• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Overreacting hormonal teen princess

Does anyone even care?

Ever since mom disappeared, everybody has expected everything of me. Spike tells me when to stand, and what to say. Pinkie Pie tells me what policies to enact, and what laws to approve. Two powers, one dragon and one pony, try to use me as a tool in their struggle to hold things together. Time for playing tea party with my friends? Nope, have a ribbon-cutting ceremony to perform. Maybe some time for petting my kitty or coloring in my coloring books? Have a town council meeting to attend, no time to waste on frivolity. I have a whole Ponyville to run, who's got time for something as useless as a life?

"Princess Pinksparkle! We love you!"

"Princess Pinksparkle! Wysteria's gone! What are we gonna do?!"

"Tell us what we should do, princess!"

Nobody really cares about me, they care about my position as princess. My mom? She ran off in the first place, cause she couldn't handle the pressure. Dad's not around anymore, he accidentally grabbed an exposed electrical wire and went bye bye. All my mom's friends are more concerned with trying to get her back, rather than making sure I'm okay. Everything is about looking right and acting right and making sure that I keep everyone really calm.

"Now Pinksparkle, be sure to tell everyone that all these super-scary visions of ghost ponies all around town aren't going to hurt anybody. We don't want these things causing a panic here in Ponyville!"

"Now Princess Pinksparkle, you need to hold yourself upright at all times, and try not to blush and make a fuss when those noble colts from Butterfly Island kiss your hoof again."

Orders, always orders. Spike and Pinkie always have something new to tell me to do, or say, or think. A perfect pink princess sitting on the throne, her orange mane glistening in the sunlight coming in through the celebration castle window as she spouts off exactly what Ponyville reassuringly needs to hear. Hey ponies, do you know I actually have opinions of my own? Do you know I like to collect bottle caps, and I'm learning how to knit from Sew-and- Sew? How much do you know Pinksparkle the pony, rather than Pinksparkle the princess?

The only pony who even cares about me- or at least, the only one who shows she cares- is my best friend, Princess Rarity. She's got a similar problem to mine, being the rainbow princess of Unicornia, and is the only one who seems to know what I'm going through.

"Well gee, if you hate it so much, why don't you just leave?" Rarity asked me, during one of her many visits to the castle. "That's just what your mom did, when she couldn't handle the pressure anymore."

"Because I'm not my mom, Rarity. I could never even begin to fill her horseshoes." I tell her with a sigh. "These ponies need me, and I just can't abandon my duties just to run away and have a good time."

It's true, this is the duty I was raised into, I can't just abandon the ponies who rely on me. What kind of princess would I be if I thought of myself before my subjects? For royalty, duty must always come before personal pleasure. That's how Spike and my mom raised me, to place responsibility before my personal wants and needs. I am just an accessory that comes packaged with Celebration Castle, the representation of it's royal authority and power. Unlike my mother, who grew up as a commoner, I will never abandon the post that is as much a part of who I am as my own two hooves.

If I sound mature for a fourteen-year-old filly, it's because you don't get much of a childhood during Spike's royalty training. I almost feel sorry for those little colts and fillies who have so much time to fritter around and play. How can you get anything valuable accomplished when you're wasting all of your times on games and nonsense? I don't have hours to while away staring and clouds or playing one game after another; there are too many papers to sign, and too many important decisions to make to act like any of the other kids in this town.

"Princess, the representative from Canterlot is here to see you!"

"Princess, Queen Starcatcher's ambassador would like a word with you!"

But what these handlers of mine don't realize, is that this little princess has a mind of her own. I don't cry or whine or need to be held anymore. But I am very angry that there was no one to hold and comfort me when I was little, and they are soon going to see just how angry I can be. I am the princess around here, not Spike, and not Pinkie Pie. Pretty soon I'll be the one giving the orders around here, and those two will be doing what I say, whether they like it or not!

"Princess, where are you? We need to discuss what you're going to tell your subjects next!"

My handlers raised me to be a perfect little obedient princess, but they also raised Princess Pinksparkle to rule. The next time I get up in front of those ponies, those two will discover they are not dealing with a sweet little mare who touched a flower , but a ruler of their own making. I think for my first decree, I'll have a certain positively pink pony painted plaid, and for my second I'll have the princess rulebook shoved down a certain stuffy old dragon's throat. Oh! And then for my third, I'll have all the cute teenage colts in town salute me with their flanks....

...damn, wielding absolute power ROCKS!

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