• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 3,797 Views, 54 Comments

The Whisper in My Ears - FlashFoward

Spike takes a leave from the Gala this year, but a whisper persuades him to do otherwise.

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From The Heart

Spike soon learned that keeping up with the high quality performance Octavia and her band mates produced was no easy task. His claws ached horribly by just the third song and Octavia took pleasure in Spikes flinches of pain. Still, Spike was determined to tough out the grind. However, the more Spike’s claws ached, the bigger Octavia’s devious smile would get. At last, the band took a break which gave Spike the opportunity to dip his claws in a bucket of ice that a waiter brought to him, the same one who helped Spike with handing out plates beforehand.

“Not so easy is it?” Octavia teased.

“I’ll be fine.” Spike said dismissively.

“Your claws say otherwise.” Octavia said, looking at Spike’s twitching claws.

Spike wasn’t going to admit he was in pain, especially to Octavia. A sky blue stallion trotted up to the stage and motioned Octavia and Spike to his direction. When Octavia and Spike got close enough, the stallion began to speak.

“I have a favor to ask of you.” the stallion said looking directly at Spike.

“Um, sure what you need?” Spike asked anxiously.

“Mind playing something romantic for me and wife? It’s our anniversary.” the stallion asked.

“But why Spike?” Octavia intervened. Spike knew that the fact that someone wanted him to play a song for them only was
chewing away at her pride.

“Well, my wife just loves playing the piano and she envies your skill.” the stallion said, giving an encouraging smile to Spike.
Octavia pursed her lips and said nothing more. Spike wasn’t all that sure if his fingers could bear playing another song but if
it bugged Octavia this deeply, Spike was more than happy to comply with the favor.

“Okay, you got a deal.” Spike said with a grin. Octavia stared at Spike so hard with hatred it was plausible she wanted Spike to drop dead right then and there.

“Wonderful! Now, I have a challenge for you. Make up a song completely from the tip of your head with lyrics.” the stallions challenged.
Spike’s jaw went slack for a moment. Just make up a song right now? Talk about one challenge. Spike was never big on singing, Twilight and her friends were usually the ones singing anyway. Not one to back down, Spike was willing to compromise and figure something out.

“How long I have?” Spike asked.

“Preferably now.” the stallion answered.

“Let me see what I can do.” Spike said.

“Try to make it a little personal, you know? Make it meaningful.” the stallion said to Spike then departed.

“I can’t believe you’re actually going to go through with this.” Octavia said in awe as Spike sat back down on a bench, near the piano.

“Eh, it’s there anniversary.” Spike said.

“True, but those were some high demands to make.” Octavia pointed out.

“I like raising the bar a little higher.” Spike replied with a grin.

“Raise the bar to the point where you can’t reach it yourself?” Octavia said.

“Step out of your comfort zone for a minute then. At least I am willing to change it up.” Spike said defensively. Octavia looked
at Spike in surprise for a few moments and retreated back to her cello.

“Very optimistic you are.” Spike said darkly to himself, looking at Octavia from his piano.

She is concerned about your claws you know. Everyone has their limit.

Spike stared around the ballroom in surprise, searching a source from the whisper. It wasn’t like the previous whisper back on the train though. This one was more…forceful and full of authority. Almost like the whisper was speaking to an audience of many.

“I take it you’re the substitute.” Spike said softly aloud, making sure no one else will hear him.

Indeed, I am.

“I think I got myself into some serious trouble with this one.” Spike whispered nervously.

Well, it’s your fault you accepted. Now you have to stick to it.

Spike wasn’t expecting sympathy from the whisper. If anything, it was more of a reassurance than anything else. There was one thing that was bothering Spike about doing all this, the personal connection to the lyrics of the song. Something romantic and able to portray the wonders of devotion, all these things were something that Spike has yet to feel…or maybe not. Feeling a little more confident, Spike blew flames on his claws, actually giving of the look like his very claws were fire its self and helped manage with the pain a bit, Spike began to play and sing.

She must be an enchantress because I never felt heartache like this before. When I first looked at her beautiful face, I knew she was just too good to be true. Straight from the heavens weren’t you? There’s just something about you that made me fall for you. Is it the way you move or the way you talk? The smile you have or the glimmer in your eyes? All I know is that you’re picture perfect and I can sit back and look at you until the end of time. And if I don’t have time, I’ll be sure to make some because looking at you smile is what I live for. Safe to say I am a bit greedy when it comes to you. I would fight for you like a major war. Maybe it’s because you just stole my heart and locked it away. Not that I mind though, for as long as I get to stay with you.

Spike finished playing at last and there the ballroom went silent, which was odd in its self. Rising up from his chair, Spike stood up and wasn’t sure what would happen next. Suddenly, the stallion that made Spike do all this stood up and clapped which was followed with many other ponies standing up to give Spike a standing ovation. Feeling embarrassed but proud, Spike bowed to the crowd which replied with more clapping. When the ovation finally subsided, the stallion that asked Spike to play brought his wife with him to greet Spike.

“You were just fabulous! I can’t thank you enough!” the excited mare said to Spike with a smile.

“You’re welcome and happy anniversary.” Spike replied with a smile of his own. The happy couple departed and returned to their seats.

“Nice job Spike.” Octavia said suddenly.

“That means a lot to me coming from you.” Spike replied.

“Don’t expect me to lighten up on you.” Octavia joked. Spike laughed at this but stopped when Octavia wrapped Spike in a quick hug.

“Thanks for filling in too Spike.” Octavia said and quickly let go of Spike.

Spike was about to ask the meaning behind the hug but Octavia quickly started to chat with one of the violin players.

I must say, that little song you sang was really nice. Far better than the same old songs the band plays year after year. You would think they would spice it up a bit. They should take some lessons from you.

“Oh come on, you’re just saying that.” Spike said shyly.

Someone who is willing to play and sing from their heart rather than playing from something that is premade and older then dust is someone who deserves praise. It’s hard to talk freely of your feelings, let alone convey them into lyrics that everyone
will be able to connect with.

“Why thank you.” Spike smiled bashfully.

Now, I do believe you have some other tricks up your sleeves tonight?

“There’s no rest for the jester. Not when there are laughs to be had and pranks to be made.” Spike replied.

May I make a suggestion?

“Sure, why not?” Spike said.

I think there should be punch on a table nearby. Perhaps it’s time to add some ingredients of your own to it?

“I like how you think.” Spike said with a grin.

Surveying the room, Spike tried to find a bowl of punch lying on a table. It took a few moments to find the table but Spike found the bowl of punch.

“Oh hey there Mr.Piano man, how yall doing?” a familiar southern drawl asked.

Spike turned back and saw that Applejack was standing right behind him. She wore the same dress that she had on for the last Gala.

“I am doing pretty well. I see you still wear that dress well AJ.” Spiked teased.

“Why thank you Spike. I didn’t want to go round aggervatin Rarity for a new dress this year.” Applejack replied, she smiled at Spike’s compliment.

“I doubt you would even need a new dress, you look pretty as it is.” Spike said earnestly.

“Quit doing that Spike, yall starting to make me blush.” Applejack said, trying to hide her face behind her Stetson hat.

“Alright, I’ll stop but I’m just saying the truth, that’s all.” Spike said.

“So why did you came down here Spike? Aren’t you supposed to be back at Ponyville?” Applejack asked.

“It go so boring back at Ponyville, I thought coming here would be more fun. Turns out, it’s a lot more fun here.” Spike replied with a chuckle. It felt like ages since he was sitting in the library sorting books.

“It only got fun when you showed up on that piano up there. Gotta hand it to you Spike, that song was something.” Applejack said in an awestruck tone.

“Oh come on, it was nothing.” Spike said dismissively. Applejack raised her eyebrow at Spike, which made him cringe. She knew he was lying.

“Spike, you’re a bad liar.” Applejack said seriously, staring into Spike’s eye.

Emerald clashed against Emerald. For a moment, Spike felt like AJ was able to see through him like an X-ray. It was like she was seeing if his body would give off a sign of lying. Perhaps, she was able to do this because she was the Element of Honest or Spike was really a bad liar as AJ said. Spike decided to settle on telling her the truth…or at least half of it.

“Okay fine, it was for a couple celebrating their anniversary and the husband asked me to make a song up right there and then.” Spike finally answered.

“Aw, that’s just kind of you Spike.” Applejack complimented.

Spike walked over to the punch. Then, Spike realized he brought absolutely nothing to spike the punch with. The one time Spike didn't think ahead this night, it had to be now. It seemed like Applejack took notice in his disappointment because she started to stare at the punch as well.

“I think I know why you even came over here to the punch in the first place.” Applejack said suddenly. Feeling that he had nothing to lose, Spike decided to tell the truth on this one.

“If your guess was that I wanted to add some ingredients to the punch, you right.” Spike confessed.

“Funny you say that Spike because that’s why I am here.” Applejack confessed as well.

“Wait, what?” Spike said in surprise.

Applejack took out a jar filled with an amber liquid from beneath her cape and poured it into the punch. She then topped off the punch with some chopped apples that were on a plate nearby. After she was done, AJ gave Spike a knowing wink and left him on his own.

Talk about a surprise. I would expect something like that from Pinkie.

“How do you know Pinkie?” Spike asked.

I see her around. She knows just about everypony where ever she goes, especially in Ponyville.

“Right, how much more you know about my friends?” Spike asked.

That’s not very important right about now. By the way speaking of the pink mare, here she comes.

Spike saw Pinkie trotting towards him like a spring and there first thing she said was “Spike, why didn’t you tell me you were going to sing? We could have done a duet!”