• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Matchmaking Mare

Ahhh, Valentine's day! The most romantic day for all of Ponyville, it is a special occasion single mares and stallions to get together, and for those with a very special somepony to remind each other how much they care about one another. Pink hearts, heart-shaped candies, and valentines covered in bows and lace. It is a time when love is in the air, and I can spread happiness and joy to all of the Ponies of this town. It's the greatest joy in my life to not only watch love happen, but also to make love happen.

Yes, I am Always and Forever.... the legendary white mare with fluttery fairy wings, who fires her arrows to bring love to two unsuspecting ponies of the opposite gender. No, contrary to popular belief, my arrows do not make ponies fall in love with each other. Rather, they get two ponies who don't know they have feelings for each other to realize they are in love. So if you see this red-maned mare in a rose covered tiara ( I don't know how you possibly could, given how I'm invisible just like Yesterdaisy and the other Ponyville guardian spirits are), please don't think I'm there to make you get a crush on you own worst enemy.

But I'm not the only one who loves the feelings of love on this holiday.

"Ahhh, love is in the air!" I hear a pink mare with a red mane thinks to herself, looking at all of the passing pony couples with a smile. "I just love watching all of the happy couples I helped set up together!"

Valenshy, the sweet little mare who plays matchmakers with all sorts of ponies in this town. Whenever she sees a lonely mare and a lonely stallion who she thinks would go well together, Valenshy sends both of them valentines, each addressed from the other pony. She would use these sneaky tactics to end up bringing unhappy and lonely ponies together, and then sitting back and silently watching with a warm smile on her face.

She reminds me of.... me, when I was in her position, a few hundred years back. A shy and lonely mare, looking to give others the love she was so desperately yearning for herself, but was totally unable to achieve. Last year, she hooked Minty and Shenanigans up together, slipping valentines into one of Minty's socks, and another into Shenanigan's whoopee cushions. This year she is watching the two cuddle on a bench from the sidelines, a blissful smile on her face because she was the one who brought them together. Such a mare, alive with the spirit of love I so desperately want to spread, deserves to have a stallion of her own.

"I wish I could find a wonderful guy like that." She sighs in her mind. "But I'm not special enough to have a very special somebody."

And as I scan the crowd, I see the answer; a VERY handsome stallion with a blue coat and red mane. Those muscles, that flank... yes, Love Wishes is the perfect mate for her! I've had my eye on this stallion for quite some time now (for... ahem... very different reasons), and he is just as good of a matchmaker as Valenshy is! Several years ago, he rigged Scootaloo and Scooter Sprite's engine's so that they would wreck into each other, and though it led to a few scraped knees, it also led to the hottest romance burning up the raceways. It's very rare that you find a stallion who is a hopeless romantic, but here is one of those rare occasions for you!

"Oh, hey Valenshy." The stallion mumbles timidly, as he went trotting by the bench the mare was sitting on. "H-how are you today?"

"O-oh! Love Wishes! Hi...." She looked up at him in surprise, suddenly blushing as she looked back down. "I-I'm fine. Are you enjoying your Valentine's day?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." He tells her with a sigh, scratching the back of his neck with his hoof. "... it's so great to see how happy everyone is today."

"Yeah, all the couples look so happy together." Valenshy sighed. Getting an idea, she suddenly looked up. "Say, Love Wishes? How would you like to go and get some coca from Cotton Candy's?"

"Oh, ummmm...." Love Wishes replied nervously, looking around as if trying to find a way to escape. "I'd love to, Valenshy, but I... have to go get my tail groomed."

"Oh, ok..." Valenshy replied sadly. "I just thought I'd ask."

Okay, that does it. I'm tired of these namby-pamby ponies, who can't even admit the obvious feelings they obviously have for each other. Two lonely ponies, who are totally obsessed with love, unable to see the love that is right in front of their faces. I can't just sit back on my flank, and let these two be miserable for the rest of their lives! It's time for Always and Forever, the pony angel of love, to save the day!

Pulling out my bow and and arrows, I load up six heart-tipped arrows on my bowstring. I can't take the chance this won't work, so I'm giving them each a triple whammy! Letting go of the bowstring with a loud twang, I send the barrage straight into the unsuspecting couple.



The two stupefied ponies stared at each other for several minutes, then suddenly smiled at each other with big, goofy grins. Love Wishes extended a hoof to Valenshy, who took it as the stallion pulled her close. I began to envision a rush of chocolate candies, long poems and songs sung by Love Wishes to the mare of his dreams, and long walks though Ponyville Park in the evening. Such a wonderful romance I have just created! How exciting this great relationship... will... be...

...wait, what're they doing?

Why are they trotting over into the bushes? Why are his hooves going there? Why is she moving like that? HOLY BUCK WHAT ARE THEY DOING IN PUBLIC?!

Uh oh, it looks like I hit them with TOO high of a dose, and made them realize their feelings for one another a little TOO much.

Oh wow, that so incredible! How did he fit that into-

Ohhh-kaaay, I think we've read enough of this particular entry, how on earth did something this explicit end up out in the main library? I- er- better put this away in the mature section of the library for- my own personal further analysis... that's it, yes. And who keeps making these 'Ponyville Spirits' entries anyway? Oh well, let's move on to the next entry in the book....


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