• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 5,726 Views, 126 Comments

The Empresses - CrossRedstone

What happens when you wake up from a coma and find out your best friends have taken over the world? Apparently this.

  • ...

She doesn't know as of yet...

Author's Note:

I hope you'll like this chapter, despite it being more like a prelude, really. I promise I'll try to update this here in the following days.

There were only two words that could describe how Sunset Shimmer felt at the moment: like shit. In multiple ways, to top it off. What did this mean? For starters her entire body felt sore, despite the fact that she had not moved it in four years. Or maybe it was because of the fact that she had not moved it that it felt sore. Not to mention her almost freak out, when the doctor told her that she had been in a freaking coma for four straight years. It was an almost freakout in the sense that Sunset Shimmer just didn’t have the strength to even properly scream. In fact, while the doctors were examining her, she dozed off a couple of times. The smell of fresh food being brought into the room was what finally pulled the girl completely into the waking world. A nurse had brought in some delicious tomato soup for Sunset. The girl had been living from the tube for four straight years and while she didn’t exactly feel hungry, her stomach was still empty, which was not a pleasant feeling at all. If she had been capable, she would have slurped down the soup in a matter of seconds and probably stuffed some bread down the line. Luckily for her stomach that wasn’t an option right now. Instead, after the doctors were done with her, the nurse was given permission to spoon fed her.

“Just a second…” the nurse pushed a button on the remote, which pushed the top of Sunset’s bed up. “There we go. We don’t want you to spill the soup all over you, now do we?” the nurse chuckled, putting up a chair for her to sit down. The soup was on a tray, which the nurse balanced on her lap. “Now, if you feel like you can’t take it anymore, just shake your head. It is understandable. Your stomach will need to get used to handling food again.”

Sunset nodded slowly. “Alright.” the girl answered barely above a whisper.

Without further ado, the nurse took the spoon out of the bowl and put it into Sunset’s open mouth. The girl couldn’t suppress a moan, not because it was too hot, but because it tasted so good for some reason.

I guess my tongue missed having to taste anything at all. Sunset chuckled inwardly and swallowed the hot liquid. The nurse already held out the next spoonful of soup and Sunset was even more eager to eat it, now that she had a taste. However after three more spoons, Sunset just couldn’t take it anymore. Her stomach was far from being full, but it still felt like it had just been filled with lead.

“No thanks.” Sunset shook her head, after another spoon was offered to her. “It’s alright.” The nurse answered understanding the situation. “Now then Miss Shimmer, is there anything else you need?”

“My friends…” Sunset managed to say two words, before she needed to close her eyes for a few seconds. The nurse quickly was at her side.

“Miss Shimmer? Are you feeling alright. Are you perhaps tired?”

The girl opened her eyes again, letting out a small breath. “No...not really.” she shook her head slowly. “I just...feel weak...somehow…not really tired.”

“I see.” the nurse nodded. “You said something about your friends. Could you give me a name? Maybe-”

The nurse found herself interrupted, as the doors behind her opened. The nurse turned around and tensed up, upon seeing none other than the Empresses of Magic and Generosity standing on the doorway. She wasn’t questioning as to why they appeared as humans, as questioning ANY of the Empresses could get you into all sorts of trouble.

“Twilight?...Rarity?” the nurse heard the patient on the bed speaking two rather unfamiliar names. To her surprise, the two Empresses reacted by running passed her and stopped at both sides of the, Sunset Shimmer was lying in. What was even more of a surprise, was that both goddesses were teary eyed and holding one of Shimmer’s hands.

“Sunset…” Midnight Sparkle spoke in a weak voice.

“Hey...Twi…” Sunset smiled weakly.

“Psst!” The nurse turned around once again and found the head doctor motioning her to get out of the room as quickly as possible. After one glance back, the nurse quickly walked out of the room, leaving the three alone. As soon as the doors closed, the dams broke. Twilight buried her face in Sunset’s chest. The muffled sounds of Twilight’s voice could be heard, as she repeatedly said the words: “I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.”

“Twi…” Sunset smiled weakly. “Hey, it’s alright…”

“Don’t.” Rarity put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. Looking up, the former unicorn could see her friend was barely holding herself back. “She’s been holding it in for...way too long.” The purple haired girl informed her friend.

“Four years…” Sunset frowned, looking down at Twilight. However, she couldn’t keep her head up for too long and slumped it back on the pillow. She placed a hand on Twilight’s head, hoping it would calm the girl down, at least a little. “Have I really been asleep for four years?” Sunset asked.

“Shh, don’t think about it.” Rarity cooed, slowly stroking through Sunset’s hair. “I know you’re probably restless, but the doctor said you need to avoid stress as much as possible.”

“Mhm.” was Sunset’s answer. Her eyes rested on Twilight, as the girl continued to cry into her hospital gown, which was getting really soaked up at this point. She didn’t mind, though. In fact having two of friends around, after almost getting a heart attack, upon waking up four years in the future, this was really relaxing. She only wished that the rest of her friends would be here too.


Sunset let out a low chuckle. “This is comfortable and all...but I don’t really want to sleep right now.”

Rarity giggled, but didn’t stop. “Don’t worry, Sunset dear. We’ll make sure you won’t sleep for another four years.”

In fact, she wouldn’t sleep for another 4 minutes for this matter. Or four seconds.

Why? Well that’s a-