• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 3,797 Views, 54 Comments

The Whisper in My Ears - FlashFoward

Spike takes a leave from the Gala this year, but a whisper persuades him to do otherwise.

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Feeling Queasy and Old Faces

The white mist finally was starting to fade away from Spikes body. He gasped for breath once the mist allowed him to. After Spike got a hold of himself, he noticed he was right at the front gates of the Gala.

Could have a smoother trip, but it worked all the same

“No need to tell me.” Spike retorted. A giggle was let out in response.

Well, time for you to get started isn’t it?

“Right you are! The stampede can wait for later and I’ll try to fill in for a musician.” Spike said happily.

Very good, Spike I am afraid I won’t be able to keep in touch with you as much from here.

“Why is that? I need your advice!” Spike said in a panicky voice.

Oh, don’t worry about that. I will have someone else speaking to you shortly. Just don’t expect me to reply to all your questions from here on.

“Someone else, who is this pony going to be?” Spike asked.

If I told you that wouldn’t be as much fun, now would it?

“Yeah, leave the dragon in the dark about these things. He shouldn’t know about whispers from someone talking to him one bit.” Spike said, his voice dripping with his trademark sarcasm.

You’ll do fine.

Spike walked into to the front gates and was immediately stopped by the Canterlot Royal Guards.

“Ticket, please.” a white Guard, with a blue mane, demanded of Spike.

“You sound and look familiar. Are you Twilights brother?” Spike asked.

“You know Twily?” the Guard asked in surprise.

“I would hope so, since I am her assistant.” Spike replied.

“Assistant you say? Spike is that you?” the Guard asked.

“The one and only Spike. Nice to see you Shining Armor it’s been a while.” Spike replied with a smile.

“Yeah, haven’t seen you since the wedding. Even then I didn’t get to talk to you much.” Shining Armor said with a frown. He
was recalling how much of a fiasco the wedding was.

“But why aren’t you with Twily?” Shining Armor asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I didn’t want to come here at first. But Ponyville is so empty and boring that I thought it would be better to come here.” Spike answered.

“Not sure if the Gala is the kind of place you would go to get away from boredom, to be honest. But, I heard last year wasn’t so uptight and boring either.” Shining Armor said in a hoping voice.

“Wait, you want the Gala to be like last year?” Spike said in surprise.

“Yes and no. No, because that would mean I would have to sort out the situation. Yes, because let’s be honest, the Gala is as boring as watching paint dry at times.

“Maybe you’ll be in luck this year.” Spike said with a sneaky grin.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Shining Armor demanded.

“You’ll see.” Spike said with a chuckle.

“Still see that you got a sense of humor Spike. Which is good since Twilight needs to read from a book to crack a good joke.” Shining Armor said with a hearty laugh.

Spike couldn’t help but grin at the compliment. Once Shining Armor let Spike through, Spike was taken aback on how BIG the ballroom was. He could have grown to be a fully sized dragon in here and he would still have room to move around freely. It was quite the sight and Spike felt slightly guilty that such elegance would be disrupted later on. However, it was all in the good name of fun after all. Spike looked around for the musicians, hoping to target a piano player. There on stage was a gray mare practicing on a cello along with a few other ponies playing violins, harps and…a piano!

Spikes heart nearly jumped up into his throat with joy. Looks like the whisper had a point seemed like Spikes best option was the give the piano player problems with their stomach to succeed. Walking to the kitchens, Spike wondered what could be able to bomb a pony’s digestion. A chief stared at Spike haughtily, which made Spike feel uncomfortable around the mare. However, she was a cook and Spikes best chance to serve food.

“Hello, I am filling in for-. “ Spike started and was quickly handed plates of food by the chief.

“Gah, wondered ven you vould ever show! Quickly, serve ze food!” barked the cranky mare.

Spike wobbled from the kitchen to the ballroom. The amount of plates that had to be carried was starting to become unbearable, Spike felt like his arms were going to give out in any moment. Luckily, a stallion noticed Spikes struggle and grabbed a few plates from Spike. Spike looked up at his savior and noticed he dressed in all white, probably another waiter.

“Hm, I know I was a bit late but still. Not sure if letting a small dragon carry all this is rather fair.” the waiter said in a concerned tone.

“Huh? Oh, nah I am just filling in. Mind helping me out?” Spike asked, trying not to sound desperate.

“Kind of my job to do this, you know?” the waiter replied with a grin.

With the waiters help, Spike was able to deliver the plates of food with ease. Sure, some of the stallions or mares had a rude comment to say when Spike was running late, but he didn’t care much. The waiter on the other hoof though, seemed to take insults to heart. The more plates he handed out, the slower and sadder he got.

“Don’t listen to em. They have nothing better to complain at.” Spike said to the waiter.

After Spikes little pep talk, the waiter worked a quick pace. Feeling satisfied, Spike decided now was the time to treat the musicians to their food. Spike walked back into the kitchen and asked the chief for the musician’s plates. She gave Spike a dirty look, but handed him the plates anyway. There was one plate of salmon that looked rather...uncooked. Deciding this is what the piano player would eat, Spike made his way to the stage. No sooner had Spike made his way up to the stage did the musicians surround Spike. Spike was sure to hand to undercooked salmon to the piano player personally.

Spike decided to sit in a random chair not far from the stage to watch the effects of the salmon take its victim. At first, the stallion chewed happily away at the fish. Soon though, he started to turn a pale green color and he quickly made a run from the stage. Spike was nearly in a fit of laughter from this. An elderly stallion started at Spike disapprovingly which made Spike stop snickering at once. It seemed like the fellow musicians noticed there piano player running out on them since most of them started to look uncomfortable. It was time to make his move, Spike moved to the stage to see what will escalate from here.

“I swear, he has the weakest stomach ever.” The gray, cello playing, mare hissed.

“Any plans?” a violin player said nervously.

“We will not certainly give up, that’s how much I am aware of.” The gray mare said defiantly.

“I see there is a problem.” Spike interjected.

“You were to one who gave him the food. What’s the deal?” the cello player hissed angrily.

“A deal I am unaware of. I just served the food nothing else.” Spike said calmly. He knew the odds were on his side for the moment.

“No matter, I guess we will continue without Notes.” The cello player groaned.

“Well, not to brag but I can play a piano fairly well.” Spike inquired.

“I rather have a cricket be our back up then you.” The cello player retorted.

“Ouch.” Spike said with a grin.

“Octavia, we need a piano player if we want to play Mozart.” The violin player said.

Spike knew he had Octavia on the ropes. She either loses a large chunk of material to play or to deal with him. Either way, Spike was going to benefit.

“So, I take it I will stick around.” Spike whispered into Octavia’s ear.

“For your sake, you better play well and keep up.” Octavia said with loathing in her voice.

“I think I’ll be more then able to keep up.” Spike teased.