• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 801 Views, 3 Comments

The Princess Escapes - adorablesmiles

Twilight Sparkle comes to the human world to get some peace and quiet from the hectic life of being a Princess. But when she goes missing, can the others find her, or is she lost forever?

  • ...

Chapter 10

"Is she okay?"
"She's been asleep for a while now."
"I wanna jump on her bed!"
It didn't seem like it had been that long since Twilight hit her head on the supplies cabinet in the nurse's office. It might've been because I was shocked while it happened, and also on the ride to the hospital.
I'm not even sure what happened.
"Hmm..." I heard someone say.
"I'll get the nurse." Applejack said.
"Where am I?" Twilight asked.
I was the first one to approach her. "You're in the hospital."
"I'm sorry... do I know you?" She asked.
"Yes you do... Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Not that I know of." Twilight said. "But I don't think I've met any of you."
I can't believe this. Why did this happen?
"Hey! I overheard the doctor talkin' to the nurses! Apparently, Twilight has amnesia and-" Applejack started, as she ran in. "Oh hey, Twilight's awake."
"Okay, I don't get it. Who is Twilight? Or better yet, who are you?" Twilight asked.
Oh no. This can't be good.
And then I heard a knock on the door.
"Ahem." The doctor said.
"Is Twilight okay, doctor?" Rainbow asked.
"Despite the amnesia? Yes. She needs time to heal and get her memory back, then she'll be good to go." The doctor said. I knew that he was trying to assure us that everything was fine. But it wasn't. In fact, things just got from bad to worse.
"Thanks, doctor." Applejack said. Then he left really fast.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Okay, first. I still don't know who you all are. Should I know?" Twilight asked.
"Yes. We're your friends." Rarity said.
Twilight pointed ar her. "You're pretty."
Rarity grinned. "I know that already, darling."
Twilight gasped. "My name is darling?!"
"Uh. No. That's just a nickname." Rarity said.
"Oh." Twilight said.
Then there was silence.
And then the sound of a phone's keybord clicking.
Buzz! That was the noise that went all around the room. Except for Rarity's phone.
Girls, she's worse than I thought. I know you saw her. She thought her name was Darling. What are we going to do?
I sat there, and took a brief glance at Twilight. She was looking at her now bandaged arm.
Buzz! Went our phones.
I know. I'm not sure how we should handle this. I ain't comin' up with any good ideas.
That was obviously Applejack.
I think I know what we should do. We can be a friend to her. And maybe, just maybe, that'll be enough to help her remember. It definitely couldn't hurt.
I looked up at the others. A few of them looked down at their phones, and then at me. Some of them were shocked that I said that.
Sunset... are you sure about that? I know for a fact that none of us can say for sure if that'll bring her memories back. Rainbow texted.
Rainbow Dash, I know that the thought of it seems somewhat obvious, but we can't do nothing about the situation. Rarity texted.
I then leaned my back against the wall.
I honestly didn't know what to do about this. Twilight couldn't remember anything from our time together. It was like everything that happened... didn't. I knew that I wanted to help her somehow, but this seemed like it was going to be a challenge.
girls? i know your there, and i feel like theres something i need to say. twilight losing her memories and all? well i know that never would have happened if i had stayed out of things. i only asked her why she was here because i was curious, but now i realize i should have kept my mouth shut. im sorry i mess things up all the time.
If I'm being honest, there was a lot of things I didn't know about that apparently I should have.
For example, where was I? Or... who am I? Or... Who were these strange people that claimed they knew me?
And then my leg fell asleep.
My leg? These other girls have legs. They're using them. I should do the same!
So I got out from under the sheets of the bed I was laying in and let myself touch the floor. It was cold at first, but I still slowly got up off the bed.
"Twilight, what are you doing?" The girl with red and yellow hair, although the yellow looked almost white to me, asked.
My name is Twilight? That's pretty.
"I'm trying to be like you. We're the same, so I should be doing what you're doing." I said.
"What do you mean?"
I looked at the girl who's hair looked like the mints the nurses had given to me. "I mean... I'm the same as you are. I have limbs, and these things with little limbs attached to them. I should be acting like you!" I said, as I pointed to what I was putting all my weight on.
"You mean your feet?" The girl asked.
But I didn't pay any attention to that. I was looking at her hair.
But the girl in front of me looked down, and the skin below her eyes turned pink. "What are you staring at?" She asked.
"Your hair. It looks so minty. Is that your name? Minty?" I asked.
She looked at me again. "No. My name is Sunset Shimmer."
I looked at her. "That's really pretty. Like Twilight."
"Thanks." Sunset said. "Now let's get you back in bed before the rest of us introduce ourselves."