• Published 7th Jun 2016
  • 3,779 Views, 133 Comments

A Dazzling Mismatch - Shadowmane PX-41

One day, The Dazzlings find perfect copies of their old pendants. But when they put them on, something strange happens...

  • ...

New Experiences

The next morning, Adagio's eyes were still half-open from trying to get to sleep in Aria's bed. Ever since she and the other Dazzlings had traded rooms, sleeping had become more of a chore than a luxury. With how rock-hard the bed was, how small the covers barely hung over the bed, and how flat the pillow was, it was as if Adagio had spent the worst night of her life.

"Uggh..." she groaned as she sat up, her eyelids still heavily drooping over her head as she rubbed it tenderly. "I think Aria has it all wrong. She's the worst of the Dazzlings." She drove her arm down her neck and sighed in relief when she noticed the gemstone was still there. "Well, at least I've still got that. Now's the problem of trying to get back into my own body..."

Adagio stood up and walked over to the bathroom, washing her face with hot soapy water. As she soaked her face in the water, she was woken up even more by how refreshing the spray was. Her eyes opened up more once she dried her face off and brushed her teeth, and after that process was done, she was ready to begin the day.

Adagio went back into the room and opened a huge wicker bin with all kinds of clothes inside. They ranged from black and white, dark shades of purple, and Aria's usual clothes. As she dug through the fabrics, she eventually let out an exasparated huff and dressed herself in Aria's usual clothes, sticking her tongue out when she looked at herself in the mirror.

When Adagio walked out of the room, the first thing she noticed was Sonata just walking outside of the room. Instead of the big poofy hairstyle that Adagio sported, Sonata had managed to trim it down and re-shape it to her old hairstyle, complete with an orange scrunchie holding the orange and yellow ponytail up. As much as she wanted to let out a scream over the loss of her own body's hair, she had something else on her mind.

"Sonata?" Adagio walked up to her and tapped her shoulder before she could go towards Aria's room. "What's with the hairstyle?"

"Oh, well if you must know, I can't sleep with all your fluffy hair, Adagio." Sonata turned towards Adagio and placed her hands on her hips. "As nice as it is for acting as a second pillow, I just felt really, really, REALLY hot whenever it got in my face."

"Odd, considering that I never had that problem." Adagio put her hand on her chin and drummed her fingers against it. "I guess these new bodies must make us feel different in some of the tiniest ways, not just in our voices, but in the things we like and hate too.

"Well, except for me hating Aria's bed. I will always hate how rock-hard it is, and the fact that the covers are literally just as big as a wrap-around blanket," she grumbled.

"Speaking of which, where is Aria?" Sonata asked, looking around the main hall of the house. "I was going to check her room to see if she hadn't woken up, but considering that she doesn't really like my room, I thought it was a good idea to have a look around the house as a whole to see if she'd already woken up."

"Wow. That... sounds really smart of you, Sonata," Adagio almost struggled to get the words out. She had never noticed such logic coming from her before.

"But from the looks of the house, it doesn't seem like she's up yet." Sonata pointed towards an archway that led towards a table in the nearby kitchen. "Aria's always the first one in the kitchen every morning, so this is quite strange. Maybe she decided to sleep in or something?"

"If Aria's always the first one up, then why is it that today she isn't?" Adagio questioned. "It's not like her to be a heavy sleeper. Heck, I even made her the leader for the week, so I kind of expected her to be much more mature about her new title, and not just someone who isn't even out of her room yet."

"Well, it looks like we've got a mystery on our hands, Dagi." Sonata reached into a pocket and pulled out a magnifying glass. "Aria's gone missing, and we need to combine our brains in order to find her! But not literally. Even I know that's a bad idea."

"H-hey!" Adagio immediately identified the magnifying glass as Sonata brought it close to her eyes. It had a golden grip and ring, and the glass had no stains on it whatsoever."Be careful with that, Sonata! I spent a whole weekend trying to find the perfect one of those things to fit in my room!"

"Don't worry, Dagi. It'll be fine..." Sonata began to walk to Aria's room, examining each and every detail of the banisters, walls, and carpet to find a trace of Aria. She spent a second identifying something before she looked at another object. However, throughout the entire walk, she found the trip to be fruitless when she arrived at Aria's door. "Nothing yet. So we've gotta start with the most obvious place to check. The scene of the crime! Sonata Dusk's bedroom! Well, technically Aria's room now, but you get the idea!"

Adagio was about to touch the handle on the door when she heard a high-pitched laugh coming from the other side and the faintest noise of a spring sound effect. She had a quick look at Sonata and nodded with her before she opened the door quickly and looked inside.

The first thing that both Adagio and Sonata noticed was Aria sitting on the end of the bed wearing a fully pink pajama set. She was cuddling some of the stuffed animals while watching a television cartoon with all kinds of zany antics going on. Every time something silly happened, Aria let out a laugh and almost flopped back onto the bed, kicking her legs as the jokes sunk in.

"Aria? Are you watching..." Adagio tried to suppress a laugh by placing her hand over her mouth. She held her breath before she blurted out, "Cartoons?" clutching her chest as she slapped her knees with her other hand, laughing all the while.

"Wh-what?! N-no!" Aria suddenly scrambled to her feet, dropping the animals as she dived for the remote. It fumbled around in her hands as she tried to reach for the power button. She eventually hit it and watched the life on the screen vanish in an instant before she turned towards Sonata and Adagio. "I was just busy, uh, um..." She stomped her feet on the ground as she tried to make up an excuse. "Laughing at how stupid it was! Yeah. No way would I ever get engrossed in a kid's show like that."

"Oh don't try to hide it, Aria. You were totally watching Shorty and Stretchy!" Sonata let out her own giggle fit as Aria recomposed herself. "I never knew you liked that show."

"No I don't, Sonata! I'm just stuck in your stupid body with nothing to do, and I thought I could get some amusement out of your baby stuff until you two got up. That's all you need to know." Aria quickly returned to being the gruff no-nonsense girl she truly was as she shot back at Sonata. "It's not that I would watch it because I wanted to or anything..."

"Well, now that that little debacle's been sorted out, we'd better get breakfast," said Adagio, letting out a few more tiny chuckles as she walked out of the room and towards the stairs, clearing her throat once the humour had worn off. "You've gotta decide what we do today, since you're the leader and all."

"Yeah, a leader who watches kids shows now," Sonata was still in stitches over Aria watching the kid's show as she followed Adagio to the stairs.

"Shut up!" Aria began to blush as she walked down the stairs with the other Dazzlings.

When the three girls arrived in the kitchen, Aria reached into one of the cupboard and pulled out three bowls while Adagio set the table, leaving Sonata to grab the cereals. Together, the job was done in a couple of minutes, and now the Dazzlings all had their favourite cereals and were sitting down at the table, eating together, their minds buzzing with thoughts on what the new day would bring.

"Alright," said Aria once she finished her first mouthful of cereal. "So, we've got our pendants back, which means we can sing to make people do what we want again. The first thing we need to get back on top is more negative energy, so that we can make ourselves stronger and get revenge at those Rainbooms for beating us back at Canterlot High.

"Now, the city of Canterlot is pretty big, and there's lots of places for people to hang out on days like this." She leisurely stirred her orange juice with a straw. "I might be the leader, but you two know where people like to hang out, so for once as leader, I'm gonna let you decide. Where would you like to go?"

"I don't really mind where we go, Aria," said Adagio. "Just as long as it's far away from your nightmare of a bed."

"Hey! My bed's really comfy once you get to know it," shouted Aria. "You've just gotta be tough like me, instead of being a smooth talker, Adagio."

"Does tough mean liking Shorty and Stretchy?" Sonata raised her finger. "Because if it does, then that means that I'm a super-toughie!"

"Are you just going to keep poking fun at me for watching that baby show, Sonata?" Aria slammed her fist on the table as she glared at her.

"Well, I was going to tell you where to go, but since you seem to be getting very angry towards me, I think I'd much rather keep it a secret." Sonata took one last bite of her cereal, finishing the bowl altogether before she stood up and walked over to the sink. "As Adagio Dazzle, I need to know to be mature sometimes, and now that I'm the girl who founded the Dazzlings in the first place, I don't take very kindly to being insulted by you, Aria Blaze."

Aria's jaw hung wide open as she watched Sonata clear her bowl and glass into the sink, filling it with soapy water and beginning to scrub all of the marks off of the bowl.

"Sheesh. What's up with her?" Aria leaned in close to Adagio and whispered in her ears.

"I don't really know..." Adagio whispered back, her voice so quiet that Sonata couldn't hear. "It's like ever since we got into these new bodies, we've been acting more like the vessels' true selves. In that regard, Sonata's getting my maturity, while you're getting her childish spirit and joy."

"Oh no... No! NO! It's bad enough that I'm stuck in Sonata's body, but now you're saying I'm gonna start acting like that baby too?!" Aria fell to her knees and started to hug Adagio's legs, weeping the whole time. "I don't wanna be in this body anymore! I wanna be me again!"

"Get off me, Aria!" Adagio violently pushed Aria away. "You think you've got a bad time in that body?! I'm stuck in some grubby emo freako's body who apparently likes hardcore shit and prefers to sleep on a horrible bedding, with even worse blankets, a duvet that feels non-existent, and posters ruining the lovely colour of the once-beautiful bedroom!" She yelled, tightening her own hands into fists and shaking them in front of her head. "How do you think I feel?!"

"Whoa..." Aria was in awe at Adagio's outburst. Never before had she seen her get angry. Usually, it was her who had the most violent outbursts of the Dazzlings. "I guess you're kinda right about this whole bodyswap-means-personality-swap theory, Adagio," Aria's frown had turned into a tiny little grin. "Guess you're the hothead of the Dazzlings now."

Adagio wanted to get angrier at Aria for that snide remark, but she eventually realized what she was doing and calmed down, taking deep breaths as her body temperature returned to normal. "I'm sorry, Aria. I'm just a little stressed over how bad my night was. I would never attack one of my fellow sirens—even if they are a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes..."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to get used to it then, huh?" Aria leaned back in her chair and put her hands behind her head. "I mean, I've gotta be Sonata, you've gotta be me, and she gets to be you. I'd say that this could either be a blessing or a curse. Mostly a curse, though."

"The one redeeming thing about this is that we have our pendants back. Everything else is either a bit weird or just downright horrible." Sonata put the clean bowl and glass away as she regrouped with Aria and Adagio. "We just have to make it good for ourselves until we find a way back into our own bodies."

"I agree, Sonata. We're not gonna get anywhere by whining or just by being meanies to each other. We need to get out there and show the world who's boss." Aria patted Sonata's shoulders. "And I think we should start by getting some more negative energy. So now that we've all calmed down a little, where do you think we should go?"

"Well, the mall is a good spot," Sonata said. "I've heard they've got a lot of sales on clothes and other stuff right now. People in this world love their sales, so that'd be a great place to start our harvest."

"Good, but it'd just attract too much attention," Adagio butted in. "Remember, we always took our energy without anyone else noticing, and shopping malls usually have a lot of security cameras lying around. If they catch us singing, the police could find out the cause of the problem and start to question us, and that wouldn't be good for any of us." She looked down at her pendant and clutched it tightly. "They might have to take our gems for evidence. And I'm not about to part with this thing again. One time was good enough, thank you very much."

"The park?" Aria raised her own finger.

"Nah. Too spread out." Sonata tipped her hand. "We want a LOT of negative energy, and since the park is so big, some people far away won't get pulled in by our spell. We need a bunch of people together in one small space so that our song works the best, and therefore, we get the most energy possible."

"That leaves me with one other place to go..." Adagio made a little smirk, flashing a toothy grin at the others. "Somewhere where we know has lots of people each and every day, who all sit in one confined space, and who won't be able to turn away from our song.

"Where?" Aria stood up from the chair. "What kind of place has lots of people in it, in a small space, that always listen to songs?"

"I'll tell you that when we get there, but for now, you'll lead the way, and I'll give the directions." Adagio walked out to the main hall to pick her her hoodie. She put it on and pulled the hood over her head, prompting the others to do the same.

"Since when were you the leader again?" Aria asked as she got cloaked with Sonata and the two of them walked towards the door.

"The church? Are you serious, Adagio?" Aria facepalmed when the three of them arrived at the massive stone structure. There were glass windows above the door with all different colours and pictures, mostly depicting angels and the god of the human world. "Why in the heck would people come here?"

"Haven't you caught up on human world traditions yet, Aria?" Adagio walked towards the door, her stood still over her head. "Every Sunday, people come to church to sit through tedious speeches about their supposed lord and saviour. They just hang on each and every word, clasp their hands together, and pray."

"And?" Sonata asked once Adagio had finished. "What's this gotta do with us singing?"

"The church also has a choir of many different boys and girls, who all sing these songs called hymms," Adagio explained. "Again, weird. But even so, it's still singing. We don't have to make our own little parody of the words to fit the tradtions of battle, hate, and glory all for one person. We just have to sing the hymms perfectly, and the humans will be under our spell, and most likely to have little arguments about who is the best worshipper of this god."

"Oh! I see!" Aria smiled as she bounced into the buliding. "Great thinking, Dagi!" She then slapped her mouth when she realized the nickname she had just used. "I mean, Adagio."

"Let's go." Adagio led the way towards the choir practice room with a vicious grin on her face. "If we're lucky, maybe we can hit the Sunday school on the way out, grab some negative energy from gullible kids as well..."