• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 3,798 Views, 54 Comments

The Whisper in My Ears - FlashFoward

Spike takes a leave from the Gala this year, but a whisper persuades him to do otherwise.

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Made Man with a Plan

The train to Canterlot zipped by the landscape Ponyville quickly. Mountains and green pastures were visible through the window for Spike. It was really a relaxing sight, to the point of picture perfect. While taking in the awe inspiring scene, a whisper spoke into Spikes ear again.

Might as well rip your head off Spike, sealing the room shut won’t do you any favors.

Spikes eyes opened in shock. Not a soul was in the room with him. It seemed the whisper wasn’t something that can be shut out.

“Nothing will stop you from talking to me, I take it?” Spike wondered aloud.

Yep. Or rather, until I grow bored of you.

“You act like I have nothing of interest about me.” Spike said in a hurt voice. A low chuckle was heard.

Nothing of interest you say? If that was the case, why even bother trying to persuade you to go to the Gala?

Spike felt some of his confidence being regained by what the whisper said.

Just wondering, you’re going to the Gala dressed like that?

Spike looked down at himself and realized he was in no way dressed for successes. Wearing just the scales on his back, Spike felt slightly panicky. He had outgrown the suit Rarity made for him the last time he went to the Gala. So even if he
would have remembered to bring the suit it would be pointless.

“I guess so. I have no suit that would fit me anyhow.” Spike groaned.

Give me a minute…

“What do you mean by tha-?” Spike started to ask, when a white mist started to surround him.

Let me see, a black suit and tie is too generic…maybe yellow? No, that doesn’t match either. Perhaps, green?

Spike just raised his eyebrow at this last suggestion. It seemed the whisper got the idea that Spike wasn’t all for a green suit since it stopped talking.

Ah, got it

Spike noticed the white mist wrap around him even closer to the point that he felt like he was wearing the mist itself. Once he looked down though, Spike saw that he had a white suit on with a black tie.

“Wow, I look like a million bucks!” Spike said in an awed voice. A giggle was heard at his remark.

Think nothing of it at all, Spike! However, I feel like your lacking something…

Suddenly, Spikes old white hat he got from Cheerilee was placed on his head and a red rose was in a little pocket near his chest on his suit.

There, perfection

“Heh, you can say that again!” Spike said with a hearty chuckle.

“Wait a moment, not that I didn’t enjoy receiving such a nice gift from you but why?” Spike wondered aloud. There was a moment’s pause and Spike felt the whisper wouldn’t answer, he was wrong.

Well, what would the guards say when they saw you not even dressed for the occasion with a ticket? They would think you stole it.

Spike scratched his chin for a moment. True, all the ponies who attend the Gala dress in a fancy fashion. So, it would look odd if he just walked into the Gala expecting no one to question his presence.

“Good point.” Spike replied.

Any plans once you get to the Gala?

“I um…” Spike mumbled.

Haven’t thought about it much, I take it?

“Nope, not one bit.” Spike confessed sadly.

Hmm, how about using the animals outside?

Spike was instantly reminded of Fluttershy, leading a stampede of the Gala’s animals. So many animals from rabbits to birds were plowing their way into the ballroom with Fluttershy yelling “You’re going to love me!” at the animals. The yell that launched a thousand animals and it was such a lovely idea to relive the event again. However, the stampede pretty much put the Gala at an end. The stampede would have to wait until the grand finale.

“Sounds great, but it might have to wait near the end though. That stampede nearly shut down the Gala.” Spike said with a grin.

Very true, the stampede caused quite a commotion. How about the band that plays in the Gala?

“What of them?” Spike wondered.

Fill in for one of them and change the songs they play

“Okay, which one?” Spike asked, trying to play along with the complicated idea.

Shouldn't be hard, have one of them get a stomach problem and they will leave there post

“And why would they come looking for me?” Spike said, pointing the flaw in this plan.

Play any instrument well?

“I can play a piano pretty well.” Spike replied thoughtfully.

There you go then!

Before Spike could reply, the train let out a loud screech and slowed down. Spike walked up to the back door and realized he welded the door shut. It looked like his plan to shut out the whisper not only back fired completely but created a whole new problem instead.

“Have any ideas? I could sure do with one right about now.” Spike said in a panicky tone.

Calm down Spike. Is there anyone outside that can help you?

Spike glanced out a window and no one was there on the platform.

“No one is out there.” Spike said in a discouraged tone.

Break the window?

Spike threw a punch with all his might at the glass window. Spikes knuckles made a dull thud sound once his fist hit against the glass. For a moment, Spike thought he heard the glass crack but realized it was his knuckles that cracked from the impact.

“OW!” Spiked yelled angrily. A giggle was heard at Spikes failed attempt.

Not one of my best plans

“No need to tell me that.” Spike replied spitefully.

Okay then, you think of something smart guy.

Spike analyzed the room he was in for an escape. Windows and doors were out of the question for an escape, Spike rubbed his knuckles ruefully at remembering his attempt to break the window. Perhaps unwelding the back door will work? Having nothing to lose, Spike used his flames to heat up the metal that fixed the door tightly in a close. When Spike ran out of energy to keep using his flames, he noticed the frame the door became a hot red color.

Seems you might as well have burned the door down

“That would take too much energy.” Spike croaked

The moment of truth, see if you can push it open

Spike leaned against the door, hoping he can catch his breath before trying to push against the door. As soon as Spikes back touched the door, it gave away under his weight. Spike collapsed on the other side of the door and noticed he was outside now.

I am going to say that was on purpose to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Spike rubbed his face to relieve the soreness that came from the sudden impact.

“Well, at least the door opened.” Spike mumbled.

I think it’s time for you to get to the Gala.

“That’s why I even came here.” Spike replied.

Spike noticed the walk to the Gala wasn’t all that far from the station. But he wasn’t sure if they time spent walking would be more counterproductive then attempting to find a ride to the Gala. Spike wished he had Rarity with him considering she wooed two stallions into pushing a carriage from Ponyville all the way to Canterlot. But, Spike knew his looks wouldn’t buy him a free ride. So, he either had to trick his way into one or figure something out.

Thinking about a ride?

If Spike wasn’t so used to the whisper by now, Spike would have screamed at the sudden break in silence.

“Yeah walking is an option, but not a great one.” Spike replied.

Let me think…

Yet again, the familiar white mist began to surround Spikes body. Luckily, not a soul was present to see the white mist appear. If someone was to see the mist, panic and a whole lot of questions will be coming Spikes way.

Mind standing still? Last thing I want to do is to mess up on this.

Spike tried hard to remain still as a statue. The mist was closing on Spike to the point of suffocation. Growing alarmed, Spike thought the mist was trying to cut off his oxygen.

Trust me, Spike. I wouldn’t dare hurt you

Putting his faith into the whisper, Spike remained still as the mist completely coated his body. The last thing Spike saw, before the white mist covered his eyes, was the train beginning to puff out smoke and move forward.