• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,716 Views, 22 Comments

Another Chance - EldinKaiser

Two girls that have been dealt an awful hand at life meet in a rather unusual circumstance.

  • ...

Ch. 4 (Hopeful Thinking)

For once I woke up before she did. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her, my head still on her chest, her heart still being the only thing that I hear. "Mmm, so peaceful." I said quietly to myself. I looked down to see her hand now on top of mine. I laid there for a minute in bliss before I finally rolled over to look at the window, the sun barely even coming over the horizon.

I went to roll over again to face her once more, tears flowing from her eyes with her showing a pained expression. "N-No, please, I won't do it again." She cried out in her sleep. I perched myself up with my elbows and looked at her, starting to worry.

"L-Lemon?" I called out softly, reaching my hand out to her cheek.

By the time I reached up, she sat up, breathing heavily, the only emotion on her face was fear. "L-Lemon, what happened?" I asked as I sat up.

"My ex...he was trying to choke me." She said, reaching up to her throat, rubbing it slightly.

"S-Sonata, I still feel it." She cried out. I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her to pull her close to me.

"It's ok, Lemon. he's gone and I'm here now. I promise I won't hurt you like any of them did." I said, doing my best to comfort her.

I felt her whole body quivering, her breath shaky, and her heart rate massively increased until finally she calmed back down. "Thank you for being her for me. I'm so happy to have you with me." She said as she laid her head on my chest.

I looked down and smiled softly. "Lemon, you know I just want to see you happy." I said before I kissed the top of her head. She nodded and smiled gentle.

"I know, kitten." She said. I looked down at her and smirked. "Kitten?" I asked to see her blush deeply.

She quickly pulled the blanket up to cover her face. "So if I'm your kitten, I guess that makes you my lemon blossom." I said, petting along her back.

She looked up at me and smiled softly. "Out of all my relationships, that is the sweetest and most clever thing anyone has ever called me." She said with a grin.

I looked at her and smiled. "Really? That's the first thing I actually came up with." I stated, blushing softly. She nodded and then looked out the window to see that the sun wasn't up yet then laid back down, dragging me with her.

"Looks like we have a few hours before we have to get up." She said as I rested my head back on her chest.

"Yeah, I know. I've been up a lot bit longer than you have." I said, making myself comfy once again, rubbing my hand along her belly.

She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. "So, I gotta know something." She asked as she looked up at the ceiling.

"What is it?" I asked, drawing hearts along her belly with my finger.

"When we first met, why were you so defensive towards me? You wouldn't let me get close to you at first." She said.

"Well, at the time I just wanted to be alone. I felt like I was just going to hurt anyone that I came across. Though when you came to me, I took a look into your beautiful eyes and just felt a warmth, a happiness that I haven't felt in a long time." I said softly, blushing a bit. "I didn't exactly fall for you, but I felt like I could trust you and be happy." I said, letting my heart out to her, hoping for the best.

"Well, what about now? What do you think?" She asked. I paused and smiled softly.

"I wouldn't give this up for anything." I said, leaning up to kiss her softly.

"You're so sweet to me." She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's hard to believe that you were once evil." She said, holding me close to her.

"Well, it takes a special girl to make someone like me nice." I teased, laying my head down once more to get comfy.

I glanced up at her to see that she was thinking something, though not sure what it was. "Everything ok, my beautiful little Lemon Blossom?" I asked to see her face turn to a deep red almost immediately with a giddy smile following behind.

"Yeah, just thinking about what all mom said yesterday." She said as she began to rub against my arm. "It just hurts that she feels so little about me. I mean all because of who I want to be with, she goes and disowns me." She said.

"Are you happy?" I asked her.

"Well of course I'm happy with you." She said with a warm smile. I reached up and grabbed her hand to bring it to my lips and kissed the top of it.

"Then don't worry about what she thinks. As long as you're happy is all that matters." I said, curling my fingers with hers. She smiled and nodded softly, pulling the blanket back over us.

We laid there for an hour before the sun's light began to pierce through her room. "Maybe we should get up." Lemon suggested, but I clung tightly to her and the bed.

"Nuuu, five more minutes." I jokingly pleaded. She smiled and shrugged softly.

"Fine, five more minutes, but no more than that missy." She joked.

I rose a brow and smirked at her. "Yes, mooom." I replied with her giggling at my reaction.

"I love you so much Sonata." She said, wrapping an arm around me. I froze up hearing that word.

"Y-You love me?" I said, blushing deeply. Is that I've been feeling all this time? Love? She looked down at me, a panicked gaze starting to appear on her face.

"Yeah, why, what's wrong?" She asked.

I don't know what was wrong. A whole blur of emotions just ran through my body at once. Usually, I can just be straight forwards with what I'm feeling, but this time, it was different. Something that I've just started feeling anytime I'm around her on certain moments. Is this what love is? Finally, I made contact with her eyes, my heart skipping a beat and a dumbfounded smile forming on my face.

I longed for this feeling of bliss, of happiness, of...love. "I love you too Lemon." I said as I cuddled up to her. I could feel the tension in her body gradually lighten up when I confessed that.

"You scared me for a second." She admitted, finally giving a sigh of relief.

"H-how come?"

"W-Well, I kinda just said that without thinking, and when I saw your reaction. I thought that you thought that I was weird." She said bashfully.

I looked up at her and smiled. "I couldn't ever think such a thing." I said, as I held her close to me. "I've never been told that, nor have I ever been treated as such. It's literally a new word for me." I stated as she looked down at me in disbelief.

"Your parents never said that they loved you?" She asked to only get a shrug from me.

"I never knew my parents. Remember sweetie, I'm from a different realm completely. When I was born, my parents were gone." I said, trying to remember back.

She looked down at me and nodded softly. "Well..." She began to develop a big grin on her face. "It's settled, you are now taken in as part of the Zest family!" She said, holding me close. I smiled and snuggled up close to her once more.

"That'd be nice." I purred out.

We laid there for a few more minutes before we heard this harmonious melody coming from O'Mally's apartment just added on to this moment. "Heh, good timing." I said, looking up at Lemon with her nodding.

Finally after a while of laying there, Lemon looked down at me with a smirk. "Alright, c'mon kitten, it's time to get up." She said, the both of us finally getting up.

"Do I have to get dressed?" I yawned, stretching out my still asleep limbs.

"If I have to, then you do to." She said with a smirk, putting on her sweat pants and band shirt.

I walked over to the pile of clothes that we bought yesterday to pull out a pair of baggy clothes almost identical to hers, just only in different colors. "So what's on today's agenda?" I asked.

"Well, not entirely sure just yet, I try to plan out one thing, but here lately it seems to go out the window." She said.

Surely enough, as if on cue, a knock was heard at the front door. "See, told ya." She said, walking towards the door. "One second, I just got out of bed." She called out. When she got to the door, O'Mally was standing there.

"Sorry to have bothered you. I was just wondering if the music may have been bothering you all. I have to have it turned up a bit to actually hear anything after having a grenade explode near me." He said, slightly embarrassed.

"No, of course not! Honestly, me and Sonata was already up and just relaxing when you started playing it. If anything it helped add to the mood." She said with a smile.

I poked my head around the corner and smiled. "Hello." I said, waving at him.

He looked at me and waved back. "Alright then, I was just making sure that it wasn't too loud or anything. You two have a nice day." He said, heading back to his apartment.

"He seems really nice." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, kind of feel bad for calling him weird the other day." She said as she shut the door behind her.

"Maybe we can have a cookout or something before it gets too cold." I suggested, walking into the kitchen, preparing to make a pot of coffee.

She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my hips, resting her head on my shoulder. "Maybe, but we need to see if he's actually telling the truth about having a son first." She said.

"Possibly invite dad as well to make sure that we have some form of backup?" I joked.

"Oh, you're calling him dad now?" She said with a smirk.

"Well you DID tell me that I was official part of the Zest family." I reminded her.

"Yeah, you got me there." She said with a smile.

"Not that I'm complaining." I said, turning to face her. "I'd be happy to be part of your family." I stated, placing my hands on her shoulders to pull her in for a kiss.

"Hmmm Sonata Zest, that does have a nice ring to it." She teased.

"Now hold it missy, don't be thinking that far ahead, not yet at least." I teased back. She shrugged and smirked softly.

"It's just hopeful thinking." She said with a sly grin before she went to the fridge.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" She asked digging through the fridge.

"Hmm, maybe something simple today? Bacon and Egg Sandwich sound good?" I asked, pouring me a cup of coffee.

"Why something simple?" She asked.

"Well, it seems like everyday something has happened that some how interrupts us, so I was thinking maybe a quick light breakfast. Then we can go somewhere for lunch and dinner? Kind of make it a day just to us." I said with a smile.

She smiled and looked back at me, pulling the food out. "Sounds good to me, it'd be nice to actually have a whole day to just us." She said, placing to food on the counter.

"I'm gonna try to find something on tv for us to watch after breakfast." I said, turning the corner to the living room.

A few minutes passed with Lemon coming in with two plates and sat down beside of me and handed me my plate. "So, did ya find anything good?" She asked as I was still flipping through channels.

"Not really, just some cartoons and some a few movies that were almost over." I said, giving out a disappointed sigh.

"Here let me look." She said, snatching the remote from me, pulling up a whole new list of options. "So how about funny cartoons?" She said turning it to a show with the main character being some fat guy with glasses, getting ready to be launched out of a cannon. It immediately catching my attention.

"Ok, works for me." I said, turning to lean against her with my feet up on the couch. "Thank you for breakfast again." I said with a smile, as I began to eat.

"Well, I don't want you to go hungry." She said, biting down in her sandwich.

I looked at her and smirked softly. "You know, something that I haven't actually tested." I said with a big grin.

"Ok, what is?" She said with a smile. I leaned up to give her neck a soft, teasing, little nibble before pulling back to see her face a whole new shade of red "For your name to be Lemon."

"Sonata, no." She groaned out.

"you don't taste like one." I teased, bursting out in laughter.

She looked at me and sighed, shaking her head. "What, you seem a little sour." I teased.

"That's it, I'm officially disowning you." She said,

"But you still love me, right?" I said, looking up at her with innocent eyes.

She looked down at me and smirked. "Yeah, I guess I do." She said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I smiled and snuggled up against her once more, finishing eating and going back to watching the show that she picked out.