• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,806 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

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Interlude:How it happened... Part one: The Unbroken

"To be a slave. What a great honor, don’t have to think about tomorrow , about the food or even yourself anymore. All you have to do is to obey and to say :YES MASTER!"

-The first master of Darth Imperius when he was a slave.

Imperial controlled space.

Imperial Starship Fury-class interceptor: The Unbroken.A few month before healing Sweet Sky

"Where is that bottle of water, where is-ah, here it is."

Kallig had just woken up from a fourteen hours nap. It went without saying that he was thirsty, hungry, and needed a shower and to empty the bladder.

"Fourteen hours straight? Not my best but that’s okay." He slowly surely got up from his bed and got right toward his private bathroom to wash himself. Today was an important day and he needed to look nice.

1 hour later Darth Imperius was looking worthy of his title. His attire was of one of a venerable battlemind which was red and black. But instead of wearing the included helmet, he favored a hood to conceal his face.

For now his hood was retreated, and he was simply sitting in the corner while drinking some juice.

His crew awoke some minutes ago, and they too were preparing for the day.

Andronikos Revel: Former pirate and captain of this ship. He could see the former pirate struggling with the toaster but made no move to help him. He was a big boy and could therefore use the toaster all on his own.

Ashara Zavros: A jedi fighting for the empire and his first apprentice. The inquisitor could hear the telltale sounds of a shower being turned on.

Khem Val: His first companion and ally. Their link was so strong that sometime they could feel and hear the other one thought. He was eating a full box of ration for breakfast.

Talos Drellik: Former member of the Imperial Reclamation service and the scientist of the team.Was actually reading his datapad while eating a fruit.

And finally Xalek: His second apprentice. Not the brightest but he followed orders and that the most important thing where Darth Imperius was concerned.

"But those times he seemed strange. At least stranger than usual. Is he hiding something? It’s true that on our last mission on Tatooine he didn’t flinch when I let those two Jedi and this squad of soldiers leave. Usually he would grumble about mercy being for the weak or some nonsense like that."

While the sith was asking himself if he should set a medical check-up for the Kaleesh, the final member of his crew chose this moment to appear.

"Good morning master. How are you today?” He asked, his voice devoid of emotion. “Feeling ready to drown the entire Republic into a pool of their own blood?"

2V-R8: A droid that served as a mechanic, butler, consultant, and occasionally training target.

Some Sith destroyed droids from this series just for fun, but Kallig liked him. He didn’t know exactly why, but he still liked him.
"Maybe it’s because he is technically a slave… Just like I was…"

"Is something wrong sir? Are you feeling sick?"

The concerned voice of his droid brought him back to reality; he could see that Talos too was looking at him, looking a little concerned.
"Yes, I am. Sorry for the little scare. And yes 2V, I feel great enough to eat up the fools who think that a republic is the best form of government to rule a galaxy."

If 2V had a mouth, he would’ve smiled just then

"So is there any problem here?" The sith asked.

"No my lord. Everything seems to be okay. We should be arriving to your station “HONOR” in less than 2 hours."

"Good, very good," The Sith stood up from his place at the table, stating that he would be returning to his quarters and that should anything happen, inform him immediately. With that, the lone human stepped out of the room, leaving the rest of his crew to reflect upon what had happened.

2V-R8 watched his master go before turning toward Talos Drellik who just got beside him.

"Doesn’t he seem a little stranger than normal?"

"Oh? You know he will meet his general staff. He knows that some news will be good but not all. Even if under Darth Marr and him the Empire gained some new territories and took back some others from the Republic. They still have the high ground on us."

"Yes you’re right. Probably just worried over the possible new extinction of the Sith Empire."

In his chamber, Darth Imperius stood before a closet, he opened it revealing a datacron. This datacron was blue and emitting a bright light. So others words, it was a datacron made for the light side of the force. Not something that a sith normally kept with him.

He then took it in both hands almost reverently and placed it on the edge of his bed.

"You prove me that I am not wrong in choosing the light side of the force. Prove to me that my chains are broken so I can live in serenity. Prove me that passion and peace can exist together… in harmony."

He stood kneeled before it for long, when no answers came to him, he simply cried.

About 2 hours later:

"Dark lord on the bridge! Care!"

At their captain voice the 120 soldier of the 935th Company stopped what they were doing and stood at the ready for their leader’s approach.

As he advanced he made a little stop to salute his soldiers. One of the many thing making soldiers enroll into his troop is that unlike some other lord of the sith, he care about his soldier and showed them respect. He made sure that their living conditions were good and that goes from food , money and to their habitats.

While he was walking, Darth Imperius could hear the whispers of his troops as he passed by them.

"Glory on Darth Imperius."

"Long live our lord."

"Imperius, savior of the Empire."

Hearing things like that always made him smile. After all,he was a former slave and now, three years after being crowned Darth, he was one of the most powerful sith of the whole Empire.

And he loved it.


He walked to and elevator where an officer,a lieutenant was saluting him.When he got near enough he said:

"My lord, all of your Heads Officers have arrived and are waiting for you."

"Excellent," Kallig entered into the elevator,waiting for it to bring him to his servants.

Author's Note:

Here it is,after month of waiting it's finally here,the update has come!

"Cricket noise"

Aaaw come on...So there will be two interlude and each of them will be on several part,the first one will tell the assassination attempt while that the second will show the arrival of Kellig into Equestria and how he has become a healer into Summerville.

Thank for reading and following this story,it mean a lot.

The next update will be in the week...Well i said something like that last time and it took three month ut normally it's in the week.

See ya!