• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Just One Of The Guys

"Hey hey HEY, listeners out there in radioland! This is Bee Bop, the happening, jive-talkin', most far-out hep cat ever to ever hit the Equestrain airwaves! I'm here ta entertain y'all from dawn ta dusk, so just sit back in yer chair right there, and enjoy listenin' ta a one-pony band! Yeah, you heard right! I can play ten o' these instruments at once, just you watch me, and see!"

This is the usual spiel I give before my performances, when Cotton Candy isn't there to announce me. That's me, the blue stallion with the white mane that everybody loves to watch on stage. My special talent in playing any instrument that is put before me- in fact, I'm so talented I can play ten instruments at once! But my favorite is the harp- it's the instrument on my cutie mark. I'd love to sit and play my harp all day, but they all wanna see and hear the wonder pony perform.

"Wow, Bee Bop, that was amazing!" Minty hollers after me, as I trot past her out of the radio station. "You sounded like a whole orchestra by yourself!"

"I sure wish I could do that, Bee Bop!" Pinkie Pie calls out admiringly. "How can you play that many instruments at once?!"

I wish you were the one who could play ten instruments at once Pinkie, and I was just left with my humble little harp. But I'm not so lucky to have a small and humble special talent, but rather quite a large one.

As a foal, my mother was a band leader here in Ponyville, and my father repaired instruments. My family comes from a long line of musicians, going all the way back to the famous Equestrian singer, Rah Rah Coloratura. I turned out to be very musically inclined since I was a child, and was able to take any instrument my dad was working on and play it. My parents were astounded by my talent, and I was soon filling in on an instrument whenever someone in my mom's band got sick. And my talent only seemed to grow from there.

"You were wonderful out there tonight, old chum!" Spike congratulated me, giving a slap on the back as I trotted by. "Really good show!"

"Hey Spike! Really awesome to see you!" I trot after the small blue dragon, eager to just spend some time with one of the guys. "Hey, wanna go grab a root beer and hang out?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Bee Bop, but I've got to get back to the castle, and help Princess Pinksparkle with some royal documents." The little dragon slithers away. "Well, see you at your next concerto, ta ta!"

"Yeah... ta ta..." I tell him, my ears drooping as he left.

Of course he doesn't have the time... no one does. Don't get me wrong, I love my special talent. I love the gift that destiny has given me, and there is nothing I love more than sharing that talent with all of the ponies of Ponyville. But I really wish the other stallions would see that I'm still a dude that just would love to hang out, and grab a pizza and talk for awhile. I see all of the other stallions having a good time, and I long to be there right beside them. I just want to be friends, guys... would it really hurt you to just have dinner with me at the end of the day?

But that's not what the ponies want. They want to watch a stallion with a pair of drums, and a guitar and a xylophone and a accordion and a triangle and a harmonica all piled on my back, all the while blowing into a trumpet, a clarinet, and a tuba sitting on a stand in front of me. Banging a hoof here on a percussion instrument here, blowing on an instrument there... it's really difficult moving that fast, but it just seems to come so naturally to me. The rhythm and beat, the mood and tempo... the music seems to run through my soul. And that's all that ponies expect from me, nothing more.

"Beep Bop! There you are!" A voice exclaims behind me, as a familiar mare comes rioting up. "I was looking for you... well, I mean I was was searching for you... oh, you know what I mean!"

"Yes, I do." I smile, nuzzling the mare. "Hello, Skywishes. How was your day of wishing?"

"Oh Bee, it was super-extra-spectacular!" She exclaimed excitedly, prancing around a circle. "I wished for Rainbow Dash do get an extra big rainbow across the sky, and it happened!"

Skywishes... sweet little, naive Skywishes. I met her one day in Ponyville Park, when she was wishing to meet somebody special. I saw her standing there, talking to the rainbow waterfall with her eyes closed, when them swarm of butterflies came out of nowhere, and pushed me up beside her! We started talking, and it wasn't long before we agreed to me for sodas at the Cotton Candy cafe. She's the one pony in my life who accepts me for who I am, and the one pony who enjoys spending time with Bee Bop, and not the pony who can play ten instruments at once.

(Though to be honest, she really can't stay in one place when she sleeps... I cannot tell you how many mornings I've woken up with a face full of flank with a flying kite cutie mark on it!)

"Oooh, look over there, Bee Bop! Someone's kite got loose!" She exclaims excitedly, galloping happily after the kite in her childlike innocence. "C'mon, bee! Catch a kite, and you catch a wish!"

As she runs on ahead of me, I can only smile. Thank you, destiny... thank you for giving me such a wonderful, innocent little mare. If I cannot have friends who will see me as I am, than at least I have her.

Hey... is that the hot air balloon from the castle... going under the rainbow waterfall?

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