• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 801 Views, 3 Comments

The Princess Escapes - adorablesmiles

Twilight Sparkle comes to the human world to get some peace and quiet from the hectic life of being a Princess. But when she goes missing, can the others find her, or is she lost forever?

  • ...

Chapter 14

I really couldn't understand what had happened between Twilight and Applejack. I mean, one ride and one accident in a car later and they're best friends.
But at the same time, I blamed myself for not being there.
I can never learn better. I messed things up again.
If I'm being honest with myself, I was used to being sad all the time. I mean, the times that I spent being happy are nice, but I'd like to think that it's even with the time I spend sad.
But at the same time, I was relieved that the reason had nothing to do with people not trusting me.
The past doesn't matter as much as what's happening right now. Rarity's voice kept echoing that in my head over and over again. And I knew she was right about it.
And I also knew that if I didn't let myself forget that, then maybe, just maybe, I would be okay.
I looked over at Applejack, and Twilight was still by her side.
Now that I think about it, I'm glad they're bonding. And I'm sure I'll get my chance eventually.
I wasn't trying to be mean to the other girls, but I felt like Applejack was the only one that actually cared. She was the only one who showed up to come get me after all.
And the other girls didn't even show themselves.
But when I was with Applejack right now, I felt safe and secure. I couldn't explain the feeling though.
"Twilight, you know when you asked me if I would stay with you?" Applejack asked.
I nodded.
"Well I don't have a problem with that, if you wanted to do that for a few weeks. And if you need more time, that's fine too. But I have a feeling that you're at a higher learning level than I am." Applejack said.
"Well I don't know how smart I am yet." I said. "Do I look like a brainiac to you?"
"Well... no. But you do look like you're really smart. I wouldn't be surprised if your learning isn't more advanced than mine. I am just a simple farm girl ya know."
I nodded again.
"And now that we're here, Twilight," Applejack started. "There's something you should see. I'm hopin' it will jog your memory a bit."
"Oh... well what is it?" I asked.
"You'll see." She said.
"So... you're not going to tell me?" I asked.
"Listen, Twilight." Applejack said. "If I told you now, that would ruin the surprise. Is that what you want?"
I sighed. "I guess you're right."
"Of course I am. Now follow me. It's just around this corner, in the front yard."
"I trust you." I said.
And then none of us spoke till we got there.
Although I admit I was a little confused when I found myself standing in front of a weird looking statue.
"What is that?" I asked.
"It's the portal to Equestria. It leads to where you live." Sunset said. "Or so I've been told."
"It's just out in the open like this?" I asked.
"Yes, and I'll tell you why." Sunset said. "To an ordinary person, it's just a statue. But to me, and my friends, and you before you lost your memories, it's more than just a statue."
"Can I touch it?" I asked.
"Well you did leave the portal open to come back whenever you needed to, so I guess you could." Sunset said.
I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at this point. Half of me was hesitant, but the other half wanted to touch it.
"Do you not want to do touch it yet?"
"I'm thinking." I said.
"Girls," Applejack said. "I really think we should give Twilight some space."
And then they all stepped back, atleast I think they did. I was only focused on the statue in front of me that had some strange significance.
Before I knew what was happening, I felt something brush past my hand. It was weird but at the same time, natural.
Not to mention the purple hoof that I could faintly see in the reflection.
Then all at once, I pulled back. I didn't know why, but all of this was just too much for me.
"Are you okay Twilight?" Applejack asked.
"I can't do it!" I said, as I ran off.
My mind was reeling as I ran to the nearest bathroom to hide.
How can they expect me to believe that I'm some sort of magical princess from another world? That's not exactly normal.
But I couldn't help but wonder if it was true.
No... It can't be. You woke up as a normal person, and you still are.
"Am I going crazy?" I asked. I knew there was no one around, but deep down inside me I still wanted an answer.
"...Great. Just great. She ran off again." I heard someone say from outside the bathroom.
"There's no need to worry Rainbow Dash. We found her once, and I'm sure we can do it again."
"You know, even when she has amnesia, she has a habit of running off so we can't find her."
"Wait, hush for a second." Rainbow said.
"Rainbow Dash, you can't just-" Rarity started.
"I said hush! I heard something!" Rainbow said.
I immediately started to hold my breath. I thought I might've breathed just a little too loud.
I hope I didn't blow it.
Then I heard the sound of someone walking around, although this time it was inside the bathroom.
"Now, if there's someone in here, I'm hoping they would say something." Rainbow said. It looked like she was standing in front of the stall I was in.
The worst part was that I was getting to where I couldn't hold my breath anymore.
"I'm giving whoever is in here five minutes to show themselves." Rainbow said.
And then I finally gave up. Mainly because I couldn't hold out any longer, but also I thought if I held it any longer, I would have gone blue in the face.
"How did you know that would work?" I asked.
"Twilight, you were sitting on the floor. It wasn't hard to find out that you were in here." Rainbow Dash said.
"Well, now you know where I hid myself." I said, as I slowly walked out of the stall.
"Yeah, but I think we should get out ASAP, because this is the boy's bathroom." Rainbow said.
"What are boys?" I asked.
Rainbow just shrugged. "They... aren't girls."
"Okay... but what are girls?" I asked.
"Twilight, you're a girl, I'm a girl. Understand?" Rainbow asked.
I nodded. "I still don't know what boys are."
"Ugh! Wait." Rainbow said.
She then pulled a thing out of her pocket, and began to wipe on it with her thumb. Applejack told me all about thumbs and fingers.
"This. This is a boy right here." Rainbow said, as she lifted the thing to where I could see it.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a phone, Twilight." Rainbow said.
"Applejack told me about those." I said.
"Did Applejack tell you about everything in your little car ride?" Rainbow asked.
I shook my head. "No... just hands, and phones, and cars, and why she hates traffic."
"I think we're done with talking about all the stuff the people of this world have. Now why did you run off?" Rainbow asked.
"Well that's obvious to me. I was overwhelmed by the whole being-from-another-world thing. It's a little unbelievable." I said.
"Yeah, I guess I should have seen that coming." Rainbow said.
"I think I might need some time to accept all this." I said.
"Are you two done in there? You're in the boy's room and class should be out any minute!" Applejack warned.
"C'mon, Twilight! We gotta hurry!" Rainbow said, as she pulled me by the arm.
"I'm literally right behind you." I said.
Then, as if we got out at just the right time, the loudest noise I ever heard filled the area.
"My ears!" I shouted.
"Oh... I guess that means a few of us have to get to class." Fluttershy said. "I have my schedule in my backpack."
"Really? Me too." Sunset said.
"I always come prepared." Fluttershy said. "Whether it's school, or a picnic, or helping out at the animal shelter, I make sure I have everything I need."
"Me too!" Sunset exclaimed.
"Wow, it looks like both of you are two peas in a pod when it comes to bein' prepared." Applejack said.
"It's nothing, really." Sunset said. "I just put in the extra effort for the teachers to prove that I'm no longer a alpha-bitch."
...I have magic, and you have nothing! I heard a faint voice say.
"Why am I hearing voices?!" I asked myself.
"Twilight... what do you mean by "hearing voices?" Are you alright?" Sunset asked.
I held my head with both hands. "I heard a voice tell me something. It was really quiet, but it was definitely a voice."
"What did it say?" Sunset asked.
I shrugged. "I can't say what it was exactly, but the voice said it had magic and I didn't... I'm not sure."
Sunset then grew quiet.
"What did I say?" I asked.
"Nothing..." Sunset said. "But your definitely trying to remember. The only thing is that the memory behind that voice isn't a good one. I should know."
I looked at Sunset. "Do you know what the voice said?"
"Yes. And I know because that voice... it was me. Or better yet, it was me before I knew better. Before you took me down." Sunset said.
"I did what?" I asked.
Sunset sighed. "Right. I forgot you have amnesia."
"I really wish I didn't have... whatever you call it. Then maybe I would remember all of you." I said.
"Twilight, none of this is your fault." Rarity said. "You can't help that you have amnesia."
"I know." I said. "But it seems like I should remember you a little better than I do. From what you've told me, we've been through a lot together."
"Yeah... but we will do everything in our power to-" Sunset started.
And then that awful bell rang again.
"Oh no... I'm late for-" Fluttershy started.
"Miss Fluttershy, Miss Shimmer, you're late for class." The teacher said.
Sunset sighed as she picked up her backpack. "Alpha-bitch strikes again."
"Excuse me, Miss Shimmer. I will not tolerate any foul mouthing in my classroom." The teacher said.
Sunset turned around to face us one last time. "See what I mean?"
Then she followed Fluttershy into the classroom.
"You girls better get off to class too." The teacher warned, as she shut the door.
"Aah!! Let me in Math class!" Pinkie Pie shouted. She was pulling on the door with her hands and her feet were pushing against it.
"Pinkamena Diane Pie!" The math teacher scolded.
"What did you call me?" Pinkie asked.
"Pinkamena Diane Pie. Now get off my door this instant!"
"I hate that name." Pinkie said, as her hair poofed down.
And then she did get off the door, only so she could go inside the classroom.
"Do we have somewhere to go like the others?" I asked.
"Oh good." Rainbow Dash said. "The math teacher didn't see me! I'm free!"
"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack scolded. "Why did you secretly hide behind me?"
"Because I hate math class, AJ. I thought you knew that." Rainbow said.
"Doesn't matter. You should be in class." Applejack said, as she pulled Rainbow in front of her and knocked on the door.
"Miss Dash, you're late." The teacher said.
Rainbow moaned.
"Aaand off ya go! See ya after class!" Applejack said, as she shoved Rainbow through the door.
"I'm gonna get you for this, AJ!" Rainbow shouted before the door shut again.
"Is that all?" I asked.
"Yep," Applejack said. "Sunset woulda been with us too, but like she said, she works really hard to make up with the teachers. But we have a free period."
"I have an idea!" Rarity exclaimed. "Come on Applejack! You too, Twilight!"