• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,716 Views, 22 Comments

Another Chance - EldinKaiser

Two girls that have been dealt an awful hand at life meet in a rather unusual circumstance.

  • ...

Ch.9 (Sweet Vengeance)

We arrived at town hall and walked inside with police casually walking passed up in all directions. We came up to the front counter to see an overweight officer snacking on a doughnut.

He looked up at us and rose a brow. "Dear god, what did he do this time?" He asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine, but he told us he was being held until Sonata's phone is turned in." Rose said.

He looked at us, even more confused. "That doesn't sound right. Who stated that?" He asked.

"I believe that it was Spitfire who said that, but we're not entirely sure." Rose said.

He nodded softly and sighed. "Well, if it's what the chief wants, I have to oblige. Let me see it." He said.

I gave him my phone and then sighed. "Alright, let's go get him." The cop said.

"So how's your son doing?" Rose asked him.

"Oh, Truffle? He's alright. The wife has got him in some cooking club, which he seems to be excelling in. He seems to enjoy it, so I can't complain, though the child eats more than your average adult." He said with a soft chuckle. "How about little Fino? How is she doing?" He asked.

"As spoiled as ever, but I'm not complaining." She said with a smile.

I looked up at Rose and tilted my head. "How often is Citron in here?" I heard the guard laugh out.

"When AIN'T he here is the question you ought to be asking." He said, laughing out softly. "Though, he's a good man. He just finds himself barking up the wrong tree from time to time."

"And this would be one of those times." Rose interrupted.

When we arrived at Citron's cell, he was bruised, bloodied, and beaten. His face was swollen to the point that he was almost unrecognizable. "Dad, are you ok?" Lemon asked in a worried tone.

He looked over at us and smiled. "Yeah, your old man is still kicking." He said, standing up from the bed in his cell.

"Well Citron, you think you'll stay out of here longer than a week this time around?" The officer said.

"Eh, it all depends on who pisses me off." Citron said with the both of them laughing.

The guard opened the cell door to automatically see Rose rush in and grab Citron by the ear and pulled him out. "OW OW OW! Not so hard!" He cried out.

"This time he'll stay out of here longer than a week, if he doesn't want his 'jewels' chopped off and fed to him." Rose said, glaring up at Citron.

He looked down at her, actually cowering underneath her grasp. "Y-Yes, dear." He said, looking down and away from her.

I couldn't help but to laugh to see such a massive war hero cower to someone as small as Rose. Lemon looked at me and nudged me softly. "Stop laughing." She demanded.

I nodded and smiled softly. "Sorry, Lemon." I said with a smile on my face still.

"Now hold it right there." We heard from behind us to see Spitfire standing there. "He's not free to leave yet." She said, eyeing all of us down.

"Wait, you said that as long as we turned in the phone, that was it." Citron said, looking down at Spitfire.

"Did you turn it in?" She asked, crossing her arms, looking over at Rose.

"Yeah, Sonata gave it to Officer Shuffle." Rose said as Spitfire turned towards the other officer.

"Yes, ma'am. No sooner than she came in, she turned it in." He said, pulling my phone from his pocket to show it to Spitfire.

Spitfire reached out and grabbed it from him. "Well then. I guess that settles that. Though if i have reason to believe that this was tampered with. I will have a warrant to search your place high and low." She said with a devious grin as she walked down towards the hallway.

Citron sighed and shook his head. "We may want to hurry up and head home. I don't trust her." He said, walking pass the three of us with Rose following behind him.

We arrived back to Citron's home to see that no one was there, or so we thought at least. We walked in the house to see that everything was destroyed. Everything from the decorations on the wall to the now hanging fridge door. "I fucking knew it." Citron growled out.

Rose darted past the hallway to see Fino's room still shut, a soft, but audible whimper heard from the other side of the door. "Fino, it's mommy and daddy." Rose said as she gently knocked on the door.

We saw the door slowly open with two little eyes peering out from the door. "M-mommy?" Fino said before she darted forward and cried into Rose.

I looked over at Citron whose body was radiating anger. "Citron? A-Are you ok?" I asked, slightly extending my hand out to place it on his shoulder.

"What do you think?!" He snapped out at me. I instantly retreated my hand and held my head low.

"S-Sorry..." I said, doing my best to avoid his gaze.

He looked down at me and gave a regretful sigh. "You're fine. I'm the one who should be sorry. You two didn't do anything wrong. I'm just furious that they broke into my home and destroyed everything." He said, his body still radiating anger.

I nodded softly, still scared to meet his gaze. "Dad, who do you think may have done this?" Lemon said, looking up at Citron.

He looked at her, slightly annoyed at the question. "Well, who do you think Lemon?"

"D-Daddy, these two mean men came in and destroyed everything." Fino said, looking up at Citron.

He paused and looked down at her, slightly confused. "Well then, good thing I have this place wired and cameras all over the place." He said with a slight grin.

He walked past us and then opened the door to his office that was still in perfect shape aside from several boot marks on the office door. "Oh, wow. I'm surprised that they didn't touch this room." I said, looking around in awe.

I heard him chuckle slightly. "This room is protected by a wall of two foot thick, steel reinforced walls, and then the door may be covered in wood, but it six inches of lead with it only able to be opened by either my key or Rose's key." He said with a smile.

Lemon looked at him and rose a brow. "So, this is basically just a panic room?" She asked with him nodding in return.

"And even at that, this room has so many hidden compartments to keep everything safe as well as a back up hard drive that saves everything that is downloaded onto my computer." He said with a smile as he walked over to his computer and turned it onto a screen that shows every camera in and out of the house.

I stood there, slightly surprised at his technological knowledge as he was going through everything within the past hour. Surely enough we see two guys, roughly about Lemon's age standing there. "So if that police woman is right, Trixie might actually give one of us a chance if we destroy everything in this house." A fat, plump male with a really annoying voice said as he came into frame.

"Uh, yeah! Though she has been after that Flash guy ever since both Sunset and Twilight gave him the cold shoulder." A tall and lanky male with an abnormally long neck came into frame. "So, what should we start with?" The tall one said.

"Oh god, I can't stand his neither of their voices." I said, slightly cringing every time either one of them talks.

I then looked down at Citron who had a smile on his face, though it wasn't a happy smile. Within it held anger and rage. It was a smile of vengeance. "Lemon, they look your age. Do you know who they are?" He said in a voice so calm that it was disturbing.

"I honestly have no idea, dad. I just transferred, remember?" She said, looking over at him.

"Oh yeah, silly me." He said, the same smile still on his face.

He then pointed his attention towards me. "You used to go the Canterlot High. Do you know who they are?" He asked.

"No, but I might be able to find out. Lemon, can I see your phone real quick?" I asked as she nodded and handed me her phone.

I immediately began to search through a social media sight and looked up Trixie. Surely enough there was a short, fat kid and a tall and lanky kid on her the top of her friends list. I clicked on their picture to immediately see a status update that read "Just had a SMASHING time with Snails, hopefully nothing will go south." I read out.

Citron looked at me, his eyes narrowing into a glare. "What are their names?" He calmly asked.

"Snips and Snails are their names, though we don't actually know if it was them." I said, but was silenced as he stood up. "Ok, it's only been ten minutes since this happened. So, they're not far." He said, darting past us and grabbing his brown circular hat from the shelf.

Rose stood in front of him, eyeing him down. "Citron, we don't need you getting locked up two times in one night." She said, standing toe to toe to him.

"I'm not going to lay a finger on them. I'm going to scare them and make their day a living hell." He said, immediately walking past Rose after he explained himself.

"I know how you are Citron! If you lay a finger on either one of them, I'll have the divorce papers ready by tomorrow." She said, her tone dead serious.

He paused and looked back at her, a sly grin forming along his face. "Well then, looks like I'm not gonna do a thing." He said, though turned towards me and Lemon.


"Citron!" Rose scolded.

"What?! You expect me to stand idly by and let two little punks ruin my home?!" He snapped.

"Dad, it's what Spitfire is wanting you to do. Think about it!" Lemon said.

He paused and lowered his head. "Damnit, you're right. She's waiting for one of us to show up and make a fool out of ourselves." He said, his face still showing rage. "But we can't let them get away with this. We need to do something." He said, looking up at the three of us.

"Don't worry about that, karma will find its way around to them." Rose said, a barely noticeable sinister smile forming along her lips.

I looked up at her and rose a brow. What does she have planned? She's so nice and calm, there's no way that she can come up with a way to get back at those two.

Citron nodded softly and sighed. "Well, it's way past Fino's bed time as well as the rest of ours. Let's try to get some rest." He said. "Lemon, Sonata, you two can have the guest bedroom. Just, please, no over night activities." He said, his voice showing defeat.

We both nodded softly as everyone stepped out of his study. We walked into the guest room and sat down on the bed. "Lemon, is your dad going to be ok?" I asked, looking up at Lemon.

She was walking around the room and sighed worriedly. "I-I don't know. I've never seen him so beat up before." She said, finally sitting down beside of me.

I looked over and rested my head on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to her. "C'mon, let's get to bed and hopefully put all this behind us." She said, laying back on the bed and pulled me on top of her.

I nodded softly and snuggled up close to her as she pulled the blanket over top of us. "Sweet dreams Sonata." She said before leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

I smiled softly and leaned up to kiss her softly. "Sweet dreams, Lemon." I said, curling up to her as she wrapped an arm around me.

When I woke up, Lemon was already out of bed and out of the room. I sat up and looked over at the door to see it open slightly and to hear voices on the other side.

"So, she really does make you happy, huh?" I heard Citron ask.

"Yep! She's the only one who hasn't ran away from my insane family." Lemon joked. I heard Citron chuckle slightly.

"Well, you're thinking about marrying her, ain't you?"

"T-That's something for later down the road. I mean, of course I thought about it, but just for later." She stuttered.

"I bet you if you ask her right now, she'd say yes." Rose voice echoed out before I heard the front door shut.

"Yeah, she's right. The way Sonata looks at you. Hell, you can probably hand her a 25 cent engagement ring right now, and she'd say yes." Citron said.

I nodded softly, my face all shades of red. "Dad, I don't want to ask her, not yet at least. It's still to early in the relationship." She said.

I peered through the door way to see the two of them at the table. "Well, you're obviously the dominate one in the relationship. Maybe she's ready and she's waiting on you to ask." He said.

I saw Lemon's face turn all sorts of red. I saw him look at the door way, our gaze meeting and a grin forming along his face. "Here, I'll make a deal with you." He said, looking back at Lemon.

She looked up at him, slightly confused. "If she's asleep right now, I'll let you use my great grandmothers old engagement ring, but here's the catch. You have to ask her right now." He said, pulling the ring from his pocket.

I couldn't see much of it aside from the gold on it. She looked up at him in awe. "D-Dad, I...I don't think I'm ready, not yet at least." "Aw, c'mon! You're a Zest. You can do it." He said, placing the ring down. "Though you only get this, if she is in bed, right now!" He said as if he was hinting it to me.

I darted over to the bed and dove in, acting like I was asleep. "Y-You really think she's going to say yes?" She asked.

"Well, no other way to know than to ask." Citron said. A minute passed before I heard foot steps coming down the hallway.

"H-Hey Sonata?" I heard her softly call out.

"Oh c'mon, you can't even wake a mouse up with that. Hey, Sonata!" Citron called out. I jumped up, slightly surprised.

"Hmmm? Is everything ok?" I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I saw Lemon's face turning different shades of red by the second. "Y-Yeah, um, c-can I ask you something?" She stuttered.

"Of course." I yawned out. She froze up, her hands fumbling around in her pockets.

"Lemon, we made a deal." Citron said, crossing his arms, a sly grin forming on his face. She gulped down any worry she had and walked over to me.

"S-Sonata, I have a question to ask you. One that is pretty life changing." She said, with one hand reaching up, placing her hand over top of mine.

"O-Ok? What is it?" I asked, blushing deeply.

She gulped once more before reaching her free hand into her pocket. "S-Sonata, we've been together since day one. We've been through hell and back."

"Get on with it!" Citron called out.

"You're not making this easier on me!" She snapped back at him. She then turned back to me and sighed. "W-What I'm trying to say, or ask...well, would you do me the honor of being my bri-" Before she had the chance to finish, I tackled her, our lips meeting like it was the first time all over again.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I called out, tears of joy flowing freely from my eyes.

She looked up at me, tears now forming in her own eyes as she leaned up to return the kiss, holding me close to her. "I love you too much to even think about saying no." I said with a soft laugh.

She smiled and held me close. "Thank you for making me the happiest person alive." She said, kissing me once more.

She reached back into her pocket to pull out the ring and placed it on my finger. Surprisingly enough, it fits perfectly! I looked at it to see a magnificent diamond placed on the top of it with small sapphires placed around the diamond.

I smiled and kissed her once more, holding her close to me. Suddenly we heard Citron clapping softly. "It's about damn time!" He said with a smile.

I nodded softly and smirked. "Yes, yes it is." I teased. She looked at me and smiled. "Well, I just made your day, didn't I?" She asked. I nodded happily, wrapping my arms around hers and resting my head on her shoulder. "Yes you did." I said, a glee filled smile forming along my lips.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, what do you two want to eat?" He asked, walking back into the kitchen.

"Way to ruin the mood, dad." Lemon joked as we followed him into the kitchen.

I looked around to see that Rose was still out of sight. "Where's Rose at?" I asked.

"She said something about dropping off some flowers at one of the schools for an event coming up." He said as he went through the fridge, pulling out different items.

I nodded softly and sat down beside of Lemon, resting my head on her shoulder once more. He paused for a second before darting off into another room. "Dad?" Lemon called out.

He came back into the kitchen, a smirk on his face. "That sneaky little girl." He said to himself.

"What's going on now?!" She asked.

"Oh, nothing. Those two punks are being dealt with, though." He said, going back over to the fridge.

An hour passed with breakfast on the table and Rose walking through the door. "I'm back!" She said with a cheerful smile.

"Welcome back, baby doll." Citron said with a smile.

"Oh, you already got breakfast made." She said, sitting down across from us.

"Yeah, but I gotta question." He said, placing everyone's plates down. "What did you do?" He said, looking down at Rose.

"What? I can't let you have all the fun." She said as she began to eat.

He sighed and turned the radio on with some rock music starting to play, though was silenced with a news report coming on as well. "This is WCR News! We have just been told that two students of Canterlot High have been found with several pounds of the drug marijuana within their lockers. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are stunned to see that these two snuck in the plant and that the two are to be expelled as well as be sentenced to six months to a year in juvenile prison. Talk about your HIGH school students." One of the reporters joked. "This has been a news report brought to you by West Canterlot Radio News!"

Citron paused and looked at Rose who was eating as if nothing happened. "Really?" He asked.

"Well, those two punks are going to learn one way or the other." She said with a smile.

He gave a defeated sigh and went back to eating. "So, you just planted my stash of ten pounds of pot in their lockers?" He said, trying to come to terms with what just happened.

"Yup!" She stated.

"You do know that they have cameras all over that school, right?"

"Oh yeah, though one thing that I have learned from you is how to deactivate things from a distance, so this whole day, that school's security cameras were out." She said with a smile.

He paused and looked at her in awe. "Dear god, you are amazing." He said with a chuckle.

"Wait, so we're just going to sit idly by while two of our class mates go to prison?" Lemon said.

"They broke into my house and could have hurt my other daughter." Rose said in almost a growl.

Lemon froze up and nodded softly. "Ok, fair enough." She said, going back to eating.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay on this! Been going through a lot and haven't had a lot of time in between everything to get it done quickly. So once more, so sorry for the delay on this!