• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,716 Views, 22 Comments

Another Chance - EldinKaiser

Two girls that have been dealt an awful hand at life meet in a rather unusual circumstance.

  • ...

Ch 8 (Old Friends and New Enemies)

We laid there for a few hours until we heard a knock on the door. "Come on in." Lemon called out. Her dad walked in and looked over at us, his eyes showing concern as he looked down at me.

"So, I heard what happened at school today." He said, crossing his arms. I felt my heart sink as I looked away from him. He walked on in and pulled up a chair to sit across from us. "What happened?" He asked, concern still in his voice.

I sat up slowly, still not able to look him in the eyes. "I heard about what her ex done to her. How cruel and abusive he was towards her and I just snapped. I didn't mean to scare Lemon." I said, trying not to break down again.

I heard him give an annoyed sigh. "Sonata, listen. I'm pretty sure Lemon told you this already, but it's in the past. I'm her father and trust me, I want nothing more than to stomp that little fuckers head in until I hit tonsils." He stated.

I nodded softly, slowly beginning to look up at him. "I know, but it just bothers me that prick is still walking around, thinking that he can get away with it." I said, clinching my fists slightly.

He reached out to place both of his hands over top mine. "Sonata, it's going to be dealt with, trust me on that. He has his day coming." He said, a devious grin forming along his lips.

I nodded once more and rose a brow at him, trying to understand what he's implying. "Wait, what are you thinking about doing dad?" Lemon asked as she sat up to look at him, a hint of panic being noticed in her voice.

Citron smirked softly. "Well, if I got one thing to say. Karma is a bitch, and when she comes, she gives it back to you slow and hard." He said with a smile.

Lemon looked at him and shook her head. "Really dad? You have to slip in some sort of innuendo." She stated. "Yup!" He said with a big grin. She groaned out slightly. "I'm starting to question how we are related." She said. I looked at her and smirked.

"Please, you make all sorts of sexual innuendos all the time." "Y-Yeah, but...ok fine." She said, pouting slightly.

I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder, curling up to her. "So what is it that you have planned for that prick?" Lemon asked. "Nothing at all." He stated. "Dad, we both know that's a lie." She said, crossing her arms.

"Ok, fine. I may or may not have paid off some thugs to jump him." He said with an innocent smile. She looked at him, her mouth a gap. "Dad! That's not how you get back at someone!" She said.

"Well, it was either that or I deal with it. So take your pick." He said, leaning back in his chair and crossed his arms. "One option, he'll just be roughed up a bit, the other option, he'll end up in the hospital." He stated, his tone completely serious.

She looked at him and shook her head. "Dad, you're going to get arrested for this most likely." She said. "No I won't, these guys are too scared of me to dare to report me." He said with a cocky grin. "Besides, even if they did, I have enough pull to get away with it."

"Wow, you're such a great role-model." She said sarcastically, her daze held nothing but annoyance. "Well, I could also have him put in jail, but mommy and daddy has enough to bail him out so he won't really learn anything." He said, his own tone held a hint of annoyance and anger.

He stood up and stretched out. "Hey, where's the bathroom in this place?" "It's right around the corner." Lemon said, slightly worried about what all has been planned. He nodded and went into the bathroom, leaving me and Lemon in silence.

I looked at her to see that she was slowly beginning to panic. "Lemon, is everything alright?" I asked, placing my hand on her lap. "Sonata, he's the type of guy who will search down anyone who he believes that may have tried hurt to him. If he believes that it's me, then he will be after me." She said.

I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. "It'll be ok. If he tries anything, he'll have to go through me first." I said, holding her close to me.

We both froze as we heard a impatient knock on the door. "Open up this door now!" We heard a male voice call out. "Lemon, open up this door!" We heard him yell out once more.

"I-It's him!" She said, her whole body trembling at the sound of his voice. "Open up this door before I bust it down!" He yelled out. I heard the toilet flush with Citron opening up the door to the bathroom. "Wait, who in the hell is this?" He asked.

He looked back at us to motion us to hide. We nodded and darted to the other side of the bed to stay out of view. We heard Citron open up the door. "Where is that bitch?!" We heard, though it was quickly silenced with a thud against the wall.

"Listen here, mother fucker!" Citron growled out, his voice filled with anger. "I don't know who you think you are, but if you think you can barge in here and demand to speak to my daughter like this, I promise it won't end pretty." Citron said.

"Get your hands off of me you piss ant!" Blueblood called out.

The room grew silent for a second as tension flooded the air. I looked over at Lemon who had panic stained onto her face. "He's a dead man." She quietly said. Shortly after, we heard Citron begin to chuckle. "Piss ant? PISS ANT?! Excuse me, you poor excuse for a failed back alley way abortion! I eat little fucks like you for breakfast. I am a fucking Colonel and damn well be addressed as such! Do I make myself clear?" Citron said.

"Release me, now or I'll have you arrested!" He said. "Me? Arrested? From what I see, you're the one who broke into my room. I can beat you to an inch of your life and there is NOTHING you can do! Trust me punk. You won't win. Not against me. So if I were you, I'd turn around, walk out of here and don't look back. If you do, I promise that it won't be pretty mess that the house cleaning crew will have to pick up." Citron snarled out.

I looked over the edge of the bed to see pure fear on Blueblood's beaten and tattered face. "And let me make something else clear. You have no business with my daughter. I know what you did to her and trust me, if I had it my way, you'd be dead where you stand." Citron hissed out.

"Now, run along before it gets your pretty face gets even more messed up." He said, tossing Blueblood out of the door. "And if you go any where near my daughter, I will find out, I will find you, and I will stomp you head in until I hit pavement." Citron said in a cold, serious tone with the door slamming shortly after.

Next thing we heard was someone darting down the hallway and Citron walking back up to the side of the bed.. "Alright you two, you can come out now." Citron said as we stood up from behind the bed.

I looked over at Lemon who was somewhat relieved, but still had fear lingering on her face. "You shouldn't have anything else to worry about." Citron said with a smile. "Dad, what if he does come back?" She asked.

Citron walked over to the chair and sat back down. "Simple, I'll beat his face in. I'm not afraid to go to jail for any of my kids. That includes you too, Sonata." He said with a smile.

"My only question is, how did he know we were here?" I asked. "Eh, the little shit probably has friends that keeps an eye out." Citron said. I looked over at Lemon who was still shivering slightly.

"D-Dad, I'm scared of what he may do. If he was able to find me. What happens if you or Sonata is not around?" She asked.

He looked at her and scratched his chin. "Well, the guy is a CPA student. So he wouldn't be allowed to be on Canterlot High's school grounds. Plus, just in case. I'll have Luna and Celestia know that you have someone stalking you and to call me if they see him. Besides, I don't even live five minutes away from the school." He said, which helped put Lemon's mind to ease a bit. "Also, nine times out of ten, I'm usually by your side anyways. What is he going to do?" I said with a hearty smile, doing my best to ease her nerves.

She looked over at me and nodded softly. "Yeah, true." She said, a smile slowly starting to form along her lips. "If it makes you feel better, I'll go file a restraining order against him. That way if he does magically show up, he'll be carted off to jail. Mommy and daddy will only bail him out so many times until they get tired of it." Citron stated.

She nodded softly and finally gave a sigh a relief, her body finally calming down once more. "Besides, after the message I sent to him. He won't make an appearance any time soon." Citron said with a grin.

Lemon nodded softly and sighed softly. "Can we get out of here and into our new apartment?" She asked. "Yeah, that's actually why I came here. Everything is moved in. Only thing that's left that needs to be done is small details such as having the internet and cable installed. So if you two have homework that needs to be done online, do it here. If not, grab you stuff so we can head on out." He said with a smile.

She nodded. "Also, I'm getting kind of hungry. Can we grab a bite to eat?" She asked. "Well of course, where do you want to go?" He asked. "Maybe that one all you can eat buffet place?" She asked, her mood starting to cheer back up.

He smiled and nodded softly. "Yeah, though it's getting late so we may want to head out before we get the left over crap." He said, opening the door for us.

We walked out of the hotel with all of our clothes in hand. I looked over at Lemon who was frantically looking around in paranoia that there was some slim chance that Blueblood was still watching us.

We got out to the truck and put our stuff in the back. Surprisingly enough, there stood Blueblood, standing in the alley way, his eyes watching our every move.

I looked at him with a big grin and then turned to Lemon. "Hmm? What is it, Kitten?" She asked before I pulled her into a deep kiss. I felt her cheeks immediately start to radiate heat as our lips contacted.

Citron looked at us and rose a brow, then looked over to see Blueblood watching. A grin slowly forming on his face as well. "Alright you two, let's get going. You don't want to put on a full show for any FREAKS that might be watching." He said, emphasizing the word freak as he looked where Blueblood was standing.

I looked at Lemon, whose face was all shades of red, a blissful smile stamped on her lips. "Where did that come from?" She hummed out, stepping up in the truck. "Well, I done it in hopes to cheer you up. With everything that happened, I just wanted to see that beautiful smile again." I stated, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close to me, knowing Blueblood was watching every bit of it.

As we drove down the road, we saw a set of headlights following up. Citron paused and rose a brow. "What do we have here?" He asked himself, as he turned down a different road.

The car automatically turned as if it was following us. Citron made another turn to only see that each and every turn that we made, the car was on our tail. "Alright, this is getting out of hand." Citron said, pulling over to the side of the road.

A brand new sports car, no older than a week sped by us. No sooner than it did. Citron cocked up his jaw and got back on the road and began to follow it. "D-Dad, what are you doing?" She asked, panic starting to set back in.

"That little shit has been following us, now I'm gonna do the same thing to him and find out where he lives and have a little talk with his parents." Citron said, his eyes narrowing on the car in front of him.

We drove around for a few minutes, following him, making sure that he didn't leave our sites, until we saw another set of headlights come up behind us. "Oh no, he didn't." Citron said in an annoyed groan.

"What did he do?" I asked, trying to turn to see what was happening. "I think the little fucker called the police on us." Citron said with blue lights flashing behind us, no sooner than he said that.

"Son of a bitch!" Citron snapped out, as we pulled over to the side of the road with the police car pulling in behind us.

The officer walked up to the window, though was slightly taken back to see Citron sitting there. "Well, I'll be damned. Colonel Zest, in the flesh." The cop said.

Citron looked at him, slightly confused at what he saw. "Captain Soarin?" Citron asked, finally realizing who the officer was. "Yes, sir. I hate to have to do this to you, but we got a call, saying that you were following around someone." He said, looking down at Citron

Citron nodded softly. "Yeah, that's true!" He bluntly stated without skipping a beat. "But the guy was following us around at first. Come to find out it was that little punk who abused my daughter and doesn't know when to leave her the hell alone. He followed us for a good 15 minutes before I pulled over to let him pass and began to follow him." Citron said, as bluntly as possible.

The cop looked at him and rose a brow in disbelief. "Sir, you do realize that you should have called us, right?" He asked. "Yeah, but about an hour ago, he came into my daughters hotel room and demanded to speak to her, dunno why though. Only thing I know is that when he shown up. He was trying to go through me. If I wasn't there, god knows what he would have done." Citron said, leaving out any information that may jeopardize him.

The cop nodded softly and then looked inside to see me and Lemon. "Which one is your daughter?" He asked. "Soarin, think about this. Which one looks like me?" Citron stated.

The cop then directed his attention to me. "Who are you miss?" He asked. "She's my future daughter-in-law. She was there when the events took place." Citron stated.

"Is this true?" He asked and I nodded softly. "Citron told us to hide behind the bed when Blueblood stormed in." I stated, hoping to give out any information that may help.

"Wait, Blueblood? That kid has so many reports against him, but his parents bribe off the chief to have all allegations dropped." He said, hanging his head in defeat.

Citron looked at him in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me." He said, shaking his head in regret. "Who is the chief?" "Well, you're gonna find this hard to believe, but you remember Major Spitfire?" He asked.

"You better be fucking with me, Soarin. She was one of the few people who valued duty over anything." Citron said. "Yeah, she used to. She even valued it over our marriage." He said, immediate pain in his tone as he hung his head in defeat.

Citron sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry man. Maybe a stop from the Colonel will set her straight." He said with a slight smirk.

Soarin let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "If only it was that simple, sir." He said, shaking his head to push away all memories.

Though the reunion was silenced as the same sports car flew by, the gust almost pulling Soarin with it. "Jesus christ! Who the hell was that?!" Soarin asked, regaining his composure.

"That'd be the little punk who was following us." Citron stated, his tone showing more annoyance towards Soarin who was still standing there.

"If I can't bust him for stalking, I can sure get him put away for reckless driving." He said running over to his patrol car and jumping in and sped off in chase.

Citron looked at him and sighed. "Me and him are going to have to catch up sometime." He said, starting to pull out.

"Dad, how many of the police do you know?" Lemon asked. "Quiet a few." He replied with a slight chuckle. Though was stopped once more by another set of blue flashing lights pulling up behind us.

"What in the world is this?" He said, pulling over once more. "Everyone, step out of the car!" We heard a female voice demand over the intercom of the car.

We looked at him and rose a brow. "D-Dad what's going on?" Lemon asked, fear and panic setting in once again.

"Just do what she says." He said, opening the door and sticking his hands up. We got out of the passenger side, following Citron to the tee as both of us stuck our hands up to await further orders.

"Dad, I'm scared." Lemon said, her body quivering in fear, not sure on what is going on. Only thing we could see were the flashing lights as well as I massive light that was blinding us. A woman with orange-ish skin came forward, her hair covered by a hat.

"What are we being stopped for?" Citron asked. "You are being arrested for slandering a male named Blueblood." She said, walking towards Citron.

"Slander? Spitfire! You served under me. You know I don't lie. The little bastard showed up at my daughters hotel room and tried to break in! After that, he was following us when we left! Soarin was just here and took chase after the little shit almost tried to run him over!" He said, anger growing in his voice as he starred down the woman.

"Sir! Don't make me use force on you!" She said, pulling out a metallic baton. He looked at her, anger now clearly apparent on his face.

"Spitfire, you know for a fact that I don't make false accusations. What in the world has gotten into you? You used to have integrity and value duty over money." He said, his eyes not leaving hers.

She looked at him and rose a brow. "Well, sir, if you have any evidence to prove you right, then please make it apparent to me." She said.

"Ma'am, I recorded everything on my phone, please just let me get it." I said, reaching into the truck to grab my phone.

"Sonata, don't! In fact. You are not allowed to search my truck until I have spoken to my lawyer. If you are corrupt as I heard, then I promise I will have your badge." He growled out. "Miss, hand me your phone, now!" She demanded.

I looked over at Citron, starting to panic now. "Sonata, don't! She'll just break it. Only person that she has accused is me. Now, listen carefully. What I want you two to do is grab everything from my truck that is yours and head to my house." He said.

Spitfire looked at him. "Don't you dare touch anything in there!" She demanded. "I'm sorry, but none of this is yours. Therefore you can't touch it without a warrant! It belongs to my daughter and her girlfriend and they have free range to do as they please. And you know I'm right." He said with the biggest grin on his face.

She stormed up to him, raising the baton and hitting him in the ribs, automatically knocking him down. Lemon grabbed everything and tugged at me to follow her.

I jerked myself away, the feeling of anger flooding me as I wanted to charge her. "Sonata, please come on." She pleaded. I came to my senses and nodded, following after her.

We came across another cop car to see Soarin standing at the door. "Soarin! We need your help!" Lemon called out. Soarin looked at us and rushed over to us. "What's going on? Where's Citron?" He asked as we stopped to regain our breath.

"Spitfire. She has him detained." I said, panting heavily.

"Why does she have him detained?!" Soarin asked.

"Slander. Blueblood made a false report." I said, finally regaining my breath "P-Please help us. When we left, she was beating on dad." Lemon said, tears forming in her eyes.

He looked at us and nodded softly. "Ok, you two head home. I'll see what I can do." He said, jumping in his car and taking off down the road. We looked around to see that it was in the middle of the night.

We hear a phone going off within the stuff we grabbed to see the caller named under 'Babydoll'.

"H-Hello?" Lemon answered.

"Who is this?" We hear from the other end.

"Y-You must be dad's wife. I'm his daughter, Lemon Zest. He was arrested and taken away, he told me and Sonata to come to you." She said. A long pause was heard from the other end.

"Where are you two?" She asked in a calm, motherly voice.

We looked around to not see anything familiar other than road signs. "W-We're in the middle of Way Hay Road and Bale Avenue." Lemon said.

"Ok you're not far from me. I'll be there in a second, you two just find a safe place to hide for now." She said, before hanging up the phone. We looked around to see a dumpster in an alleyway and darted behind that.

A few minutes passed with a van pulling up to the intersection and Citron's phone going off once more. "H-Hello?" "Ok I'm here, where are you two?" She asked.

We poked our heads around the corner and stepped out. "Ok, I see you." She said, pulling up beside of us. We opened up the door to see a woman with pale-cream colored skin and reddish purple hair looking at us.

"Lemon?" She asked. "Y-Yes ma'am." Lemon replied. "My name is Rose Luck. C'mon and let's get you two home." She said in a tender voice. "O-Ok." She said, jumping into the back seat of the van.

We pulled down the road. I looked over at Lemon who was trembling over the recent events. "I-I'm sorry that we could not have met under more peaceful circumstances." Lemon said, looking down.

Rose looked back at us and smiled. "It's alright. This is about an every week thing with Citron. Sadly enough, he's always getting in some form of trouble." She said with a smile.

We drove down an old country style road for a few miles until we pulled into the driveway to see a bunch of nice cars and a beautiful, two story home with plenty of land to spare. "Just keep it down, your little sister is asleep." She said, opening the door.

As we walked in, there was flowers everywhere in a beautiful pattern that matched everything within the house. Me and Lemon walked in to examine everything closely.

"Sorry for the mess, work has been hectic and I haven't had the chance to clean." She said. We paused and looked around, extremely confused, at this immaculate house. "Rose, this house is not dirty. It's outstanding." Lemon said, looking around.

She laughed softly and shrugged. "Well, I do try my best. Are you two hungry by chance?" She asked, opening the fridge. Immediately both of our stomachs began to growl, letting her know of our current state.

She smirked and shook her head. "And here I thought Citron was feeding you two." She said, pulling out left overs from their earlier meal. "He is, it's just where we were forced to move all of our food is still in the other fridge in my other apartment. Honestly, after what happened after mom showed her ass, he has been doing his best to be a part of my life again." Lemon said, walking over to the counter to pull out a chair and sat down.

Rose looked at us and rose a brow. "What exactly happened?" She asked as she walked over to the oven, putting the left overs in.

"Well, me and Sonata are together. My mom isn't the type of person to believe that two women or two men should be together, regardless of if they're happy. I got tired of her trying to pair me off with these jerks, which thanks to said jerk, dad's in jail, but she believes that I'll be miserable with a girl and honestly, ever since I've been with Lemon. I've felt nothing but happiness...despite the last hour." She said, trying to force out a small chuckle.

Rose looked at her and smiled softly. "Well, if you two make each other happy, then that's all that matters. No one else's opinion should change that." She said. I saw Lemon's eyes light up as she said that.

"Why couldn't you have been my real mom? I like you a lot more." She said with an over joyed smile. Rose laughed out softly and smiled.

"Well, glad you feel that way, which I am technically your mom...just a step mom." She stated, walking over to the oven to check on the food.

Lemon nodded softly and gave a sigh of regret of her mom. "Yeah I know." She said.

"Oh, one thing I do have to ask of you two." She said, pulling the food from the oven. "My only request is if you two sleep in the same room. Just, please, no over night activities. I heard your dad mention it before and if it's enough to wake up everyone in an apartment complex, then you two need to hold off for tonight." She said, looking at the both of us with a cheeky grin.

We both looked at her and blushed deeply. "Y-Yeah, you don't have to worry about that tonight." I said, "Beside's I'm the more vocal one." I said, blushing even more.

She looked at me and laughed softly. "No worries, apparently, our neighbour was driving by and could hear me." She said, placing a metal tray on the counter that was filled with spaghetti.

We looked up at her and laughed softy. "Though when me and Citron have our time, we gotta make sure that Fino is at school. Though the child can sleep through a storm." She said with a soft laugh.

Lemon looked up at her and smiled softly. "Well, hopefully I'll get to meet her tomorrow when she wakes up." Lemon said.

"You will, trust me, she'll be the first one up in the morning." Rose said with a chuckle.

"M-Mommy?" We heard a tiny voice call out from the other side of the house.

We froze up and looked around to see a little girl, no taller than three feet tall, bright pink skin and reddish purple hair.

"W-Who's here?" She asked, hiding around the corner. "Fino, this is your big sister, Lemon and her girlfriend Sonata." Rose said, walking over to pick up Fino.

Fino immediately hid within the bosom of Rose, eventually peeking out to look at us. I looked at Lemon to see her heart sink and a big smile forming along her lips.

"Hey, Fino." Lemon said in a gentle voice to reach out to Fino to only have Fino hide herself again.

Rose laughed softly and smiled. "She's usually not this shy, but seeing how it is really late. She's probably exhausted." Rose said, gently rocking Fino.

Lemon nodded and smiled softly. "Would it be alright if we could take a look around?" Lemon asked. "Of course, this is your house too, sweetie." She said with a smile. Lemon smiled and nodded softly, standing up and began to look around.

Immediately she came up to a room that was made especially for Citron. "Sonata, come here." She called out softly.

I got up from the table and walked in to see several uniforms dressing the walls, different awards, and dozens of photo's of his years in the military. "I guess dad had a different uniform made for each and every rank he achieved." She said with a smile.

She walked in and looked around to pick up a brown round hat and looked at it closely. Rose turned to look inside and smiled softly. "Yeah, your dad is an amazing man. Surprisingly enough, we met while he was still with your mom. He came into my shop and asked for a dozen roses for her, though when he came back she basically threw it in his face." She said, slightly annoyed.

Lemon looked at her and placed that hat back where it was. "Yeah, mom is somewhat the really bitchy type, in terms for nicer words." Lemon said, still looking around.

Shortly after we heard Rose's phone go off as she pulled it out of her pocket and answered. "Hello?" "Hey, baby doll." We heard Citron say through the phone. "Are the girls with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, they're home and safe." She said with a smile. "Ok, good. Well, I should be home here soon. Soarin is helping me out, though they're not wanting to release me unless they got Sonata's phone which proves that bastard broke in." He said, slightly annoyed.

"Alright, I understand. We'll bring the phone here in about thirty minutes." She said. "Alright, baby doll. Love you." He said before hanging up.

We looked at Rose, slightly starting to panic. "Ok, here's what we're going to do. She walked over to Citron's computer and turned it on. "We're going to take all files and copy them onto the computer, format them to where they are locked away and can only be accessed by me or your father. Then we'll go and turn that phone in. They'll probably destroy it in hopes to cover up that little shit, but we'll have a back up on here." She said with a grin.

We both nodded as I handed her my phone. She grabbed it and attached a chord to it, transferring all files onto the computer. "Alright, give it a minute and it should be done. Trust me, your dad and I have all sorts of stuff hidden away that can one day provide help for us if we ever need it." She stated.

She pulled the chord from the phone and handed back to me. "Tomorrow, we're going to probably allow you to skip a day and get you a new phone and probably help you out. Even if it means that we have to move a trailer on the land to see that you all have a safe place to live." She said with a smile.

"Honestly, I'm starting to think that I'd rather have a place near here to make sure that I'm right beside of dad." She said. I looked up at her and saw that she was more open towards Rose and smiled softly.

Lemon looked over at me. "What do you think, Sonata?" She asked. "Well, from what I see, this place is beautiful and with us living beside of your parents, I'd feel safe. Plus it's a nice and peaceful out here." I said with a smile.

"Well that settles that." Rose said with a smile. "Only thing is, we just gotta find you two a trailer and then get everything moved from your new apartment into it. You all move more than me and your dad did when he was still active duty." She teased.

Lemon smiled softly and nodded. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to have this problem upon moving here." She said.

"Well, another thing, your friend Applejack doesn't live to far from here either, about a mile or two away is the start of their land." I stated.

"Hurry up and eat so we can get your dad out of jail." She said with a smile. We both nodded and began to tear into the plates before us.