• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 4,240 Views, 39 Comments

Essence of the Night Stalker - Merc Scar

A young man strikes up a bargain to be given the powers of darkness. Will he loose himself and embrace his new powers, or will he resist.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - City of Shining Stone

Micheal yawned as he lazily gazed at the snowy landscape the pass him by as the sun gradually crept towards the horizon. The train had continued travelling all throughout the night and day, only stopping twice.

"How much further do you think we have to go now?" Gale asked.

"Well if that map in the cabinet was anything to go by, I'd say pretty we'll be there soon." Raven replied, a smug smile on her face placing her cards down. "Royal flush, I win."

"HOW DO YOU KEEP GETTING ALL THESE GOOD CARDS!" Gale exclaimed, throwing his own onto the table.

"Perhaps someone doesn't like you," She giggled, looking at Obsidian who sat between their table.

Micheal watched as her shadowy wing once more swept over the table consuming all the cards, only to place her paw on the table and withdraw it showing a freshly shuffled deck.

"No, I'm quite fair" She assured, her eyes squinting. "But I must say, I'm enjoying his.....tantrum."

"SO YOU ARE STACKING THEM!" Gale accused, thrusting a hoof at the grinning shadow.

"Well of course," Obsidian replied. "If I wasn't, the table would still have the last round on it."

"Not what I meant, damn shadowy...." Gale grumbled.

Micheal shook his head and smiled at the siblings as they continued their banter, reminding him of he and his own sister used to argue over small things. Sighing he readjusted himself on the bed and gazed back out the window.

They're changing again, Obsidian whispered in his mind.

Looking back again he watched as both shuddered and convulsed again for the third time today. Both the siblings fore-hooves began to lengthen and split, gradually forming digits and claws.

Gale dropped to the floor grasping at his wings as they grew larger, sprouting feather on and along the top half. Raven on the other hand clawed at her tail tearing clumps of hair away, revealing a full length tail with a coat of short hair.

Raven screeched as the tip of the tail burst, a bone blade similar to metallic on Micheal's other form would have. Gale grunted as his wings cracked into place at their final size, again close to Micheal's own.

Both looked dazed for a moment before continuing their game, seemingly oblivious to what had just transpired.

"You look thirsty," Obsidian cooed to Gale, refilling his cup with the juice pitcher. "Perhaps another drink will help you."

"Oh alright," Gale mumbled. "...Thanks."

Micheal looked to the pitcher as Obsidian placed it back down, the rat Azmuun'Thul had enchanted the pitcher that much was obvious. Micheal had felt revived and full of energy by mid-day, the siblings and be transforming at an increased rate yet seemed unaware or uncaring of the changes. On top of all that the pitcher would refill once it was nearly empty.

"You can change your clothes you know," a familiar voice grunted. "Because that hoodie looks atrocious...and won't do much against a spear."

"JESUS FUCK!" Micheal exclaimed, tumbling off the bed in surprise.

Everyone looked to the window adjacent to the bed, which was now in fact a portal where Azmuun'thul was leaning through.

"Oh that never gets old," he chortled.

"Hi Mr. Rat boss," Raven chirped, waving from her seat."

"Hello to you too," He greeted back. "I see they're coming along nicely."

"What'd ya want now," Micheal grumbled, rubbing his shoulder.

"Well you see," Azmuun'trull hummed, leaning back rummaging for something. "I just remembered that as a human, you've really got nothing going for you in this world. No magic, can't fly and you sure as hell won't win a fist fight."

"Gee, thanks," Micheal sighed. "Anything other flaws you want to point out"

"Well I can guess you've not done much fighting in your life," Azmuun'thul started.

"Fucking here we go," Micheal groaned, flicking his hands towards the rat.

The others snickered behind him at their conversation.

"So I decided to get you weapon more suited to your current situation," Azmuun continued, ignoring Micheal's complaint. "Here we are."

Micheal had barely any warning as the mystery weapon was thrown out the portal. Reaching his hands out he tried to catch it, which caused it to pivot and hit the ground with a dull clunk.

"Careful with that, that rifle is over a hundred years old," Azmuun growled, returning to the window-portal.

Now having a chance to look the weapon over it was indeed a rifle, albeit a somewhat unconventional looking one. For starters there was a crank handle on the side, secondly the rifle had a long telescopic sight running most the length of the weapon.

"With that you should now stand a reasonable chance against most things you come across," Azmuun flourishing a hand to the weapon.

"What's with this crank?" Micheal asked, confused at the strange component. "I've never seen something like this before."

"Ah yes," Azmuun smiled, reaching a hand to the crank. "To use this rifle you need to rotate this back counter-clockwise a full turn, then forward clockwise a full turn."

"Oookay, but what about ammo?" Micheal asked, looking up. "Surely you don't expect me to just hit the ponies with this."

"Gracious no, I'd expect you to shoot them first," Azmuun responded, throwing him a small, worn leather satchel. "Take a look."

Doing as he was told he released the two buckles and opened the flap, revealing several dozen brass casings, with several variety of different coloured bullets.

"Why the different colours?" He asked, pulling a blue tipped one out; the bullet actually looked crystalline.

"Aha, that's where the good stuff comes in," Azmuun said with surprising cheer. "Those blue tipped ones are actually magic repelling."

"Like, it would go through a unicorn's magic shield?" Raven asked.

"Correct, but that's not all," Azmuun explained. "If it gets embedded into someone the crystal will actively dampen a magic user for a while."

"And these?" Gale asked, picking out one with a dimly lit red tip.

"Those, are highly explosive," Azmuun smirked. "A personal favourite really, they will explode equivalent to a stick of what I believe you call dynamite."

Everyone except for Azmuun'thul went stiff, starring at the shining red crystal.

"Don't worry, they won't explode," he assured, reaching out with his staff to smack gales paw.

Micheal watched as the volatile crystal bullet dropped, as fast as he could he lunged out for it.

TING KA-Liiiiinnnnggg

Micheal felt his heart skip, sweat pouring off of him; the bullet had landed right next to his hand and rolled towards his face.

"See nothing to worry about," Azmuun chuckled, retracting his staff. Also, I should mention the rifle can hold up to three rounds, including the one chambered."

Micheal sat up slowly starring at the bullet, heart still pumping loudly. The others slowly recovered from their own panic as well.

"Now those last ones, the ones that look clear," Azmuun continued on as if nothing had happened. "They're actually hollow, you can put anything you want in them, the crystal will act like a shell until impact."

"Like...what?" Obsidian asked shakily, being the only one still not starring at what could have been their doom.

"I'll let you figure that one out," Azmuun'thul hummed, pulling away from the closing portal. "Get creative."


Everyone snapped out of their stupor as the train jostled to a grinding halt. Looking out the windows they realised that they were now outside a train station, and in the distance rose the shining spires of crystal empire.

"Well," Micheal began. "Here we are, lets get started."


"Listen to me, the princesses need to hear this report," Azura pleaded again. "It pertains to the Night Stalker Corvus."

"And I told you, lieutenant, whatever this report is, it can wait," Captain Silver Facade replied Snidely. "The princess is in a very important meeting."

Azura groaned in frustration to herself, Captain Silver Facade was known to be one of the most arrogant, elitists in all of Canterlot. Among the guard he looked down upon any who weren't of noble birth, be nothing more than mere fodder; he had an especial disdain for the common-born who made any officer rank, like her.

"You can return to your duties now lieutenant," Silver sniffed.

Azura bit her tongue and glared at the pompous bastard. She gave a quick salute, then spun around and stormed away.

"Stupid bats wasting the time of their betters." She heard Silver mutter as she got further away.

Azura stormed away, angry and frustrated. Unable to alert the princesses to an impending threat that was coming from the Everfree forest, all because of some stuck up snob didn't like the fact she wasn't born of some hoity toity noble.

She glared and snorted at the castle servants as she prowled the hallways, trying to find anything to vent her frustration to. Until she rounded a corner and collided with somepony carrying a stack of books,hooves and hardcovers collapsing into a pile.

"Watch were you're going, damn servant," Azura growled.

"I beg thou pardon," a familiar, authoritative voice demanded. "How dare thou refer to us as a servant."

Azura bolted up out of the book pile, to see Princess Luna rising up, horn aglow.

"Dear moon! Princess I'm so sorry," Azura pleaded, bowing. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Clearly," Luna deadpanned.

The Princess of the Night looked her up and down, her posture slowly relaxing. While Azura continue her cowering bow to her princess.

"Lieutenant Windsong, please rise," Luna sighed. "I can see you are under quite some stress. Please tell me what's wrong."

Azura stood up, her checks red with embarrassment, she rubbed one of her legs and avoided the gaze of her princess as she recounted what happened out in the town of Long Shadows. How the town had succumbed to some diseases inflicted by Corvus and how it transformed the inhabitants into blood thirsty monsters like him.

Azura then told Luna of how she had tried to see Celestia, but was unable too because of Captain Silver Facade.

"Ah yes him," Luna grumbled, "I've heard about him. He seems to be more of a detriment, than good for the Royal guard from what gossip I hear."

"You've, ah... heard the gossip, princess?" Azura asked hesitantly.

"Indeed, I get the privilege to see that in some of the guards dreams," Luna chuckled. "Despite your stoic front, some of you are quite the imaginative bunch."

Azura ducked her head in embarrassment.

"But I hear it more when they don't think I'm listening," Luna smirked. "I'm honestly surprised he hasn't heard of some of those things by now."

"If he's considered so bad then, have you tried to remove him?" Azura asked, feeling more confidant.

"I have, however his family holds enough power among the nobility that it's nearly impossible to do so," she sighed. "But his family do serve a purpose."

"What do you mean your Highness?" Azura wondered.

"The noble house of Facade have long been one of the largest supporters of the royal guard," Luna answered regally though grew darker. "In ages past they supplied nearly all the needs to the guard, be it food, armor, weapons, and even at one they conscripted their vassals."

"Wh-why was that," Azura quavered.

Luna released a sullen sigh and gave her a sad look. "Because of me."

After a moment of awkward silence, Luna straightened herself back into a regal stance.

"Enough talk about the good captain," Luna said, her small snark making Azura smile. "Your report is something my sister should hear. Come we shall make haste."

"What do yo-" Azura was cut off as luna's horn glowed brightly, a strong sensation yanking her off her hooves.


Micheal had been wandering around the back streets of the city for a couple of hours now with his companions, marveling at the crystalline buildings all around them. And that no matter where they went, the great crystal tower which they had assume was in the center of the city, was visible wherever they went.

Micheal sat down between some crates in the alleyway they were currently travelling down. The day had been hot and clear, the sun beating down upon them.

So far they had been lucky to avoid the gaze of most of the city's inhabitants as the ducked and weaved through the various back streets and alleys, thankfully Micheal still was able to control the shadows enough to at least obscure himself; at least until a pony look directly at him with a searching gaze for a moment.

Gale and Raven had also seemed to inherit some of his powers now with their new bodies, they too were able to manipulate the shadowy smoke that gently wafted from them. Though Micheal was still unnerved by the siblings reaction to their changes, not only did they like their new bodies, they seemed eager to serve him.

Micheal sighed and shook his head placing his new and now disguised rifle against the alley wall; he had managed to will the shadows to make the rifle appear more like an old, large staff. He then turned opening his satchel and pulling out the juice pitcher and a couple of small cups he had taken from the train.

"Alright who wants a drink," Micheal asked around, pouring a cup. "This heat is ridiculous."

"Me, me," Raven chirped, bounding over to him.

"Yeah, sure," Gale huffed, looking a bit pale "Feel like I'm going to pass out."

Micheal passed the first one to gale, who drank deeply. Then poured a second for Raven, who likewise made the tainted juice disappear; Micheal had to refill their cups several times before they were satisfied enough that he could have his own.

Ahh, alright," Micheal gasped, having sculled a third cup. "Clearly the weather, in particular the sun, isn't doing us any favours, neither is wandering around this crystal labyrinth of a city."

He placed the pitcher and cups back in the satchel and stood up. "What I say is we find a nice place to hunker down in for a few hours, preferably abandoned, then go and poach something to eat. I feel like this is going to be a long game.

Well there looks to be an inn down the road Obsidian relayed. At least I think it is, I can't read the sign from here, but the setup looks right.

"Excellent," Micheal said, causing the siblings to perk up at him. "Obsidian may have just found us a place to duck into, but we're going to need to steal some money first."

"Oh, don't worry," Raven assured, unfurling a wing showing a small brown pouch. "We found a small bag of bits back on the train."

"Yeah and I've snagged a few trinkets along the way," Gale smirked, showing a couple of silver pocket watches and gem encrusted rings."

"You two are bloody fantastic you know that," Micheal beamed, ruffling their heads as he took their loot. "Alright lets go get out from under this sun till it gets dark."

He snatched up the rifle and willed the shadows to envelop himself, the trio setting off down the road. Hugging the sides of the buildings as they hurried along, closing towards their destination.

Dropping their veils the trio piled inside, Micheal having to duck through the short doorway. They were greeted with a surprisingly rustic looking tavern, in contrast to the city outside Micheal would have believed he was back in Ponyville or some other small town.

"Yes? How can I help you?" An elderly stallion asked from behind the counter, looking up from his book. "What in all crystals are you lot?"

"We're...uhh-" Raven began.

"Travelers," Gale finished quickly. "Far away, over the seas and all that."

The old stallion looked them over for a moment before shrugging.

"Alright young'uns," The stallion said. "I'm not a guard, so as long you ain't looking to cause trouble, your story's your own. Now what can I getcha?"

"Can we get three rooms please?" Micheal asked, dropping the bag of bits onto the counter. "And something to eat as well, mr...."

"Course, and name's Silver whistle," he replied, pulling out three big iron keys. "Any preference on what you'd like to eat, I cater to quite a few different folk."

"Anythings fine, we're not all that picky," Micheal said, taking the keys up as Silver tipped the back over and counted out the payment.

"Alright, I'll bring you a meal in a few minutes," Silver said, handing over the remaining gold bits back in the pouch. "Dinner won't be for a few hours yet. In the mean time feel free to get settled in."

The old stallion pointed a hoof towards the back of the tavern, past the dinning and communal area.

"That's fine, and thanks" Micheal smiled, gathering the two hybrids behind him, and leading them up a staircase near the back of the inn.

"First door on the left, and the two on the right," Silver called out to them.

The trio made their way in to their respective rooms. Micheal gazed over his room, a small cot sat over to the left with a table and cushion of on the right wall, a single round window sat in the middle of the wall opposite the door, over looking the street below.

Micheal placed his rifle on the cot and tore away some of his clothing, the pieces and disguise fading into the shadowy mist. He had mainly settled on a outfit consisting of a hooded cloak adorned with feathers, a sleeveless leather jerkin with silver buttons and a white collared shirt. He settled on basic trousers for his leggings and a pair of buckled boots.

He sat there watching the strange crystalline ponies wandering the street, idly changing little aspects of his clothing. Micheal sighed as he watched the strange ponies talk, laugh, browse wares at some stands, all of them sharing something in common that made him pause.

"I don't know if I can do this," Micheal said sorrowfully. "Not to so many innocents."

He could feel Obsidian's presence rise from the shadows.

"What's changed," She asked irritably. "How many have you slain up to now. What difference does it make for a few more."

"Because, I feel human again," Micheal confided, earning him a scornful look. "Okay I am human again... But like something was missing before, when I was one of you, I killed and maimed with no real with no issue. But now-"

"You forget that everything we do determines whether or not we will be captured and killed," Obsidian interrupted. "We hunt and kill out of necessity, it is how we have survived."

"Surely you know what I'm talking about," Micheal pleaded. "We're linked, you know what's going on inside my head. Just like how I can feel how disgusted you are at me right now, but your feeling it too now aren't you?"

Obsidian glared at him for a few tense moments, before slumping. "Why in the great moon are you feeling such sadness over those we've slain. They mean nothing to us"

"Well..."Micheal began to theorize. "Before all of this, I'd try and avoid fighting and injury wherever I could. But when I was turned into one of you, it's like, there was this cloud in my mind."

Obsidian gazed at him, then looked away out the window to the distant buildings.

"No," She growled, shaking her head violently. "I don't want to think about it. Lets just do what we must and be done already."

"Alright, alright," Micheal conceded, moving over to the cot. "Lets just wait till night, then start scouting for...whatever, this city's magic source is."

Comments ( 5 )

We back baby let's go

make more please

Aw man, I'm caught up already! Please continue this story, I absolutely love it!

Jan 1st 2019
New Chapter

Jan 2nd 2019
"We back baby let's go"

One year Five months Six days later
No Updates

MOVE YOU IDIOT, Obsidian screeched loud enough to break him from his stupor.

It's not badly written, but the character keeps making dumber and dumber decisions. Does he get any smarter as the story go on? There is only so long you can watch someone staggering around running on nothing but luck for so long before it just gets ridiculous.


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