• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 4,240 Views, 39 Comments

Essence of the Night Stalker - Merc Scar

A young man strikes up a bargain to be given the powers of darkness. Will he loose himself and embrace his new powers, or will he resist.

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Chapter 6 - Path to Darkness Part I

“Food...Water...Freedom,” Micheal gasped as he crawled out of the library into the night.

“Oh shush, I've only been asking you questions for five hours now,” Twilight defended.

This one is asking to be killed, Obsidian said. Oblige her, now.

“I've got this dietary requirement if you hadn't noticed,” Micheal growled, ignoring his other half. “If I don't meet it I'll turn into a ravenous beast and start taking it out on the closest living thing, then I'll be beyond square one.”

Twilight's ears folded back. “Eheh...Right, forgot about that,” Twilight said nervously. “Sorry, I better let you go for the night so you can do...what you need to do.”

“I was told of a forest of which I could hunt in,” Micheal asked. “Directions?”

“Follow the road out of town to the east,” Twilight answered, pointing a hoof towards some low hills. “But...it leads to the Everfree, it's dangerous there.”

“Well then, I'll fit right in,” Micheal said marching out the door.

“Good luck with your...hunting,” Twilight called after him.

Micheal followed the road out of town and over some small hills, passing a large gate with a sign reading 'Sweet Apple Acres' written on it. From where he was walking along Micheal could see at least a few hundred apple trees in the twilight of the moon, red orbs glistened all over the trees ripe for the picking.

Perhaps later, on my way back, Micheal thought.

Aren't you sick of all this fruit and vegetable by now? Obsidian demanded.

Just because I need to eat meat, particularly fresh and live from what you tell me, and also because it's my job, doesn't mean I should omit them. Fruit and vegetables are key to living healthy, Micheal explained.

Shut it, I don't want to hear that sort of nonsense, Obsidian fired immediately.

Micheal openly laughed at her.

Amidst his jubilation he hardly noticed the transition of his surroundings from open meadow to closed forest until he ran right into a tree.

Now Obsidian was openly laughing at him. You've got perfect night vision, and you still run dead on into a tree, I'm impressed.

Shut it, I don't want to hear your shit. Micheal countered, rubbing his beak.

Looking around the forest he found a track leading deeper into the forest, bushes and strange trees flanking the sides. Following the path Micheal tried to peer deeper into the forest for something to strike at.

To his delight he soon found tracks left by some canine creature, and judging by the amount there were more. Micheal swiped his tongue around his beak stomach rumbling, the thought of live prey squirming in his talons awakening some primal excitement in him.

He followed the tracks as swiftly as he could, halting when he heard voices coming from ahead, glancing from behind a tree he saw his quarry.

A group of bipedal canines garbed in jackets or plate armor wielding spears sat around a campfire all laughing.

“These ponies are too easy to catch,” one of the dogs hollered.” Catch small one and big ones come and fall into trap.”

Another round of laughter erupted from them. Micheal looked around and saw a caged wagon sitting on the far edge of the campfires light, full of ponies. Mares and Stallions, young and old, all sat in the cage with the same look of despair on their face.

Here's an excellent opportunity to try shadowmelding, Obsidian quipped in. Feel yourself blend in and move up near them and strike, scare them into the shadows and tear them down.

Micheal had to admit it was a good idea, he could fulfill his need to hunt, free some ponies and garner some trust with the locals. He did as he was told and focused on becoming a shadow, gradually a feeling like being submerged in water began to wash over him.

Excellent, Obsidian purred. Now try and move around.

Micheal tried to move forward but felt himself dip down like he was sinking, he immediately tried to push himself up which caused him to surge up high into the lower branches of the surrounding trees. Looking down at himself all he could see was a vague smokey shadow-form of himself, he focus on one of his talons in particular, in place of his claw was a shadowy apparition; still barely visible yet it was more viscous looking than his corporal form.

That's interesting, Micheal thought.

It should be natural that your more dangerous in this form, Obsidian explained. However since you are still what we consider a hatchling, these powers will strain you more over time.

Micheal again tried to move around, but this time imagining that he was swimming using his tail to propel himself. The motion was easy and Micheal soon was moving around freely, stalking the camp.

Micheal floated around behind the majority of the group, counting five of the dog creatures around the camp. Three sat around the fire talking while two patrolled around the edges of the camp. As Micheal moved in he brushed the bushes which caused them to rustle gently.

"What was noise?" One asked, perking up and looking back towards Micheal.

"Go find out," a smaller one barked.

The lumbering oaf got up and began approaching, spear angled down ready to jab. Micheal waited patiently as the dog approached, waiting right until it was in front of him.

"There's nothing he-," the dog was cut off as Micheal drove his claws in its chest.

With a mighty heave he of his wing he launched the dog deeper into the forest screaming, slamming it into a tree. The dog stumbled to its feet dazed.

Micheal felt a energy pulse through his form, causing him to shiver and cackle in pleasure.

Yesss, Obsidian droned. feast upon them.

The dog looked around in fear as is began to regain its senses, Micheal pounced and slashed his claws across its face leaving deep gashes. The dog howled in pain, Micheal felt another wave roll over him; again and again he slashed away until the dog went silent.

As the dog released its final breath Micheal began tearing hunks of flesh from the body, indulging his hunger.

Soon however he felt an emptiness forming in him.

We need more, Obsidian cooed. And there's much more to be had tonight.

Micheal rose from the half-eaten carcass and turned back towards the clearing, lethargically he made his way back.

Go, get them, Obsidian hissed. The night is young still, and there is much fun to be had with them.


Micheal felt light headed, drunk almost; stumbling his way back out of the forest he had hunted in. The night must have been good though oddly his memory was muddled, he could remember the thrill of hunting, but couldn't remember exactly what it was except that it smelt like wet dog.

Hurry now, the sun should be rising soon Obsidian urged. You don't want to be out when that cursed disk comes up.

Micheal tried to shake his head clear as he was crossing a small bridge but ended falling straight off the side into the stream below it, looking down he saw thick red streaks flowing off him. Alarmed he looked himself over for injuries but could find none.

What the hell, Micheal thought. Where'd all this come from?

Why our hunt off course, Obsidian answered. Truly it was a beautiful hunt, one that I must say you executed perfectly.

I...uh...thank you...I guess, Micheal bumbled.

Now go, we waste precious moonlight. Obsidian restated.

Rising up he bounded out of the stream and made his way back to the tree-library he was supposed to be staying at. All the lights were out as he approached but Micheal could swear he could see movement inside.

Cautiously Micheal turned the doors handle, gently he opened the door and slowly peered inside.

The moment his beak was mere inches in the door, all the lights burst on, loud party horns blared and confetti shot out from small toy cannons. A large banner unfurled itself from the center of the room reading.

Welcome to Ponyville

Spooky night gryphon monster thing Corvus

"SURPRISE!" A roomful of ponies cheered.

Micheal was still reeling from the sudden sense overload as a pink pony pulled him in and slapped him in a chair and put a party hat on his head, a horn in his mouth and placed a slice of cake in front of him.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's local baker and party planner extraordinaire," Pinkie fired excitedly. "This is your welcome to Ponyville welcoming party, do you like parties oh what am I sayingofcourseyoulikepartieseveryonelikespartiesalsoI'mgoingallowmetobe-,"

Micheal slammed a paw over the ponies mouth clamping it shut.

"Please...slow down," Micheal said slowly, head pounding still from the overload.

"Mhpfmhpf," Pinkie muffled.

Micheal released his grip and slumped back, Pinkie gave him a concerned look.

"What?" Micheal asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Is that bl-blood?" Pinkie stuttered pointing a hoof at him.

Micheal gave her a curious look, then looked to where she was pointing to; Micheal unfurled on of his wings, they both held the underside of the feathers and leathery skin to be thoroughly covered and slowly dripping blood.

"Oh...would you look at that,"Micheal said casually.

Pinkie screamed. All the ponies looked over at the commotion and saw Micheal's outstretched and bloody wings, they all went wide-eyed and began panicking as well.

Soon the library was trashed and abandoned except for a very dazed Twilight sprawled on the floor, a few papers fluttered down onto her. Micheal looked around surprised at how fast the room emptied, slowly he withdrew his wings.

Truly the ponies know how to flee with speed, Obsidian said. I would say it is one of the greatest assets that they have, when they can that is.

"Twilight what's going on down he-," a small reptile spoke while coming down the stairs, upon spotting Micheal it sprinted back up the stairs. "Sweet Celestia don't hurt me!"

Both Obsidian and Micheal broke into mirthful laugh, but for different reasons. Micheal for how he found the situation comical, Obsidian because of how she enjoyed watching those she deemed as prey to flee in terror.

"Miss Sparkle? Is everything alright?" The sound of Azura's voice called in from outside.

"Uh...But princess I want both books," Twilight said unintelligibly.

"Miss Sparkle?" Azura called again coming in through the door. "By the stars!"

Upon entering her eyes went wide at the devastation, looking around she surveyed the damage; most was just of books and paper scattered around the floor, though a couple of seats and tables were overturned or broken. Then Azura's eyes settled onto Micheal.

"Corvus what did you do?!" Azura exclaimed.

"What, don't look at me," Micheal began." I just got back from my hunt, It's not my fault that these ponies are afraid of me and that I haven't had a chance to wash this off yet."

Azura shook her head. "We defiantly need to figure out a way that will let you hunt without scaring the ponies."

"Can I please go wash now?" Micheal asked politely.

Azura closed her eyes and sighed, waving a hoof dismissively.

Micheal trotted off up the stair case.

Surely the bathroom is up here somewhere, he thought.


"Miss Sparkle? Are you alright?" Azura asked the dazed librarian.

"Did everypony panic again?" Twilight mumbled.

"It appears so," Azura said looking around the library which looked like a whirlwind had pasted through. "Despite it, I must admit I'm surprised at how fast everypony vacated the library."

"They've had a lot of practice," Twilight responded.

Azura had heard of the stories and read the newspapers which let here know that the small town was anything but a quaint little town.

"So what set everypony off?" Azura asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight said, looking around her library. "Wait, what's this."

A black and red feather covered in a lavender veil floated into view, the red coloration was obviously blood...it was still dripping.

"Obviously he got a bit excited during his hunt," Azura said, twilight blanched. "I wonder what it was that he went after?"

Twilight's face contorted into one of concentration. "hmm, there appears to be more than one type of blood here. He fought several things so I can't tell exactly what."

"You could gauge that from the blood?" Azura asked tilting her head.

"Well sure I could if it was only from one creature," Twilight answered. "But..."

"But what?" Azura asked.

"Come with me, I want to check something," Twilight said heading to the door.

"Hey! Hold up," Azura called chasing Twilight out the door.

Author's Note:

Well here's another. Now that I'm starting to get into the good stuff I can't stop writing.

I was going to have this chapter just as one whole, but after writing more and more it started to look a tad messy, so I'm going to chop it into two or three fragments, we'll see how it goes.

You should know the drill by now.
So take care, stay safe.