• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 801 Views, 3 Comments

The Princess Escapes - adorablesmiles

Twilight Sparkle comes to the human world to get some peace and quiet from the hectic life of being a Princess. But when she goes missing, can the others find her, or is she lost forever?

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Chapter 6

If I'm being honest, I thought I gave in too easily. I was shocked that my friends found me so easily. Maybe because I really hadn't planned on coming back to them. Not yet. Maybe not ever. I still felt bad about what I did to my friends. To Sunset.

And now here I was, at Pinkie Pie's house. That was the last place I wanted to be. And it wasn't because I had a few bad memories there either. But that was a long time ago, during the battle of the bands.

"Girls!" Rarity said. "Are we all forgetting why we're here in the first place?" She asked.

"Nope! I know exactly why! Our little Twilight here took an unexpected trip without telling us!" Pinkie said.

"I'd say we're all pretty lucky that I happened to be in the same place as she was." Rainbow Dash said.

The others nodded.

I really didn't want to deal with this right now. I was too upset. Although, that was probably my guilty conscience causing it. I knew for a fact that what I did was awful. And somehow, they still wanted me back. I didn't get it.
"Twilight," Sunset started. "Would you care to tell us what happened?" She asked.
In all honesty, no. I would be much happier if I didn't have to spill the beans. That was what I wanted to say, but I knew saying that would only make things worse.
"I guess I could say what really happened, if you want me to." I said.
"This whole thing started when I came here. The first place I went to was to see Pinkie Pie. She told me where the secret room was, after hugging me a whole bunch, and I went to where she told me to. After I knocked on the door, Applejack answered it. She went into shock shortly after seeing me." I said. Applejack blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Sunset tried to get her to come back to Earth, but it didn't work. So we started talking for a while, but that didn't end well, because I had a misunderstanding and that caused me to have a fit of rage that wasn't necessary. And now I feel bad about it, that's the only reason why I ran off. I'm really sorry, to all of you." I said, as I put my head in my hands.
"Twilight, I don't know what made you feel like that, but you don't have to. I don't blame you for what happened. If anything, I blame myself. I'm the one that pushed you too far. I shouldn't have done that." She said. "You're not the one who should be sorry."
I shook my head. "I am. And I know that now."
Sunset didn't say anything after that, although she did hug me.
"You all are being party poopers! And if I were you, I would get off the bed because I'm going to jump on it!" Pinkie shouted.
And she did, although some of them didn't get out of the way.
I didn't know whether or not the fact that I walked out while my friends were busy laughing was a bad thing, but I needed some fresh air.
I was sitting on the porch of Pinkie Pie's house, holding a rock in my hand.
But I didn't have any intention on running off again. I already learned my lesson.
Your friends. Don't make them worry about you again.
Now, before my friends found me and I came to my senses, I probably would have thought that my conscience was just rambling on about nothing important. But now... I wasn't feeling that way anymore. My conscience wasn't trying to be a bother, it was trying to help me.
"Twilight? What are you doing out here?" I heard that familiar voice ask. It was the same voice that I heard while I was trying to get my crown back. The same voice that I heard during the Battle of the Bands, and then again when we had a late night conversation, which I actually enjoyed even though I was struggling at the time.
I had a feeling that one of them would come out here to check up on me. I just didn't think it would be Sunset herself.
"I felt like I could barely breathe in that room. That's the only reason why I'm here."
I heard her walk over to where I was sitting, and then she sat down.
Sitting here now, the moonlight shined down on both of us. I imagined it was a beautiful sight.
"You know, if there was any grass here, I would lay down on it and stare up at the sky. That's what I do at Fluttershy's anyway." Sunset started. "I have to say, the sky here is beautiful, but it's nothing like the one Equestria has."
"I'd rather not talk about Equestria right now." I said.
"I know, I was just making friendly conversation." She said.
"I do agree though. I enjoy looking at stars." I said.
And then we sat there a little while longer, not saying anything. Even though it was quiet, I still enjoyed sitting there on the porch.
And it probably would have lasted longer, but that was when a car slowly pulled into the driveway, and then stopped.
I've been in this world for... I don't know how long. But I have a feeling it's been a while, and I still haven't gotten used to cars.
And then the door slowly opened and a boy climbed out. He then got three boxes from the back seat and then started to walk towards us.
Sunset walked over to the guy and pulled some money out of her pocket and gave it to him. He gave her the boxes once she paid.
"Twilight, do you want to come back inside? I would stay out with you but it is kinda chilly out here and I don't want the pizzas getting cold." She said.
I nodded. "I'll be there in a minute."
She then went inside, quickly might I add. But I figured she only did that to prevent a lot of cool air from getting inside.
"Dinner's here!" I shouted.
And then, there was a bunch of yelling coming from upstairs.
But the whole thing got strange when a shoe fell down the stairs.
"Is... is everything okay up there?" I asked.
"Everything's fine, Sunset!"
"Are you sure? Because someone lost they're shoe!" I shouted back.
That was apparently enough to make the yelling quit. I assume they were trying to figure out who lost a shoe and how.
"Okay, who's the joker that threw my shoe down the staircase?" Rainbow accused.
And so the yelling started up again.
"I didn't do it Dashie!"
"Rainbow Dash, get off me! You're smashing my legs!"
"All of you get off the bed! You're only messing up the sheets!" Rarity screeched.
"Applejack, get out of my way if you don't want to be layed on!"
As entertaining as hearing them fight over a shoe was, I figured that they were still hungry.
"You better get down here before the pizza gets cold!" I shouted.
"I'm coming asaapgc!" Pinkie said, also considering how loud she speaks, it might as well been her yelling.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means "As soon as a pizza gets cut!" obviously!" Pinkie "shouted" back.
That's Pinkie Pie alright.
"That sure smells good. I'm walking down the stairs Rainbow Dash. I'm gonna get your shoe and some pizza before you do!"
"SNEAK ATTACK! I GOTCHA!" I heard a raspy voice mock. "Now you gotta carry me down the stairs and into the kitchen, and get me some food. I'm staying on your back as long as possible!"
"Grrrr. Fine. But I get to do it to you next time." Applejack muttered.
"Hey, no promises!" Rainbow warned.
And somehow Rainbow stayed on Applejack's back the whole time. I thought that it looked really uncomfortable though. But them messing with each other like this is normal.
I was out here for much longer than I intended on being. And I was surprised that I was out here this long, because it wasn't very warm. It was just cool.
So I got back up on my feet and turned to go inside. It already smelled like pizza.
"I was outside on the porch." I said.
"I was wondering where you went off too again!"
"Yeah, I know." I said.
"Um... Twilight doesn't have a plate in front of her." Fluttershy said.
She was right. The spot on the table in front of me was plate-less and pizza-less.
"OH MY GOSH! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" Pinkie shouted as she ran over to the boxes of pizza, got a plate, and put some pizza on the plate, and then ran back to her seat, putting the plate on the table perfectly in the process.
"Pinkie, do calm down. If you run like that anymore you could hurt yourself. Is that what you want?" Rarity asked.
"Nope! But I was in a hurry to get Twilight her food and get back to mine, so I could continue to fill my mouth with that delicious pizza." She said, as her mouth started watering.
"Okay then." Rarity said.
I admit that I was hungry, but when I went to actually take a bite, I noticed that there was brown stuff on it.
"Girls, what is this?" I asked, as I pointed at it.
And the whole table grew quiet after that.
"Pinkie Pie, you were supposed to get a piece without any pepperoni!" Rarity whispered scoldingly.
"I'm sorry! I was in a hurry!" She shouted.
"Well could you atleast get some from the vegetarian pizza we got for Twilight and Sunset? And slowly this time?" She asked.
"Fiiiiiiiine. But that takes all the fun out of it!" She whined.
So she went back over to the counter, and with a fresh plate, got a slice of vegetarian pizza.
"Here Twilight! I finally got your order right!" She said, as she bowed and went back to her seat.
Finally I can eat something without being labeled as a cannibal.
I'm not sure how it happened, but I finished my food first.
Although, it was probably a good thing that I did. Rainbow Dash and Applejack really messed up the bed when they were hopping all over it and on each other. And even though it wasn't my bed, I still wanted it to be neat and nice for the person it actually belonged to.
After I did that, I went back downstairs, but only so I could have an actual seat to sit on instead of the floor.
"Where did you go off to Rarity?" I heard Rainbow taunt.
"That's none of your business is it?" I asked.
"You made the bed again didn't you? I know you did." She asked as she chomped on her piece of pizza.
"No, I most certainly did not." I said, as I crossed my arms.
"So... you're saying that if I went up there right now, the bed wouldn't be made right now?" She asked.
"It would not." I started, as I went to the staircase as discreetly as I could. "Now if you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." I said, as I slowly walked up the stairs.
"Oh no you don't!" I heard Rainbow Dash shout from behind me.
"Get out of my way, Rainbow Dash! I really have to use the bathroom!" I said, as I blocked her from getting ahead of me.
"Rarity! Let me through!" She said.
"No can do, Rainbow Dash." I said. "I'm getting in Pinkie's room before you do."
Eventually I got to the top of the stairs. I knew that now was the hard part because now Rainbow could easily get to the room. And I could barely run because I was wearing my fancy house shoes.
"Rainbow Dash! I can't keep up!" I said.
"I knew you made the bed again!" She said.
"Don't you dare mess it up!" I warned.
"You aren't the boss of me!" She mocked.
And then she did plop on the bed, much to my annoyance.
"Are you serious? I have to make the bed again because of you." I said.
I sighed. I had a feeling that she was messing with me.
I probably would have made Rainbow get off the bed, but I got distracted by the sound of footsteps on the staircase, and they were loud ones.
"I'm done with my pizza!" Applejack said, as she jumped on the bed, near Rainbow Dash.
"AJ! You're laying on my throwing arm! I need it for sports!" Rainbow scolded.
"Well you're ALSO laying on the bed I just made!" I yelled.
"Relax, Rarity. You can't be so uptight all the time." Rainbow said.
I sighed before I spoke. "It's not uptight if you want things to be neat and tidy, now is it?"
"I don't know what that word means, but I do know that everything doesn't have to be so nice and pretty like you like things."
"Yes I do!" I said.
And then the other girls came up, Twilight too.
And the rest of the night went pretty smoothly.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't still concerned about Twilight. She did run off after all, and for her to just come back with us after all that happened? It didn't feel right.
I know that I couldn't possibly know what she was thinking when she took off, but it doesn't seem right that she didn't put up a bigger fight than she did.
Twilight is fine. And there's no reason for you to worry about her anymore.