• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 3,797 Views, 54 Comments

The Whisper in My Ears - FlashFoward

Spike takes a leave from the Gala this year, but a whisper persuades him to do otherwise.

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Lets make some mayhem

Everypony was at the Grand Galloping Gala this year, ones of high importance that is. Ponyville was more empty then a barren desert, with all the ponies in town going to the Gala. However, even a desert has its share of occupants. This applied to Ponyville as well, for even how deserted the town was a small purple dragon could be found arranging books on a shelf in Twilight Sparkles library. Spike, the purple dragon, had no interest in visiting the Gala. The Gala was just too…boring for Spike’s taste. Boring to the point of watching paint dry would be entertaining then attending the Gala. Too many uptight high standing citizens that think playing music and cracking a laugh is taboo. Even ol’ Pinkie Pie couldn’t give the stale party some life. Spike chuckled to himself as he remembered why Pinkie wanted to go to the Gala this year. She wanted to bring some life to the party even more than she did the last time she was at the Gala.

Now, Spike wouldn’t put it past Pinkie to make a commotion at the event because, after all, she was Ponyvilles best party thrower. However, those uptight ponies at the Gala might kick her out if she causes too much trouble. Pinkie had nothing on Fluttershy though when it came to causing mayhem at the Gala. Who could ever forget when Fluttershy led a stampede of animals in the ballroom of the Gala? Twilight even went to the Gala. Spike wondered why Twilight would even want to bother attending such a boring party, but she told him that she planned on just enjoying herself there. Kind of hard to enjoy yourself at a party when people are glaring at you with a death stare, Spike thought. But hey, if she managed to pull it off maybe, just maybe, Spike considered on tagging along the next year for the Gala.

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and even Applejack went to the Gala this year. Considering how the three mares failed to accomplish their goals at the last Gala, it shocked Spike that they still wanted to go. Like Twilight, they said they were going to enjoy themselves. All of Spike’s friends tried to persuade to him to tag along, but he decided against it. Now that Spike looked back on it, he really started to wish he went if he knew that EVERYPONY he was friends with would be there. His ticket to the Gala was still under his pillow, and Spike removed the ticket from its hiding place and stared at it.

“Wonder if it would be too late to go by now.” Spike wondered aloud.
Canterlot was way too far to travel by foot and even if he tried it would have taken a few days to get there. Maybe, if he was lucky, the trains to Canterlot would be operating.Suddenly, a whisper interrupted Spikes thoughts.

My word quite bored aren’t we?

Spike jumped in the air from freight. His entire body felt like it was dipped in freezing ice.

“Who’s there? I am warning you, I am a dragon!” Spike said with all the courage he could muster up.

I don’t fear dragons. Especially one of your size, Spike.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Spike said angrily.

Can’t you tell? Come on Spike, you’re a baby dragon. I am supposed to fear something that can, at best, burn my hand?

“Don’t make me try.” Spike said darkly.

Doho, growing a sense of humor I see? Well, I do not wish to start this conversation on a bad start-

“Too late for that I am afraid.” Spike said hotly

Perhaps it is. Still, I know you are terribly bored.

Spike stared at his claws for a moment. It was true; he was extremely bored of just arranging books while the girls were away.
However, Spike had no intention to admit it….yet.

No need to lie to me, Spike. I see it written all over you face. What are you holding?

“A ticket to the Gala if you really must know.” Spike said with a frown.

The Gala you say? Bleh, I am sorry for asking then.

“I can agree with that.” Spike said with a grin. Maybe this voice wasn’t so bad after all.

Well, why not go? Ponyville is close to empty at the moment.

“I think suffering through boredom here is better than dying of boredom there.” Spike said with a sigh.

I see your point, uptight parties were never my thing either. Why not make some fun of your own then?

“What do you mean?” Spike said with curiosity.

Must I draw this out? Either head out to the Gala and get those uptight ponies something to really complain about or sit here and stack books until your friends come back.

Spike eyed a shelf filled with books with distaste. The voice had a point, much better to crash the Gala then sit here and clean up.

“So, cause mayhem at the Gala for my amusement is what you’re trying to tell me?” Spike said skeptically.

Tell me if you have a better idea.

“That I don’t.” Spike said dejectedly.

Then, why are you sitting here wondering what you should be doing? Get on a train to Canterlot already!

“Sheesh, no need to get all excited. You’re more eager to go then I am.” Spike said with a chuckle.

Very funny, Spike.

“By the way, who are you? Is this all in my head or something?” Spike asked aloud.

Honestly, I am not some bad hallucination you’re having. Let’s just say that I am the whisper in your ear.

“Whisper is no joke; I thought you were the wind for a moment.” Spike joked.

Grabbing his ticket to the Gala, Spike made a run to the local train station. Spike noticed a train was sitting patiently at a stop. Feeling that it was his lucky day, Spike bought a ticket to Canterlot and walked towards the train. The train was on the move by the time Spike got to the platform. Panicking, Spike chased after the train with all his might. The back door to the train was just a hair away. Jumping was too much of a gamble; failure would lead to a face full of track. However, Spike was felt if he didn’t make a decision soon he would grow too tired to chase after the train and the lack of platform left to run on was growing shorter by the second. Fearing that it was now or never, Spike made a leap of faith to the back platform of the train.

A little push goes a long way.

Spike felt as if a hand was pushing at his spine as he made his jump. It seemed to the trick though, Spike somehow made it on the little platform.

I believe a thank you is in order, Spike.

"Yeah, thanks.” Spike said, desperately trying to catch his breath.

Gotta hand it to you, thought you wouldn’t jump.

“Not going to let an opportunity slip through my claws.” Spike said with a confident grin.

You should be a part time super hero with that kind of attitude.

“It’s just the truth.” Spike said.

Mhm, if that’s the case then you probably have had no opportunities with impressing Rarity yet.

Spike didn’t like the mocking tone in the whisper one bit.

“Not true, I have given Rarity my prized gem before.” Spike said defensively.

I’ll give you that. Now, any else you have to justify yourself with?

“I um…” Spike said slowly.

See? That’s my point exactly. That was probably you’re five minutes of fame ever with Rarity.

Defeat tasted sour to Spike. Not wanting to chat with the whisper anymore, Spike opened the back door of the train and waited out the trip in the compartment to Canterlot in complete silence. Wanting no chance for the whisper to get in the room he was in, Spike closed all the windows and welded any cracks on the window shut with his flames.