• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,143 Views, 15 Comments

Boy and His Box: The Lucky Block - Jake Witt

I'm going to change my name, go on adventures, eat porkchops, find love, all while in a pony world with my very own pony! Don't judge us by our boxed legs or well-kept hair, I punched a Creeper once and lived! ...or respawned.

  • ...


"Its just for one night! Pleeeeeeeaaase?"

"Josh, I'm not carrying that... thing!"

"What is it, Jake? So you don't love your sick little brother that stayed up all night to make this for you?"

Jake Witt pace around his shared room, wearing cardboard boxes over his Osirus skating shoes that clapped the ground as he paced. "Its a pony! A toy for little girls!"

On the top bunk of a metal and wood bed, a brown haired boy that resembled Jake held up a white plush pony to his older brother, "I was hoping that you would chose a Vault dweller or something for Fallout so I could give you my LittlePip or Black Jack-"

Jake shook his head as he looked down at his bright blue shirt and jeans, rubbing his temples. Their gaze met again, "That's still a pony!"

"And that is a shirt and jeans! Nobody would get that you're from Minecraft!" Josh turned around a dug through one of his may bags he hoarded, taking out tiny gold armor with a gold apple attached to one of its boots, expertly made for the plush pony. "Will this help?"

"A little..."

"OK, how about this: If you go out and somebody recognizes your costume then I'll skip season four and have no involvement with ponies until its over. If somebody calls you gay or points out that you shouldn't have the pony in any way, then its your fault for listening to me. If both happens then I'll do whatever you say."

Scratching his "orange" hair, Jake seals the deal by grabbing the pony.

"His name is Box, just in case you find a date in all of this."

"Fine. Whatever." He walks over to the door, stopping at frame to look over his shoulder, "Should I look out for Snickers?"

"Heck yeah, you should!" Josh replied excitedly. "Thanks, bro."

Jake smiled as he grabbed two plastic pumpkins, putting the pony in one.

Going down stairs, he turned past is snoring aunt in the living room and into the kitchen.

"What. Did. You. Do?!"

Sitting on the dining table, drawing on Jake's paper mache diamond helmet was his little sister. She had on a pink space suit costume with puppies along the top, on the floor another Josh plush sat. It was pink and wore a yellow space suit similar to their sister Clara. Jake thought he called it "Puppyskittles" or something.

"I'm... I'm not dealing with this!"

'Find a date in all of this'? How am I supposed to pick up chicks with a pony! Along my path, I found a plastic bag that I filled with what candy I could grab, but no Snickers and nobody pointing out my pony in a bad way. So far so good, I'd say... though nobody recognized me as a Minecraftian until I flashed the smiling pony! I think its enjoying this more than me.

After me 20th house I began to walk towards a well known party I've been invited to all while looking for Snickers and Butterfinger. What? Nobody gets their grubby mitts on my BF! ...Hold on...

"Hey, kid! Over here! Hey! Dude! Hey!"

I follow the distant voice to a parking lot with one of those "Trunk or Treat" events and next to it was a stall with costumes, fake webbing, and some props. ...But I'm broke!

I decide to gather more candy, filling my pumpkin and another bag I received. "Jackpot~!" I sang, beginning to turn home and off load my stuff so I can have less weight on me when I haul ass to the party... but the guy at the stand keeps bringing my attention to him!

"Sir, what do you want?"

The guy looked like a Resident Evil merchant wearing a Phantom of the Opera mask over his mask. "Well, I noticed that you're not in a costume-"

"Yes I am!" I shouted.

"...I haven't been able to sell things recently so I'm giving out free stuff. I see that you like Minecraft! Care to see my wares?"

I would say 'no', but my mouth said 'yes' instead. I had this feeling of deep trust while the idea of running came to mind... especially seeing the dropped candy bags in front of me. "Sir, can you speed this up please? I have to take this candy home and go to a party I've been dying to be at!"

"Hold yer horses! ...actually, too late."

Josh is going to "confess his love" to Brad when this is over... he he heh...

Merchant returned with a plastic stone ax, a journal, and a map. "Sorry, kid. I just wasn't prepared, it seems. Do you have anything specific you want? I can ship it."

"...um... This is fine. Thank you."

"Be aware of the royal sisters."

I stopped looking at my items and back at him, "Que?"

"I saw to ladies dressed like Celestia and Luna walk by, shouldn't be too far."

"Uh... sure..."

"That's when I learned that might life might change... but for a different reason. Now the purpose of why we're in the forest..."

Author's Note:

-Origin story. In the original, I made references to Josh and this event, but never in this detail.
-Jake (Lego) was originally me in a fanfic. Now he's not that related to me.

11-20/2015 Addition.
-If you're here for the action segment, wait for ACT 1 PART 5 and Chapter... 2? 3? I don't know.
-This is a rewrite that will touch down on a list of mods I have waiting.