• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 4,240 Views, 39 Comments

Essence of the Night Stalker - Merc Scar

A young man strikes up a bargain to be given the powers of darkness. Will he loose himself and embrace his new powers, or will he resist.

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Chapter 8 - Path to Darkness Part III

Azura charged along the track in the forest with Twilight hot on her hooves, lighting the way with a spell.The filly had been secured to her back by some vines made into improvised ropes.

The sun was giving way to the night as the moon began to creep above the horizon and they neared the edge of the forest. Large thunderheads roiled overhead from the Everfree.

"Corvus will probably be getting up soon," Azura called. "We need to get in contact with the princesses as soon as we can."

"I'll get Spike to send a letter as soon as we get back to the library," Twilight called back.

Azura dropped back slightly so she could talk to Twilight without being overheard in case unwanted ears we're nearby.

"No, I need you to make your way to the garrison and get the Elements of Harmony," Azura said. "They should be able to hold him off until the princesses arrive."

"Wait the Elements are here?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, they were brought down just before Corvus arrived," Azura answered. "Princess Luna suspected that Corvus might turn feral if he was granted freedom and insisted that the Elements come as well."

"So why release him at all then?" Twilight asked. "If you didn't trust him, why give him the chance to do this."

"Because it was at my recommendation," Azura sighed sadly. "I was one of his guards and perhaps the only one who he could even begin to call a friend at Canterlot. After he was spared I watched him most of the time, whether it be escorting him or standing guard outside his door."

"He was rather closed off to many ponies, but I managed to see a different side of him," Azura continued. "When the princesses heard my report on him they grew uncertain of him and decided to grant him a chance to prove he could live in harmony with us."

"You really think Corvus is different from the rest?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I think he's different," Azura began. "What I witnessed of him in Canterlot would suggest he doesn't have the desire to kill willingly...but now he just butchered a group of diamond dogs and ponies. Something must have triggered him."

The pair were now trotting over the small bridge marking the entrance to the small town.

"Shouldn't we try and subdue him then?" Twilight asked. "If what you say is true then something may have just triggered him."

"No, my orders were very clear," Azura said. "Should Corvus take hostile actions, the royal sisters alerted and the elements gathered to eliminate his threat."

"Well lets hope he's still at the library then," Twilight said, making her break off towards the local garrison.


We've been wandering this orchard for hours now, Obsidian growled.

Don't be a drama queen, Micheal said. We've been here for only half an hour at least.

And you're just messing around again, Obsidian accused.

Why are you so cranky? Micheal asked.


Micheal gripped his head from the ache her voice caused.

God damn, Micheal muttered. You're not doing nothing you know. You've been teaching and guiding me...despite your constant want for me to kill something.

I mean I never get to do anything myself, Obsidian said sadly. I'm trapped in this body forced to watch everything through your eyes, do you have any idea how that feels. Seeing...doing...but not actually controlling.

Micheal was silent for a while.

So is that why you insist on me killing everything I come across? Micheal asked. Because that's what you'd do?

Silence reigned for a while as Micheal stalked underneath the apple trees, trying to find something to make his prey.

I guess...I do it because yes it's what I would do, Obsidian said slowly. I was born by Nightmare Moons powers, everything I've done was because it was her will...I've always only been to happy to serve her...It's who I am.

So why not change now? Micheal asked. You might not have your own body, but you're no longer under her influence.

Because she will always be my queen, I would never betray her, Obsidian declared. Not even that rats enslaving contract will change that.

Very loyal of you...It might not be of the best of reasons...but I think I can indulge a few things for you, Micheal eventually said. Though we will not be going overboard, understood?

Again silence reigned over the soul binded pair.

Thank you, that will...be appreciated, Obsidian said.

Micheal soon emerged from the orchard and beheld the forests edge, in the distance he saw a faint light coming from a lone house.


"So tell me again Twi, what's going on?" An orange mare asked.

"A creature that was created by Nightmare Moon is on the loose," Twilight said. "We need to get the Elements of Harmony together in order to have a chance of defeating him."

"Alright, I get that, but how did it get loose in the first place?" The mare asked again.

" The princesses thought it might be redeemed because of it's uncharacteristic behavior for what it is," Twilight answered. " So after they monitored it for a few weeks they sent him down to us to test and integrate him into pony society."

"Yeah well, he's going around causing trouble now," Rainbow Dash said. "He tried to grab me in Applejack's orchard, but I fought him off."

"Sure sugarcube," the orange mare said rolling her eyes.

"That thing just couldn't handle all this awesome Applejack," Rainbow Dash boasted.

"And that's why you came screaming to the farm house?" Applejack said smugly.

"NO! It was...to wake you guys up and warn you, yeah," Rainbow said trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Come on, we need to get to Fluttershy's," Twilight said impatiently.

The group then began to increase their pace. Thunder booming ominously with the occasional flash of lightning in the distance, then the first drops of rain began to fall.


Micheal was stalking his way up to the house, the closer he got the more prominent features became noticeable. The house was covered in foliage while being surrounded by numerous warrens and bird houses.

Peering in through the window to the lit room he saw several bird cages and tiny stair cases scattered about the main room, a small basket with pillows in is sat near a stone fire place that also served as a kitchenette.

In front of the kitchenette stood a yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane and tail. She stirred the contents of a pot while several birds flittered about bringing here various ingredients.

Hear me out now, this is what you'll do, Obsidian said. Kill and eat her, then lay the remains out and burn the house down, that way you will be less of a suspect.

And if I get found out, Micheal asked.

Not likely, look at where we are, Obsidian said. We're in the middle of nowhere, nothing will go wrong.

Micheal had to give her credit, he couldn't really think of anything that could go wrong, he was far enough out from the town that he could kill this pony, and escape before any were the wiser.

He then noticed a small white rabbit furiously tapping on the pegasus leg pointing at him. Micheal quickly ducked down and began to prowl around the house, looking for a viable entrance.

After circling the house checking all the windows he couldn't find any that were unlocked, or that could be quietly breached. Taking a seat in a bush near the house he decided to bide his time, hoping that the inhabitant would soon go to sleep, much to Obsidian's dislike.

After most of the lights in the house went out, aside from the flickering from where the fire in the kitchenette would be.

Taking the now open opportunity Micheal dashed silently to the house, upon arriving he noticed that a window was now left slightly ajar.

Excellent, they said in unison.

Quietly Micheal opened the window further and slipped in through the gap. There was still the sweet smell of fresh cooking wafting through the air as he advanced deeper into the house, floor boards creaking under his claws.

After searching for a while he final came to the bedroom, his prey laying in bed gentle snores followed each rise of her chest. Micheal began to feel giddy once again, a tingling working its way up his claws at the impending moment.

How cute, it's almost be a crime to harm something so innocent, Micheal thought.

Almost, Obsidian hissed. Now take the prey quickly, we don't have all night and I'm starting to sense something unusual coming from both this one and somewhere else.

Micheal advanced on the bed when he felt something soft hit him in his left shoulder, perplexed he looked down to see the same small rabbit looking at him angrily stomping a foot.

Micheal raised an eye brow and brought his head down, beak almost touching the rabbit.

You know, from where I come from, rabbit's feet are considered lucky, Micheal hissed. And I find myself missing a few. Care you assist me?

The rabbit gave him a scornful look before poking him in the eye, Micheal released a high pitch screech placing his paws over his eye.

"You wretch," Micheal growled, grabbing the little terror by the head and throwing it clean through a window.

The commotion caused the yellow pegasus to awaken and scream, Micheal turned and screeched at the mare and pounced at her. The mare jumped up into the air and tried to fly away as he landed on the bed tearing a pillow to pieces.

The Mare looked out the window, tears forming in her eyes.

"Wh-why, Angel," she whispered tearfully, then turned her attention on him expression changing to one of anger. "You should be ashamed of yourself, attacking a defenseless bunny like that and ruining somepony's home, just who do you think you are."

Micheal stood there petrified in place as the mare advanced on him delivering her rant, unable to break his eye contact with the pegasus.

What the fuck is going on, Micheal though desperately.

The mare was right in front of him now. "I've half a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've done here, now you go back to where it is you come from and think about what you've done," she said sternly.

Micheal tried as hard as he could to raise a claw against the pegasus, but was unable. Gradually his limbs began to involuntarily move themselves towards the broken window.

"FLUTTERSHY," Twilight's voice called from outside.

The pegasus Fluttershy jumped in surprise and looked away, and Micheal suddenly regained control of his body. Taking the opportunity he dove towards his would-be prey and slammed the flat of his tail-blade into her head, causing her to collapse to the ground whimpering.

Several ponies burst into the room as Micheal raked his claws down Fluttershy's side drawing blood and ripping out feathers, causing her to scream in pain.

"Leave Fluttershy alone you monster!" Rainbow Dash yelled, diving into him at break-neck speeds, sending him spiraling into a small set of drawers. "You're gonna get it now buster!"

Micheal began pulling himself up when he felt several bolts of magical energy sear his body, quickly he raised a leathery wing to protect himself but then the strength went up and simply pierced the membrane.

Lowering down he intended to pounce off and slash the ponies in a bid to escape, as he leapt off in the direction of the magical bolts a pair of orange hooves entered his vision, and slammed straight into the side of his face with enough force he went out the broken window he had thrown the rabbit.

Micheal landed hard and began rolling down a small slope, when he finally stopped he felt numb and dazed.

Where...the hell... Micheal thought.

Painful waves racked his body as he clamored to his feet, blood oozing out of his mouth and wounds. He looked back up at the house only in time enough to see a very angry Rainbow Dash bearing down on him, he barely had enough time to raise up to intercept her.

Rainbow Dash slammed straight into his chest causing him to cough out globs of blood onto the enraged mare, the pair tumbled and fought for supremacy, taking turns at furiously beating the other.

Finally Micheal pinned her, claws digging into her chest.

"I...will...devour...you...all," Micheal panted heavily over the pegasus.

The mare looked completely defeated, she was covered in blood from her own wounds and his, yet she still had a defiant look on her face.

"Monsters like you...never win," Rainbow growled.

"I...am no meager monster," Micheal chuckled softly. "I am born of nightmares and darkness....I am a demon."

Micheal snaked his tail around, priming it to impale the pony beneath him.

"Any last words?" Micheal asked.

The mare looked at him balefully for a moment, before becoming incredibly smug.

"Yeah...Good morning," She said pompously.

"What's tha-" Micheal began, before feeling a warm sensation begin to overcome him.

No, not now, Obsidian despaired. We were so close.

Micheal turned his head slightly, and beheld a sight that terrified him beyond reason.

A soft glow on the horizon greeted him, marking the rising sun. But what truly terrified him were the dark specks in the distance rapidly approaching, he could see figures covered in brilliant golds and deep purples. Two prominent figures stood out amongst the swarm, a pristine white one and a dark blue one.

We're about fucked six ways from Sunday, Micheal cursed.

"Any last words?" Rainbow Dash taunted.

Micheal looked down at her with absolute hatred. "Yeah...die," he said as he tore his claws from her and pounced away, slashing his tail onto her in the process.

Micheal began a headlong dash towards the forest, Twilight and the other ponies emerged from the small cabin.

"He's trying to escape," Twilight called.

"Don't worry Twilight, I've got this," Pinkie said, donning a green helmet with several stars lined across the top and pulling out a large blue cannon.

Micheal stopped in his tracks, unable to comprehend where the hell she managed to get the cannon, and throw it around like a paperweight.

MOVE YOU IDIOT, Obsidian screeched loud enough to break him from his stupor.

Bolts of energy rained down upon him as he ducked and dived to avoid the purple volley. He had just made it to the edge of the forest when he heard a loud boom echo from somewhere behind him, looking back he saw a large multi-colored ball heading straight for him, his wings drooping in despair.

Micheal screamed as the ball slammed into him exploding into a giant cloud of confetti, the blast sending him flying straight into the dark forest behind him.


WAKE UP DAMN IT! Obsidian's voice resounded in Micheal's head.

His eyes fluttered open, looking around groggily trying to take in his surroundings. He was in a dimly lit room, a few shelves stocked with books or vials filled with unknown concoctions surrounded him.

Stiffly he sat up to trying to get a bearing, he threw off the scrappy sheets that covered him, revealing bandages that were wrapped around parts of his body.

What the hell happened? Micheal thought.

You were hit by that ball of...something and went barreling into the forest somewhere, Obsidian answered. The last thing I remember seeing was a particularly large tree.

Hopping off the rickety bed Micheal began to explore around the room and look out the small windows, he could see it was still night out, which was odd.

Unless I've been unconscious for a particularly long time, shouldn't it be day now? Micheal asked.

Perhaps a ploy by the princesses to lure us out, Obsidian replied. But that wouldn't explain why we're bandaged like this, try and find our host.

Micheal walked across the room floorboards creaking underfoot. Leaving the room he entered a hallway, which was equally drab as the bedroom he was just in; the lighting was minimal and only a few vines with glowing buds hung from small pots on the walls.

Making his way down the hall Micheal could hear a pair of voices speaking, one of a male and the other of a female.

"When do you suppose he'll wake up?" The male asked.

"I'm not sure, even though he crashed in the well, it looked like he had gone through something before," the female voice replied.

"I wonder if he's an outcast, I've never seen a gryphon like him before," the male said.

"Perhaps he's a traveler," the female said. "I wonder where he's been."

"If he came down like he did with the wounds he had, I'd say not anywhere good," the male said. "And i'd assume he wouldn't be to talkative about it either."

"Brother your no fun you know that," the female grumbled.

"Your want to join the Night Guard and not following through is cause enough to taunt you sister dear," the male.

"I'll get in one day," the female declared loudly.

"Sure, when you can get off your flank and apply," the male laughed.

"That's it, come here," the female shouted.

Micheal listened to the sound of laughter and crashing as he neared a doorway, peering through he saw the commotion.

Two near identical therestals were tumbling around trying to pin the other one until the female managed to put the males wings in a very awkward position.

"ARGH! OKAY OKAY RAVEN LET GO!" The male called helplessly.

"Who's the best fighter around here," Raven said calmly.

"YOUARE YOUARE YOUARE!" The male called again.

"That's right Gale, me," Raven said smugly.

Raven then looked up and noticed Micheal looking over them.

"Oh...your up," She said with some embarrassment.

"Yes," Micheal said. "Mind telling me where I am and what happened to me?"

"You landed...rather crashed into the town of Long Shadows," Raven said. "My brother and I pulled you out of the well you wrecked upon landing, we've been tending to you for the past two days."

TWO DAYS! Micheal internally yelled.

How have our enemies not found us yet...No never mind that, how close are they to finding us is what I want to know, Obsidian said. We must leave immediately, find a way to escape this area.

"Well thank you then for your hospitality, but I am desperately needed elsewhere," Micheal said trying to make his way to a door.

"That leads to the kitchen," Gale said. "And why the rush, surely you could stay for a while, maybe have something to eat."

"Uh, no sorry I must decline," Micheal said quickly, reminded that he hadn't eaten in a couple of days. "Important business far north...yeah, if I've been out of it for two days then I'll be far behind schedule now."

"Alright then, go back out in the hallway and take the door directly in front of you," Raven said dismissively.

Micheal quickly trotted out the door and made his way out barely hearing the conversation of the pair.

"You're just letting him go like that?" Gale asked.

"Pssh, no," Raven said.

Author's Note:

And here's another installment. I was going to make it longer, but then thought it'd get a bit too...lets say clusterfucky, yeah that sounds about right.

Looking forward, Better details of our newcomers, progression, and more powers than you can shake corrupt magical staff at. More hell to break loose next time.

Usual drill applies here, have fun.