• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,602 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Huh, what's wrong, you seem so upset? Oh, I'm so sorry! I've been reading to you for hours and hours, and I didn't even stop to think of your comfort. I... tend to get carried away like that, when I'm reading... heh, sorry about that. Well, I guess I'd better get the two of us something to eat. Would you care for a club sandwich? Perhaps a soda? If you need to use the little pony's room, it's down the hall and to your left. Oh, and try not to make too much noise when trotting past the closet, Gossamer should be having his evening nap by now.

Ah, you're back! Here, I made each of us a sandwich. No no, don't worry about it... it's my pleasure to make you some supper, I did keep you here at the library after all. Huh? You're wondering how we have electricity in the Story Loft? Yeah, you didn't see any wires connected to the building. Yes, the pinwheel's spinning in the wind provides us with the library's power... that's pretty handy if the electricity get's knocked out, am I right?

I'm so glad you like the sandwich, did you want a salad with that? Oh good, most ponies don't like my cooking, heh... yeah, I'm a good reader, librarian and writer, buuuut... cooking isn't actually my best talent. I've been good at sorting and filing books since I was a foal, but whenever I try to use an oven, I've never able to cook a dish that is not lethal to those ponies who consume it. You don't want to know what happened when I tried to cook a souffle for the Ponyville potluck dinner last year.... I gave half the town a case of the trots. Oh dear, no wonder my boyfriend won't ever let me make him dinner.

Oh, well that's an interesting point of view. Yes, I am well aware of many of the... opinions of my Ponyville and the ponies that live there. *Sigh* I know that much of the rest of Equestria sees us as a bunch of simple-minded and childlike ponies, always happy with hearts in our eyes. There have even been those mean-spirited jer-er, stallions who scream 'kill it with fire!' or 'burn them before they breed!' right in front of my friends and I; basically, telling us Ponyvillers that they hate us, and we deserve to die. Gee, thanks ponies of Equestria!

In truth, we Ponyville ponies have our unhappy and sad moments, too... we just put on a happy face for our visitors and guests a lot. And besides, what so wrong with being happy and laughing all the time? Would Equestria prefer we were a bunch of whiny and sad ponies? Crying and screaming and getting angry all the time? How dare we live in a sugary pink world of happiness instead of being mopey and weepy all the time!

Actually, I would rather live in this little town of smiling ponies, rather than the rest of Equestria. I've read in my books that the kingdom beyond our town was once the nicest, most friendly places to live in all of the world... but no more. Since the passing of the Princess of Friendship, I've heard the rest of Equestria has become selfish, cruel and unkind. Ponies argue and fight over the most trivial of things, and hatred of anything different runs strong.

How do I know this, you ask? Well actually, some of the girls went out into the big, wide world to find our missing Princess. The reception they received was...well... not so nice. They said the ponies out there all seemed like... monsters to them. Big eyed, skinny bodied, freakish monsters with bad tempers that wouldn't accept any ponies that did not look or act just like them. They attacked my friends for being 'two-dimensional impostors of real ponies', and-

Oh dear, I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? So sorry. Would you like some chips with that sandwich? I have some tortillas, Fiesta Flair baked them. Oh, she always makes the best food for her parties... oh, except for that time she had that party war with Razaroo over Scootlaoo's birthday party. Speaking of which, that also happened about the time all those weird phantoms started popping up all over town, and Kimono and her friends had to-

Whoa boy, I'm doing it again, huh? Here I am, getting ahead of myself, and leaving you confused as to what the heck I'm talking about. Well, needless to say, all of these things are covered in the rest of the book I was reading to you. We can get back to that book, just as soon as I get these dishes cleaned up. Hey, what's wrong? Oh, my flexible hooves that can pick stuff up bothering you again, huh? Well, the truth is that we Ponyville Ponies have an inherited enchantment that magnetizes our hooves.

Ha ha! No silly, I don't mean we have actual magnets in our hooves! The spell allows objects to stick to our hooves, as if we were holding them! That's how I can hold the book and turn the pages with my hoof. Huh, someone just came in the door. Oh hi, Minty! What are you doing here? Did you want a book? I know you only get ones from the children's department. Wait, are you walking up the wall?! Minty, stop that! We're not supposed to use the magnets in our hooves to defy the laws of gravity! Minty, please stop walking across the ceiling!

*sigh* Okay, let me take care of little miss 'I've had too many sugar donuts and pixie sticks for supper', and then we'll get back to reading the book again. I'm sure you want to find out more about our sweet little town, and find out more about the happy Ponyville where nothing bad ever happens, and everyone is always happy, and nobody ever gets mad, and-


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