• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 801 Views, 3 Comments

The Princess Escapes - adorablesmiles

Twilight Sparkle comes to the human world to get some peace and quiet from the hectic life of being a Princess. But when she goes missing, can the others find her, or is she lost forever?

  • ...

Chapter 4

I spent most of my time alone flipping through the pages of the book that I had once used to communicate with Twilight.

I admit that a part of me wanted to finish the letter that I had begun to write just this morning. But at the same time, I knew that wasn't going to help things because she wasn't in Equestria to get to see the letter, so it would have been pretty useless to write the last of it. I had already forgotten what I wanted to say to her anyway.

But as I was looking through her letters and mine, never, not once, did Twilight say anything about being so stressed out to the point where she couldn't solve a single problem.

I sighed. "If she had just told me that she was having trouble, I would have atleast tried to help her. Maybe if she had done that, she wouldn't have ran out and disappeared. Maybe I wouldn't blame myself."

It was more than obvious to me that I would have done anything just so I could feel better about things.

"Sunset... are you in there?" I heard someone ask.

"Yes. I never left the room." I said.

Applejack walked through the door, and she had a container with several posters laying in it.

"Rarity insisted that I come check on you, even though I haven't filled my container yet." She said.

"Did she?" I asked.

"Yeah." Applejack said. "Are you alright?"

"I'm just looking through my book." I said.

"I know you miss Twilight."

"How?" I asked.

"Because you're flipping through the pages of the very book that you've been using to communicate with Twilight. I would be doin' the same if I was you."

"Are you implying that you can understand what I'm going through?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I wouldn't say that. But I do feel for ya. And I don't have to understand to be a supportive friend."

I put my book down on the couch and rested my hands on my lap. "I know."

She gently put a hand on my shoulder. "Sunset, I know Twilight. We're really close. And I know that when she's had time to think about things, she'll realize how much she needs us. And she will come back. But until then, we're going to get these posters printed up and get them around town. So that way, someone will see her and get word to us."

I nodded. "I admit that does help."

"Then do you feel like helping me with all these posters?" She asked.

"I do now. Just give me enough time to put my book back in my locker and then I'll come straight to the library. That's where your doing the printing right?" I asked.

"Yep!" She said.

"Okay then. I'll be there as soon as possible."


"My hair.... it's so different now." I said.

"Well, different is what you asked for. I wasn't quite sure what to go with because you only said you wanted to look different. And of course, I had to work around the bangs, but I still hope you like it." The hairdresser said.

"I'm sure I will once I get used to it not being purple and pretty." I said.

And then I left the salon.

This means that I'm no longer Twilight. I guess I'm just another normal human if anyone asks.


"Okay, so how are we going to put these posters up?" Rarity asked.

"I don't have an idea, but I gotta ask, how did you get the posters ready so fast?" I asked.

"Sunset, darling, if you have a computer and a printer, anything is possible. I suppose that's the magic of this world, it's been here long before the Equestrian magic arrived." Rarity said.

I nodded. "I know. This world is very modern."

"But that doesn't mean that we suddenly know how we're going to get these posters around Canterlot." Rarity sighed.

We were all still stumped.

"Ooh! I know!" Pinkie started. "How about we split up? That way we can cover more ground!"

"How did you come up with that?" Rarity asked.

"It's simple! That's what my sisters did when Maud lost Boulder! We found him in six minutes! But I have a feeling that'll work for this too!"

And then we figured out where each of us would go, and then we split up, just like Pinkie suggested.


I was in the corner of the city that Rarity told me to go to. You know, the one with all the stores and stuff. But I could understand why she sent me. If it had been Pinkie Pie, she probably wouldn't have been able to get any posters up because all she would think about is going straight to the party store. But Rarity wouldn't have been much better, seeing as she's always looking for excuses to buy more materials.

I, on the other hand, couldn't care less about shopping. The only way I do it is if I need new equipment. And it just so happened that I got replacements not too long ago. So I could easily do without.

And then I went back to putting up all the 100 posters that I had to hang up everywhere.

And I admit I was doing well, up until my stapler ran out of staples.

What? Rarity said they were all full! It shouldn't have ran out like that!

And then I put the stapler in my container, and went to find Rarity.

But that was when I got sidetracked.

I passed by a girl, and something about her seemed familiar. Her hair was black, and her skin was purple. I thought it clashed, but then again, what would I know about that kind of stuff?

That was when it hit me.

Purple skin? The only person I know that has purple skin is Twilight! I found her!

I knew that I didn't have much time to celebrate this, because Twilight was walking farther away the more time I wasted. And if I had celebrated it, I probably would have lost her.

So I walked behind her as quietly as I possibly could. I was determined to see where she was going.


"Has Rainbow texted back yet?" Pinkie asked me.

All I could do was shake my head. "No, and I've already tried getting a hold of her three times!"

"Well she has to be somewhere! There's no way she could have up and disappeared just like Twilight did. It just ain't right!" Applejack said.

Right now, we were sitting in the cafe waiting for Rainbow to get word to us. I was getting antsy though. And to make things worse, my nerves were already shot.

"I'm starting to think something is wrong, in the magical sense." Sunset spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know... Honestly I'm just thinking out loud. But Twilight ran off and no one has heard from her since, so if Rainbow does the same thing, then maybe something happened to make them disappear. And I'm positive that neither of them are in Equestria, and I say that because Twilight seemed like she didn't want to be there when I talked to her. And as for Rainbow, she's never been in Equestria before, and I don't think she'd do it without Twilight around." She said.

And then we spent time thinking about it, how long it was I'm not sure, but it felt like it was a long time.

Ironically, just as we were thinking about Rainbow, all of our phones went off at the same time. Even mine.

"Ooh! I got a group text!" Pinkie shouted.

"So did I, darling. It says sent to five other people." I said.

"I think those five other people are us, Rarity. And by the way, the text is from Rainbow Dash." Applejack said.

"Well I know that now." I started. I then looked back at the screen of my phone so I could read the text. It looked like this:

girls, I need backup asap. I'm walking behind a girl who has purple skin, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it's Twilight. but I can't be too sure. if it is, then she changed her hair because it's all black and not purple. I think she dyed it. but that means she's further gone then I originally thought. so wherever you are, come to my part of town quickly. I don't want her to get away.

And then, before I even knew what was going on, Pinkie Pie fell over in her chair and ran out the door. And of course the rest of us followed, but not near as fast as Pinkie herself.


Where are they? They really should be here by now but they aren't. And I've already almost got caught like three times now.

It was a good thing that I happen to be really good at spying, otherwise I would have really sucked at doing this.

Also I did have to put my phone on vibrate to make sure I could stay safe, even though there was other people around.

"Pssst! Rainbow Dash!" I heard someone whisper. Twilight was far enough away for her not to hear us, luckily.

"What do you want?" I asked. All my friends were standing between two buildings.

"Can you still see Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

I sighed. "Yes, but that's gonna change really fast if you don't let me spy on her so I can see where she's going! If I lose her then we'll really need the posters to find her!"

"What're we supposed to do?" Pinkie asked.

"Just stay here. If we all do this at once, then that'll draw too much attention to us. And we don't need that now." I said.

I slid back around the corner and walked as quietly as I could manage, and that was not easy. Sure, I'm an athlete and I'm light on my feet, but given the circumstances, I was actually really nervous.

But that didn't stop me.

And then the whole process finally ended, when she went into another store.

And then I ran back to my friends. We were going to confront Twilight and get her to come back. That was the only way.


I wasn't quite sure what I was doing right now, but I knew that I noticed a few stores with "help wanted" signs in the windows. I didn't know what that meant, but I wanted to find out.

But right now, I was looking at some clothes. And then I heard the door open.

"Twilight! What are you doing?! And what in the world happened to your hair?!" And then I froze in place.

How did they find me?