookay, did NOT know you could do that." After that, it leapt out of his grip, "Hey, what are you...!?" , then the belt instantly opened itself up, next the Eyecon jumped in and inserted itself into the slot. The driver closed itself back up once more.


"Wait, are you sure this is gonna work!?" The Eyecon only blinked two times, probably its was of saying 'Yes'. Ash has met a lot of people that he can either fully trust or not trust at all. And judging by this little guy's behavior, it is probably trustworthy enough. "Alright, but if this doesn't work, I'm so blaming all the KRG franchises!" He grabbed the lever, pulled it out and pushed it back inwards.


All of the sudden, the driver faced the other direction and shot out a sort of light blue laser. Out of the blue, another opening popped up in a second in front of them. "Wow!! Didn't know you could do that either! But, how did you exactly....?!" Before he could finish his sentence, he was already closely approaching to the bright portal hole. But, his glasses accidentally fell off, "Oh, shoot! My specs!", and it was too late to retrieve them as he went through the bright hole and 2 seconds after that, the portal instantly disappeared into air, leaving the two items to remain.

That was until another rift opening appeared on the right-hand side of the main portal, pulling the two into it to an unknown location, thus leaving this scene as a cliffhanger.

But, wait. There's more.........Actually there is not really more. That is about it.

Sneak Peek Of Chapter 5

Out of the blue, a portal appeared inside of a (somewhat) normal-looking house. It spew out the spectacles and the belt for an even stranger creature to take notice. All we can see next were two legs of seperate species, the left belonging to a giant reptile and the right belonging to a horse.

Author's Note:

How will the ponies, dragon and human explain to each other about what happened? Who is the mysterious, multi-hybrid creature? Will Momotaros ever heal from his "experience"?

Would you mind? I'm having coffee with our "surprise guest".
Yes, can you at least quiet down a little?

.........................Okay? Anyway, thanks for reading, bros! Now if you'll excuse me.....


*Walks into portal*