• Published 7th Jun 2016
  • 3,779 Views, 133 Comments

A Dazzling Mismatch - Shadowmane PX-41

One day, The Dazzlings find perfect copies of their old pendants. But when they put them on, something strange happens...

  • ...

New Bodies

Adagio Dazzle was the first to wake up from the explosion. She groaned as she slowly raised her hand to her head to fight off the pounding headache she had been inflicted with. The good news was that she was still alive, as she hadn't moved an inch from the charity shop or that the place hadn't become a war-torn wasteland yet.

"Ohh... Did someone catch the number of that truck?" she asked, then immediately gasped when she had noticed that her voice had changed. Instead of the suave and sophisticated voice that she had grown up with, she was now stuck with the gravelly voice of Aria Blaze. "What's wrong with my voice?" She slowly looked down at her hands, which were now trembling. When her eyes readjusted to the light, her hands, and her skin as a whole had gone from golden to fuchsia. "What the?!"

Looking further down at herself, she had noticed that her clothes were entirely different as well, and that there were a series of wristbands on her arms. She then looked up to see if Sonata or Aria were around, and was met with a disturbing sight. She could see Sonata and her real body, but she wasn't in it. When the realization struck her, she let out the loudest scream she could muster with her new vocal cords.

"This is a nightmare!" Adagio exclaimed, desperately looking at the rest of her new clothes. "I've been turned into a goth!"

"Uggh..." Sonata facepalmed and shook off the rest of her concussion. Her voice remained the same, but her demeanour was entirely different. Instead of being the bubbly girl that she usually was, she had an incredibly mean look on her face. "Chill out. At least you don't look like some kind of walking candy floss..."

"Wait. Sonata would never act that way..." Adagio had time to process what had become of her other two sisters. She knew that Sonata was always the happy one, while Aria was a grump. By the process of elimination, she had already worked out what had happened. "Aria? Why are you in Sonata's body?"

"I think the better question is why are you in my body, Adagio?" Aria asked, finding it hard to sound intimidating with Sonata's voice. She sounded much more like a kid trying to be tough when in reality, they weren't. "And why do you have my voice too? What the heck's going on here?"

"This has gotta be some kind of prank, right?" Adagio tried to deny the reality of the situation. "There's no way that body-swapping is a thing. At least, not in this world, right?"

"What kind of prank would stuff me into the body of a weak baby who's obsessed with tacos and the colour pink?" Aria slammed her blue fist on the ground. "Someone must've drugged us when we put on those gems. Maybe traces of LSD sprinkled into the backs to make us think and feel like this is all real, right?"

"Nuh-uh. It was magic that did this to us." Adagio's body finally spoke up, but instead of being controlled, it felt much more giddy than usual. "The Rainbooms must've done this. They knew we loved those things, so they used their magical friendship powers to make copies that allowed us to switch bodies so that we'd freak out and become unorganized, thereby stopping us from trying to exact our revenge on them. That sounds right to me," she spoke rapidly, then ended with a wide smile on her face.

"Sonata?" Adagio's voice – or whatever she could make of it in Aria's body – felt very shaky, and she could barely get her words out. Sonata Dusk, the child entity of the Dazzlings, was in her body, and could do anything she wanted with it. "Why are you in my body?! Why couldn't you have this body instead?!"

"Whoa... How did you get in Aria's body, Dagi?" Sonata asked as she crawled up to her. "I mean, Aria's the worst of the Dazzlings. She's always so mean to me, but now that I'm you, I can be just as mean to her." She turned to face the siren who had hijacked her real body. "Isn't that right, Aria? You're so upset about being me that you're blue."

"Da ba dee, da be die, bitch," Aria scoffed as she put her hands to her hips and stood up. "But since you found these pendants, do you mind hurrying the hell up and getting back on your feet, instead of just sitting down there like a klutz?"

"But Aria, I'm the klutz, not Dagi," Sonata said, then slapped her face at that remark. "The point is, you've got my body, so techinally, you're me, and I'm Adagio. and since you called me a klutz that techincally means that you're the klutz, Aria. Or should I call you Sonaria?" she chuckled.

"I swear to god, Sonata. I'm gonna beat you up so hard when this is all over, you won't even want to have your own body back!" Aria shouted as Sonata got onto her feet and struggled to maintain her balance.

"Technically, you'll be hurting me and not her, since you'll be punching my body, Aria." Adagio brushed herself off as she too rose to her feet, only for her to wobble and fall back to the ground as she tried to stand up in Aria's pumps. "Whoa!" She yelped as she tumbled down onto her side and impacted the hard ground again. "How the heck do you spend the whole day in these wretched things?" Adagio cursed as she looked down at the high heels.

"With hard work, determination, and a sense of maturity, Adagio," Aria snided as she watched Adagio attempt to stand back up. "Something that as me, you don't seem to have anymore."

"Let's just get back to the house, OK?" Adagio said as she finally managed to stand upright again. "We've got our gems back, and that's all that matters at the moment. How we'll deal with these body swaps is down to you, oh great and powerful leader."

"Trust me, Adagio. After a good night's sleep, I'll have already worked out the answer to our problem," Aria grew a smug smile as she led her sisters back to the house.

The Dazzlings' house was unlike the other houses in Canterlot City. It was three storeys tall, had a small golden gate at the front door, and even a well-tended flower garden that led all the way to the front door, which was gilded with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata's emblems. The stone path that led to the door was also neat, with no gaps inbetween each square tile.

Aria led the way across the path, while Adagio struggled to walk over it without wobbling in her new shoes, while Sonata leisurely skipped on each of the tiles. They all arrived at the door and pushed it open together, feeling the cold handle press against their hands as they walked inside.

The interior of the Dazzlings' house was an entirely different story. It all looked like it a mansion with marble floors and pillars, plain white walls, and a wide range of rooms on each side. There was a red carpet that was rolled out from the front door all the way towards a staircase that led towards the upper floors, and more specifically, the girls' bedrooms.

"Alright. Before we settle in for the night, let's just do a quick voice check to see if those gems of ours work now..." Aria stopped the group midway down the carpet.

"Are you sure that it's going to work this time?" Adagio asked.

"Listen. We were just part of some crazy body-swap prank," Aria deadpanned as she readjusted her pendant. "I'm pretty sure that if our voices aren't back to normal too, then this would be a nightmare."

"C'mon, Aria. Show some happiness for once in your life," Sonata moaned and wiped some sweat of of her golden brow. "You're in my body now, and Sonata Dusk is a happy-go-lucky girl, not some grouch who spends most of her time listening to mean music."

"After this test, I'm gonna ask that you shut up, Sonata," Aria groaned. "Now. One. Two. One, two, three, four..."

The Dazzling all opened their mouths to sing, and the gems started to respond. Ther voices were being molded from the train wrecks from before, into beguiling and alluring singing voices again. They sang a chorus that enveloped the whole room and echoed off the walls, and as the noise reverbated in their ears, the three of them smiled warmly. The magic that had been taken away from them was finally back in their hands, and they now had the power to make anyone do what they wanted once again.

"Well, that gives me some hope in this," Aria sighed in content. "But now there's the issue of getting out of this meat sack and back into my body."

"Hey! My body is not a meat sack, Aria." Sonata chided as she approached her. "It's super cuddly and warm, and you're the complete opposite of that!"

"If I wanted to be a kid again, I wouldn't have grown up, and would've still been in diapers," Aria insulted as she cracked the knuckles of Sonata's body. "But here I am. A fully-capable teenage girl who's over a thousand years old, stuck in some baby pink onesie that won't seem to come off."

"Well, at least I'm the most attractive looking girl now, Aria," Sonata huffed as she felt her new hips. "I mean, look at this stylish body. These beautiful legs, and this sensational voice. If anything, gold fits me better than blue!" She then noticed that Adagio had been in earshot of the whole conversation. "Uhh, no offense, right?"

"None taken, Sonata," Adagio calmly placed her hand on Sonata's shoulders. "You've got my body now, and it's to be expected that you've got all of my good looks, unlike a certain emo freako I've had to deal with..."

"At least I'm the leader of the Dazzlings now!" Aria shot back, then immediately calmed herself down. "Anyway, we've gotta get some rest. It's been a long day, and I'm already weirded out as it is being stuck in Sonata's body."

"Yeah." Sonata stretched her arms up into the air and let out a massive yawn for emphasis. "I'm feeling pretty sleepy too. So we should probably just skip the tacos and go straight to bed."

"I agree. Today's been a long day, but we've got our powers back, and that's all that matters." Adagio began to walk towards the stairs. "We'll jump the hurdle of how we get back into our own bodies tomorrow, when we've got more time to think and plan."

"If you happen to wake up, you do know where my room is, right?" Aria asked.

"She already knows. It's down the left corridor, third door on the right. It's the room with all of the pink flowers on it." Sonata blurted out as she followed Adagio to the rooms.

"No, that's your room, Sonata," said Aria.

"Nuh-uh. It's your room now, Aria!" She threw her arms up.

"Wait, what?!" Aria's face felt like it had been hit with a hammer when the realization struck her. "Oh no. No no no no no no no, there is no way that I'm gonna be sleeping in Sonata's room tonight."

"Aww c'mon, Aria. What's so bad about my room anyway?" Sonata's smile never seemed to fade as Aria joined up with the others. "There's lots of food lying around, a nice comfy bed, and plenty of toys and crayons to keep you entertained if you get bored!"

"But that's baby stuff for you, Sonata. I'm more into heavy metal and grunge, not that kiddy stuff." Aria pouted and crossed her arms as the Dazzlings climbed the stairs.

"I'm not Sonata. I'm Adagio. You're Sonata, Aria," Sonata smirked. "And that means, that as Sonata, you've got my room until this is over, just as I have Dagi's room, and she gets you room."

"Fuck that!" Aria shouted and threw her arms out. "I'm not letting Adagio into my room, and I'm not setting foot into your pink eyesore of a bedroom either!"

"Why are you so angry about this?" Sonata recoiled at Aria's outburst. "It's just a bedroom."

"A bedroom built for babies, not for rockers! I'm not you, Sonata. I may have the body, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna randomly be a fun-loving kid just because I'm stuck as you for the time being!"

"Aria. I'm not gonna say this again." Sonata's brows lowered and her voice became serious. "You. Are. Sleeping. In. My. Room. Tonight."

"No. I. Am. Not!" Aria yelled the last word at the top of her voice, knocking Sonata back against the wall and causing her to crumple down onto the carpet floor.

"What's the matter, Aria?" Adagio smirked as she found another opportunity to poke fun at her. "I thought you were the leader of the Dazzlings. Surely, you can handle sleeping in Sonata's room for the evening..."

"But it's all pink and girly!" Aria whined like a child as she looked Adagio in the eyes. "I can't be seen sleeping in that baby room! I'll get teased about it for the rest of my life!"

"But technically, it won't be you sleeping in it, Aria." Adagio leaned against the wall and drummed her fingers against it. "Because of this little occurence, you're in Sonata's body, I'm in yours, and Sonata's in mine, right? So that means from the outside perspective, it'll look like Sonata's in her room sleeping soundly."

"But it'll still feel the same deep down, and I'm not about to jeopardize my rep as a punk rocker just because I'm stuck in Sonata's wimpy body." Aria stayed stern as she walked across the mezzanine in a huff to get to her room.

"But you wanna sleep in it!" Sonata spoke up.

"No, I don't," said Aria.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!"

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will!" Aria began walking to Sonata's room, unbeknownst of what she was saying or doing. She was more focused in trying to beat Sonata at the petty argument she was having with her.

"No, you won't." Sonata still spoke arguatively, but she had a smile on her face.

"Yes, I will!"

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will!"

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will, and you're not gonna stop me!" Aria put her hand on the door, opened it up, walked through the door, and slammed it on Sonata, locking it once she was inside.

"Okie dokie then. Sleep tight, Aria!" Sonata back to Adagio so that the two of them could sleep in their own bedrooms. "The bathroom's just next to the TV!" She was so far away from the room now that she didn't even hear the groans coming from it when Aria realized what had happened.

When Aria looked back at the room, her eyes went wide as she witnessed what was inside. The room was far more pink than she expected it to be. There were plush animals scattered around the room, a small plastic table with colouring books and crayons dotted around the top, and there was even a doll collection with a tiny runway and a plastic head for playing with make-up. It was geared far much more towards a kid than any other human being, and Aria knew this all too well—even though this was the first time she had ever been in it.

Unable to make words at how stunned she was with the room, she went to brush her teeth in the bathroom, which was the only thing that wasn't as childish as the rest of the bedroom. She quickly brushed, took her clothes off, and went to change into some pajamas for the evening. She pulled out a draw and found nothing but pink ones, both for the top and bottom.

"I can't believe that I'm stuck in this stupid body, having to sleep in this baby's room until I can get back into my own body..." Aria grumbled to herself as she wriggled into the pink pajamas and walked towards the bed. She pulled back the covers only to find a bunch of teddy bears greeting her as she did. "Fucking kill me now..." She facepalmed.

Meanwhile, Adagio reviled at how much of a mess Aria's bedroom was. The cream walls were tarnished with posters of boy bands and punk rock groups, all of which didn't really appeal to her in the slightest. The bed was a mess, with no duvet or covers on the matress, and were instead hanging down each side of the bed.

"How the hell does Aria sleep each night?!" Was all that Adagio could remark as she too went to get changed and brush her teeth before settling down for the night. It didn't take her too long to get prepared for bed, and when she eventually came back, she neatly tucked the duvet underneath the matress and flapped the covers so that they were aligned perfectly with the rest of the bed. "Well, when this is over, I'm gonna have to give her a little lesson in how to properly maintain a bed..."

When Adagio laid down in the bed, she was met with an unpleasant sensation. The matress was rock hard and not acclimated to her level of comfort in the slightest. She started to toss and turn, trying to find the optimum sleeping position in Aria's bed, and having no luck in doing so.

"I just hope Sonata's having a better night than I am..." She groaned as she closed her eyes and tried to bear with the uncomfortable bed.

Sonata giddily skipped around Adagio's room, taking in all of the sights. The walls were very neatly kept, and the shelves held a collection of knick-knacks that Adagio had been collecting during her time in the human world. There was a four-poster bed by one of the walls, and a widescreen TV just on the other side of it. There were also two nightstands. One on each side of the bed. The last thing of notice was a table with a letter writing set, a computer, and a picture of the Dazzlings in front of their house.

"This is awesome!" Sonata exclaimed as she ran a few more laps around the room, jumping over the bed and nearly tripping over because of how far the jump was each time, before she dashed into the bathroom to freshen up.

"Honestly, I don't care if we're stuck like this." Sonata said to herself as she squirted a blob of toothpaste onto the brush and started to apply it to her teeth. "I'm just glad that I can play with Adagio's stuff now, instead of all my boring old toys." She pushed the button, and the electric toothbrush whirred into life. Sonata pressed it against her teeth and began to brush rhythmically as she hummed one of her favourite songs.

Author's Note:

Writing a bodyswap fanfic is no easy task. For one thing, you've gotta remember that for one, vocal chords are not in the brain; and for two, you need to address the characters as their real names, and not the bodies they're using. So, whenever Aria speaks, I don't call her Sonata, because Sonata's in Adagio's body, and that can get weird.

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter for what it was, and be sure to stay tuned, as there will be more chapters being released soon. If you did like it, be sure to leave a comment; and if you like the fanfic as it is now, be sure to give it a favourite and an upvote. The favourites are very well appreciated, but the upvotes will get this story more out there.

Have a good evening!