• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 33 Comments

HEN........SHIN!! - Kendall04082

A boy gets sent to a planet, wielding the powers of the famous masked heroes of the past and future.

  • ...



That was the only feeling he gained when he shot out of that portal. He could still feel his bruises that he got from crashing. He felt like an asteroid made entirely out of flesh crash onto a planet but made no crater and only a dirt course. Suddenly, he felt like he was floating again, but off the ground this time. He was too injured to even speak or act. Then, he heard something familiar.


These voices happen to sound female and one of them sounded like a male's. He was not sure if he should be happy or frightened. Like, what could happen to him? What will the owners of the sounds do to him? Will he be safe? Or will he be tormented? He did not want to think too hard, so he decided to accept his fate and just see what they will do. What he did NOT know was that these are not humans, but they are just as curious as him.

Twilight Sparkle felt......odd and stupid for agreeing with Pinkie Pie on her plan.

Twilight's Plan:

She could activate an invisibility spell and use it on the human to keep him concealed. Then, she could carry him on her back until they have reached the castle. Afterward that, she would take him to one of her guest rooms, which she has more than 5 of, and wait until he eventually wakes up.

Pinkie Pie's Plan:

She could disguise the human as a bigger variant of herself inside of a giant Pinkie Pie costume, with her duck-taped to his face. Hopefully, she will not let one rip. Then, they return to the castle with the citizens of Ponyville befuddled of the giant bipedal Pinkie Pie roaming around. But, of course, they would not question it because,.....well, it's Pinkie Pie. She never makes any sense.

Thus, with a vote of 8 against 1, they decided to go with Pinkie's plan. And pretty sure enough, the plan ACTUALLY worked. Still, the Ponyville civilians were confused and a little scared, but they did not care anyway as they have seen weirder things. Twilight still thought that her plan was still more "professional" than Pinkie's, but with the result of how it is going, she found it difficult to complain.

When they eventually arrived at the castle, Twilight carried the boy on her back and went to one of the guest rooms. Well, at least they are doing half of her plan. After that, she entered the room and levitated him onto the bed. The room was a simple design. It had a bed with a green blanket, a drawer to keep the clothes in, and a stained-glass window. Then, she left Spike on guard duty to see if he ever wakes up. Spike saluted and was left in charge on watch-guard duty. (Kind of) He has been waiting for only 10 minutes and he was already fast asleep on the stool. (Typical)

For approximately 10 minutes, the human was still out cold on the bed until his hand started to flinch a little. He moaned in pain and exhaustion and started to wake up. He flickered his eyes open and came back into reality. "Oh, man. How long was I out?" He yawned and stretched out his arms as he did. He sat up but then realized that this was not his bed. "What the? This isn't my bed." He held a hand against the pillow and it felt different. "Yep, I was right." Then, he discovered that he was in a room, bigger than his own. "And why am I in a different bedroom? Oh, no. Did I sleep walk again?" He asked himself. His parents always tried to help him with his sleepwalking problem, but alas they could not find anything to fix it. So, he was going to have to live with it. He placed his feet onto the marble floor but then felt more pain. "Ow!' He shrieked quietly. "What in places!?" He looked at his left foot and it was fine while the right one was....not so fine. His foot had a cut in the sole, but luckily it was wrapped with cloth by "someone". "Oh, man. I can't walk with an injured foot." He scanned the room again and found a crutch on the opposite side of the bed. "Aha! That should come in handy." Because of his temporary inability to walk, he had to crawl to the crutch until he reached out and took hold of it. He placed the crutch onto the floor first and then put his non-injured foot next. He got up, lifted his hurt foot up and turned around to see the wall clock. It was now, "2 in the afternoon? Man, that Eyecon better know what it's doing."

Abruptly, he heard more snoring from outside. "Huh?" He carefully walked towards the loud sound until he reached the door. He twisted the knob, opened the door and looked at the left side of it. He could not believe his eyes. It was a young drake, sleeping and snoring on a small stool. He was about to scream when he blocked his mouth with his left hand. Then, he felt pain on his left hand as well. He promptly put it away and saw it was also bandaged. "Oh, man." Those words were just the proper thing to wake the little dragon up. Ash silently began to panic. Should he run or not? Is this drake a friend or enemy? Before he could manage anything else, the little one rubbed his eyelids and saw that Ash was standing outside the doorway. Ash was too stiff-scared to even affect a muscle, but all he could say was...... "Uh, hi?"

Spike seemed glad that Ash was awake. Now, he can finally introduce Ash to the rest of the group. "Oh, good. You're finally awake." Ash heard the dragon TALK.

"Wait, are dragons supposed to talk?" He thought. "You're not gonna hurt me, are ya'?" He waited for him to answer.

"What? Are you nuts? Pfft! Don't be silly!" Spike found this boy a little cowardly than he thought, but he is not psychic or anything.

"Oh, okay. Well," He cleared his throat. "let's get to know each other. My name is Ash Griffin." He extended a hand to him.

"Nice to meet you, Ash." He shook his hand with his claw. "I'm Spike The Dragon, but you can just call me Spike."

"Yeah, I think I already know that." They let go of each other's grip and giggled a bit. "So Spike, can you tell me where I am?"

"Well, you're exactly in Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle!" His voice echoed and bounced off the ramparts. "Whoops, sorry."

"It's alright." He tried to withstand the volume. "So, who is this 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' you speak of?"

"Oh, they're just inside the throne room. I can show you if you want, but I think you'll have a difficult time with those injuries." He pointed a claw to Ash's leg and hand. "And I think we're gonna have to get you some fresh clothes later." He pointed at Ash's torn shirt and jeans.

"Oh, alright then. So, show me the way, Monsieur Épi." Ash laughed a bit.

"Okay, I think I'm having a case of déjà vu right now," Spike muttered to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Now then, let's shove off!" The two proceeded to walk forward, but Spike thought, "Yep, definitely a case of déjà vu." He dismissed the feeling and went on.

While they walked, Spike chatted with Ash about everything he needed to know about the castle and himself. He also noted that the princess's friends are also known as The Elements Of Harmony; the group of ponies who have protected Equestria from many dangers and villains. Ash already knew all of this, considering he was a brony and said that he might have a memory of who they are, but he gained a headache when he tried to tell him. Spike said he needed to relax and not think too much. Ash agreed and before they knew it, they were already near the main room. When they came in, they saw the five ponies and three princesses, sitting on their respective thrones. Because Princess Celestia and Luna did not have thrones in Twilight's castle, Twilight got them crystal thrones that she created a few weeks ago that looked like The Mane 6's thrones and they have the respective images of their 'flank images'. And she got one somewhat smaller but still crystal-made thrones for Ash. The group noticed the two and smiled.

"Spike!" RD called. "Uh,...other guy! You're here!" Ash was not upset, but rather shocked to see the ACTUAL Mane 6 and the two co-rulers of Equestria. If he was cartoon-ized, his eyes would totally blow up.

"Yes, it appears that your wounds are healing quite well,....." Celestia said and stopped as she realized that she did not know his name.

"It's Ash Griffin, but you can simply call me Ash." The boy stated.

"Well, Ash, I am very glad that your condition is stable. Please have a seat." Celestia has never actually seen a real live human in person/pony, so this a one-time opportunity.

Ash did what she told him and sat on the slightly smaller throne at the opposite side where Princess Celestia and Luna sat in between Twilight and Applejack's thrones. He put the crutch at the side of the throne

"Now, I believe you are confused as to how we are talking and who we are." Celestia expected him to agree, but instead he answered.....

"No, not really."

She was taken back by this. How did the human know who and what they are if he is not from the same human universe that Twilight visited for three times? There must be some mistake.

"Um, pardon me, but," Luna started. "how do you exactly know who and what we are?" Luna was about to continue, but Ash stopped her.

"Dude, did you think the humans from the universe that Twilight has visited are the only ones who know who you all are?" And of course, their response would be........

"Well, yes." The group chatted a little bit before Twilight spoke up.

"So, Ash Griffin." Twilight cleared her throat. "How do you know about us?"

"Well, it depends," Ash replied.

"On what exactly?" Ash stroked his chin.

"Do you know what a television is?" He attempted to start slow and make the information easy to swallow.

"Well, yes. Probably. I've seen them before and Sunset Shimmer has actually instructed me about them."

"Well, the truth is that in my universe, you guys were just cartoon characters inside of a..........television program." He prepared himself for anything dangerous by blocking his face with Spike's body.

"Uh, dude?" Spike asked him to put him down.

"Oh, sorry." He put Spike down and looked at the ponies' expressions. Some of them were confused, others were a little taken back. But, Twilight and the princesses looked the most bewildered.

"Um, are we supposed to be offended by that explanation?" Celestia asked, trying her best not to sound too insulted.

"I....have no idea. It's your choice." Luna put a hoof on her chin.

"Well, I think we'll put that topic aside. For now, I presume each of us have many questions for each other." Everypony/dragon/human agreed with her. Then, Applejack decided to ask first.

"So, Ash," She said. "I've got a question. Why's your last name 'Griffin'? Was one of yer' parents a researcher or somethin'?" Well, that sounded ridiculous.

"Actually Applejack, unlike the names that ponies obtain, we humans have last names that actually stick to our past and future family members. If an adult from our generation gets married to a human from a different one, we either combine the two last names or just give their children the last names they want." He only gave one explanation and Twilight was already writing the info down in a notebook. "And what are you doing exactly?"

"Oh, just writing down the juicy information you're giving out. Shouldn't you have known by now?" He did already know and giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry, I actually knew all along. I was just messing with ya'," He explained. After that little scene, Fluttershy spoke next.

"Um, e-excuse me, Mr. Griffin?" She inquired with her usual quiet and timid voice. "I also have a question, if that's okay with you."

"Sure, go ahead. I won't mind at all."

"Do the other humans in your world have multicolored skin like the other humans and us have?" Well, at least this question was less complicated.

"Well, the humans in my world only have two shades of colors actually. Those two colors are beige and brown only." Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew up quickly and immediately said,

"Woah, wait a minute!" She exclaimed. "So, let me get this straight. You're supposing that the humans from your dimension only have two sides of colors which is induced by either which country they're born in or how much tan they get?" Everypony/dragon/human blinked their eyes in bewilderment. That was one of the smartest things she has ever said.

"Well, when you put it like that, I.....suppose?" Rarity came up next.

"So, Mr. - I mean, Ash," She said. "Do humans from your world have the same taste in fashion as the other humans do?" Wow, it is like they are not EVEN trying.

"Um, what's your point exactly?"

"Well, my point is that I've only seen the Canterlot High students' fashion design and I must state that your clothes must've been more divine than its....how do I put this nicely?" She asked herself. " 'Present condition'. No offense, though, but I would also love to hear what your people think."

"Well, Rarity, I have to say that I believe that every human in my universe actually has different tastes in fashion, but I'm sure the ponies of Equestria also have different opinions as well?" Rarity processed her brain and remembered some ponies wearing "odd" clothes.

"Well, I suppose you're right. There WAS that one time I saw a stallion who was wearing a pair of polka-dotted pants."

"What's wrong with that?"

"And he was wearing NO underpants. And do you want to know how I knew!?" She leaned a bit forward as she cried out loudly.

"Alright, Rarity." Twilight interrupted. "I think he got the picture." She felt like she was in a REALLY awkward scene right now.

"If you say so, dear." Rarity said.

"So, does anypony else have any more questions?" All of them had their questions answered, except for......

"Ooh, ooh! I do! I do!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed and raised her hoof until it literally touched the ceiling.

"Oh, right. Pinkie Pie, why don't you go ahead, but please start slow." Twilight said.

And like a speeding bullet, Pinkie sped her way from her throne, onto the table, and to Ash's seat. She was now face-to-face with the human boy. Ash felt awkward and shocked. There was no turning back, so he said the first thing that came into his head.

"Uh, hi?" Ash asked nervously.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! IhavesomanyquestionsandwheredoIevenbegin!!?? What's your favorite color?! What's your favorite snack food!? Who's your favorite incarnation of Doctor Who?! I bet it's Tom Baker!" Pinkie Pie's questions were so fast, not even the princesses could understand her. Unfortunately, it does not have any effect on humankind.

"Blue, sometimes Doritos and I'm still figuring out which regeneration I like the most." He felt uncomfortable being stared at by a pink pony. "Uh, Pinkie? Can you....?" He pointed a finger to her throne.

"Oopsie!" Then, she did a ridiculously high jump straight into the air and triple-backflipped in midair before finally landing on her two hind feet onto her throne. All of them looked confused, except Ash, who was clapping with enjoyment.

"So,........ah! Spike, you haven't asked a question yet! Why don't you spit it out before something ELSE weird happens." Twilight said to Spike.

"Oh, right!" Spike said. "So, Ash. I've got a pretty much heavy question for you." Ash sighed before Spike got a chance to complete his sentence.

"No, Spike. I will NOT get Rarity to fall in love with you. And by the way, the brony fandom thinks it's getting old. Mostly me." He stated. Spike and Rarity looked at each other and blushed deeply. Spike blinked his eyes a few times before continuing.

"N-no! Of course not!" Ash simply rolled his eyes to the right. "What I was about to ask was, how did you get here in the first place? I mean, I know you went through the portal, but how did you exactly gained access to IT?" Ash tried to recall what took place after he passed out.

"Well, alright. It's not like I have a choice or anything." Everypony/dragon readied their ears for the tale of how the boy was sent to Equestria.


After his little "experience" a while ago, Momo had to pass a few minutes, recovering and bandaging himself while trying to know the location of the ponies, dragon and unconsciousness human. After a bit, he could still jump from tree-to-tree, but with his body injured and fried, he had to stop to take a break when he was almost near his destination: Twilight Sparkle's castle. But because there is no tree in Ponyville that can match up to the castle's height, our devil friend had to sneak in through one of the window views and tiptoed his way to the throne room. The ponies may not be able to see him visibly and cannot touch his body physically, but they can detect his sound. And with a human on board, there is no telling if he will be able to actually see him or not. When he got to the entryway of the room, he hid behind the glass-stained window on the right-hand side of the throne room.

Then, he poked his head out of the door a little bit until he could insure the full image. The ponies and one dragon were chatting and asking questions to the human who was bandaged and had torn attire. "Phew, finally," He whispered to himself. "Now, to know more about the story." As the others went on, Momotaros listened to every word the group said, but sometimes he would just block out some words so it would not be too long. (Typical Momo)

Meanwhile (Again)............

In a different dimension, we can see many unusual and strange oddities such as a floating house that belonged to a certain draconequus who was also The (So-Called) Master Of Chaos himself, Discord.

"Oh, hello there, author!" Discord greeted me. "How are you doing?"

Seriously, dude? Are you even trying to stick with the script?

"Oh, but where's the fun in that? Besides, I'm spring cleaning." He showed me a broom.......made of tentacles?

Your dimension does not even HAVE spring! *Sigh* Just try to work with the script, okay? I'm having a very rough day.

"Alright, alright. I won't cause you much trouble."

Thank you.

Anyhow, after Discord put the tenta-mop away, "Phew, another hard day's work..." He immediately noticed that a little blue portal opened up on his ceiling above him. Before he could move out of the way, a pair of glasses and a belt fell on top of his head. "Ow....that smarts." As he said those words, he fell onto the floor and immediately woke up to see the two items, balancing on his new head-bump. "Huh, this was ironically the third time I've been hit in the head by a pair glasses this week. But, this is strangely new, even to me." He tilted his head forwards and caught the two items in his paw and claw. He already set the glasses onto his upside-down couch and examined the belt very, very, VERY closely. He examined the scent, appearance and....taste? Dude, seriously?


*Sigh* Nevermind. Anyway, after a few close check ups, he found the button on top of the Driver. He stroked his chin with his tail and pressed it. The driver opened and the Eyecon from before was already jumping out of it and into Discord's free claw. "Oh, hello there, little fellow. What can I do for you?" The Eyecon jumped up a few times and Discord can actually understand it. After all, he does know "jumping language". "Hm, I see. We better get to Princess Twilight's castle immediately!" He did an epic pose followed by more royal trumpets from the behind him and the background changed to an American-flag themed one! Wait, you are not American.

"Just go with it."

......Okay? Then, Discord tore a big hole in his room, grabbed the driver and glasses (the glasses are for when he wants to appear smart or something else) and entered, followed by the tear closing.

Author's Note:

Will the boy find a way to return home? Will The Mane Six believe his story? Will Discord ever make friends with the Eyecon?

Well, it depends on our characteristics, but I think we'll be okay.

I hope so. So, I guess I will see all of you guys later!