• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 2,786 Views, 33 Comments

HEN........SHIN!! - Kendall04082

A boy gets sent to a planet, wielding the powers of the famous masked heroes of the past and future.

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Morph #6: The "Saisho No Deai"!

It has just been a few hours since Ash Griffin arrived in the beautiful planet of Equis and he has already been introduced to so many of the Ponyville civilians. They were a bit frightened at first, but after a short while, they got used to the strange and bizarre human roaming around their streets. Ash did not why all of this happened, but he had several hypotheses. One of those theories is that the Eyecon might have sent him here because he was special, has a wide variety of knowledge of the famous masked heroes and is the only human who can activate the Ghost Driver's true power. Merely, he wondered why the Eyecon would choose HIM out of the 7 billion people on Earth. There is a major amount of Kamen Rider fans in the entire world other than him. The Mane 6 and two princesses showed him around the place while also telling him stories about what happened before the outcome happened. He was confused, befuddled but mostly impressed with the fact that six ponies actually DID all of those escapades. They have also told him about Equestria before the Mane 6 were even born.

Ash also told them about his life on Earth, where he lived, about his family, where he learned and everything else about his life. Especially that one time when he had a dream where he turned into a ghost who can turn visible and invisible, lift light and heavy objects using telepathy, and float. What an odd dream. Anyway, after they have introduced him to pretty much everypony in the town, Princess Celestia and Luna said they had important manners to attend to back at Canterlot. So they said their farewells before going back to the palace. After a couple of hours, Pinkie Pie announced to everypony that she will be giving Ash a "Welcome To Ponyville" party for arriving, even though he did not purposely wanted to be here. And like a bullet train, she zoomed away to Sugercube Corner where they have every treat anypony desires and also where she lives.

Afterward that, the rest of the group broke apart and headed to their own respective homes. Twilight and Spike suggested to Ash that maybe he can stick around for a while. Because he had no other choice, he accepted the offer. And he will have to wait until Pinkie Pie finishes up setting up the party for him.

Later at night............

Party noises could be picked up from a distance and party lights could be witnessed inside of The Castle Of Friendship.

Within the castle, we can see ponies from all over Ponyville, gathered up into another one of Pinkie's parties. But, this one will be different because they will be greeted by the one and only human they will ever meet in their lifetime and they will be having it in the castle living room. They will get to see Ash Griffin himself in person/pony and also get to question him so they can ignore their curiosity faster. Twilight and the gang thought that this was a brilliant, but then again, they never doubted Pinkie Pie's ability to create parties so amazing and enthusiastic.

Anyway, we can see the most famous DJ in all of Equestria, DJ Pon-3 or by her real name, Vinyl Scratch. She agreed with Pinkie on being the DJ for Ash's party. Pinkie explained everything Vinyl needed to do and hoped her the best. There were other familiar-looking faces in the castle such as the same mint unicorn and beige Earth pony, but also the bow-wearing stallion with a gray pegasus pony with strange derp-like eyes. Twilight was already at the snack bar nearby when Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere behind her.

"Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie shouted, almost making Twilight spill her punch and jump.

"Oh, hey there Pinkie Pie!" She greeted back.

"So, how's the party!?"

"It's actually going great! But, I just hope nothing goes wrong, unlike last time." This last time was when Spike accidentally dumped a bottle of hot sauce and a bowl of peppers into the drinks during Pinkie's Frolicking-Fiesta.

"Oh, don't worry, ya' big sour puss!" Pinkie gave Twilight a noogie to the head. Pinkie did have a point. Most of all of her parties always go according to plan and NEVER go wrong. After the friendly gesture, everypony suddenly stopped as they heard a knocking from the double doors of the entry.

"Oooh, he's here!!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Okay, everypony! Act natural!"

And without further interruptions, the doors opened to reveal Ash Griffin himself, with some different details. Instead of burnt, torn clothes, he was wearing a white shirt with green stripes, new black jeans and new red colored sneakers with blue lasses. Once he closed the doors, he was shocked by the number of ponies who attended the festival.

"Woah!" Ash yelled. "I knew that there were gonna ponies here, but I never expected THIS many!" He was only half surprised because he already knew how many ponies have come to Pinkie's parties time and time again. But in real life, it looked like there were at least more than 50 ponies who came.

"Eeyup!" Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of him, making him stagger a bit. "And the best part is that you get to answer EVERYPONY's questions, A," She changed her body into an "A". "to Z!" Then, turned into a "Z" and going back to normal after that. Ash giggled a bit at her little ability there. He always knew Pinkie would change into different figures or do little tricks during explanations. "C'mon! Everypony's dying to ask you questions!" She motioned him to come along and repeatedly hopped to another direction. Ash wasted no time and followed her.

When they stopped, they reached to the location of Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops themselves. The two ponies noticed Pinkie and Ash and waved to them. "Okay, Lyra." Bon Bon explained. "Just remember. Try to stay calm while asking him some questions, alright? I don't wanna have you freaking out like usual." Bon Bon knew Lyra very well, but sometimes Lyra would obsess about some sort of unknown and unbelievable species. But, she never thought she would actually meet a REAL human in her life.

"Oh please, Sweetie," Lyra said. "I think that you have too much doubt in me." Her friend has always tried to stop her from obsessing about "non-existent" humans, but with a human BOY roaming around, she cannot stop rubbing her victory into BB's face. "And besides, it's only just gonna be a few questions."

"How many exactly?"

"Oh, y'know. About more than 10......or 20." BB rolled her eyes before noticing that the other two were already standing in front of them.

"Hi, girls!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You recognize Ash, right?" She pointed a hoof to Ash.

"Yep," Bon replied. "And I think my friend, Lyra, here has a few questions in her mind for you." She could already notice Lyra's fangirl smile. "Lyra!" She shouted to her quietly.

"Oh, sorry!" Lyra suddenly spoke. "I just can't believe that there is an actual human right in front of ME!" She cleared her throat. "Anyway, Ash. I just want to ask you one little question."


"Well, can I ...............touch your HAND!!??" She knew how a hoof felt like and now she was gonna know how hands feel.

"Okay?" He held out his hand towards her and Lyra began to rub her hooves all around it. Ash felt REALLY awkward about this, but he knew that the pony always wanted to make one of her goals be accomplished, so he will not try to fight back.

She squealed like a hyperactive pony until she passed out immediately. Sweetie sighed.

"Sorry about that. She just gets REALLY pumped up when she's excited."

"I know how that feels." Both of them giggled with each other. "Well, I better wake her up soon. Don't wanna make her miss the grand finale."

"Oh, okay. C'mon, Pinkie. Let's g........." Before he knew it, Pinkie was already standing next to another two ponies not too far away. Ash sighed. "Typical Pinkie Pie."

After they waved each other goodbye, he approached the three to answer some more questions. He walked towards Dr. Hooves and Derpy Hooves. When he stopped, he noticed that Dr. Hooves does actually look a lot like the fan-made Doctor Whooves pony. And for Derpy, he could not even decide if he should call her Ditzy Doo or by her real name.

"Ash, I want you to meet two of my favorite customers, Dr. Hooves and Derpy Hooves!" Pinkie introduced them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Griffin," Dr. said. "Now, I don't know anything about your species and all, but I must ask this. Why do humans like you constantly have to wear clothes?" This question made Ash freeze up instantly. He did not want to answer this question because it will be very disturbing. But, seeing as the Doctor wants his question answered, he was gonna have to spill the beans.

"Well, um, Doctor." Ash began.

"You can just call me Time Turner."

"Right. Anyway, Time Turner, we humans actually need to wear clothes so we don't expose our...............private areas."

"What are private are.......?" TT thought for a moment before he realized what Ash meant. "Oh, now I get it!"

"Uh, okay?" Then, he turned to Derpy. He has got to at least have one excuse out of this awkward moment. "Ah, Derpy! You haven't asked a question yet."

"Actually, I just wanted to accompany the Doctor during this party," Derpy explained. She did not want to really ask anything, she just likes going out to different places with Dr. Hooves.

"That is correct, Derpy." He turned to Ash. "You might say she is also known as my....."

"Companion." Both Ash and The Doctor said at the same time.

"Wait, how did you?"

"I don't suppose you think you're the only one who knows what you think about."

"Well, I didn't actually know that until now. Oh and by the way, Ms. Pie already left." Ash looked around and Pinkie was gone once more.

"Dang it, Pinkie!"

He did not want to purposely yell, but he can get quite irritated by the absence of his friends leaving him. He looked around again and found Pinkie Pie again, but this time she was talking with a pony that he did not actually recognize. He squinted his eyes to look even further, but with a crowd of ponies blocking his view, he decided to walk up to them instead. So, he walked ahead while also trying to avoid stepping on the other ponies' hooves. When he finally reached Pinkie, she immediately noticed him.

"Hey there, slow poke!" Pinkie said. "What took you so long?"

"Ugh, nevermind." This is why Pinkie was not technically his favorite pony. She can ditch and leave her friends without even one or two traces, but at least she was a slight bit more predictable. "So, who's this guy?" Speaking of "the guy", this pony was not like any pony he knew. He had a black colored coat, a black cap with some sort of symbol on it, a black jacket, black hoof-gloves on both his front hooves, black pants and black shoes. Ash was confused. Nopony in Equestria would wear THAT much clothing unless absolutely necessary.......or not.

"Oh, this is just my friend who visited a few weeks ago! Say 'Hi', Gooma!" She pushed "Gooma" over to Ash.

"Um, hi." He articulated in a very deep voice while tipping his hat up. "How has it been going?"

"Pretty fine, I guess," Ash replied. He could have sworn that he recognized that voice and that face. "By the way, is Gooma your full name or something?"

"Not quite. My name is actually Gooma ZG, but most ponies just call me ZG. Ms. Pie here calls me Gooma because she thinks it is 'sweet'." ZG shuddered for some reason. "Anyway, Pinkie explained some info about yourself and your name is Ash Griffin, correct?" He extended a hoof to Ash.

"Uh yeah, sure." Ash shook Gooma's hoof and let go. "So, ZG, I've got a question of myself."

"Alright, but make it quick. I've got to leave in a second." Pinkie "Aww-ed" in disappointment because of his sentence.

"So, I just have this nagging feeling that I recognize you from somewhere. It's virtually like I know who you truly are." He gained his suspicions the first moment he saw Gooma. He tried to solve the puzzle, but it was interrupted by Gooma's next speaking role.

"Listen, I have to leave very quickly now."

"Why?" Ash and Pinkie both asked.

"It's.......very important line of work that I cannot let random ponies get involved with." Okay, this pony was getting MORE mysterious by the second. "So, if you will excuse me, I will be taking my leave now." He began to walk away to the castle exit.

"Oh, a-alright then." Pinkie was a little upset that her "new acquaintance" was about to leave until she felt a palm placed itself onto her shoulder.

"Hey, don't get so blue. One day you'll get to see him again."

"Yeah, you're right!" Then, Pinkie noticed some other ponies up ahead with yet more questions for the human boy. "Oh, I almost forgot! We have a LOT more Q's to answer!" She hopped over to a different direction, with Ash following her.

But, Ash still wondered who that pony exactly was and all of his details were right on the tip of his nose. Was this pony a spy? Who is he working with? Who exactly was this pony?

Outside the castle, we can see the odd pony once again standing near the entryway.

"I feel like that human knows too much about me," He stated. "I guess I will have to take care of him tomorrow without my group this time." He has to admit that he does like fighting the riders solo, but even some villains have to have some assistance now and then. And in the blink of an eye, his body started to change into another physical form. This form seemed to be bipedal instead, had giant bat ears, bat wings on the lower part of his arms, and was wearing a belt-like item with a strange symbol-buckle. Basically, his entire body looked like the one from a bipedal version of a bat. Then, he started to beat his wings and ascend off the ground. The next thing we know, he flew off into the distance.

And so, as the night continues to stay and the ponies continue to party, Ash Griffin's life will be turned upside down by tomorrow. Or some other day. Whichever comes first.

Author's Note:

Who was this strange equine? Can he solve this mystery in time? Does this pony happens to be a sort of spy? We will have to wait until the future.

That's all for now. See ya', bros! And always remember........


Sorry this chapter took a while. I was really busy.