• Published 7th Jun 2016
  • 3,779 Views, 133 Comments

A Dazzling Mismatch - Shadowmane PX-41

One day, The Dazzlings find perfect copies of their old pendants. But when they put them on, something strange happens...

  • ...

After The Storm

As the Rainbooms and sirens all laid with their backs towards the floor, the signs of a fierce struggle were evident. The foundations of the roof had been rocked and cracked from the impact, and the remnants of the sirens' gemstone laid in ruins once again, the last little vapors of magic disappearing back into the aether once more.

Sunset Shimmer felt like she had been thrown through a washing machine. Her head was abuzz with all sorts of sensations and there was a sharp pain running through it. Her vision was blurry as she looked at the sight of the devastation. All of her friends were lying on their bellies or on their backs, conked out from the chaotic explosion, as were the three Dazzlings. More importantly, the Dazzlings' proper colors and clothes had returned; probably an after-effect of the crystals being shattered.

"Adagio?" Sonata was the first of the sirens to come too, looking around for her sister. "Adagio?" She called again, her vision still foggy. Though, she did take a while to stop and stare at the aurora borealis that hung in the sky like a magical curtain of light. "Whoa..." Her eyes reflected the sight back and she found herself entranced by the light. "That's... really pretty, actually?"

"Pretty? What is?" Aria woke up next and looked towards the skies. Sure enough, she too saw the lights that fluttered through the air in streams. "Whoa... Yeah, okay. You got me there. Equestria had nothing like this. That's pretty sick, actually."

Then, when they got back up, they saw it. The sight of their fallen sister. "Adagio!" Both sirens called together and rushed to her side. Adagio, out of the three of them, was the most groggy and encumbered by the shockwave. She had taken in so much magic and had it discharged that she was only barely awake. She too could see the lights above, but everything else was anyone's guess in her eyes. Wasting no time, Aria and Sonata helped Adagio sit back up and keep her stable. Her face was a mess. The veins had been gone, but there were little marks where they had once been; like bruises she had been given from a fierce fight.

"Adagio? Are you okay?" Sonata asked, watching as Adagio struggled to fight between staying conscious and unconscious. "Oh my gosh. Girls! Give her a hand!" Sonata cried to the Rainbooms, quickly bringing them back to reality.

One by one, the colorful Canterlot High girls returned to reality and got back onto their feet. Once they saw the state that Adagio was in, they all ran around the sirens, circling them in like a human fence. All of them looked down on Adagio and how badly she had taken that beating. Sunset was the one looking directly at her, kneeling down to her height.

"S...s...so. Guess this is it, huh?" Adagio spluttered and coughed, wheezing heavily as she felt the shocks from the battle she had just gone through. Her eyes looked into Sunset's, though she lacked the energy or effort to show any kind of leer or glare. "History repeats itself, doesn't it?"

"Adagio. You brought all of this on yourself, you know. We wouldn't have had to destroy those gemstones if you'd just worked hard and tried to make your life a little better without ruining everyone else's." Sunset shook her head and folded her arms in solidarity. "Now, you've got no power once again. And nobody but yourself to blame for you and your sisters' loss of magic."

"So... what are you gonna do to me now?" Adagio asked, spitting at the ground as she looked into Sunset's eyes, thinking only of the worst. "It's been two times now that I've tried to plunge this world into chaos, Sunset Shimmer. Clearly, I'm beyond redemption. Do whatever you want to me. Throw me off of the rooftop, cast me out into another world, or whatever you and your friends think is the proper punishment." Bitterly, she turned her head away from Sunset's, awaiting her fate.

"Oh, Adagio..." Sonata brushed her hand across Adagio's cheek caringly, pulling her into a mini-cuddle for protection. "Sunset?" She turned her gaze to Sunset's, wondering what Sunset had planned for Adagio. "What are you gonna do to her?"

"Yeah, girl. What do you wanna do with her?" Aria asked, showing more courage in the face of such a confrontational moment between Adagio and Sunset. Even now that she had her own self, colours, and mind back, she couldn't lie to herself that this whole experience had been an eye-opener for her and Sonata.

"Adagio." Sunset started, clearing her throat. "If you think that people can only thrive with hatred and nothing but hatred, then you clearly need your eyes opened. Life isn't all sourness and cold-hearted. There's always going to be something out there that'll put a smile back on your face, no matter how tiny it could be or how short or long it would last." She reached an arm out for Adagio, aiming for her own hand. "I know that you're a siren and it's in your nature to sing and collect negative energy, but there's always going to be a way that you can keep on living your life. Even if you don't believe it, I do. I see you and your sisters actually fitting well in this world, but only if you're willing to put in the effort."

"Effort?" Adagio repeated, a brow slowly lifting as she looked at Sunset's gesture. Even now, after everything, she was still being offered mercy. Either this was a wild dream for her or she really had taken such a heavy blow from the Rainbooms in that second fight that she had finally woken up to a different side of herself.

"There's always a better way out of a bad hand, Adagio. People we've met have changed for the better after we've met them—and in some cases, blasted them away with rainbow magic like you." Sunset said, grabbing onto Adagio's hand and helping her get back onto her feet. "I know that you probably don't believe it and these are all just words coming out of my mouth, but this is all true."

"She's right, you know. Just look at me." Twilight spoke up, drawing the attention of all three Dazzlings. "Not long ago, I was a student at Crystal Prep trying to take their magic away for them for research, and in doing so, I became so obsessed and driven by discovery that I became probably just as evil as you were back there, if not worse." Twilight shivered for a moment as she let those memories replay themselves in her head. "But Sunset and her friends managed to change me for the better and now, I've never been happier."

"I mean... those are just words, girl." Adagio looked into Twilight's eyes. "The last time I saw you, it was the other you. The galloping princess from Equestria. She didn't seem like she needed to change much." She just curled herself inward. "Anyone can say anything and get away with it. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No. Nobody can get away with what they did, truly." Twilight looked down at the ground, then held onto Adagio's hand; a gesture that caused the siren's eyes to open slightly more as she tilted her head to the side. "Look. Even now, what I did isn't going to go away. It's a scar on my heart that'll never fade. To truly change for the better, I turned to the dark side. And then Sunset Shimmer and all of her friends rescued me from that darkness. You can do the same, Adagio. Just let Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms help you, and you'll have a much better life to live."

"Well... I've been beaten by them two times now... so clearly, something's wrong with me if I can't even stand my ground against them." Adagio looked back towards Aria and Sonata, thinking about everything that she had been through, not just here, but back home in Equestria. Whenever she had lost, it had been to a creature that wasn't her own. Ponies back then, and humans now. And even now, her own sisters were trying to help her see life in another way. "Look... I know that you think I can change, but I'm gonna warn you right now that it's gonna take a lot in order to get me to change my tune, and there's an awfully high bar I have to clear given what I've done to you and your world..."

"Well, then that's why we're here to help you clear that high bar." Sunset still held her hand out to Adagio. "It doesn't matter how long it'll take to get people to accept you or to change your way, we're going to help you every step of the way, Adagio. Take it from me, the best way to win is to make friends with your foes; to bury the hatchet and move on with a smile."

"Bury the hatchet?" Adagio slowly reached her hand out and took Sunset's hand with it. At the very least, she had nothing to lose and no shame in taking this deal. "Heh. Y'know, why not? I'm not in the mood to fight you or your friends anymore. I know my place."

"I'll take that as a yes." Sunset shook Adagio's hand; forging the bond between herself and the siren. As the others watched the display, they backed off and gave Sunset and Adagio some more room. For they knew that here and now, everything was going to change for the better; both for Adagio, and for her two sisters...

The very next morning, the sun was shining down on Canterlot City once again. The people were out, enjoying their lives and soaking up the sunshine. In fact, not a single one of them seemed to remember or pay attention to the drama of last night. And if they had remembered, then the details of the ordeal were exceedingly scarce to them.

Sunset Shimmer was walking down the sidewalk with a backpack slung around her arms and a black jacket on her back. It was the start of a brand new life for Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, and she wanted to make sure that she made a good first impression on the three of them; especially since what they had all gone through last night.

It wasn't long before Sunset received a phone call and her phone buzzed in her pocket. She quickly opened her pocket up and pushed the green button on the call screen. "Hello?" She put the phone to her head.

"Hey, Sunset? Where are ya?" Rainbow Dash asked on the other end of the line. "I'm already with the Dazzlings right now and the other girls are on their way."

"I'm on my way right now, Rainbow Dash. Keep an eye on them for me, alright?" Sunset replied, a smile on her face as she hung up and put the phone back into her pocket. At least they hadn't jumped straight off of the edge again. Or at the least, Adagio hadn't.

One walk later and Sunset Shimmer arrived in the park. She watched as the other Rainbooms also joined her, coming from different roads and routes around the park. They quickly saw Rainbow Dash in the center of the park, with the three Dazzlings idly waiting around by sitting on the edge of the nearby fountain.

"Alright then." Sunset stood on the spot for a few seconds, taking the last few moments to get the worries out of her system. Some deep breathing followed. One breath, then another, then one last one for good luck. "Let's change some lives, shall we?" She said to herself, then walked up to the sirens and the rest of her friends.

So, here we go at last, I guess... Adagio saw Sunset Shimmer walking up to her and stood up from the edge of the fountain. "Good morning, Sunset. And good morning to the rest of your friends too." Adagio gave them a greeting with a seductive wave of her hand.

"Good morning, Adagio." Sunset calmly replied; trying not to show any signs of weakness or that she was fazed. Even now, looking at Adagio was giving her a little bit of worry, especially since she was so ironclad in her rules of life the day before. Though the marks on her face had disappeared, even looking at Adagio put Sunset on edge.

"Hey, Sunset? You're looking a little bit jittery." Sonata was the first one to notice just how pensive Sunset was looking as she tried to think of the right words to say to Adagio. And Sonata couldn't blame Sunset for thinking this way. After all, the previous day, she and Adagio had been locked into a magical duel to the death with friendship and hatred colliding. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" She asked, gently putting a hand on Sunset's back and patting it gently.

"Yeah, you're looking a little bit worried." Aria commented, also standing by Sunset's side. "I mean, who could blame ya. Adagio's a real hard piece of work sometimes." It was then that she saw the other Rainbooms coming to join them. "Well, at least, you're not alone in this little adventure."

"Yeah, you're right. Why am I doubting myself? This'll work. I know it'll work." Sunset just watched as the girls all gathered together and stood in a group. "So, I hope you know why we're all here, right?"

"Absolutely. We're here to turn Adagio Dazzle into a happy, friendly member of our society by showing her the ways of friendship and happiness." Rarity quickly nodded and put her hands together.

"By throwing her an awesome party to celebrate her turning from a big, bad meanie into a super-fun, happy, new friend!" Pinkie Pie grinned from ear to ear, pulled out a cannon out of nowhere and yanked on the string, causing a shower of confetti to shoot out and drape all of the girls.

"Well... that and, just... getting to show her that there's more things to be seen and done here in Canterlot City than just syphoning anger." Fluttershy pushed her fingers together.

"And if she tries anything funny..." Rainbow Dash pushed her hands together and rubbed her palms vigorously.

"Not that she'd wanna or can in any sense 'a' the word..." Applejack lowered Rainbow Dash's hands and gave her a mini death-stare.

"Oh, I'm sure that it won't come to that. Especially not with how good you girls are at turning people around for the better." Twilight pushed her glasses close to her face. "Come on, Adagio. Let me be the one to lead the way. As someone who's been in your shoes before, I think it's only fair that I take charge in showing you around the place; to help you get a first-hand look at what you can do even without that hunger for magic sirens have." And, wasting no time, Twilight took Adagio's hand and walked off with her, causing the other girls to follow after the two.

As Adagio walked off with Twilight holding onto her hands, she couldn't help but feel like she was in safe hands with her leading the way. It was so paradoxical for her, especially with everything that she had gone through in this world. Now, she was willing to change and accept help from the very same girls that had eliminated all of her power not once, but twice. What was it about them that she couldn't help but feel in awe about? What was friendship, really? And why was it so intoxicating and alluring for her? Even after being struck down by its' powers twice. Well, whatever the case, Adagio knew for sure that she'd get her answers by sticking with the Rainbooms. And for once, in the presence of these teenage girls, she couldn't help but crack a small smile.

Aria and Sonata saw the smile as well, then felt the arms of the Rainbooms on their backs. Looking between them, then back into each other's eyes, they knew that there was going to be something pleasant coming out of this experience. Even for Aria, who was usually cold, bitter, and stone-hearted whenever it came to dealing with stuff outside of her comfort zone; especially when it came to trusting others. But after everything that the two of them had gone through, Aria and Sonata weren't about to squander this second chance at a happy life. Now, they could only hope that the Rainbooms would be able to work their magic on them in a whole new way...

Meanwhile, on another corner of town, the sly old man who had sold the Dazzlings their replacement pendants in the first place was placing a sign in the shop that he worked in. The sign said "Shop To Rent." One last look into his emporium showed that it was empty. All of his wares had been packed up and were ready to be shipped out to another corner of the world; as evidence by the truck outside.

"Oh well. I'm going to miss this little town." He had a coy smile on his face as he walked out of the building and locked the door up with the keys on his keychain, then stuffed the very same ring back down by his side. "But you know, I can only really take so much excitement before I have to move on." He chuckled and walked over towards the moving truck where his wares were ready to go. "Plus, there's so much more of this world to see and so much more delightful people I could sell to..." Up the stairs of the van he climbed, straight into the passenger's seat of the moving vehicle, where the driver was there, ready to drive him off. "Whenever you're ready, sir." He kicked his feet up on the dashboard as he buckled himself in.

"You got it, boss." The man started the van's ignition and drove off, leading the man down the roads and off towards the edge of the city. Once they got moving, he quickly decided to start up a conversation with the stranger in his van. "So, uh, tell me. What kind of stuff do you sell in your little shop?"

"Oh, a lot of odd bits and bobs. Some old clothes nobody wants anymore, some family heirlooms that people would want to part with..." Then, a glint flashed in his eye as he gave him a toothy grin. "And sometimes... things that I know would cause some delicious chaos."

"Chaos, huh? Well, better outta sight, outta mind, am I right?" The man driving the vehicle just gave a little chuckle.

"Oh, indeed. Out of sight and out of mind indeed." The eccentric stranger lowered his legs at last and leaned closer towards the windshield. "Now... where to next, I wonder? And who should I pawn off my wares to? Oh well, I'm sure that wherever I end up, it certainly won't disappoint..."

Comments ( 5 )

So he was the human version of Discord... And I thought his alternative version would be a awful piece of abstract art that no one wants to see.


This was overall a good story!!

Loved this.:D

Read back a few chapters. Discord is Discord.

Why does this feel like it ended on a Cliffhanger?

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