• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,806 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

  • ...

I wouldn't mind a good wine right now…

Some people within the empire are really crazy...They speaking about making a rule like what there should be only two Sith in the whole galaxy...Like if only two Siths could do something of big.

-Minister Lana Beniko to Darth Imperius


On the edge of Summerville, three hours or so after Fluttershy and Rarity returned to Ponyville.

A small figure was running like a mad pony, as he didn't know this part of Equestria so he got lost a few times during his journey, but his determination hadn't faltered for one second. On the top of a hill he chooses to stop for some second to catch his breath back.

"Pff,pff,I-Pff,-I shouldn't be very far now, from what that map"-he took out a small parchment and deployed it in front of his eyes. "I am not very far. "He rolled up back his object and began to walk again.

After a short distance, the vision of Summerville put a smile on his face.



On Equestria, the night took over the day, and it was finally Luna turn to watch over Ponykind, with almost every ponies having returned home and began to get ready to eat dinner...except for one resident in particularly, as he was actually getting ready to prepare a very good meal... (For him at least, because for anypony else it would be totally disgusting).

"Ta Ta Ta Taaa Ta-ta ta… Taaaa taaaa Taaaa Ta Ta-ta ta ta-ta" Nox got to his office and opened one chest and took out a long object enrolled inside a fabric.

"Here we go," Nox got downstairs where he got right before the living room table.

"Finally, meat day. And this time I got the good thing to catch one of those feathered meal." The only known force user of Equestria used his magic to take off the fabric revealing: A crossbow.

"Beautiful… Really." Nox made it to levitate and observed it on some different angles. "Not as powerful or as deadly as the ones made by the Wookie’s, but it will do the job."

Slowly but surely, Nox the pony and former human, began to draw the string until it reached the nick it was destined to fit in.

"Here, it's ready for use, now where did I put those arrows again. "After a few minutes of searching he finally found them in the flower pot (the one who never had any flowers in it) and took one of them to put into the weapon.

"Here it is, I’m ready for the feast, and then I -"


The doorbell was being used multiples times while someon-somepony was knocking on the door like a madman.

"OH, come on! I really will kill someone if I can't get some peace for at least one damn evening. " Nox cursed under his breath and walked toward the front door.

"Okay, I really hope for the sake of the pony behind this door that it's an emergency or I’ll electrocute them. It’s been some time since my lightning has been used to kill, and I wouldn't mind putting an end to that era." He stretched his two-front hoof, he could feel the pain and pleasure coming from the electricity racing through his veins. After a few second he calmed himself down and put the crossbow into the umbrella holder situated right next to the door.

"Pff, really I hope it’s not Firewalker who has chosen to advance his show to tonight because I’m not in the mood to see him get himself killed in such a horrible way…Tomorrow would be good though."

The stallion glared at his reflection on the mirror and put his fake smile on his muzzle.

"Here we go, tonight a chicken must die and I don’t want to be the one to tell it that he’ll stay alive finally, it would be so horrible to him."

Nox sighed one last time before finally opening the door.

"HI, I’m Nox, what can I…do? "Before Nox stood something that he couldn't have foreseen, living in Equestria meant that most its inhabitants were ponies, but many others species were living there too, Nox had already met some Griffon, Donkeys and one time a Minotaur. But the being who stood before his house wasn’t any of them, because before him stood…A small purple Dragon.

Or at least what he recognized as one. He had heard ponies talking about them and saw some pictures too. And from the information he had it seemed like it was the right species.

"Are…-"The young dragon took back his breath, he looked like if he had run for hours."- Are you him?"

"Him?" Repeated Nox." You will need to be a little clearer on what you are talking about, young one."

After a few sharp breaths, the dragon asked again.

"Are you the healer that every pony talk about?"

"No, I’m a Hutt selling Twileks."-"Yes, I am that healer, my name is Nox young dragon."

After hearing this, the dragon approached the pony and said:

"My name is Spike, Spike the Dragon."

"Enchanted to meet you Spike the Dragon. In what way can I help you?" He put himself on the side and invited the drake to get into the house, after a few moment of silence Spike started to talk again.

"Did…Did you have a white Unicorn named Rarity as a patient today? "Spike walked inside the main hallways and got to the living room.
Nox was a little surprised by the question, but not being a licensed doctor, he wasn’t bound by confidentiality and he could feel that Spike didn’t want to harm his patient so he told him.

"Yes, I did, a little after noon, she has came with a friend of hers. A yellow Pegasus named Fluttershy I think."

Spike stood silent, the question that he wanted to ask from the beginning refused to get out from his lips, but still after a few moments he managed to do it.

"Did-Did she really have a malignant brain tumor?" Spike fixed the Unicorn with his bright apple green eyes making the later feel a little uncomfortable.

"Should I tell him? Well, after all it look like he already knows the answers, but want a confirmation."

"Yes, Miss Rarity had come here with a malignant brain tumor, but I managed to extract all of it and so letting her-"Nox couldn't finish his sentence as Spike didn't let him.

After hearing the Yes, Spike eyes were suddenly filled by tears and he jumped on to Nox’s torso and put his arm around his neck.

"Bwaaah,Rari-Rarityyyyyy.I could have lost heeeeer. "Nox didn’t move as Spike cried against his chest filling his coat with tears.

"Oh no, not the crying again, why does every citizen of this country act so ...Emotional all the time?" They stood there for a few minutes, the crying of the dragon being the only noise. After a few moments during the embrace Nox put his right front hoof behind the poor dragon head and started to stroke him to calm him.

It took a few minutes for Spike to stop crying finally leaving the two of them alone into a silent living room.

"I know that it must be very hard for you, but you must know that-"

"Zzzzz. "A soft snore stopped Nox in his rant.

"-…Spike? Ar-Are you asleep?"

"Zzzzzz. "He got a slightly louder snore as an answer.

"OH, are you kidding me? Now he had fallen asleep in my arms…Hooves damn it... He has fallen asleep in my hooves."Nox corrected himself.

After that, he grabbed the young dragon with his magic and put him on his back, after putting him into a secured position so he wouldn't fall, the unicorn began to go upstairs with the young Spike getting himself a free ride.

"What a great evening, really."Nox sarcatisly through.

After he finally got to the second floor with his load still on his back, he went straight to the first room on the left, there stood a door with two metal letter on it:


GR for Guest room.

"Here, he should be okay here for the night." He entered in then carefully deposed Spike unto the bed and recovered him of the blanket leaving only his head free of it.

Nox watched him sleeping, his face had the trace of tears and some remained on it. Nox pushed it away with his hoof before he going toward the door.

He took a quick look around the room, at first, he didn’t want to have a guest room in his house but quickly learned that in Equestria, many of its inhabitant liked to see their friend and stayed over very often. So, to get ready for when that fateful day would come (not that he wanted to be their friend) he prepared two guest rooms. His two closest acquaintance on this planet being Firewalker and Cerulean Flow he thought that it shouldn’t be very long before their stay over.

It wasn’t the nicest room in the country but Nox was confident that it would be enough for a standard guest, a nightstand was beside the bed made for a single pony and some candles with a matchbox were inside the drawer. Unlike the other rooms this one wasn’t messy, there was only some dust on the floor.

The Sith, looked at it and gave a glance to the young dragon one last time before getting out.



He descender downstairs and got to the living room, there he went to one of the table and reached for his glass of red wine that he let there before bringing the crossbow.

While drinking the fabulous liquid, he noticed a small object on the ground that didn’t belong to him. He grabbed it with his magic and brought it right before his face.

"A scroll?!"

He unfurled it showing Its content.

"A map. It shows the way from Summerville to…Ponyville. It’s no wonder that he fell to exhaustion, he ran all of that, I’m even surprised that he managed to do it."

Nox rolled up the scroll back and put it on the table, prominently inside every potential pony sight of vision so he wouldn't forget to give it back to its owner tomorrow.

"I shall give it back to him in the morning, but for now I must make my meal."

Nox then began to walk toward the umbrella holder but stopped abruptly. He wasn’t alone anymore, and even if the dragon was asleep, it was too dangerous to blow his cover.

"But, he is a dragon, he probably eats meat. Maybe that I could offer some to him and…No, if he has lived among ponies for long enough, he most would likely develop the same eating habit than them."

Nox sighed over the loss of his meal and took back his crossbow. He took out the arrow and undid the string to the nick. He put it back to the umbrella holder but kept the arrows with him and hided them into a drawer of a closet.

"Well, I should start making myself another dinner... and pour another bottle of red wine." The pony magically opened his wine closet and took out another bottle of the precious alcohol.

"If this continue like this, I will most likely become an alcoholic before even setting a foot off of this damn planet." While opening the bottle Nox got to the fridge.

"Well, I think that I still have some…Lettuce to eat for dinner."

He cried a lot that night.



Sometime later in Ponyville

"Rarity, come on, get out here! "shouted Applejack.

"No! " Replied a depressed white mare from behind her locked door.

The rest of the main 6 sighed to the reaction that their friend gave. Since the return of Rarity and Fluttershy from their trip to Summerville, Fluttershy told them about Angel being cured and the infamous tumor that apparently had been found in their friend’s brain like a sweet place to build its home… After the initial shock, they wanted join Rarity to supporting her durring this hard moment, but the fashionista has refused to allow anypony into her home, and since their first try roughly three hours ago, every attempt had failed and so they were still at the same point than before.

"That's it, I’ll tear down that door, we need to get inside at once." The dynamic Pegasus began to step back so she could go through the door properly but was stopped by a purple mist of magic enveloping her belly.

"Stop Rainbow, she’s already had enough stress for the day, she doesn’t need a broken door atop of that, no, we will enter only when she wants us to, not before. " The voice of Twilight was firm, indicating her friend that she was resolute into her decision-making Rainbow grumble.

"And when do I got to make her a party? So, she could smile. "Replied a certain pink party pony.

"Pinkie, while ah’m not against the party idea, I think we have to take it slow with her, first we must gain access to her house by her, and nothing else. The party shall come later," Answered Applejack.

"Oooh, But I don’t like to see my friend sad, "said Pinkie Pie as she pointed the retreating form of the unicorn behind the curtain.

"We know that Pinkie but we must be strong, take Spike for example he's had this crush on Rarity for years now but you don’t see him in a panic…Where is he? " During her small rant, Twilight had begun to look around for her trustworthy assistant but found him nowhere.
"Spike?" To this question Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began to look around for the young drake but a quiet voice stopped them during their search.

"I-I saw him leave … " Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked directly to their yellow friend...Fluttershy.

Under the stare of her friends the small pony tried to make herself smaller but that didn’t work very well.

"What?!He’s gone? Where? "Asked Twilight to Fluttershy.

"Well, after I told you what happened to Rarity, you girls tried to open up her door, and he asked me a bit more about it. Then he told me than he needed to go then he ran away."

"What?!But where would he go? We need to find him," the youngest princess of Equestria began to panic but an Orange hoof on her shoulder stopped her.

"Ho sugar cube, Spike isn’t a baby, you and I know very well that he can take care of himself so there is no need to panic."

Applejack reasoning reassured Twilight a little and the purple pony relaxed a little.

"Yes, I guess you’re right, after all Spike is - "But Twilight couldn’t finish her sentence as a scream cut her off.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-. "Then after a few second, nothing more, but even though that scream hasn’t been very long, each pony has been able to recognize from whom it came from.

"Rarity," whispered Fluttershy, looking apparently very worried for her friend.

"Rarity! What is happening? Rarity?!" Shouted Twilight, and after a few moments, when no answers came back, she turned to Rainbow Dash,
"Rainbow, I want you to break down that door. "The rainbow maned pony smiled at this news.

"Finally, you listen to my awesome idea." Rainbow took some momentum then charged toward the locked up wooden door.



Carousel Boutique

A few moments before

"Rarity, come on, get out! "shouted Applejack.

"No! "Shouted back Rarity to her friend, the fashion designer got back on her couch and simply laid on it.

"Don’t they understand that I just want to be alone, at least just for tonight…"

Rarity then grabbed a spoon that lied beside her and the tub of triple chocolate flavored ice cream that stood beside the couch.

"Help me a little with my problem’s you creamy delight you," and with that sentence she digged right into the sweet goodness.

As she was eating what she considered right now her best friend in the whole world, pictures of the events of the day came back into her mind, she had suffered and she knew that it would take some time to get over it.

…The already three empty ice cream pot were the proof of it.

"Really, if I hadn’t talked to Fluttershy about that healer, then I would have do my daily life but then ack - "A sting on the side of her head interrupted her trough, she began to pat the area, and quickly located the pain…Right where the tumor has been extracted.

After grumbling a little, she began to walk to her saddlebag, Fluttershy having managed to convince her to take it back because it contemned her money and treatment.

She opened the left bag and found what she was looking for, a brown paper bag with the number 1 written on.

Quickly she grabbed it and opened it, she then let the content fall on the floor right before her, she found out the paper and read it:

"So if you have any pain on the extraction area, use the ointment to calm it," Rarity put back the paper on the floor but she saw something of unexpected.

"There are two ointment pot, shouldn't there only be one…No? "The white mare grabbed the two pot with her magic and began to stare at them…

"Well, it’s not like it will get any better if I only stare at them," she opened the pot to her left, revealing its content.

"Ointment... well, I guess that normal, but what about the other one?"

She quickly opened the last pot, here too revealing its content…Something that she bitterly regretted.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-." The white pony named Rarity, fainted for the third time today.



Meanwhile at Summerville

Nox’s House.

Nox was checking his medical room, looking for a certain something.

"Where did I put it? That damn tumor…It couldn’t’ have just flown away."

Nox frustratedly exited the medical room and entered the living room.

"Let’s see, I had it into my magical grasp, I choose to put it into an empty ointment pot, then I gave to those mares the treatment into two bag, and then I hadn’t it anymore, then where…Oh,"

Nox finally realized where he’d put the ointment pot containing the tumor, and he knew that a certain pony wouldn’t like it.




End of the fifth chapter: I wouldn't mind a good wine right now.

Author's Note:

Finally,the following of the last chapter,where Spike meet Nox/Kallig.

After this one there will be the second interlude in four part just like the first.It will tell how Imperius got to Equestria.

Thank to chronocrosser for editing this chapter.