• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,801 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

  • ...

Just some medicals check-up

"My lord, I don’t think that it’s a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because it is not a thing common Sith lords would do."

"Since when am I like the common Sith lords?"

"You've never been like them but still I don’t think that we should proceed."

"Yes but what if I go back as a blue ghost?"

"My lord I still don’t think that a holo-web connection, a swimming pool, a hot tub, over 15 million of holo-movies and more thing like that are good for your reputation."

"But what if I got boreeeeeeeeeeed?"

- Lord Kallig the Second and Talos Drellik talking about the future Sith's Tomb.

In the town of Summerville, six days after healing Sweet Sky.

At Nox’s house:

"And now, open your mouth young one."

"Bwaaaah," A young red earth pony colt opened his oral cavity, inviting the gray stallion to put a short wooden stick on his tongue. Using his horn to conjure some light, the stallion made his report to the mother who waited patiently behind him.

"So, what is your opinion Mister?" Nox walked to the side of the operation room where he let the wooden stick fall into the trash can.

"Well by judging the red marks that are into your young children throat, it is not serious, only irritated."

His mother let out a sigh of glorious relief at the news.

"Mmhm, I told him to put his scarf because of the windy weather. But did he listen? No, for him, having a pink scarf is for fillies."

"But mom! Everypony at school laughs at me when I’m wearing that scarf." The embarrassed colt didn’t dare to look at his mom eyes.

"Maybe, but your auntie hoof-stitched this scarf for you so you have to wear it, understood?"

The colt grumbled something like a yeah whatever before trotting toward the living room. The mare gave a sad look toward the retreating form of her son before turning back to the healer.

"Thank you very much Mr. Nox, I’m sorry that we came at the last minute, but this little darling wasn’t feeling well this morning so I thought that I should bring him here to see whether it was serious or not."

"You did well Mrs.Earthington. If left untreated the irritated area could have grown. I will give you a potion and he will have to take one glass of it three time a day."

"I do hope that we didn’t bother you?"

"Well you didn’t bother me but I was about to leave. If you had come 10 minutes later, I would be probably gone."

"Oh, I’m sorry I delayed you, " Earthington eyed him curiously." Excuse me, I wouldn’t like to intrude into your private life but, where are you going?"

"Not go into my privacy huh?" Nox thought wryly. "Well, I’m going to see some of my patients at home for private care."

The mare put one of her hooves before her mouth, taken aback.

"Oh, really that’s all? "She said with an insinuating glance.

Nox, not knowing what she was insinuating, responded with a confused glance.

"Well yeah?"

"Oh, it seems like I was wrong… for now."

"Wrong for what exactly?"

"Well, outside, the sun is shining and it would be the perfect day to go out with a loved one," She finished with a small wink.

"Mr-mrs, please."

"So, really not marefriend or maybe …Coltfriend that you’re seeing?"

Kallig, the one who was able to face the most powerful entities in the galaxy and come out on top, and yet, this simple mare, had managed to bypass his defenses and catch him off guard.

"What a great adversary."

"I’m just saying that because, you see in the town, we have remarked that you never had company, so ponies began to thinks that you must be lonely in your house."

The mother’s gaze was a sympatic one; he could feel her sadness by his link to the force.

"I’ve only been here for three months and they’re already worried about me? Great job on your cover moron."

"Don’t worry about it. It’s just the way I prefer to live."

"But we’re still worried about you."

The two turned to door where Shining Dawn stood, watching the exchange.

"My daddy sometimes talks about you with his friend…"

"Oh, that’s sweet…"

"And they say that you need a good [ESRB-M] to take the broom out from you."

The little colt was perplexed by the look of horror of his mother, and the look of disbelief from Mr. Nox. And before he could ask the stallion about how a pony could have an entire broom inside its body, Nox interrupted him.

"Well…shall I give you the required medication?"

"…Yes, and could you give me something for bruises and bumps? My husband will need it tonight."

"So, let’s see... is everything is in order for the visits?"

"Number 1, Mr. Cerulean Flow. He wants me to meet him at the park to check him for bruised muscles after his weather duty.

"Number 2, Firewalker. Yesterday, one spectator told me that during one of his show he got some nasty burn… seriously, again?"

"Stony Clearstream, I remember her. She had some complication in her pregnancy two month ago, and i must watch how the foal is doing."

Very well then, let’s go!

Five minutes later, Nox was standing right before Stony Clearstream house.

"Here I go," The gray pony pushed the doorbell and sat before the front door. It took almost a full minute before the door got open by an aged grey unicorn mare.

"Ah, here you are, come my boy; she’s waiting for you."

Nox nodded before entering the habitation followed in his step by the unicorn.

"She’s upstairs. I think that you know the way by the time you come."

Nox trotted up the stairs before reaching the door labelled with a sign that read: Danger, pregnant mare! Nox rolled his eyes at this.

"In pregnancy, no species is more dangerous that Wookies, I know that from experience…" He knocked on the door, the answers came immediately.

"What! Who is thiss?"

"Not bad, but I saw worse," Nox thought. "It’s me, Nox. I came for the consultation."

"Then enter! What are you waiting for?!"Nox obeyed. Inside the room laid a very pregnant mare. She was dark-green coated with an unkempt olive-green mane. She was actually laying on her bed with a box of what the locals called bagels and her large belly containing a foal.

"So, how are you today?" asked Nox politely. Unfortunately, for Nox, the pregnant mare didn’t seem interest in being polite.

"How am I? How am I? You dare to ask me that while that my husband is still at Canterlot probably trying to get a nicer and slimmer mare than me! While that my very own Mother in law trapped me inside this room while cursing her son for marrying me? Or while that my foal is dying before even being born because my womb is of a so bad quality waaaaah!"

"Oh no... not the cry again," The unicorn stood there watching the mare hiding in her blanket." Come on Kallig, you can do it."

"Mrs., please calm, yourself I’m sure that your husband is faithful to you and that your foal will be in perfect condition."

The mare poked her head out from the blanket, looking at him.

"Do you promise?"

"Yes of course. Now if you would like, I need to see how the foal is doing."

"Okay, your foal is doing well. I will come back to check on it."

"Thanks you very much Mr. Nox. Have a nice day," She said to him while holding out a pouch with his payment. Nox pushed the bits back into her hoof before trotting away in the direction of his next patient.

"So, Firewalker, still stubborn to do your flamboyant stunt?"
Firewalker, a Red unicorn colt standing on his bed with bandages covering nearly all of his body.

"Yes doc, the stunt that I did last night was just A-WE-SOME.I have been able to burn down the 99 chairs around me and get out alive. Simply A-WE-SOME."

Kallig wanted to told him that even if he got out alive this time that the next could be the last one. After all, he’d been burned on about 45% of his body, but he knew that the Fire-Magician-Stunt pony wouldn’t care about his advice.

"It must have been awesome," Kallig thought. "If I cannot change his mind, he should at least die with glory."

"Yes, it was… you know what doc? Next week I will build a full fifty level tower and make it burn by the lowest level. You totally should come and watch me when I’ll try to get out of it."

"You should think about another hobby no?" Kallig approached him and began to take down the many bandages.

"Yeah, and why not knitting. Just do your job for now doc, "The burned stallion playfully punched the other one.

"So Cerulean again some bruised muscles? "The Sith was accompanied of a middle aged pegasus stallion. Cerulean Flow had a light blue coat with a white mane. The two of them were on a bench in the park.

"Well yes my little Noxium, on our weather patrol I found some rogues cloud. It has been a real war to tame them but still, the pegasus stood proud with a hoof on his chest- we been able to show them who truly rule the sky."

While Nox listened to the pegasus as he told him all the adventure he and his fellow members of the weather team had for the past week, he approached his faithful horn toward the legs and the wings of the aerial pony.

"Still, it must be something to fly…Maybe that I should try to transform into a pegasus one time."

"I will go, grind your teeth." The cloud tamer only has the time to execute the advice when the flash of yellow finally appeared and pain runt through his athletic body.

"Gnnnh, always as charming," He said through he closed teeth.

"Oh please don’t be such a foal," Retorted the healer.

After a few second, the light disappeared and Cerulean could feel all of his muscle being ready for some good flight.

"Ah, that’s how I like it," After stretching is wing he turned toward Nox. "Hey, I got some ticket for the Wonderbolt show next week, I thought about inviting you and the pyromaniac of Firewalker …If he’s still alive since then. So are you interested?"

"Next week… Except drinking my sorrow away or eat a chicken it is not like I had something else to do, so why not after all. And after all I’ve heard about those Wonderbolts, maybe that it could replace the podraces."

"Ok, I’m in. So except if there is an emergency you can count me in."

Cerulean passed his left front roof on Nox’s back and brought him closer.

"That’s well said. I’m sure that it will be a great day."

"Yes, now if you could excuse me. I need to go back home. Tomorrow is the cleaning day and I really want to get it done fastly ."

After saluting each other. The pony from another planet got away toward his home under the gaze of Cerulean Flow.

"Cleaning day? Pfff, this guy really need to find himself a mare, a good [ESRB-M] , I really do hope that this show will Stallion-him up at least a little."

As he was trotting toward his home. Kallig couldn’t help but thought about his talk with Mrs. Earthington that morning.

"So, really not marefriend or maybe …Coltfriend that your seeing?"

"…we have remarked that you never had company, so ponies began to thinks that you must be lonely, here, all alone in your house all days."

"But still you’re worrying us."

"Marefriend…Coltfriend… To enter into a relationship with a pony. And if entering into a relationship, then what about…"

Nox kept trotting for a few second before entering into a full gallop toward a bush, who luckily were not far from him. After being sure that he had finish to empty the content of his stomach he began to trot back on the earthy road.

"Wow, I’ve just began to think about making love with a mare and here the result. No, I’m not good for such relationship. My destiny is to go back into Sith territories and to fight for the Empire and my people... At all costs. And if I fail…Then death would be my only reward."

On those dark thought Kallig kept advancing, but a little slower than before.

A few hours later.

A few miles away from Summerville.

Ponyville, home of the elements of harmony.

Since some time now Ponyville has become the home of many activities of Equestria, mainly because of a few of its habitants, but still …It kept its reputation of being one of the most calm town, ideal for the pony wanting to rest. Away from horrible thing of the lifestyle of the big city.

Among the pony living into this town, is a fashionista. She just got out from her Afternoon spa session.

That pony is known as: Rarity, wielder of the elements of Generosity.

The white pony looked at her reflection in a windows of a shop.

"Marvelous, simply marvelous. It seems that the spa employee has simply done their best again. But still, something has been missing during that wonderful session."

Fluttershy…Even if nopony loved the Spa as much as the dress making pony, Fluttershy managed to accompany her at least two time a week. But since three week ago, she has missed all her spa session because of an important case in her cottage.

So it’s toward that direction that she began to talk.

It took her less than ten minutes to cross Ponyville and step right before the cottage. She stopped right before the front door before knocking on it, she thought to have heard an reply but it seemed more like a whisper. It took another ten second before that the door of the cottage opened.

"Y-yes, who is it?" A yellow muzzle passed the light gap of the door, trying to identify the intruder.

"Fluttershy dear, It’s me, Rarity."

To this name the door opened completely, revealing the kind yellow Pegasus.

"Rarity, I’m happy to see you. Why are you here? Did I miss the Spa again? I –so sorry, I really wanted to go but he-."She was silenced by a white hoof.

"Fluttershy, darling please. You do know that I would never be angry at you. I simply passed here because you said that his state was slightly better."

Hearing this a sad frown appeared on Fluttershy.

"Yes, two days ago he was in a better state, but yesterday morning it grew worse than before. I just couldn’t leave him all alone."

"I know that dear. Can I see him?"

The smaller pony nodded and the white one followed her.

"So Angel, how are you today?"

The bunny responded to Rarity by a hurtful face. The little being was wrapped in a blanket surrounded by plushy animals. On its right side was a teapot ready to serve some…Tea? It’s like that than Rarity met Angel for the first time since some weeks.

"So, is he doing any better?"

Tears began to get into Fluttershy's eyes at this question.

"No, he isn’t doing any better, on the contrary it’s worse than ever. Oh Rarity I don’t know what to do, even Twilight doesn’t have any spell that could help him."

Rarity grabbed Fluttershy and began to rub her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Ssssh, don’t you worry Flutter, everything is going to be alright."

The crying pony sniffled again some of her shivering stopped.


"Y-yes Rarity?"
Rarity stopped to rub the back of her friend and choose to stand right before her.

"Come on Rarity, you know that it is maybe a false hope, but if it is not then you will regret of not having told her."

"Fluttershy dear, I do know that you stayed in there for almost three weeks, but did you heard some of the gossip going into town lately?"

The care-taker simply shook her head.

"But you do know that I, Rarity is very interested by those isn’t it."

To this Fluttershy smiled, the love of Rarity for gossip was almost legendary.

"Well, you see some days ago I had heard some strange rumors, but at this time I simply thought that they were false because of their content, so I simply pushed them aside. But during the spa session today, I have heard of them again, but by Aloe and Lotus this time, and my interest and curiosity about it grow so I joined the conversation."

Rarity walked near the teapot, and served for herself and Fluttershy two cup of tea, under the gaze of the last pony who had all of Rarity’s intention.

"And during this conversation I had learned something of very interesting that could be very useful to you. "

So while serving the cup of Fluttershy she finally asked her:

"So tell me darling, have you already have been to the town Summerville?"

End of the second chapter :Just some medicals check-up

Author's Note:

Here it is,two of the Mane 6 have appeared ,the troubles for Kallig have just been triggered .

And again a great thanks for my wonderful editor Lightning Faron.