• Published 7th Jun 2016
  • 3,779 Views, 133 Comments

A Dazzling Mismatch - Shadowmane PX-41

One day, The Dazzlings find perfect copies of their old pendants. But when they put them on, something strange happens...

  • ...

Sonaria, Ario, and Adata

The Dazzlings waltzed through the streets of Canterlot with their pendants gently beating against their clothes as they examined the people around them. They watched children and grown-ups of all ages talking to each other, holding hands, and having a good time in each other's company, devoid of any sense of underline tension or pent-up emotions.

It didn't matter to the Dazzlings, however, as they could only see the peaceful humans as food to feed their dark powers and amplify their powers. Be they strong, weak, old, or young, they couldn't care less about what they feasted on. While being very picky, they would still eat whatever was on their plate, even if the size of their portions varied depending on location and whatever group of people they were manipulating.

"Ugh. Honestly, I don't know why you're always such a drag, Aria." Adagio groaned and turned to her blue-haired temporary leader for the week. "Y'know, we're respectable young ladies, not toddlers too old for their diapers. So, why is it that only now that you lighten up? It doesn't really seem natural."

"Well... why are you just now starting to act more like a grump?" Aria slumped her shoulders towards Adagio and pushed her hair back. "For being a refined lady, you've been more of a bitch now that we've got our gems back. I mean, I'm not complaining about it or anything, but it's just a little weird that you're telling us to be more mature when you're getting less and less like it every day."

"Aria. Don't act like the pompous snob when we know what's going on." Adagio rolled up her sleeves and jabbed her middle finger at Aria's chest, the nail lightly pressing against her clothes. "You're rubbing off on me, and not even in a good way!"

"How am I even rubbing off on you, Adagio?" Aria rolled her eyes and pushed Adagio's finger off of her body. "I'm not even touching you, dummy. If I wanted to rub off on you, I would get right up in your face like this" —as she spoke, her voice became more and more innocent as she acted off everything she was saying— "stand right by your side, brush my face tenderly against your cute purple cheeks and—"

"ARIA! WHAT IN GODDESS'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" Adagio pushed Aria away from her body and slammed her into Sonata, knocking the two sirens over. "Don't you know that this is considered weird?!"

"Adagio, I do apologise for Sonaria here." Sonata stood up and brushed herself down, picking up her sister as she aided her in getting back onto her feet. "It seems that whatever kooky magic was tucked away in these things in the first place is starting to mess us up. You feel it too, don't you?"

"I'll have you know that—" Adagio stopped herself when she realised what Sonata had said "—wait, what did you say? Sonaria? What kind of horrible name splice is that?"

"Yeah! If anything, I'm more like an Arata than a Sonaria!" Aria whined and blew a raspberry at Sonata, not even realising what she was presently doing. The realisation hit her like a truck, and she heard the sound of glass shattering in her mind once she looked down at herself. "Wait, no! I'm not a Sonaria or an Arata! I'm Aria Blaze! What in the world am I doing acting like a kid?!"

"It would seem that those gems that the charity shop owner were more than meets the eye..." Adagio looked down at her pendant, holding it tightly in the palm of her hand. She watched it twinkle off in the light as she tried to find any inconsistencies that she could use to identify the problem. A crack, a different texture, something had to have changed her and her sisters into what they were now. Shaking her head, she came back to reality and dropped the gem out of her hand. "Well, whatever the case, we can't just mope, dwell, or babble like infants. We have our powers back and that's all that matters now. Let's just focus on the most important thing: taking revenge on those Rainbrats for tossing everything out the window like the crybabies they are!" She gnashed her teeth and coiled her hand into a fist as a malicious smile appeared on her face.

"Whoa." Aria could only stare at Adagio with wide eyes as she bathed in the sight of watching her leader take on a more sadistic and less sensible pose. "Y'know, maybe this whole bodyswap thing isn't that bad, Adagio. You would make a real nasty bully."

"What are you talking about? I'm not a pig-headed thug." Adagio lifted one of her eyebrows, not moving from her pose an inch. "Why would you even bring that up?"

"Well, if this whole magic where our minds are in the wrong places is for real, it means you're taking all of my mean and grumpy traits, while I'm getting this doofus's klutziness—"

"Hey!" Sonata chided as Aria's finger pressed against her temple.

"Leaving Sonata with all of your smartness and leadership skills." She gave Sonata a gentle nudge on the shoulder and flashed a small grin at Adagio as she finally stood upright once again. "I never thought that I'd ever say this, but now that we're in this position, I think that Sonata should be leader now."

"What?! You would dare put that little baby in charge of the Dazzlings?!" Adagio was taken aback with Aria's snide comments and nearly tripped over a tree root as she stumbled backwards. "She's only two-hundred and seventy-nine years old! She can't handle herself in my role!"

"Technically, I'm two-hundred and seventy-nine years, twenty-five days, three months, six weeks, two days, and forty-three seconds old in case amnesia's settled into your body, Adagio." Sonata puffed out her chest and raised her finger smugly. "Second, that's mean! I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself perfectly fine! And third, if I'm the smart one, doesn't that mean that you two are the babies that I have to sit on now?"

"Sonata, don't try to make this sound any less weird than it needs to be." Aria pushed her arms out towards Sonata, waving her hands left and right.

"No, really, Aria. Think about this. If Adagio was sitting the two of us because I was the stupid one and you were the grumpy stick-in-the-mud, that really makes her the leader." Sonata pointed towards Adagio, taking a few steps back as she examined both of her sisters. "But now that all of Adagio's intelligence and logic is in my pretty little ape body, that technically makes me more of an Adagio Dazzle than Adagio herself, which would also imply that I am now her and she is now Aria. And in a similar manner, that makes Aria Blaze the new Sonata Dusk. So, with that logic, I'm the new leader of the Dazzlings, and you two are the adorable little babies that I need to change, feed, and have to look after as we try to take over the world now, correct?" She gave a wide smile as she waited for the response from her sisters.

There was silence from the three sirens as they let Sonata's words roll around in their minds. No matter how much that they all wanted to deny it, there was no fighting against evidence that glared them straight in the face. The Dazzlings were all mixed up and in the wrong bodies and they needed a smart person to guide and lead them—even if their leader used to be idiotic and carefree, but was always up for the ride.

"Fuck me backwards with a broomstick and ship me off to Canterlot for public execution..." Aria Blaze groaned and facepalmed as she walked up to Sonata. "You're right, Sonata. We need a smart person leading us, and I know that I'm just going to be the worst now that I'm in your pink-things-fetish body. I guess that means that for now, you're the new leader."

"What?! No! NO!" Adagio ran between the two sirens and pushed them apart with her arms. "Aria Blaze, please hold your tongue and reconsider this! Sonata's just going to cock this all up and ruin the Dazzlings for good! You can't trust her with this role, right?!"

"Just as we can't trust a pig-headed, snot filled, heavy-metal loving punk to rule us? Honestly, Adagio, you really need to learn how to lighten up." Aria smiled and wrapped her arm around Sonata's shoulders. "Plus, now that I've had some time to think it over, I feel great acting like a kid who loves cartoons, cute animals, and other such baloney. Or does the blue skin and slightly darker hair not give it away that I'm becoming more like Sonata every second?"

"Yes, yes, we're well aware of your sudden transformation into a kindergartener, but can't you just give this another mome—" Adagio couldn't even finish her sentence as Aria put her hand onto the purple-haired siren's mouth, silencing her almost instantly.

"Nope! Sonata's our new leader and I'm the new Sonata. You're the new Aria Blaze too, so I hope you're ready to lose all of your smarts and become a grouchy old bully!" Aria singsonged the last part as she gave Sonata a wide smile. "So, what should we do first, almighty leader Sonata? Conquer the world? Make the Rainbooms grovel at our feet? Eat enchiladas at that Mexican restaurant down the road?"

"Well, as much as I would like to grab a few tacos from that place myself, I'm more like Adagio now, so I've gotta start acting like it." Sonata gave Aria a gentle pat on the head. "Aw, don't worry, Aria. We can grab some grub on the way back to the house tonight if you behave well enough. But for now, we need to start singing to people again. Make 'em fight, watch them sweat and stink, then eat their body odour and use it to power our magical pendants so we can do the whole cycle aga—actually, now that I think about it, I'm not so sure I find human stench to be so tasty now that I think about it..."

"Really now? We've been doing this job for over two-hundred years now and you just start to get second thoughts on how we eat their negativity?" Adagio deadpanned and rolled her eyes as she tipped her hand as she dropped her shoulders down by her sides. "This group's going to fall apart with you in charge..."

"Nope! In fact, I bet with Sonata in charge, it's gonna be even better!" Aria slipped deeper and deeper into her second mindset, her old and rotten ways almost non-existent as she clapped her hands and fluttered her eyelids. "So, leader Sonata? Shall we get going?"

"Yes, Aria. We should be off. And we can start with that group there by the fountain." Sonata pointed towards the people gathered around the large water feature, sitting on benches and sharing more conversations with each other. "Plus, we need to test whether or not my new leadership skills work."

As Sonata and Aria walked off, Aria turned back and stuck her tongue out at Adagio before turning back around and sliding her arm onto Sonata's back and around her armpits. She pulled the golden-haired siren into a small hug as they walked off together, almost skipping frivolously as they did so.

Rainbooms, if you're out there, please put a stop to us again. The Dazzlings are being led by a couple of babies who don't even know how to say mama or dada... Adagio frowned and followed after Aria and Sonata, unsure on how the two of them would be able to manage to lead the group with how little intelligence they used to have before the incident.

The Dazzlings slid behind a bunch of trees, watching as everyone shared in the good vibrations and pleasantries as they bathed in the afternoon sunlight and its' warming rays of light. Sonata looked at Adagio and Aria and held out her fingers as if she was counting down. Once her little finger counting came to an end, she took a deep breath in and began to sing the notes that they used commonly to start fights. Aria soon joined in once she heard Sonata begin to sing, and Adagio followed after a few moments of silence. Now at last, the three of them were in harmony once again, singing a song that would cause strife and discord between the park-goers.

As the song wafted through the air and danced on the winds throughout the park, the humans' chats fell silent as the music trickled into their ears and planted itself firmly into their minds. As if they had been all struck with a frying pan to their faces, their smiles slowly faded as they turned towards each other and tightened their hands into fists. Out of nowhere, they started to sling insults at each other and say how they were better than them in every way, which caused their others to take offence at those words and spark arguments.

From children bickering over a small ball, to lovers quarrelling over the most tiny and insignificant things, the good atmosphere in the park quickly turned sour once the Dazzlings' music had washed over it. Now, there was only hatred, distrust, betrayal, and anger among the people there. Mist spilled out of their bodies as if they hadn't showered for weeks, drifting over towards the Dazzlings' bodies, curling up around their legs, and slithering into the gemstones, which glowed as they amassed the negativity spawned from the once-peaceful patrons.

The Dazzlings all felt warm inside as the teal and cyan air wafted around their bodies and flew into their pendants. Ever since their defeat at Canterlot High School, they had almost forgotten what it was like to consume the bad vibes that emanated off of mortal beings. With today being a reminder, though, all they could do was smile as they felt their youth sustain for another day as their song came to an end.

"Hmm..." Aria sighed as she walked away from the trees. "That was delicious! Did our food always taste like that back when we were all evil and stuff? Because if it did, I would've definitely been less of a jerk."

"Aria, our food's always tasted like that." Adagio grumbled and followed after her, with Sonata chasing after Aria with a spring in her step. "And now that you mention that, it taste like shit. Maybe that's because we're in these new bodies now, but I dunno. I—I mean you used to hate all this stuff if you didn't get it in bulk. Honestly, I'm surprised with our meals at the Battle of the Bands that we didn't get a little bit fat with how easy it was to toy with those babyish students."

"Hey!" Aria puffed out her cheeks and almost blew out with how much she was holding her breath. "I was a bully, heck, I might still be because I used to be like you are now, but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna try and change. From now on, it's no more heavy-metal grade-A bleegh like I used enjoy. Now, I'm beginning to see why Sonata has an appeal for all of those cartoons, stuffed toys, and colouring books. It's fun to be different, isn't it?"

"Sonata, once we get back into our real bodies, I'd like to get some counselling therapy for all of us." Adagio walked ahead and held Sonata's hand. "Do you think you can remember that once we're back?"

"Hold on, I'll leave it in my notes." Sonata pulled out her phone and played around with the menu until she found the app that allowed her to keep track of her important notices. Much to none of her sisters' surprises, there was absolutely nothing written down to begin with. But now that Sonata had acquired Adagio's personality, that was all about to change. "Let me jut type that in here, and... Done! Now if you remember, you can just tell me to bring it up again. Easy-peasy."

"Good. Now that everything's been taken care of, we should really focus on how we're going to make those Rainblossoms or whatever pay for what they did to us back at CHS." Adagio put her hand to her chest, feeling her heart pounding against her chest. "Do you have a plan of action now that we have our powers back?"

"Yes, Adagio. Yes I do." Sonata nodded and crossed her arms. "To start, we're going to need to build up more and more energy so that our song is able to counter whatever Magic of Friendship nonsense they try to throw their way."

"Sounds promising." said Adagio, beginning to smile. "But, why do I get the feeling that the—"

"To make sure that we're ready, we're going to eat again. Only this time, we're gonna grab a smorgasbord of stuff at the Mexican place at the end of this road!" Sonata springed up into the air. "That's right, tacos, fajitas, enchiladas, quesadillas, all the stuff you can think of all in one convenient place!"

"And there it is..." Adagio face-palmed again.

"Aw, lighten up, big sis. We were all good today so that means that we all get to eat physically as well as magically." Aria gave Adagio a smile as she tightly held onto Sonata's hand. "Don't wanna feel like we're some weird alien creatures from Equestria, do we? Now c'mon! I've got a hankering for some real good enchiladas!"

"Alright then. Mexican restaurant it is!" She then turned her head to her sister. "Hey, Aria. Bet I can beat you there."

"Oh, it's on, Sonata." Aria gave Sonata a smug grin.

"Girls, wait!" Before Adagio could intervene, both Sonata and Aria were racing off ahead, leaving a cloud of dust and smoke behind them as they raced off towards the establishment. As she merely walked after her fellow sirens, Adagio took another deep breath and screamed into her hands. "Mental note. Next time I see that guy from the charity shop, I'm going to rip all of his bones out and feed them to my equestrian form..."