• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 4,240 Views, 39 Comments

Essence of the Night Stalker - Merc Scar

A young man strikes up a bargain to be given the powers of darkness. Will he loose himself and embrace his new powers, or will he resist.

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Chapter 7 - Path to Darkness Part II

“Ahhh, much better,” Micheal sighed as he walked out of the bathroom having spent a good hour at least bathing.

Now we shall rest, Obsidian said. You'll soon start feeling the fatiuge from your hunt soon, you maintained that shadowform for longer than I expected, but it will catch up with you.

But I feel perfectly fine, Micheal responded. Hell I feel like I could run a marathon at the moment.

To prove his point he somersaulted up and grabbed the roof with his rear claws, striking his tail in for added support.

See, perfe-, Micheal was cut off as a great headache struck him, his whole body began to feel like lead. Thankfully his claws and tail were dug in hard enough he maintained his grip.

Why do you never listen... Obsidian sighed.

Micheal groaned at the throbs beating away like a drum, his vision faded in and out as his eyes fluttered trying to keep them open.

“Uh...you okay dude?” A voice asked.

Micheal looked over to a bed at the head of the room, in front of it was a small basket. Inside was the same purple reptile from before, its head poking out from under a blanket.

"Why am I not surprised everything here is capable of speech..." Micheal muttered. "Yes little lizard I will be fine in time."

"Hey I'm a dragon, not a lizard," the small purple dragon cried.

"Of course..." Micheal sighed, head still throbbing.

"Do you want like a glass of water or something?" The dragon asked.

"I'll be fine..." Micheal grumbled, all he wanted to do was rest his aching head.

"Anyway, I'm Spike, Twilight's assistant," Spike said coming out of his basket. "What's your name?"

"uhh...It's Corvus...Can I please get some rest now?" Micheal asked.

"Oh sorry, sure dude," Spike apologised.

"Do me a favor and close up any curtains that haven't been yet in case I wake up and it's still day will you?" Micheal asked.

"Alright," Spike answered uncertainly.

Micheal wrapped his wings around himself, hoping if he could at least fall asleep, he'd wake up feeling better.

He stayed like this for several minutes until a loud crash emanated somewhere downstairs disturbing him and reigniting his headache to new levels.

"Hey Twilight you here," a raspy voice called out. "HEY TWILIGHT!"


Perhaps not the best idea to annoy ponies while you're like this, Obsidian pointed out

"WHAT"D YOU SAY PUNK!" The voice shouted back.

Micheal growled and parted his wings and forced his eyes open, just into time to see a rainbow colored mass heading straight for him.


Stars, they both thought together.

The rainbow colored mass smashed Micheal right off his perch and into the wall where he was released, dropping to the ground like a rag-doll. Micheal struggled to haul himself up, again the assailant pounced him pinning him down.

"Just who do you think you are?!" The assailant demanded. "And where's Twilight?!"

Micheal could barely move his legs let alone answer, all he could do was let out a groan before going limp from his exhaustion.

"You had better not hurt Twilight you bird freak!" The pony yelled.

"Whoa, hold up Rainbow Dash," Spike called coming up to the bedroom. "Twilight isn't here, she went out with that bat pony for some reason."

"Yeah so who's this buster then?" Rainbow said.

"He's been sent down by princess Celestia," Spike answered. "I think Twilight said his name is Corvus or something like that."

"You got lucky Cor-vus," Rainbow sassed unpinning him.

Would you kindly kill this wretch, Obsidian demanded

Later, Micheal replied. Sleeeeep

Micheal was barely aware of Rainbow dash and spike both looking at him as he faded into unconscious.


"So can you tell me again why we're out here Miss Sparkle?" Azura asked.

"I may not be able to determine the kind of creature the blood came from because it's so mixed," Twilight explained. "But I can use a simple tracking spell to find where it came from.

They had been following the bloody feather Twilight had found on the library floor for a few hours now, the tip pointing like a compass.

"Are we sure we want to find whatever it was he was hunting though," Azura said uncertainly. "The Everfree is full of predators and monsters, perhaps you should have let gather and escort first."

"We'll be fine, we're not actually that deep in the forest," Twilight assured. "It only feels like we are because we've been forced to take so many detours. The spell points to the point of origination, but won't show the best route to it."

"If you say so..." Azura said, still not completely sure of the purple unicorn. Because she had been forced to chase the unicorn she hadn't the chance to get her hoof claws.

A warm copper smell mixed with the earthy scent of the forest soon filled the air. As they approached the smell slowly turned more and more rancid.

"I think we're here," Twilight said as the pair pushed their way into a clearing, the feather erupted violently into violet flames.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Azura asked.

"Yes, an unfortunate side effect of that particular tracking spell is that the object that is being used will be consumed once it has come to within a few hoof lengths of its point of origin," Twilight explained.

Like the rest of the Everfree much of the clearing was cloaked in shadows from the canopy with only a little amount of lighting provided by luminescent mushrooms, a few embers burned in the coals of an old fire near the middle of the clearing.

Thanks to Azura's natural night vision she could see somewhat better than what Twilight could, around the clearing she could make out numerous shapes all splayed out on the ground, and the ruins of a cage near the far edge of the clearing.

"Ugh, I can't make anything out," Twilight sighed. "Hold on, shield your eyes for a moment."

"For wha-" Azura began, but was cut off from a blinding flash of light.

Azura stood there rubbing her eyes as she heard Twilight gasp, as soon as her vision cleared she saw what had shocked Twilight. The shapes around the clearing were the badly mutilated bodies of what would once have been recognised has diamond dogs. Both their eyes scanned the horror that had befallen the place, until the rested on the torn remains of the cage.

Several bodies lay in and on the cage, some had limbs torn off, others were ripped apart and one had been been disemboweled and draped around the broken bars.

"Corvus...did this..." Twilight stuttered.

"I can't...believe it," Azura said equally shocked.

As they were taking in the sight in front of them they suddenly heard a faint sobbing. Immediately they raced over to the cage where the sobbing got louder, underneath all the cadavers.

Twilight's horned glowed as she removed the bodies to reveal a young unicorn filly, shaking and covered in blood.

"Sweet Celestia," Twilight stammered. "Is she alright?"

Azura bent down and began examining the young unicorn, she found no external wounds but was obviously traumatised.

"She's not wounded," Azura said, looking over at Twilight. "But after what she's been through she'll need time to recover. Put her on my back and lets get out of here."

Twilight levitated the petrified filly onto her shoulders where she used her wings to help hold her in place. Taking one last look at the clearing they turned and left.

"We need to contact the princesses," Azura said.


Micheal's eye's snapped open, he was greeted with a dimly lit room, a chandelier with candles burnt near to the nub hanging on it. Looking around he saw that he was laying on an extravagant bed, incredibly soft silk blankets covered him. The room itself was fairly dull, a heavy set desk covered in parchments was next to the bed, several shelves with scrolls, tomes and vials were scattered around the room.

Where the hell am I? Micheal thought.

Looking at himself he saw that he was still as he was, yet something didn't feel right. Getting up he moved about the room trying to find anything that would hint who the room belonged too.

The muffled sound of metal scrapping and banging on wood made Micheal jump and turn around to look at the one feature he'd overlooked, the door. The door opened to reveal a familiar cloaked form, wearing the same plate and wielding the same staff as before.

"You," Micheal growled.

"Yes me," Azmuun'thul hissed. "It's about time you started doing some work, I was wondering if I was going to be forced to...intervene."

"Yeah well I haven't had a chance to do anything yet," Micheal said.

"Yes but you're free now," Azmuun'thul said, pacing into the room. " And I must say, that was an impressive display last night, five diamond dogs and nine ponies...my my, how viscous you are Micheal...or rather, should I say Corvus."

"Wait what?" Micheal asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Do you not remember?" Azmuun'thul asked. "Hmm, that's interesting...I'll need to look into that."

"What? What's going on?" Micheal asked again, starting to get nervous.

"Nothing much. I just need to run a few tests, so be a good stalker and come here," Azmuun'thul said, gesturing for Micheal to come closer. "I need to take a couple of samples."

Grudgingly Micheal went to the ratman. In a few swift motions Azmuun'thul had slashed Micheal's shoulder, gathered blood and plucked several feathers.

Micheal could barely recoil from the actions.

"Hey what the fuck!" Micheal yelled, grabbing his wound

"Don't cry, you're still technically asleep," Azmuun'thul said dismissively. "Check again."

Micheal removed his paw and saw the wound was gone. "Yeah well, it's the principle of the matter," Micheal said." I'm sure you could have done that better."

"Maybe, but we'll never know," Azmuun'thul said turning towards the door. "Now come in here, I want to show you where I'll be sending you next.

Micheal followed his twisted benefactor into the adjacent room. This one was bigger, but mostly had banners depicting runes and hide rugs hanging on the walls, a large stone table dominated the central floor.

"The next place I will send you will require you to disguise your current form," Azmuun'thul stated. "So as promised, I will give your fragile human form back for the time being, with some equipment of course."

The rat then gestured to the table, the surface shimmered for a moment before a mix of colors began to rise, it took Micheal a moment to realise that it was actually a map, showing every detail of the land he was in.

"I want you to infiltrate the kingdom of the far north, the land is surrounded by a wintry wasteland," Azmuun'thul continued. "But the capital itself provides protection from the surrounding land by magical means. What I want is for you to infiltrate the main city, find the source of this magic and destroy it."

"Okay, but how am I supposed to get there?" Micheal asked. "I can really just waltz in there."

"Well I'll give you two options," Azmuun'thul said. "One you can just walk there and find a means to survive, or option two you eliminate one or more of your soon to-be enemies, and I give you a reward."

"Reward?" Micheal asked.

"Of course, if you complete extra tasks that I offer you, I will give you a reward," Azmuun'thul answered. "It'd be no fun to just have you do this and that, why not stir the pot as it were. The reward I will offer is this."

Azmuun'thul pulled a silver choker out of a satchel, a small clear gem was encrusted onto the front with several runic patterns etched along the sides.

"This artifact will enhance your current powers and even allow you to cross over to the shadow realm, a place that will be native to you empowering you even more," Azmuun'thul explained. "If that's not incentive enough for you, the levels of shadow based energies contained within this artifact will help protect you from both the sun and Celestia. No longer will you be forced to cower to them again."

Micheal looked the choker over, aside from looking nice to look at he was skeptical.

Azmuun'thul could see he was still uncertain. "How's about I throw one favorable request as well when I do offers like these, so along with the normal reward, if you perform even better I'll grant you one favor which you can cash in for what you want...within reason of course."

Now his interest peaked. Well if what he wants eliminated will soon become my enemy, I don't see why not.

"Alright, you've got a deal," Micheal said.

"Excellent. Now what I want you to do is eliminate any of the six ponies you find in that town your in who radiate a particularly strong form of magic," Azmuun'thul explained. "The more you eliminate the better for you in the long run."

"Now kindly Corvus, WAKE UP!"


Micheal snapped to attention pushing himself upright, looking around before wilting from the grogginess that overcame him.

"Woah, easy dude," Spike said. "Twilight isn't back yet and it's night time, so...you know I thought you would want to get up."

Looking at a nearby window he confirmed that it was indeed night outside.

"Thank you...Spike," Micheal said. "I'll be on my way then."

With that he rose up, joints popping from resting on the floor and made his way downstairs. Making his way to the main entrance he saw that Rainbow Dash was still here on a large pillow reading a book.

"Your still here?" Micheal asked absently as he walked past her.

"Making sure your not up to anything," She shot back, jumping into the air and following him. "I don't trust you for a second, your up to something I can tell it."

"Good for you," Micheal mocked. "Now kindly fuck off, I want to go find something to eat."

"HEY! Just who do you think you are?" Rainbow demanded. "I can do what I want.

"Do you really want to watch me hunt?" Micheal asked flatly, Rainbow just looked at him. "Are all you ponies so oblivious...Look at me, I'm obviously carnivorous, I...eat...meat."

"I get that. One of my friends is a gryphon," Rainbow said waving a hoof. "But the amount of blood you were trying to hide last night is a dead give away you're up to something, and I'm going to find out."

"Observe away then," Micheal sighed. "Just don't blame me if you get nightmares or something."

I should mention, this on bears a similar magical signature to the pink one, be wary of her, Obsidian growled.

With that Micheal left the library, cyan shadow in tow.

As he pasted the shadowy apple orchard he started getting an idea. Letting out a screech he charge over the fence straight into the shadows underneath the trees.

"Hey! Get back here buster!" Rainbow yelled after him.

Leaping behind some trees he quickly he allowed himself to be consumed by the shadows, becoming one with them. He watched as a flash of Rainbow passed him.

He loosed another screech and she zoomed back to him.

"Come on out, I know your here!" Rainbow shouted in no particular direction.

"Are you sure you want to follow me around?" Micheal asked as he circled around the pegasus. "It's dangerous out in the forest, filled with predators and monsters."

"Nothing I haven't faced before," Rainbow called boisterously. "You don't scare me, now show yourself."

Micheal circled around her several times. "Do you really want me to come out...are you really sure...because I can smell the fear coming off you, you know?"

"Hurry up and get out here bird brain!" Rainbow shouted looking around wildly.

Micheal glided up to her, rising up over her with poised claws.

"Gotcha," he whispered in her ear, quickly flicking his claws on her wings.

Rainbow screamed in fright and bolted away, Micheal was reverted back to his normal form unable to maintain his control from his laughter.

Why didn't you just kill her? Obsidian demanded.

Because I didn't feel like it Micheal replied.

Idiot. The more magical affected creatures you consume the greater your power will be! Obsidian ranted. If you were to consume the magic of those ponies, your power would increase at exponential rate.

Well then put it this way, if I did things your way I'd be going around killing everything, I'd be caught out in no time and captured or killed, Micheal said. I need to make my moves carefully, this area is obviously inhabited, killing her here would leave obvious traces.

You just don't want to make any moves because your regretting becoming apart of this, Obsidian accused . It's obvious, not killing that pegasus, your friendship with that therestal.

Bullshit, I'll fulfill my part of the deal, Micheal protested. I'm just having some fun first.

Then prove your serious, hunt down the next pony you come across, Obsidian challenged. Lest our benefactor start to intervene...I hate being a puppet more than I already am.

Very well then, Micheal sighed.

With that Micheal stalked off into the cold night, clouds rolling in thunder rumbling ominously overhead as if the world itself were mourning the night to come.

Author's Note:

That's another one down about a I-don't-know-how-many-more to go.

Usual spiel and what not.

Have fun.