• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,144 Views, 15 Comments

Boy and His Box: The Lucky Block - Jake Witt

I'm going to change my name, go on adventures, eat porkchops, find love, all while in a pony world with my very own pony! Don't judge us by our boxed legs or well-kept hair, I punched a Creeper once and lived! ...or respawned.

  • ...

ACT ? The Blocks that Build Our Past*

(Oscar P.O.V 1000+ years ago)

My eyes snapped open as an explosion sent ringing to my ears. "What's happening?!" I question as I sat up on the snow covered ground, looking at two Mickey Mice. One was about to speak when a figure fell on me. I pushed off the figure and looked around, realizing that we were in a snow trench behind a large rock.

"Nice to see you're awake, sleeping beauty." The figure I pushed off said. He's a human that looks similar to me, but a head shorter wearing a light blue shirt and jeans on his box legs. Currently he wore a diamond helmet with iron boots that look like hallow iron cubes without a top face and he was covered in injuries with his gold sword and little armor no worse for wear. He is my friend and rival Jake... or "Lego Craft" as he started calling himself. "I'm surprised that you were the first to be taken down."

He tossed some white and blue things that floated in front of me.

"Luckily, I got to your gear." I looked over myself, my usual white shirt and jeans on with my omnitrix on my wrist. One of the items touched my feet, turning into my boots that covered my matching colored Nikes. I rolled like a dog to my left, hopping back up fully armored. I checked my inventory, giving him a look. "What?"

"Check again, you forgot Cortana and my scouter."

"I didn't say I got all of your gear. Long story short, Captain Sombra went AWOL and started taking over the empire," Lego explained. "Your siren friends had the same idea of taking this place over so the twin here summoned us. Also, your air horn token tipped them off so we had to retreat."

"Oh yeah? What about your music playing token?"

"It plays music when a displaced is lost in a forest and when they chose to use its primary function."

"HEY!" Epic Mickey shouted.

King Mickey took out his keyblade, "If we are going to save Minnie, Box, and/or Cortana then we need to move NOW!"

(Lego Craft P.O.V)

I led us away from our rock after I spawned better armor on me with my magic iron ax. With my full health, diamond armor, and increased speed and strength I can out run those lasers! We passed a siren as she used her screech to attack the giant shadow Sombra. Mentioned screech destroyed my armor in an instant. I looked over to Fandom Man, "Fandom, turn into something to counter act their attacks!"

Instead of instantly transforming, like usual, he messed with his omnitrix.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him, dodging deflected lasers.

"Cortana makes this look easy!" He replied, barely dodging a laser himself. He fell to the ground with the lack of balance, his omnitrix hitting a rock as Aria screeched at us. Adagio tail whipped Aria's face, pointing her giant sea pony head towards Sombra. That combined blast and transformation screwed up the transformation. "Shoo... shoo shoobie doo~?" He asked woozily as he gripped his head and got up.

I sat behind a rock, "Ripjaws? Seriously? What is he going to do? Bite at 'em?"

The humanoid fish creature glared at me, "Shoo Shoobie Doo! Shoo Doo!" He started to glow red and float.

"What the heck?"

He looked over himself and grinned, "Shoo Shoobie!" He turned towards a crystal, siren screeching it into pieces. "Shoo Shoobie Doo!!" He cheered.

"That might work. Also, don't talk. I have no idea what you're trying to say."

I motioned the Mickeys to follow. On the way to the castle, Epic Mickey would use his paint brush to create a rock and Fandom Man as Ripjaws would use his new siren powers to swim in the air, launching Epic's rocks at two of the sirens and Sombra. They got annoyed, but never lost focus in their fight. Occasionally I would look back and share a sad look toward Sonata, still being forced to be enemies.

"Shoobie?" Ripjaws asked with concern.

"Are you asking 'what's wrong' or something?" I asked, eating a golden apple to replenish stamina. He nodded. "I would lie if I said nothing. Let's leave it as that."

His antenna glowed as he spoke, "Doo. <No.> Shoo Shoobie Doo. <There's more to it.>" Both similar voices spoke and ended as one.

We hopped over some debris, "Sounds like you can some-what talk."

"Shoobie, Shoobie Doo Shoo. <Nice to know, now back on topic.> Doo Doo Shoobie Doo? <What's up "leader"?>"

An explosion rang out, "Is this really the time?" The Mickey caught up, catching their breath.

"Doo Shoobie. <With them, yes.>"

"L-looks like *inhale* you're talking." King Mickey said, standing with the aid of his giant key.

I groaned, "Great! More people are about to hate my guts." I sighed. "To get this over with: I used to be friends with the sirens."

"Well, we used to be friends with Sombra. Go figure." Epic Mickey said on the ground.

"Yeah, but I used years mp3 playing to help them practice singing and fixed those gems that's the reason their dangerous monsters. Everybody blames me for turning them evil so I'm hunting the Ender Dragon in hopes to look heroic or at least neutral in the princesses' eyes. Yes, they blame me too." We shielded our eyes as the sirens shook dust and gravel into the air. "I'd rather not be here right now."

Our hiding spot levitated as Sombra tossed destroyed buildings at the sirens. He even tried to crush us, but Sonata head butted him in the snout. A self defense move I taught her that took down one of their bullies years ago... Ripjaws snapped me out of my trance, "Shoo! <Focus!>"

I sped up, looking back at him. "Whatever happens, don't harm Sonata. She's forced into this."

"Shoo Shoobie Doo Shoobie Doo. <Good, because I think I have a crush on her.> Shoobie Shoo. <Fish brain only, thankfully.>"

We finally got to the castle, King Mickey stating, "Don't worry, there's more fish in the sea!"

"Shoo Shoo, Doo. <Haha HA, no.>" Ripjaws said, returning to normal as Fandom Man.

Jarvis spoke from his omnitrix, "New DNA acquired. Equestrian Siren. New mix: Siren Ripjaws." A hologram hovered, "Should I add this mix to your list?" Yes No

"Yes." Fandom Man responded.

"Should I add this mix to your list?" Jarvis repeated. Fandom Man touched the Yes in the hologram. "It has been added."

He turned to me, "When I update my omnitrix, I'm soo adding voice commands."

"Why omnitrix when you can have an ultimatrix?" I asked.

"Like I would do that." Fandom Man responded.

(Oscar P.O.V)

Everyone lied around, waiting for me (as Humungosaur) to destroy the black crystal wall trapping our friends. I stopped, taking a break to inspect it. "Not a single crack!" I tapped my omnitrix, becoming ultimate humungsaur. I began to pummel it again before backing up, "Guys, I'm firing rockets! Stand back!" My fists closed harder until they folded into itself into the form of two rocket launchers.

Everyone got back as I fired a few rounds before slamming shoulder into the wall, sliding down the undamaged crystal in pain. King Mickey summoned his other keyblade "Star Seeker" instead of "Kingdom Key D" and lightly tapped the wall, turning part of it into mist. "Are you done?" He asked as I returned to my normal form, rubbing my shoulder.

As the Mickeys group hugged a normal Minnie Mouse and Lego and Box fist/hoof bumped, I grabbed my scouter and placed it on my head and waited as Cortana reinstalled herself. What I didn't expect is that she took the appearance of a blue Roll.EXE from Megaman Battle Network. She smiled as she exclaimed, "I knew you would save me!"

"Twin mice, abscond!" a loud voice boomed from behind us.

I turned to see Lego Craft get pinned down by Luna as Box was forced away by her magic, seen as a confused or misinformed friend rumors told me. I was about to act when a gold aura covered me, sending me higher up on the wall behind me as Celestia strode in. "The siren converter and the city destroyer? This appears to be a criminal focal point, does it sister?"

I rolled my eyes as my scouter found weak points on their damaged bodies. "Hey Craft, even in danger I one-up you!"

"Shut up!" He responded, giving me a slightly terrified yet angry look.

"C'mon! Luna is holding you in place without her magic, yet you don't notice the bruised front left shin?" Realization hit as he spawned and kicked up an emerald that fell on Luna's shin, making her wince long enough for Lego to duck under her leg and run off with Luna and Box in tow. Cortana transformed me into Chromastone, without asking me or recommending anything. I absorbed some of the magic around me, firing at Celestia. She returned fire with me absorbing it and firing it back with rainbow light.

That fight is what kick started Celestia's rivalry (at least I think its rivalry) with me and my escape from the empire as I also learned how to fly in that form.

Comments ( 5 )

...uh, who wrote your synopsis? It's kinda...

I've been off my game this week.

I kept the old pic for me, but I'm willing to change it.

I think my grammar got worse this month.

I made some edits and will recheck everything afterward slowly.

Maybe build craft?
Not enough items (or too many items, forget which one it's called).
Flans mod.
I could keep going with this list...
Just rip tekkit off and add it to the mine little pony mod pack lol.

Anywho, I will check this out tomorrow... but for now, I need to go to sleep as I have school tomorrow......................

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