• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,144 Views, 15 Comments

Boy and His Box: The Lucky Block - Jake Witt

I'm going to change my name, go on adventures, eat porkchops, find love, all while in a pony world with my very own pony! Don't judge us by our boxed legs or well-kept hair, I punched a Creeper once and lived! ...or respawned.

  • ...



"Not on purpose. I SWEAR!"

"SILENCE!!!" The ear-killing voice ended the argument before it could begin and creating a little non-chocolate rain.

The two of us turned our glances towards the ponies that would be NBA all stars if they weren't magical horses. Box brushed himself off quickly, bowing. "Royal sisters, ho! My- Our apologies for breaking any peace."

The two scratched and bruised yet still majestic creatures stared at each other then at me until my eyes joined them to the crowd we drew. The elder horse flapped her wings once, fixing any ruffles before speaking, "Royal sisters?"

I squinted my eyes, imagining a castle play set and the elder pegacorn being pink. "Uh... Hello, what are you names?"

The navy horse glared, "We think we should know what thou art."

"Luna!" the white sister chided, "He asketh of us first."

'Asketh'? Really? I thought, giving as warm of a smile as I can without showing my teeth.

"We art Celestia," she placed an armored hoof on her chest (barrel?) before pointing at her sister, "Our sister, Luna. We art alicorns, a rare species of mighty ponies."

"Well, I art too. I like to draw- not a fan of paints myself..." I replied, getting a hoof in my side.

"Mind you manners!" Box chided me with a frown.

"Lullay moon princess... Goodnight sister, mine~."

"Dude, why do you keep singing that?"

Josh paused YouTube, taking off his headphones as he turned in his chair. His eyes were red from crying and he was sniffling like he was having a cold.

"...uh...Josh?" I asked, stepping closer. "You alright?"

"I-Its just so SAD! Celestia couldn't save her sister from herself... This is a poorly edited duet, sure... but..."

"Ponies are making you cry?"

He sighed, "When the show began there wasn't much feeling behind Luna's return, because... We were new to the characters and setting. Then season two rolled in, making her a fan favorite and the comics put more depth to her banishment to the moon. Seeing Celestia wearing a smile for her greatest loss for her subjects within a thousand-year span?" Josh began to tear up again.

Thinking back, everyone used to think of me as Josh's brother until I made a name for myself by being a complete idiot. We used to be very close together... almost like twins, but then... well...

He didn't understand Minecraft and I didn't understand his ponies. Within a year or so he somehow fell under my shadow but kept his smile.

I unplugged his headphones from the speaker, "Want to replay it?"

We spent those six minutes and forty seven-seconds, enjoying the saddest song I've ever heard that month.

I rubbed my side, rolling my eyes before adding to the conversation, "So... uh... whose the royalty here?"

Celestia nearly beamed, "There is the unicorn ruler Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane of the pegasi, and Chancellor Puddinghead of the... uh..."

Luna helped her, "Mud ponies?"

"We suppose that might be."

Box snorted, "No. We're earth ponies."

The two looked kinda shocked, giving their apologies to him as he gained a shocked look from their less than regal bowing.

I pulled Box over to me, squishing his face as we whispered a few steps away with our backs to the sisters, "OK, we need to introduce ourselves. We need to know more about each other quick... in case we might pollute the time stream."

He freed his head, hugging me as he whispered, "What are you saying?"

"You called them princess and they looked lost, every image of a frozen Discord my brother has shown me has him screaming. Does discount Q look in pain?" we turned to the laughing statue, mocking us as he sat. "No. If this is Ponyville, how come the fashion unicorn lady isn't trying to fix the potato sack hats or the yellow one throwing parties or some crap?"

"...They did mention Platinum, Hurricane, and Puddinghead as if they were still living..."

"I'm not going to pretend to understand. Your pony names are weird." I paused, thinking. "Hold on..." I looked at my feet...? They still felt like feet, but they were boxed and my hand looked normal until I made a fist. I made glow stone and TNT blocks while spawning weapons and I see hearts and chicken legs in my peripheral vision. "OK, I giving myself a new name and you do whatever as long as we don't punch a hole in time or something."

"Art thou has done conversing?" Luna asked bluntly.

I broke the hug, bowing, "Sorry. My name is Lego-" Crap! Why did I say that?! "-Craft? I'm Lego Craft, a human from another realm. Being new here, I'm going to go on adventures!"

"I am Private Box Hooves, his body guard. My creator brought us here to help those in need and to protect the sun and moon," he gave a bow, grabbing Celestia's hoof to kiss, "Everypony is royalty to me, princess."

She blushed, giggling as Luna scowled a bit before returning to a neutral look. "Charmed."

"Break it up, Romeo! No PDA!" I lightly chided, pulling him back.

"Romeo?" Luna asked, receiving a shrug from Celestia. "No matter. Who is your creator per say?"

"A mighty god-like human of amazing power!" he began, standing on his hind hooves as his forehooves rose to the air and began kicking. "JOSH!"

My brain did a little dance before stopping, disconnecting and reconnecting, checking his sound equipment as 'Josh' filled my mind, then it exploded, leaving brain juice all over the inner walls of my scull and finally screaming loud enough to reform itself and turn to ash. It rose like a Michael Bay phoenix as it began laughing.

...I had a similar reaction.

"Is this a jest?" Celestia asked. "We do not understand."

My laughter ended as I notice Box giving me the glare of the ages. "Sorry, but... my brother? Mighty? He'd rather squeeze puppies in a hug then smite people in an ash heap!"

"Brother?!" Box demanded. "How dare you place yourself higher than him!"

"I was born first and you used to be a stuffed toy, Pinocchio."

Celestia got between us, "Not that your banter is amusing, but shall we move this elsewhere? We fear this tiny speck of chaos would bring Discord back if this continues for sure."

"Lead us to your garden," I said nonchalantly.

"We beg your pardon?!" Luna asked, flaring her wings.

"When? Don't you have a garden full of statues anywhere to display him?" I put a hand on my hip as I directed my other towards him, "He looks more like a trophy or a lawn ordainment than a prisoner."

And that's why ponies have guardian rocks on their laws, which will evolve into guard gnomes.