• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 3,797 Views, 54 Comments

The Whisper in My Ears - FlashFoward

Spike takes a leave from the Gala this year, but a whisper persuades him to do otherwise.

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No Rest For The Jester

“Pinkie, the song wasn’t even planned. I had to make up things as I went along.” Spiked said.

“I could have helped.” Pinkie mumbled.

“True, but I needed to start right at that moment and I had no clue where you were at the time.” Spike countered. Pinkie’s mane sagged slightly and Spike grew nervous. She was quite miserable when she got upset so Spike needed to cheer her up fast, or else Pinkie would grow troublesome.

“Maybe next time Pinkie? I should be able to persuade the band to let me do one more song. And this time I’ll make sure I will get you to sing up there with me” Spike said quickly.

Pinkie’s flat mane instantly reflated like a balloon. “Oh my gosh, that sounds great! We will teach these uptight ponies how to REALLY have a party.” Pinkie said with an enthusiastic smile.

She left Spike on his own and he could have sworn she was muttering something about “confetti” and “cannons” which made Spike wonder just how blown out Pinkie was going to make this performance. Finally having a moment to himself, Spike took a cup and filled it with punch. After taking a sip of the punch, Spike’s throat burned and he went into a coughing fit.

Seems like that was the punch that Applejack gave a little more of a kick to.

“Right, that stuff really burned my throat.” Spike croaked. A giggle rang through Spike’s ears.

Well, what’s next?

“I guess I should just go bug some of the guest. It’s still too early to set off the stampede.” Spike said.

Seems like a plan to me. Good luck Spike.

“I think I will need a little more than luck.” Spike shrugged.

Analyzing the ballroom, Spike was hoping to find a familiar face to talk to. At last, Spike saw a Pegasus with a rainbow mane and quickly made his way to her. She was sitting with another mare and she was signing a book.

“Hey girls, what’s with the book?” Spike asked, looking over the head of Rainbow Dash.

“Spike, what are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash said in mild surprise.

“I figured it would be more fun to be here than sitting back home alone and stacking books to pass the time.” Spike answered.

“Spike, you won’t believe who this is?” Rainbow gushed with excitement.

“Try me.” Spike challenged.

“She is the author of the Daring Do series!” Rainbow squealed in a fan girl fashion.

“Never took you for the reading type Rainbow Dash.” Spike said in mild surprise.

“Who wouldn’t read Daring Do? She is awesome!” Rainbow said with a big smile.

“So, you were the piano player in the band weren’t you?” the author asked.

“Yep, I am more of a backup though.” Spike admitted.

“No matter, you were still excellent.” the author complemented.

“I take it you two are friends?” the author asked.

“Yep, we are friends.” Spike answered.

The author gave a nod and finished signing the book then handed it to Rainbow Dash.

“I usually don’t sign books. But considering how excellent of a flyer Rainbow is and that she has a friend like you, I think I can make an exception.” the author said with a friendly smile. She then got up and trotted towards another table and began to
chat with ponies there.

“You really came at the right time Spike.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I guess so. So this is what you been doing here, reading Daring Do and talking to the author?” Spike asked.

“Well, yeah. I can barely talk to the Wonderbolts so I started to read Daring Do and the author was sitting right next to me
when I took my book.” Rainbow Dash replied, with a sheepish grin.

“Aren’t you lucky?” Spiked said.

“You bet! So, what was that song you sang all about anyway? I didn’t take you for the mushy type.” Rainbow Dash teased.

Spike felt like a prerecorded message at this point as he responded “I did it because a husband wanted me to play a song that his wife would find touching, since today is there anniversary together.”

“Okay, I’ll give you that. But, that song sounded pretty personal.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“I had to think of something quick! I really just had to go with my gut.” Spike said nervously.

Rainbow Dash knew there was a little more behind the song then a couple’s anniversary and Spike wanted to dismiss anything before she started to ask too many questions. The more she asked, it would be more likely she would piece it all together like a jigsaw puzzle.

“I’ll stop interrogating you for now, Spike. But I am on to you.” Rainbow said, making the “I-got-my-eyes-on-you” gesture with
her hoof.

“I feel so scared! What ever will I do now that Rainbow Dash is on my case?” Spike joked, showing a exaggerated look of deep concern as he spoke.

Rainbow Dash chuckled at this and Spike turned away from her and walked his way back to the table with the spiked punch. Yet again, Spike filled another cup of punch but this time he handed it to a random stallion and watched him clench at his throat in agony after he drank it. Before the stallion could start telling Spike off, Spike left the gasping stallion alone as soon as he took the cup. Spike was found laughing near a small statue of Celestia; he was using it to help support himself up while he laughed.

“Priceless! Did you see the look on his face?” Spike said, in between fits of laughter.

His eye balls nearly popped out of his head! I never had a good laugh like this in a while.

Spike stopped laughing and his face straightened out “I take it you don’t get to laugh a lot?” Spike asked.

Yep, my life is pretty dull most of the time.

“Sorry to hear that.” Spike said in a sad tone.

Don’t feel that way at all! For my life may be a tad dull at times, I find ways to entertain myself.

“How do you go along doing that?” Spike asked

Well, I am giving you some ideas for pranks and talking to you, right?

“Good ones at that.” Spike joked.

“So, who are you anyway?” Spike asked. This question has been nagging on his mind ever since the first whisper started to speak to him back at Ponyville.

Who am I? Let’s say, I am capable of doing things that ponies can only dream about.

“Well, that’s better than what the last whisper answered with.” Spike shrugged.

What did she say?

“She is the whisper in my ears.” Spike replied.

In a sense, she is and in a way she isn’t.

“What do you mean?” Spike demanded.

Oh, I bet she will explain it all. If not, I promise to tell you.

“You really mean it?” Spike said in surprise.

Why not? After the Gala ends, it seems pointless to hide it from you.

“Cool. Now if you don’t mind, I need to cause some mayhem.” Spike said, wearing a devious grin as he talked.

You can give Discord a run for his money at the rate you’re going at.

“You’re comparing me to a guy who uses pranks to make ponies lives a disaster?” Spike said in disbelief.

Yes and no. Your pranks are for entertainment, not chaos. But like Discord, it comes at the price of some discomfort of others.

Spike didn’t like the sounds of this. The whisper praised him, but also gave him a smack of reality to the face while doing so.
Still, Spike knew he would never sink to Discords level. His pranks were feeble compared to Discord’s. Chocolate rain beats out spiked punch any day. Suddenly, Rarity and a stallion came into Spike’s eye view. For a moment, Spike felt like going over there and saying hello to Rarity…but something held him back. They were talking by an ice sculpture not far away from him. Slowly, Spike hid on the other side of the sculpture and eavesdropped on the conversation. Rarity let out a laugh that tugged at Spike’s heartstrings a bit.

“You really are just too charming Fancy Pants!” Rarity said, giving the stallion a flirting smile.

“You are much more charming then I, Rarity. I must say, I would never expect to find such a beautiful mare here.” the stallion
replied, giving a flirting grin of his own. Spike cringed at this exchange, but he felt just to incline to listen to more. Similar to how much you hate a song, but you remember the lyrics to the song by heart.

“If you don’t mind if I ask, do you have time for dinner tomorrow?” Fancy asked.

“OH! Well, I bet I can make room in my busy schedule for dinner.” Rarity said, trying to hold back her excitement.
Spike was teething with a burning anger, literarily. Green flames were building up in Spike’s chest and into his mouth. For a moment, Spike felt lighting Fancy Pants stupid hair on fire but thought better of it. Eyeing the ice sculpture, Spike got a fabulous idea. Blowing the hot green flames on the ice sculpture, it quickly started to melt and drip large drops of water. It got to the point where it was like a little waterfall, dousing anyone who was underneath it. Fancy Pants and, to Spike’s dismay, Rarity got soaked under the ice sculpture. Before leaving the scene, Spike got a nice laugh out of the angry and embarrassed face of a dripping wet Fancy Pants.