• Published 7th Jun 2016
  • 3,778 Views, 133 Comments

A Dazzling Mismatch - Shadowmane PX-41

One day, The Dazzlings find perfect copies of their old pendants. But when they put them on, something strange happens...

  • ...

All Sales Final

Adagio and Sunset passed by many different buildings on the road before they finally arrived back at the shop where it all began. The shop where the Dazzlings had purchased their new gems and underwent their new changes. Adagio felt a tranquil fury wash over her as she looked into the shop once again. She had gotten what she wanted, but the burden of it all outweighed the pleasure. All of her maturity, her leadership, stripped away by the man within those concrete walls.

"Sunset, I don't care if we have to drag this guy out kicking and screaming. I'm getting some retribution for this mess." Adagio gruffly glared back at Sunset over her shoulder.

"I never said that I was gonna stop you, Adagio." Sunset lifted her hands defensively.

"Oh, don't give me that. You know you were thinking it." Adagio rebutted. "Even if our powers are a little bit mismatched, you think we're still the same old sirens that we always were, pillaging the weak and feeding off of their hate for things. Well, sometimes, Sunset, if ya think it, it happens."

She's really starting to lose it. This personality swap thing must be tougher than it really is on her. Sunset stayed silent as she saw Adagio barge into the shop. I kinda feel bad for them. After all, they got their powers back, but Adagio's miserable. Heaven knows what the other two must be like...

Adagio didn't even take the time to look around the shop as she bellowed, "Hey, oldie! Your stupid gems got rid of my maturity! I want a refund right now!"

"Yeah... real mature of you, Adagio." Sunset facepalmed as she watched the fiery siren stomp her way up to the counter, where the same vendor from before stood still as calm as ever.

"Ohohoho! Well, if it isn't the siren girl from before." The man behind the counter gave a slimy chuckle. "How are you enjoying your little trinkets? Are they everything that you hoped that they would be?"

"Yeah, right. Thanks to you and your little con trick, I wound up with Aria Blaze's personality! The worst kind of personality that I could ever have!" Adagio bellowed, throwing her arms behind her. "I. Am. Pristine! Mature! Elegant! I'm not some grouchy fight club enthusiast that goes around getting blacklisted from everywhere because of her 'don't give a fuck' attitude and bitchy nature!"

"Or rather, you were." The sly salesman cracked a toothy grin at Adagio. "Think about it, Adagio Dazzle. For all of your high and mighty thoughts, you are nothing more than a queen bee deluded to think that power begets everything, when in reality, all that it leads to is a higher pedestal to fall off of."

"What?" Sunset Shimmer could tell that there was something off about this salesman from his tone of voice, but his jargon and hyperbole were something otherworldly. "Just... who are you?" Instinctively, she tightened her hands into fists, preparing herself for a conflict.

"Who am I? Why, I'm the one who saved the Dazzlings from themselves. Friend or foe hardly even matters to me, so long as I get to revel in my handiwork." Said the salesman, rapping his fingers on the table. "Thing is, those gemstones were not easy to come by. I had to sell an arm and a leg; quite literally, in order to get my hands on them. So don't think I'm going to have them back any time soon, little miss Sunshine. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata made their choices, so now they must live with them."

"Live with th—" Adagio couldn't even think of words anymore as steam shot out of her ears. That was the last straw for her. She lunged at the salesman, trying to flatten him with her force alone, only for him to step out of the way like a gentleman. "Just WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" She screamed. "THIS IS COMPLETELY OUT OF LINE! IT'S OUR RIGHT TO GET REFUNDS!"

"Not in a no-refunds establishment. I reserve the right to refuse your refunds, miss Dazzle. You'll find that rule can work both ways for selling to and buying from others." He said as she squirmed back onto her feet. "Caveat Emptor, I believe is the saying?"

"Bullshit!" Adagio snarled, leaping for him again, only to fid hard shop floor as her reward.

"Hey. Don't blame me for your shortcomings and lack of insight to a heartstone, miss." He walked back over to Sunset Shimmer, seeing as how he wasn't going to get anymore than physical contact from his buyer. "It's all your fault for purchasing a cursed item from a crooked salesman. I'm not the guy at fault here. It's what you have that is."

"Enough!" Sunset barked. "Who. Are. You? We're not leaving until we get an answer."

"See? She's got more dignity and sense than you do," he chided towards Adagio, stepping out of the way again as she charged like a bull, colliding with a coatstand. Adagio was buried underneath coats as the man brushed himself down and introduced himself. "My name is Discord. And, as the name would imply, wherever I go, chaos is sure to follow. Oh, but this is only a side job, really. I'll be back home before long, tending to my own little world's problems."

"Side job? Own little world?" Sunset instinctively lowered her brows. "Equestria. I knew it. It's every time..."

"Yes. I see you're an avid peruser of the Equestrian arts yourself, miss." Discord chuckled to himself as he looked at Adagio clawing her way back out of the coats. "Yes, yes. I'm well aware of this fine young individual as well. A shame, really. Exiled from her home purely for singing. Surely, that's deemed fascist in some universal law, right?" He lifted his arms up. "Well, whatever the case, I'm sure that there was a reason for her banishment, as was the case with ehr two sisters, Aria and Sonata. I'm happy to give them back their powers, yes. But not in the way that they expect, want, or bother to change. All apart from Adagio here, who got quite wise for her own good." He folded his arms and tutted at her. "Tsk tsk, Adagio Dazzle of the Dazzlings. Did nobody ever tell you that it doesn't take magic to sing?"

"Discord. Look, I don't know what the hell is going on here, and I'm definitely not going to get anywhere with Adagio the way that she is right now." Sunset said, locking her arms around Adagio, pulling her into a bear hug that seemed more like a bear chokehold more than anything. She had to lean her head to avoid it being butted. "Just tell me how we can reverse this and this will all be over."

"There's no reversing this spell, I'm afraid. No way of reversing it at all. I've made extra-triple sure that there's no a single thing on this planet that can cause the spell to be reversed." Discord pushed his fingertips together; still a shrewd, oily, snake-like businessman to the end. "Not unless you all take your pendants off and destroy them. But, I've made a safeguard to prevent that from happening. That being that those gemstones really were, are, and always will be what you and your sisters wanted, miss Dazzle. Equestrian Magic, coiling around your lungs and vocal chords, enabling you to hypnotise and entrance the world with your melodic majesty!" He threw his arms out in jubilation.

He quickly got a punch in the face from Sunset, before being knocked flat out onto his back, with stars and swirls dancing above his head. "Psychopath..." She mumbled to herself, before dragging a stunned Adagio out of the building. "Come on, Adagio. We're not getting any answers from this wacko."

"Sunset... I didn't know that you had it in you," said Adagio. Not with any grouchiness or any of Aria's traits in her voice. At least, not for the most part. She spoke with admiration for the girl. "It's not like you to lose your cool like that and just deck people. I'm impressed."

"Guy's just looking for a reaction. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, I'd say that he got it alright. And he'll be sure to think twice before he pulls anything like that again." Sunset grumbled, her head still throbbing from all of the insanity that had just happened within the shop. "In any case, we know what we have to do to fix you and your friends. We've gotta get those pendants off and break them. No other way that you're gonna turn back to normal."

"Well... It's an awfully difficult choice for us to make." Adagio looked down at the gemstone on her choker. It was nice to have the warm, glowing sensation of Equestrian Magic back in her hands, but she had yet to use it. For all that she knew, it could have been another one of Discord's mischievious tricks. "Truth be told, I kinda just want to sing to make sure that old crook didn't botch that up as well. As for my sisters, they're too much in the land of dollies and fairies right now to want to take theirs off, knowing Aria with Sonata's mind and Sonata with mine."

"Yeah, you're right. Those two did seem inseparable the last time I saw them. As well as unhealthily obsessed with pink stuff. Ugh. That's going to cause eye strain just looking at them. Especially if they decide to redecorate your house."

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Sonata and Aria do not get to TOUCH my room!" Adagio's temper rose again. "I spent a lot of time getting that place perfect. For them to wreck it with their grubby little hands and overbearing niceness and happiness is just... well... argh!" Adagio fumbled with her own words as she curled her hands around her body. "We've GOT to get them to get rid of the jewelry somehow!"

"Yeah. But how are we gonna be able to get up close and personal to your sisters in order for us to do it?" Sunset asked, tipping her hand.

"Remove their jewelry? Well that, I'm sure that we could get behind."

The two teens turned to see the source of the voice and found none other than the other Rainbooms. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, all standing their triumphantly like a group.

"Sounds like you've finally come to your senses, Adagio." Applejack folded her arms. "Ah'll be honest, I thought you were gonna be as stubborn as a family of mules about this whole pendant nonsense. But, ah guess I was just a bit too hasty in judgin' ya after everything that's happened to ya."

"I agree. I didn't think that you would have the gumption to change, given everything that's happened with you in the past and how much you coveted those gemstones." Rarity wandered over towards the glowing red gem and laid a single finger on it, feeling the energy coursing through it. "Still, if you really are willing to pack away this whole evil siren nonsense and try to make a change, then we'll be willing to give you and Sunset all of the aid that you require."

"So, how do we get started, Adagio?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We tear those gems off your sisters? We get on their good side and slip 'em off without them knowing? Anything that you want in order to fix this, we're down for it."

"First, we need to know just where Aria and Sonata are," said Sunset Shimmer. "Last I saw them, they were going with Twilight and Fluttershy back to their house, but I'm not entirely sure where it is. I mean, you girls really didn't tell me that you even had a house."

"What do you think we are? Homeless bums who thrive off of spare change and singing-magic?" Adagio gruffly and rudely joked. "I'll have you know that before all of that Battle of the Bands stuff, we got ourselves a rather nice house in the Clearsky district. And before any of you say it, yes, it is that impressive."

"I'll say. Clearsky is only where the richest of the rich in Canterlot live. If you can make it there, then you'll be on easy street for a good few decades!" Rarity's eyes glistened as a smile came onto her face. "I must say, I am awfully jealous of you and your sisters, Adagio. Sure, you might have been evil, but you had good taste in where to live."

"Don't mention it. Really. To anyone. The last thing I need is a bunch of peasants running down the gates and coming to pelt us with tomatoes for what happened at Canterlot High." Adagio rolled her eyes. "Now, come on. We're going to Clearsky together." Adagio threw a hand over her shoulder, leading the way down the road.

Once all of the remaining Rainbooms started to follow Adagio, Rarity couldn't help but pull Sunset aside and whisper into her ears. "Are you sure that you and Adagio are making the right choice here, Sunset? I'm all for stripping the Dazzlings of their powers again, I can't help but feel that this is going to be easier said than done."

"I know, Rarity. But we have to make sure that she follows through and that she doesn't decide to go rogue on us." Sunset whispered back, cupping her hand over Rarity's ears so that they wouldn't be disturbed. "Adagio is a very... odd individual. And thanks to that gemstone around her neck playing havoc with her personality, she's even more of a pain to deal with."

"I heard that, you wretch!" Adagio snapped back, severing their conversation. Seeing her Aria side show off, she tried to take another deep breath to recompose herself. "Anyways. I'm not going to betray you, girls. Even if I did want to run off and try to get Equestrian Magic to try and hurt you, I am not in the right state of mind to do it. Aria's a lot more 'jump-the-gun and go for the big kind of stuff' kind of character. I'm a lot more composed; mature; refined."

"Says the girl who tried to physically beat down Discord back there." Sunset deadpanned again.

"That guy was an asshole who had it coming. That's the one exception I'm making under the circumstances." Adagio dusted her knuckles off. "From now on, I will make sure that I am who I am. Someone who can appreciate the finer—" before she could finish, a car drove through a puddle beside her, drenching Adagio in water "—I'VE GOT YOUR LICENSE PLACE, DOUCHEBAG!"

"Real mature, Adagio..." Sunset repeated herself as she watched Adagio looking down at her waterlogged clothes.

"Tch! Whatever. It's done. I'm cool with it. I'm cool." She breathed again. "I will not let Aria Blaze's personality get to me. I am Adagio Dazzle. I an a grown-up! Not a little kid with an obsession for Hot Topic and gothic trash!"

"Oh dear..." Rarity just looked at how much Adagio had changed. She might not have seen the true Adagio, but just watching her own words battle with each other spelt two things out clear as day for her. Either she was a real loonatic who couldn't keep control of her two different emotions, or she had been dealt the worst possible hand by the worst possible people. "We'd better get this done fast. Heaven only knows what will happen if we leave this to fester..."