• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Something is Missing...

You ever get the feeling that something's not right?

I don't know, it's just a feeling I happen to get a lot these days, like something is really off, and things aren't the way they're supposed to be. Oh, everything seems to be all right around Ponyville- no sign of trouble in sight, or anything- but you just can't shake the feeling that things aren't quite right, like something's missing that should be there.

"Hey Sweetie Bell? It's me, Scootaloo. Yeah, things have been kinda crazy, and I was wondering if I could pop on over and have a bite to eat tomorrow. You know, so we could just sit back, chill out, and enjoy some of your awesome apple pie! Anyway, I'll be over tomorrow after noon, talk to ya later!"

I received that message yesterday, and so I spent all of last night gathering the ingredients I'd need for making a pie today. Apples, pie crust, nutmeg, and all of the other ingredients. It takes me awhile to get everything ready- mixing the crust, peeling and cutting the apples, preheating the oven, and putting the pie together. Soon, the whole mess is ready, and into the oven it goes. I've just got to make sure to set the timer right, and get back to the oven before the apple pie burns. It's all part of the baking process- a process I'm the very bestest at.

There's plenty to do before Scoots gets here, of course. Setting the table, pouring the drinks, and making sure everything is in it's proper place. Baking and cooking is my special talent, which is what I'm Sweetberry's business partner at her bakery. But I much prefer baking things for family and friends, which makes the times like these all the more special. Preparing and eating a nice meal isn't just about chowing down. Eating should be an event, a time with good food and good friends that make s you appreciate the good meal all the more. It's why I always put my best effort into the things that I cook; so that ponies will always enjoy the things that I made for them.

"Hey Sweetie, I'm here!" Comes from outside of my house, along with a knock at the door. "Can I come in?"

"Oh, hi! Scootaloo!" I exclaim as she comes trotting through the door. "What's new with you?"

"Aw, not much... wrecking motor scooters with stunts, singing autographs, same old, same old." Scoots replied, giving me a big hug. "I'm just glad to spend some time with my best friend before my big and crazy birthday party!"

Scootaloo is right, she is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I first met her when I came to Ponyville as a little filly, and she was the first other pony to be nice to me here. See, I was originally from a place called unicornia, where where everybody was a unicorn, like me. I lived there with my parents, and my little sister Rarity, in a really big castle. But a big storm came up with I was out picking flowers, and I got lost in the forest. I ended up in Ponyville, and was scared by being in a new place with strange hornless ponies. So I hid from everyone, and nibbled on bits of their food to survive.

It was Scoots who found me, and introduced me to the other ponies. They let me move into the Ponyville gumball house, and each of the pony parents took turns watching and checking up on me, and the whole village brought me up. I made a lot of friends here in town, but it was Scootaloo who always kept up with me, making sure I was doing okay when I was all alone in this big scary house, and was scared by a storm. I don't know what I would've done without her to keep me company on scary and lonely nights growing up.

"Yeah, you seem really bothered by this super-big birthday competition between Razzaroo and Fiesta Flair, huh?" I ask her, cutting her a slice of the apple pie. "Then why do you want to go to this dumb birthday bash at all?"

"Awww, they're all going through so much trouble to put a party together for me, I couldn't just not show up!" Scoots replied, taking a sip of my lemonade. "But I'd really love it if you could be there. I know you don't like giant parties Sweetie,but could you please to this one?"

"Of course I'll be there, girl!" I exclaimed, levitating my fork up to take a bite of my pie. "I'm not going to miss my best friend's b-day party." I looked away nervously. "E-even if there are going to be a lot of p-ponies there..."

"Awww, you'l be find, I'll be right there with you!" Scoots reassured me. "And say, why don't you invite that airheaded boyfriend of yours along, Wind Drifter." She shook her head in disgust. "Honestly, I don't see why you keep that dopey stallion around, he must be really good in bed for you to put up with his lazy daydreaming!"

"D-do you ALWAYS have to be so blunt, Scootaloo?! Do you have to have such a potty mouth?!" I snorted in disgust, turning away from her to hide my embarrassed blush. "There are some things a lady doesn't discuss, even with her closest friends!"

"I wouldn't know, Sweetie Belle, I ain't no lady." Scoots bragged, leaning back in her chair, putting her dirty back hooves up on my nice clean table, and letting out a very loud and gross belch. "Scooter Sprite gets a kick outta me the way I am. And I'm not ashamed to admit he's a great %#&$ in the sack!"

It must seem very odd, how two polar opposite ponies such as Scootaloo and I could be friends; a rude and vulgar tomboy, and a very frilly girly pony who likes baking and crocheting. But the two of us play so well ,off of each other, and each gets the other to try things we otherwise wouldn't do. Scoots never would have tried ballet- the one girly thing she actually likes- if I hadn't suggested it. And I never would've gotten these body tattoos under my heart and ribbon cutie mark going down my leg if she hadn't encouraged me. We make an odd pair of friends, but that's what makes our friendship so special.

But there's always seemed to be something missing... as if the universe always meant for there to be a third mare to be a part of our little friendship group. Like the names Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo should be accompanied by a third pony, who balances our two extremes out, making us a perfect trio of ponies, out there doing crazy stuff to discover who we are. Maybe in another time, another place, there was a third mare to round out our crazy trio. But in the here and now, there is only an empty third chair sitting beside Scooltaoo and I in the gumball house...

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