• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,806 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

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2nd Interlude :Coming to Equestria...Part one:How that's!!?

Peoples believe that Jedis and Siths are super predator...They are wrong, the jedis are just some hard-to-catch prey.

- Darth Imperius talking to some of his acolytes.




Imperial Starship Fury-class interceptor: The Unbroken.

Two days since the lightspeed jump.

"How is it that we cannot go back?"

2V-R8, knew that it would happened and right now it was really worried about it’s state of his body in near future. His master wasn’t reputed to be the most cruel Sith, but when he was angry, like now, and still lightly wounded with a bandage around his head, the best thing it could do is of keep it’s distance as much as possible…But right now, on this ship in the middle of an unknown space that wasn’t the best thing to do.

"Like I told you Master, experiment 7-05X2 was activated the moment we used lightspeed sending us the furthest distance that what we have ever projected."

"I know that, I’m the one who told you to push that damned button. What I want to know is why we just don’t go back home?"

The droid didn’t dare to meet the gaze of his master and choose to reply with the truth.

"Well Sir, the experiment 7-05X2 was only a prototype designed to be put on one of our drones, it’s because of the many risks that I said that there should not have been any living being on this ship, it should have been controlled by computer sir, nothing else."

In the a corner were the two astrodroids who had put the experiment on the ship a few minutes before the attack on the space station, and so in other words, the ones responsible for the situation, it seemed that they weren't in a hurry to get out from this corner to meet their master, probably because they knew that they would only be scrap after that.

"I heard you when you said that, but still how can we not go back? We are on one of the most advanced ships in the whole galaxy, we should at least be able to know where we actually are. "The voice of Kallig did lose some of its animosity but he wasn't in a calm attitude either.

"Sir, what I am trying to tell you is...We have left our galaxy..."

Kallig stood silent, not moving, this reaction scared 2V and the two astromechs a lot, in a few moments, each of the droids thought that they would be just some spare parts, but...What happened next surprised them.

Imperius just stood there completely silent, then after a few minutes he began to walk to the cockpit.

As the three droid stood there watching him, 2V-R8 through:

"He will soon see it."



Once than Imperius entered inside the cockpit, the first thing he did was sit did on the main chair, and in this instance, he looked more like a slob that anything else.

And while he was staring at the stars, he could only think about what his loyal follower told him.

"Sir...We have left our galaxy..."

That thought put him into a stressful state.

"Left our galaxy...How can that be possible? How could we have even been able to even get out from that damn galaxy?"

As Imperius was thinking of different way of getting back to Sith controlled space his gaze met the space thought the observation window of the cockpit.

The emptiness of space was so calm, troubled only by the multitude of stars that were billions of miles away.

Light coming from the left side of the window troubled him a little but a quick glance was enough for him to recognize it as the sun of this system.

He stared at this almighty fireball, source of light, warmth and life for some minutes, captivated by its powerful beauty, his optic nerves protected by the anti-UV screen of the window …And as he was witnessing this celestial object something about it disturbed him.

"It’s strange, it seem like the sun is moving …What the.…."

It seems that Kallig wasn’t dreaming as he was watching the sun moving around another celestial object.

The Sith got closer to the window and found out what it was.

A planet…

The sun was revolving around a planet.

He watched the scene for a short moment before feeling something…He could feel two powerful sources of power coming from the planet, and at the same time that the sun was moving on the other side of the planet, he could see a moon taking the former's place. As he kept watching this spectacular show, he got to the control panel of his ship. There he began to activate the scanner toward the strange planet.

He began to set up the parameters when remarkably he found that they were already put up upon this strange planet.

"It seem that you have seen it too my lord."

At 2V voice Kallig looked behind him, the droid had just entered inside the cockpit.

"It seems that some being on that planet is able to control the stars; I’ve seen it a few hours after our arrival in this system. The scan has also showed that there are many life forms occupying this world alongside those forces…But it doesnt seem however to interact with any others planets."

Imperius, looked back to the strange world beside him, and after a few moments he began to speak again.

"Do you still have our flight data?"

"My Lord everything during our travel has been recorded."

"…Very well ,then I want you to calculate our flight trajectory, try to find out where our galaxy is located from here… and meanwhile, you will send out five of our probes to this planet, find the area where those strange forces came from, once located you will leave two of them there to find out as much about them and the environment of the planet as possible. The other three will search the areas around the the source of that power to find out as much of the environment and life as possible…I want as much information possible on the inhabitants of that planet before we act, we don’t have many resources and we will be forced to land to refuel…And then after you finish you shall send probes to the other planets and moons of this system, to see if we can’t find anything that could help us to get back home."

Darth Imperius was on the point of leaving the bridge when he added:

"Oh and tell to those two astrodroid to check on the Unbroken every 40 hours, this ship is our only chance to get back home, nothing must happen to it."



A little later …On the strange world discovered by Lord Kallig II.

"My princess, are there any problems?" asked a bat pony to his sovereign: Princess Luna of Equestria

The said princess had stopped walking and was now gazing toward the night sky, like if she was searching for something into this dark abyss.

The dark coated princess stayed quiet for a few moments before answering her follower.

"No, sergeant…I felt something perturbing my night…Probably just some meteors.Remind me to tell my sister about it tomorrow to check if everything is alright."

"It will be done my princess. "The guard saluted to show his dedication to this task.

"Very well, now let’s go, I don’t want to make the night court wait for its principal character."

The group of four ponies composed of Luna and of her escort of three guards continued their way through the hall of the Royal palace of Canterlot.



End of the first part of the 2nd Interlude: Coming to Equestria...Part one: How that's!!?

Author's Note:

Here is the first part of the second interlude,it will show a little of the arrival into Equestria and how he came to Summerville.

This Interlude has been edited by Chronocrosser andwouldn't been uploaded without him.