• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,716 Views, 22 Comments

Another Chance - EldinKaiser

Two girls that have been dealt an awful hand at life meet in a rather unusual circumstance.

  • ...

Ch. 11 (An Old Family Friend)

"Well, I'm just saying! Who knows if you and Dashie might need one?" Pinkie stated, as we all walked out of the entrance of the mail. Everybody's faces turning red.

"PINKIE!" Applejack and Dash yelled out, their faces extremely red.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop." Pinkie said with a sly grin on her face.

We all looked around to see that it was night time out and an uncomfortable cold surrounding us. "Oh my, the temperature really went down since earlier." Rarity said, looking around, bringing her hands over her arms, shivering.

Lemon looked around, whinning softly. "Damnit, dad isn't here and it's cold out." She whined out..

"Do you want someone to stay here with you two? Sunset asked. Placing her hand on Lemon's shoulder, giving her a worried look.

"No, we should be good. It's probably the cold that's getting to me. Besides, Sonata is here with me." Lemon said, pulling me close to her a faint and worried smile on her face.

They all paused and looked at us, obviously worried, but nodded. "Well, ok. If you need anything, just call us." Sunset said, returning the same faint smile as they all turned to leave.

Lemon nodded softly and held me close to her. "S-Sonata, I'm worried. Something doesn't feel right." She said, looking over at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying my best not to succumb to the cold.

"Dad's never really been late before. I hope everything is alright." She said, looking down at her phone to check the time. "He'd also would have called by now telling us why he's late." She stated.

I looked down at her. "Lemon, it's going to be ok, I'm still here by your side. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I said with a reassuring smile.

She glanced up at me with a smile slowly creeping along her face. "Ok, you're right. Maybe he just lost track of time." She said before bringing the phone up to her ear.

I hear the phone ring on her line for a minute before she hung up. "Maybe we should head back in, it's starting to get cold out." She suggested, turning back towards the mall.

She walked up to the door and walked into them causing the whole front panel to shake. "Ow... and we're locked out." She whined, rubbing her nose. "Great..." She pouted out.

I couldn't help to smirk a bit, but walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Here, I'll help keep you warm." I said, resting my head on her shoulder.

She looked back at me and smiled, placing her arms over my own. "Thanks Kitten." She said before turning to kiss my cheek.

"Well if that isn't cute?" We heard a voice call out from another entrance of the mall.

We both turned to look at this elderly woman outside of the mall, a cigarette lit in her mouth. "O-oh, thank you." Lemon said, blushing softly.

The elderly woman smiled. "Lord, you two must be so frigid out in this cold. Come here and stand in here, get yourselves out of the wind and into some warmth." She said, holding the door open for us.

We rushed over and huddled up with each other inside. "It's a bit chilly out there." I admitted, Lemon holding me close for warmth.

She chuckled softly. "You two are AJ's friends?" She asked, flicking the ashes of her cigarette off.

"Yes ma'am." Lemon said, finally starting to warm up.

"It's nice t' meet you two. I'm Granny Smith. Applejack's grandma." She said, trying to fan the smoke away from me and Lemon. "So what y'all still doin' out here?" She asked, tossing the cigarette away.

"We're just waiting on dad to come pick us up. Though he has yet to show." Lemon said, pulling her phone from her pocket, checking it once more.

"Well, if he ain't here in the next few minutes, I'll take y'all home. Beats standing out in the cold all night." She joked.

We smiled and nodded softly. "That would be greatly appreciated." I said, looking up at Granny Smith.

A few minutes passed by with each one getting longer than the last. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lemon's phone began to ring. "Daddy, where are you?!" She said, pulling the phone to her ear almost instantly.

"Haven't heard that in a while." A familiar voice stated from the other side of the phone. Lemon's face went pale automatically after realizing who it was that is calling her.

"H-How did you get this number?" She asked, fear slowly entering into her voice.

"Let's not ask how. Better yet, let's ask when. As in when is the next time you're going to see me." He said, pure evil in his voice.

She hung up and looked up at Granny Smith. "P-Please take us home if you wouldn't mind to." She asked, tears swelling in her eyes.

Granny Smith nodded softly, pulling her keys from her pocket. "I know that look. C'mon you two." She said, letting us step ahead.

We walked up to an old beat up truck that had its fair share of owners. "Please excuse the mess inside of here. Having three jobs, ya kinda learn to live in your vehicle." She stated with a chuckle after.

We opened the door with the school cafeteria's uniform in the passenger side, she pulled it over and stuffed it under the driver's side as well as pulling a small pistol from the door.

Our eyes widened upon seeing it. She looked down at us and smirked. "Sweetie, no matter what, Granny is always prepared. Yall ain't got anything t' worry about." She said with a tender smile.

We gave a sigh of relief as we nodded and jumped in the truck. "You're Citron's daughter, right? Y'all don't live to far from the farm." She said, starting up the truck a gust of cold air hitting us.

"Yes Ma'am." Lemon said, sliding over into the middle seat.

She laughed softly. "Sugercube, you ain't gotta call me ma'am. I'm basically Citron's ma, I've seen him grow up since he was a little foot. Call me Granny. Shoot, I seen your ma grow up as well." She said with a warm smile.

"I didn't know you knew mom and dad." Lemon said, leaning on me as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Sugercube, I was around when everyone's parent's were kids in school. I've been a lunch lady for a very long time. Though I will say that it's a shame what your ma done to your dad." She said, sorrow in her voice.

"Yeah, though mom is kind of the cause of what's going on right now." Lemon said, looking down at the floor of the truck.

She looked over at Lemon from the corner of her eyes. "What do ya mean, Sugercube?" She asked.

Lemon sighed out, looking back up through the windshield. "Back when I was living with mom, she tried to hook me up with different guys, the problem was is that I've never really been interested in guys. Last time I was with a guy, mom told me that she would disown me. In turn, she hooked me up with this guy named Blueblood who abused me, both mentally and physically." Lemon said, holding back her emotions.

Silence filled the car, but was broke as Granny gave a defeated sigh. "It's kind of a hard pill to swallow and I'm still unsure how I feel about it. When AJ started dating Dash the other day I wasn't to sure on AJ dating other girls, she's still my kin. Regardless of if it's boy or girl, as long as they treat her right, then I'm going to be there and support her." Granny said with a soft smile.

Lemon and I looked up at her. "Are you still opposed by Dash and AJ being together?" I asked.

"Sugercube, I'm an old fart. My ideals on that type of stuff are null and void. I was suspicious of Dash at first, but I see how much joy Dash brings her. I haven't seen this side of AJ since her parents were alive. I honestly see the both of them being together for a very long time." She said with a soft smile.

"I wonder which one of the two are the more dominate one." I whisper into Lemon's ear.

"I can answer that for ya. Even before they started dating, they had flings here and there and didn't think anybody would know. Kinda hard not to notice when AJ screams louder than the cows holler." Granny said, slightly annoyed at knowing that fact.

We couldn't help but not to laugh upon hearing that. "Oh wow, didn't ever AJ to be much of a screamer." Lemon joked.

We arrived at dad's house to see his truck and Rose's van still there, but a new addition. A new double wide trailer with Citron coming out of it, pulling his phone from his pocket. "Oh shit!" We heard him call out. He looked up to see us pull into the drive way.

"Granny, is that you?" We heard him call out.

She opened the door with me and Lemon following behind. "Who else ya think it's gonna be? Better yet, why shouldn't I bend you over my knee right now and blister you?!" She said, storming up to him.

"I was setting this up for my daughter and her fiancee, upon doing so, I lost track of time." He said, looking down.

"Well, good thing I done and picked them up." She said, walking passed him and walking into the house.

Citron looked over at us and then back at the door of the house. "I see she's making herself at home." Citron said, laughing softly.

We all walked into the house to see that Granny has already pulled out a chair and is having a conversation with Rose. "Hey girls. Did you two have fun today?" Rose asked, pulling a pan out of the oven.

"Yeah, though we're kinda mad at dad." Lemon said, playfully jabbing her dad in the side.

"Hey, I lost track of time! Cut me some slack!" He whined out. "Besides, when you two see what I've been working on all day, you'll understand and forgive me." He said with a innocent smile.

Rose looked at him and sighed. "I told you to go get them, but oh no, he can get it done in time." She teased.

He groaned out and rolled his eyes at her. "Boy, I thought your mama taught you better than to do that!" Granny said, eyeing him down.

He hung his head and looked down. "Yes, Granny Smith." He said, giving a defeated sigh. "Well, come on you two. I need to show you your new place." He said turning back to go outside.

When we stepped inside of the trailer, me and Lemon was in awe. Everything was brand new. New TV, new fridge, new stove, bed, and everything.

As Lemon walked around, I immediately jumped on the bed and curled up, making myself comfortable. "And in here is you bedroom as Sonata has already found out." Citron said, looking down at me on the bed.

Lemon walked in and laughed softly. I whined softly, pulling the blanket over my face. "I'm sleepy. Shoo!" I whined out playfully.

"So adorable." Lemon said with a smirk. She then turned towards Citron. "Dad, why'd you get us all brand new stuff. You just bought us brand new furniture and clothes. Why just buy us thousands of dollars worth of new things?" She asked, sitting down on the bed beside of me.

He scratched his chin and shrugged. "Well, regardless of if what I bought you was brand new or not, I want what's best for you two. Besides, the person who got it all was O'Mally's son." Citron said, leaning against the door way.

"Is everything alright with them?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just in O'Mally's culture, his son is at the age in where he should be able to fend and live on his own. Though O'Mally wanted him to move, he didn't want him to move to far so he asked me if he could take over your lease on that apartment." Citron stated.

We both nodded softly and yawned. "Well, we may go ahead in go to bed for the night." Lemon said, laying back on me.

"Well, Rose is cooking some brownies and cookies. If you two want some, you're more than welcome to get them." He said with a smile, stepping out.

We both sat up immediately. "Wait! We're coming, give us a second." I called out, putting my shoes back on.

We walked back into dad's house to see Granny was still there and eating some of the brownies Rose had made. "Hey you two." Rose said pulling a plate down for me and Lemon, placing a few brownies on it and handing it to us. "I figured that you two came back for these." She said with a smirk.

We both smiled and nodded softly. "Thank you!" We both said before digging in. Though after almost inhaling a couple, we paused and looked at each other. "Those taste different." I said, looking a Lemon.

We looked up at Rose and Citron to see a panicked look on their face. "Oh no, did I give them the special brownies?" Rose said taking a bite out of one of our brownies. Her face grew pale as she looked over at Citron.

Granny looked around and laughed softly. "Oh boy, you two in for it now. Well, I'm heading back to the hotel!" She said, grabbing her keys and walking out the door.

We watched her leave and then our attention was drawn back to Citron and Rose. "Dad, what do you mean special brownies?" Lemon asked.

He gave a worried sigh. "Nothing to worry about. You aren't going to die or anything. It's just those ar-"

"You gave us cannibrownies, didn't you?" I asked,

They nodded softly and sighed. "Well, you two, you probably need to head to bed soon." Citron said. "S-Should we just go ahead and let them have the other two?" He asked, looking back at Rose.

She paused for a second, but shrugged. "I guess so, I mean it's not like it's going to effect him badly and they've already eaten one." She said, scratching the back of her head.

He nodded and sighed. "Alright you two, c'mon." He said with a smile.

"Wait, before we go anywhere, tell us what's going to happen to us!" I said, looking at them.

He laughed softly and smirked. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but you'll basically fall into a state of euphoria. Your senses will be heightened. Everything from taste, smell, sound, sight..."

"Don't forget touch." Rose said, putting up the tray of brownies that was given us.

"Oh yeah, everything is amplified while high." Citron said, chuckling softly. "Though do NOT think this will be happening a lot. This is an accident, so consider this a freebie. If anything, this won't happen again." Citron said, looking at the both of us.

Lemon nodded softly, though her eyes became somewhat glazed over, a smile giddy smile forming on her lips. "And Lemon's already feeling it. Ok you two, let's go!" Citron said, leading us out.

Comments ( 5 )

One thing I noticed right away. You don't actually need the human tag for this story unless it includes non Equestria Girls humans in it. Other than that you have my attention.

7687393 I wasn't to sure about the tagging system so I tried to tag everything that may be applicable to my stories so that way I can avoid any problems later down the road for not tagging enough things lol but I'm glad that you are enjoying the story so far. I actually have another side project with a few short stories posted up. If you're interested, feel free to check them out.

7690725 Yeah it's not always clear. I had to reread the tag several times to be clear, so I see how it can happen. The pacing is a little fast by the way, but not badly so. I've seen, and done worse.

I miss this story

hey man i read you story and thinking maybe it's time the son of the zest family to show himself, i know your taking a but i'm just giving you a suggesting

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