• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 4,236 Views, 39 Comments

Essence of the Night Stalker - Merc Scar

A young man strikes up a bargain to be given the powers of darkness. Will he loose himself and embrace his new powers, or will he resist.

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Chapter 4 - Sentence

Dull clattering of chains and armor filled the halls accompanied by the sharp clack of claw and hoof as Micheal was forced marched through various halls; from the bleak stone dungeon through to marble passages then soon to grand halls.
Tapestries depicting various emblems dotted the passageways. Yet Micheal noticed two that stuck out in particular, one bronze with a sun radiating in perfect gold bars, the other a charcoal blue with a brilliant silver moon and stars.

Soon Micheal grew bored of the repeating architecture and furnishings and focused more on walking forward, the chains and shackles beginning to weigh more and more on him every step. His breathing was labored as he entered a large circular room, a balcony with a larger version of the sun banner hung from its base.

The guards lead Micheal to the center of the room, which was of a particularly bleached white marble. The guards loosened his bondings but soon locked them to several gold shackles that circle his pad. When their job was complete each moved to stand in front of a pillar which supported the room.

For a while nothing happened so Micheal slumped to the ground the best he could to relieve himself. After composing himself he looked around until he saw Azura, who wore a saddened experession.

Uhh, what exactly is happening, Micheal pondered.

Absoulution, Obsidian whimpered.

Wait what, Micheal asked.

Soon it will all be over...again, her voice continuing to wail in his head.

Alarmed Micheal began to search for a way to break his bonds and escape. He looked at the condition of the chain links, some looked fragile enough to break, yet there were no windows in the room to escape through and the main door was guarded by the two unicorns, escape was almost entirely out of reach.

The same burning sensation began to return and a cough interrupted his search, looking up he saw the alabaster princess staring down at him with neutral expression. Instantly he averted his gaze and rose a wing to shield himself from her burning aura.

"Stalker," Celestia called. "You are here to receive judgement."

Gingerly Micheal lowered his wing slightly, allowing him to gaze up at brilliant pony.

"I have discussed with my sister your...particular circumstance," Celestia continued. "we have decided to allow you to live in our realm."

All around the room, both the guards and Micheal alike snapped their attention to the princess.

Impossible... Obsidian mumbled

"There are conditions to go with your allowed freedom," another voice spoke.

The voice soon revealed itself as another pony that bore some resemblance to Celestia; horn, wings and ethereal mane, yet this one was smaller with a dark blue coat and wore silver regalia. The mane glittered like the night sky, occasionally concealing part of her piercing gaze as she stared down at him.

"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "Where ever you go you shall be accompanied by at least one guard, any attempt to bring harm to our little ponies will not be tolerated. Understood?"

"Understood," Micheal affirmed.

"Excellent. As for now guards please escort our new guest to the lunar wing, we need to see to accommodation for him," the dark pony commanded, motioning a hoof.

At the order the guards released Micheal's restraints and formed a group around him once more, the two unicorns at the rear giving him a not so friendly nudge with their horns.

"Move," one grunted.


Micheal hung from a support beam slowly waving side to side, something he'd been doing for the past hour...at least.

The room he was in had to be somewhere high up in the structure, given how many flights of stairs he took. The room itself was extravagant, tapestries depicting the night, moon and stars lined with silver hung around the room, silken curtains of deep rich purple lined the windows.

A fireplace was carved into the wall, made from obsidian and carved in such a way that one could mistake it as a portal to a fire plane; inside coals glowed gently from the fire that crackled some time ago.

A small rounded table sat just off from the fireplace, four plush pillows around it. On the table sat a few candles burnt near to the base, dully lighting the few pieces of fruit in a basket.

Micheal yawned again, bored of surveying the room for the up tenth time; his gaze wandered instead to the grand bed below him.
The pillows were filled with goose down, the blankets were made thickly of silk and thee mattress felt like there was a cloud inside it, in all the finest bed he had ever seen.

What do you think they're going to do with us, Micheal pondered, releasing his grip and dropping down onto the bed.

Honestly, I have no clue Obsidian responded. Celestia had us then and there, she could have been rid of us. From what I've seen of her while she was hunting us a few centuries back, she would never have given up an opportunity like that...so why?

Silence reigned again apart from the occasional pop and crackle from the fireplace.

An abrupt slam brought Micheal out of his pondering. Looking up he saw the pony that had been standing beside Princess Celestia earlier stride into the room, two guards in tow.

"Stalker," she addressed. "You will be permitted some time to go feast on a proper meal and explore the castle grounds. We have decided that in the interest of our little ponies that you will remain here, until we believe thou shall not harm our subjects."

Micheal nodded his head slowly.

"These two will be your escorts," she continued. "Trying to escape would be most futile, so try to not attempt it."

"I will keep that in mind uhh..." Micheal trailed off.

"Princess Luna," she finished.

"Princess Luna," he echoed.

Seeming satisfied, the princess turned around and strode out the door, leaving the two guards behind. Looking at them he recognised that once again Azura was one of his charges. The other a white unicorn, clad in gold armor.

"Come," Azura said. "There's much to see around Canterlot at night, and you must be getting hungry again.

"I can't believe your so calm with this thing," the guard muttered.

Azura quickly shushed her counterpart, and gave Micheal a small smile.

The hell? Micheal wondered.

Obviously they want to keep you as happy as possible, in an attempt to pacify you from attacking ponies Obsidian supplied.

Sadly for them, that can't happen Micheal replied.

Indeed, she said. Now come, we have precious time, and I feel your hunger.

With that Micheal hopped off the bed and began to follow the ponies out.

I wonder what's for dinner Both thought in unison.

Author's Note:

Criticism, good, bad, why, idea's to improve this ship etc. post below.

As always take care, stay safe.