• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,143 Views, 15 Comments

Boy and His Box: The Lucky Block - Jake Witt

I'm going to change my name, go on adventures, eat porkchops, find love, all while in a pony world with my very own pony! Don't judge us by our boxed legs or well-kept hair, I punched a Creeper once and lived! ...or respawned.

  • ...

Chapter 1 Part 1

The chariot ride from the dungeon was calm... until we lifted off the ground.

I know what you're thinking 'You can't die! Why are you afraid?' Well, it's simple; If you know getting accidental cut from scissors won't make you lose your finger, but you don't like the sting of a cut on your finger as it heals. In my case: I don't like the feeling of a slow death or even falling from the sky. Feeling my skull be split open for a second feels terrible.

...also I would wake up in the dungeon, which would make leaving it redundant. I need to take a nap in a safe spot soon to relieve this problem.

While we flew Luna changed from tour guide to distraction, allowing me to stay calm and not tip us over. To be honest, it was fun for the most part. We used scrolls to play Hic-Hac-Hoof, I checked my inventory, I took out Ol' Barn Raiser's Stetson as we shared stories with the "speaking cap", and overall enjoyed the company.

"Sir Craft, what is your alignment?"

I gave a serious 'merican salute, "Hero of day, protector at night! I walk among shadows!"

"Thy could have said 'moon', but I'LL TAKE IT!" she replied with a smirk.

"There goes my ear drums... again." I said in mock pain.

From what tests Box forced upon me, Discord was reformed near the end of season 3 and according to Luna; Discord has taken residence in a pocket dimension in Fluttershy's backyard, opening a portal for mail carriers... which could be season 5 part 1 if Tirek hasn't attacked. Tirek is apparently a touchy subject between the royals, myself, and Box, since he enslaved ponies and released the Ender Dragon from The End to terrorize... Spoilers?

There was something about wings that was a bad subject for Box, but that I won't touch. So I'm between season 3 or 5, I need to look out for "big wings", rape vines, "DBZ rip off", a crystal castle in a village, Discord in general, Yaks... whatever that is...

OK. That's a long bucket list so I'll look out for "Buy Our Toys" jokes, communism, and vines.

"Lego? Lego Craft? Hellooo?" I stop my internal rambling to find Luna shaking me, "We are here Lego."

I gave a quick look around, hopping out of the chariot and onto white concrete. Around me is a city of whites, purples, and yellows that matched the giant castle I stood near.

Luna stood to my left, nodding to the guards. In near sync I heard, "What happens on the chariot, stays on the chariot; information will be given out if allowed or requested."

I let out a loud whistle as the right guard added, "Have a great day."

They flew over to the castle, up the wall, and out of sight.

Luna pushed me through double doors held open by day guards, "Lego, we need to hurry!"


"It is time for your lunch; we need to beat Tia inside before she requests anything!"

I began to run, following her lead while slowly munching on a golden apple for stamina, "Are we going to surprise her?"

"You are. We just want to make sure she... uh... 'sticks to her diet', as you say."

I tried to stay equal with her; my speed diminished from time from what I can guess. My head tilted, "Celestia? On a diet?"

"We do not believe either, but new diseases like 'diabetes' and 'obesity' is everywhere."

...now I want to see a fat pony.

As Luna stopped, flaring her wings and breathing hard; I slid on the wax floor, knocking cake all over me.

A chef Boyardee pony ran up at me, "What are you-a doing?! That's-a for the princess!"

Balancing a cake on my foot, I raised an eyebrow, "Well, excuse me, Super Mario."

Luna turned the very light grey chef to face her, "Ravioli prepare the summer salad dish and anything sister's diet menu has to offer."

The chef brightened up some, "Should-a I prepare the slaw?"


The lied back kitchen changed in atmosphere as Ravioli got out his note pad and directed his staff, changing between orchestra-like conduction to food army drill sergeant every so often. When he didn't have orders to give, he would assist the others and often tossed food somewhere. You'd think a food fight would break out, but the staff would duck and dodge as if it was a normal occurrence.

After cleaning myself off, I packed the cake bits into block shapes to be easily carried in my inventory before mopping and drying my mess.

I walked over to Luna, standing in the corner with a smirk. "Is this normal?"

She nodded, "I hired Ravioli to turn this place into a real kitchen. Before, everything seemed linear: making a dessert four times a week then attempt to prepare something special for sister with the only action involving holidays and social events." Luna let out a chuckle, "Their best day was the wedding of Captain Shining Armor and, my niece, Cadence. It's not everyday they fight a swarm of changelings with nothing but cake and utensils."

That already happened?! Dang, I was sooo hyped for a rematch. "That's cool."

A curly maned ginger pegasus walked past with a mop, "'Cool'?! It was more epic than finding a rat that cooks!" his ears dropped as he began mopping, propping himself up with his wings, "...notthatitexists."

Luna sat calmly, enjoying her midday snack of flowers and coleslaw as Celestia stared at her salad with no bread sticks in sight.

I stared slack jawed at the chubby sun princess that sat taller than me standing invisible next to her.

"Luna, are you sure you're not going overboard with my 'diet menu'?" she asked, her voice smoother than remembered.

"We are just as sane in our quest as your cake orders... so indeed, sister."

"I don't order that much..."

"Sure, the weight of ten moons sounds reasonable."

I couldn't hold it! Her argument seemed valid and those comebacks make me want to call, "Woooaaaah! Shots fired!"

Celestia knocked her seat into the hallway as she got in a defensive stance. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

I looked around, "...was that out loud?" I rolled out of the way of a laser as Luna got up as fast. "Hold it! Hands up- oh wait..." I ducked under another attack.

"Show yourself!"

Luna was about to respond when I replied, "I would, but I downed an invisible potion! Just... eat or something until I'm visible."

"Why? You could be an assassin for all I know." she replied as she slowly back away, "Ezio? Boba Fett? Ring any bells?"

I pulled out a chair, sitting. "Sound familiar, but no. Does Lego Craft mean anything to you?"

She paused, watching as I slowly became visible. Starting with my blue attire, grey shoes, my new red bandana from the city, my "orange" hair, and judging brown eyes shaded under Barn Raiser's hat, which lifted off my head with a hand.

She backed up, eyes wide.

My hoof-like feet met the tabletop as I took the Mad Hatter approach, taking out a chocolate cake block in my progression to eat. I stopped shy of her food before leaping to the ground and straight up hugged her. ...I didn't glomp or lunge. Hug.

Our eyes locked as I said, "When you're ready, direct me to my room." I broke the hug and walked over to my seat near Luna, "Thanks~!"

Looking over to Celestia, she had a confused look; taking her time returning to her lunch.

Eating my cake block, I added, "Your kitchen makes great cake, by the way."

She looked up from her food, eyeing my cake and looking a little lost. I took out another chocolate cake block, tossing it to her. "Smile, everything will be fine."

Author's Note:

-Some things mentioned may happen.