• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,144 Views, 15 Comments

Boy and His Box: The Lucky Block - Jake Witt

I'm going to change my name, go on adventures, eat porkchops, find love, all while in a pony world with my very own pony! Don't judge us by our boxed legs or well-kept hair, I punched a Creeper once and lived! ...or respawned.

  • ...


"I have to ask," I stated as Box and I sat with Adagio and her sisters.

"It better not be a hoof question again," Aria replied, rolling her eyes.

"You said your mom was some... sea creature called a siren."

"Where are you going with this...?" Adagio asked.

"Can you breath under water?"

The three looked at each other, "He has a point."

Box looked up from his helmet shining, "So is that a 'no'?"

"We never tried," Adagio began. "Sonata can hold her breath longer than anypony."

Sonata shrugged, "It's not hard! Just don't breathe."

"What're you doing?"

From my grasp of her hind hooves; I gave a signal to Box, who held her fore hooves in the weird way ponies grab things. He responded, "We're just tossing you into the lake-"

"Post haste, guys!" Aria shouted from the side of the cliff.

"Don't get your panties in a twist!" I called down.

Sonata raised a brow, "What are pan-"

We tossed her into the water without warning, watching as her squirming turn into a dive. "She's not coming up."

"Give her time," Box reassured.

"She's still not coming up."

"It hasn't been a minute yet."

"What is Adagio doing?"

"I think she needs to pee."

"No, it's something else."

"Hey, where's Aria?"

Box's question hung in the air unanswered; looking down, we saw our angry purple pony gone from sight.

I stood at the cliff's edge, "I'm going in." Before Box could grow his horn to magically stop me, I fell towards the water. I looked up as time slowed around me, Box fell behind me without his armor; his horn turned black and shrunk to nothing as wings sprouted from his sides and gained their texture.

I brought my arms in front of me to defend myself from the sudden bats around me. Shaking my hand, a flashing TNT block formed; Box kicked the block out of my hand, destroying the perch some chickens sat on. All the chickens were orange; looking up at them I thought, This cliff is higher than I thought! Why the heck would we toss a tiny pony down from that height?!

We immediately hit the water, Box's dive complete as I slowly sank from landing flat on my back.

"It burns! It burns!" I screamed when I resurfaced after Box.

"You dive into the water, Lego."

"I know! I know!"

"Then why didn't you?!"

"It was sudden!"

"Follow my lead!" Box declared before we submerged ourselves.

After several dives, joined by Adagio, we kept looking for Sonata and Aria.

It was by the time I lost count we found the two little ponies fighting a minecraft squid... with a hoard of gold. A sign read:

"This is my Budder Hoard! Beware the squids! Don't take our Budder! Your Budder is mine!"

As Box swam in for the kill I floated there with my face in my hand before summoning a bow to my hand, firing arrows at the squid.

In my mind I screamed, For the Sky Army! My arrows met every tentacle I aimed for... which made me realize how big the squid actually was. Is this a Kracken?! Dang!

I fired a couple arrows, which allowed Sonata and Aria to break free. They swam towards me; their bodies gained fins and they're teeth turned sharp.

"Hey Lego, we can breathe underwater!" Sonata exclaimed, twirling, "We even get these cool wing things!"

"They're fins, Sonata," Aria replied, forelegs crossed.

"Says you."

The bubbles above my hearts became few, tempting me to grab more air before I heard Adagio's underwater scream. Looking over; the squid had the slowly drowning Box and the newly finned Adagio in its grasp.

I quickly pointed up, being followed by Aria and Sonata as we reached the water's surface.

"Alright," I began, "Box and Adagio is in trouble. Grab some air for Box, I'll distract the squid."

Sonata tilted her head, "How do we grab air?"

"You breathe in and transfer the air to Box."

"You're not saying..." Aria began with a scowl.

I rolled my eyes, showing my gold sword, "Fine, we'll lead it up here!" I toss to gold blocks at them. "It's a gold addict, make it follow." I dived into the water, having no need to hold my breath.

"Follow what?"

Aria smacked Sonata's head, "Make it follow our gold, Sonata, you fool!"

"Geez, I was asking-"

I emerged from the water and dived back down, grabbing their tails and tossing them away from me. The squid didn't know who to follow, dropping Box and Adagio and opting to go for Aria.

Adagio and Sonata pulled Box to the surface as I donned gold armor and followed the squid. You know how ponies can hide things in some secret pocket? Well, the squid wasn't taking any crap; it held Aria- I've seen to much anime!

I shot an arrow, getting ugly's attention before firing another arrow in it's eye. It got angry, dropping Aria and going for me like the dumb squid it is. Aria swam away just as I became entangled in the tentacles, leaving me alone and about to down as I hack and slash this guy.

I shook my hand like a Polaroid picture as a potion formed in my hand; I broke the potion over the squid's mouth, instantly killing it with the poison. It disappeared, leaving behind ink sacks, gold, and the skeletons of dead fish and ponies... enough to push me out of the water and push the water out of the lake.

When I recovered, I found myself in gleaming gold armor standing over a hill of pony skulls as the siren sisters held onto my legs for support... the sun was also setting behind me while Box flew around, gathering clouds to sit on.

There was a pony artist, Leoneighdo da Vinci... or something. He stared with slack jaws with a group of children and other mares and stallions.

"So very... awe-inspiring!!!" a pink and blue pony said somewhere in front of the crowd.