• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,804 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

  • ...

A change in routine.

"My lord, you have not only let them alive, but you even gave them blasters and light saber...Why? Why did you do this?"

"Because I want them to spread to the whole galaxy that me, Kallig, a powerful Sith. When I had the opportunity to kill them, when they were totally defenseless , choose to let them go with weapons coming from my own army. And now the whole galaxy will know that the imperials aren't without mercy. And from now if they meet wounded imperials, then they will maybe help them instead of killing them."

- Darth Imperius to the moff Kashdan while working on the prosperity of his name .



Equestria at noon

Near of the border of Summerville.

On the edge of the small town, a duo of mare was actually trotting toward the central plaza.

Among the two pony, one of them was a young yellow Pegasus. She was wearing a saddlebag with a white bunny resting inside of it.

"Thank you again for coming with me Rarity; I know that that you are busy with your full schedule but-" The yellow mare who shut down by a white hoof stopping millimeters away from her mouth.

"Sssh. say nothing Fluttershy darling, helping a friend out is the least I can do. After all, I just couldn't have let you go alone meeting a mysterious pony using some strange power in a town where you never had put a hoof before ,no?"

The pony named Rarity put away her hooves and began to trot again followed by Fluttershy.

"Thank you again for accompanying me…And…Offering to pay," The last part was so much murmured than a mouse would have been louder.

Rarity like Fluttershy had a saddlebag, but into this,there wasn’t a bunny inside. No, it contained two big purses, one full of bits while that the other one got some gems in. After what she has told last evening to her dear friend about those rumors on this healer, she has insisted to come because if rumors were confirmed to be true, then that some pony who have had been able to cure almost everything must ask very much of money for each pony that he treated.

"Even if he will not have a pony for patient this time." She turned toward the animal care-taker. "How is Angel doing?"

The Pegasus took a quick glance toward her smaller friend and answered:

"Not fine, the poor dear is still so hurt in the stomach." She gently patted the bunny who was holding his stomach in pain. "That will be for three weeks now, I’m really worried. I do hope that this healer will be able to help."

"I don’t know Fluttershy, from what I have been told on him, he has only nursed ponies for now. I don’t know if he will accept to treat a bunny."

The fashionista knew that she shouldn’t have said this when her yellow coated Pegasus friend got a sad look on her face. She got a dagger glance in prime from Angel too, because even when he was suffering, he wouldn’t let ponies making Fluttershy sad.

"But I’m sure that he will take him, after all, a pony using his capability to heal other injured pony cannot be a bad one." She said to her friend in a hope to make her a little happier, by the smile growing on her face it seemed that she succeeded.

"Y-Yes you’re right; he must be a kind pony."

"Well said Darling, Now we must find his house, let ask to some ponies where it is situated. And perhaps we could use that time to ask their opinions on him."

Nox's house

Nox wasn't naturally a very tidy person. The last time he has cleaned his house was two months ago and it consisted into taking one thing to put it in another place...For twenty minutes because after that he jumped on the excuse of another patient coming to stop clean (didn't really started but...) So it was after an hour’s meditation that he convinced himself to finally do some cleaning.

And that’s what he did...For at least forty minutes, because while passing the broom, he suddenly remembered a song often chanted by the imperials and now he couldn't get it out from his horny head. And so that’s why he was for now singing that song while holding the broom likes a guitar.

"No stop signs

No speed limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel

Gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna resist to my lightnings

Hey, Emperor

Payin' my dues

Fighting in your army

Hey, my lord

Look at me

I'm on my way to that damned planet

I'm on the Staaarway to Coruscant

Starway to Coruscant

I'm on the Staaarway to Coruscant

Starway to Co-ru-scaaaaaaaant

Democracy must perish-"


"Aww-Come on that was the best part." Nox put his broom against a wall and began to trot toward the front door.

"I'm coming" he shouted. Then before opening the door he looked to the mirror that he had attached on the wall beside it. After a few try he was finally able to hold a smiling face.

" Here we go."

Right before the front door.

Rarity had pushed the doorbell and was now waiting with Fluttershy the stallion named Nox.

"Fluttershy, stop shaking. "

"But what if he isn't kind? You heard what they said about him."

"Yes, they said that he was acting a little strange but apart that, then he was nice to every pony and that his healing power were great."

"Yes but what if he is hiding something? What if in fact he is..."

"He is what darling?" Said Rarity who slowly but surely began to get irritated by her friend manners.




"...Darling that's totally ridiculous, every pony we've met told us that he was a Unicorn, and Unicorn doesn’t eat meat!"

"Yes, but-"

"No but Darling. Now listen to me, when this door will open up and that this stallion will go outside to meet with us. I will present us and you will tell him why we're here. Okay?"

The smaller pony was shivering a little but managed to respond:


Rarity face softened by seeing her friend fear and patted her on the back.

"I’m sorry Fluttershy but you must learn to do this sort of things alone, because we will not always be able to back you up.

The Pegasus smiled to her friend understanding her. And it's at this moment that the door opened revealing a gray stallion with a short (and totally unkempt) black mane.

He stood on the porch and looked at the two young mares.

"Hmm, i should present myself. Saying hello, ask why there here, then scan, then heal, let's make it quick."

"Hi, my name is Nox. What can I do for you today?"

The two guest looked at each other, seeming unsure how to respond, they didn't think that the pony they were looking for to be so young. But after a few second the white pony responded:

"Hi mister Nox, my name is Rarity, and here is my friend Fluttershy ,and we came here because we are in a dire situation where we do need your help and your skill."

The other female nodded to this short rant.

The inquisitor continued to smile "I will let them enter so they will be able to tell why they are here. I want it done fast because today is meat day and I really want my chicken."

"Would you come inside, so will be able to help you for the matter that concern you?"

Fluttershy didn't said anything but we could see by her face that she was still a little afraid of the unknown stallion., but Rarity, took this question as a sign of politeness and responded:

"Well of course, would you follow me in Fluttershy?"

The timid pony nodded to her friend inquiry.

"Good, very good. Now if the both of would join me into the living room."

The trio of pony then trotted inside the messy house.



"So, what can I do to help those two young wom...mares?"Nox gulped lightly, having almost misspoken something that locals could have found pretty strange. By luck it seemed that none of the other two pony notice this.

The white pony gave to her friend a look that clearly said:

"You know what you have to do."

Fluttershy managed to calm herself before talking to the magician.

"Well you see..."



"...What must I see?"

"Eeep , sorry..."The timid Pegasus recomposed herself before finally speaking again:

"Well, you see, my precious friend is very hurt but we don't why, so if you could do a diagnosis and maybe heal it, it would be...Very kind."

The voice of the kindness incarnate got quieter and quieter but still Nox has been able to hear it till the end.

"Ok very, I’ll look at it right now."

Fluttershy sighed of relief and advanced toward him so he could make the check-up on the bunny. But he kept advancing and didn't stopped at Fluttershy level, he depassed it and walked until he reached Rarity.

"Here we go, I’ll begin the scan right now."

And so his horn illuminated itself as he reproached it of the back of the other Unicorn...This one clearly gave to her longtime friend a glance signifying:

"You forgot to told him that we came here for Angel and not for me darling..."

The Unicorn thought that the best way was to tell it to the owner of the house.

"Excuse me sir, but it looks like my friend has-"

"Shh! "Nox put his right front hoof on the fashionista nuzzle.

"Shh?!Why is he shushing me? How dare he to cut down a lady! And why does he look so...Afraid?"

Indeed the healer has stopped his horn right above Rarity head, it was still emitting the yellow light but the most concerning thing about it was the look on his face, like Rarity thought, he looked ...Scared.

"Ok."Nox stood on his full height and grabbed Rarity by the hoof." Follow me quickly," The lord of the Sith got into the operation room followed by a grabbed patient who didn't seem very pleased by the treatment given to the lady she was.
Fluttershy was a little perplexed by the half-foalnapping of her friend but choose to follow them.



"Would you now finally tell me what going on?" Even if Rarity seemed strong, an attentive pony could hear the nervousness that had began to grow into her voice.

"Ssssh, don't move."Nox slowly put her head on the metallic table, the cold contact with it made Rarity a little uncomfortable,and this time again his horn got right above her skull and this time again a yellow light emitted from it.

After a few second Now finally said:

" Ok, I’ve been able to locate it...But it will be very, very hurtful, so get ready, ok?"

The already nervous white mare could only manage to produce a nod and gulped, sweat starting to spread on her white coat.

" Ok, here we go." The light of the horn seemed to be multiplied, some electricity touched the right side of the dress designer skull. Her cries were horrifying to Fluttershy who stood at her side, watching powerless her friend suffering with alongside of her a bunny who looked totally bewildered at this show.

After a few moment something began to get out from the side of the Unicorn head. It was very small and grey, and covered in blood. Again after a few more second the totality of it have been extracted felled on Nox's hoof.

It's only after that he recuperated all of it that his horn turned off...And so do the cries of the other Unicorn.

"Snif."The Unicorn rubbed her eyes, trying to get the trace of her tears away from her mascara. Fluttershy her, got right beside her and place her hoof on her back, gently rubbing it.

Nox him, took the pink-grey substance from his hoof and put it in a plastic cup.

Rarity, still being comforted by Fluttershy saw this and finally asked:

"What in Tartarus name is this?"

Nox grabbed the plastic cup with the bloodied substance in it with his magic and walked toward her and showed it while pointing his hoof at that.

"This is...Or rather was...Your very own malignant brain tumor..."




"Oh my aaah-."And Rarity fainted in an elegant lady way that she knows so much.


"...Since when that couch is here?"



End of the chapter 3 A change in routine.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for your support,the next pdate should be at the end of the week,this time again with an interlude and a chapter.